Reflections March 2023 March comes in like a lion and leaves like a lamb. Sharp breezes make us aware that winter lingers while the start of spring brings on the promise of gentle showers and sprouting foliage. However, climate change is pushing things forward, and what was April in the past is now happening sooner in March. When trees were in full foliage in late April, we find things happening two or more weeks sooner -- and so our northern spring is earlier, though weather can be fickle. Mourning doves coo in January and forsythia blooms in February. March has some predicted qualities since the spring equinox comes at the same time each year.
March 1, 2023 Recognizing National Nutritional Month March is a month of many topics but one is of great interest to the average citizen, National Nutrition Month. The United States is the world's largest food producer, a major exporter of rice, soybeans, corn, wheat, beef, and dairy products. Still, the nutrition is not perfect either here at home or abroad. Americans may not have bloated bellies, but malnourishment occurs in many forms among the elderly and the poor. Individual choices. Many of us stand before a massive smorgasbord; others of reduced food stamp subsidies choose what is filling rather than what is more nutritious. Too many of the less disciplined will choose the cheaper, sweeter, and more fatty and salty foods. When making choices, a little of most things is okay, but I once observed with horror a middle-aged man at a restaurant eat nothing but a plate full of fried bacon -- his choice at a "salad and food bar." Focusing on single items increases restaurant prices; it's poor nutrition by undisciplined choosers. No wonder our blessed country has malnutrition. Educational programs. Grade, high school, and college cafeterias seem loaded with overwhelming choices of what to eat. However, the managers are beginning to wise up. Portions can be smaller to avoid food wastes; reducing the choices of fatty, sugary and salty foods is helpful for others. Fast food places are disadvantageous, for some are tempted to "pig out" or overeat certain items. Governments at the local level can educate by controlling trans- and saturated fat products, soft drinks, and listing of calories of fast-food items. Likewise, good nutritional training in schools should include nutritious cafeteria selections, teaching about the nutritional value of five vegetable/fruit servings per day, and preference for whole grains.
March 2, 2023 Openness about Tomorrow This is why I am telling you not to worry about your life and what you are We are moving through Lent and are still reflecting on the late winter tensions and stresses as we prepare for the coming of spring. Some have mental conditions that need separate attentio0n, but virtually all of us are tempted by a host of minor worries and frustrations. Jesus encourages us to learn from the natural world: birds and flowers are creature- teachers of the first order. God will provide for all of us, humans and all living things. Nonetheless, we spend time considering upcoming events, travel time, human reactions, etc. Anxieties loom larger than life and in passing they seem so superficial. Jesus says: Don't worry! We are consoled when some of the very ill expound a worry-free philosophy of life. A series of helpful, caring publications is published by Abbey Press, St. Meinrad, IN 47577; one is entitled Overcoming Everyday Anxiety. Attention is given to ordinary worries, pounding heart, and overkill, which the flyer says, can be managed like all health problems. Constant and excessive worry is more than merely distracting; it can result in a mental condition that reduces quality of life and makes things miserable for all. Experts tell us to combat worry by learning to relax -- relieve tension through exercises, meditation, and positive self-expression. Don't let worries control life; don't play the "what if..." game called catastrophizing -- even if climate change haunts some of us. When my imagination runs amuck with some possible disaster, I think a meteor is coming this way and I can't do a blessed thing about it. Live and do the best we can, and so why worry about anything else? Larger than normal anxieties may result through allowing things to fester; a good conversation with a friend may help. Caregivers tell us to anticipate and prepare for eventualities. When I ran conferences earlier in life, my anxiety level escalated as the event approached; while good preparation helped, still the tensions mounted as the event came near. I came to say, "Expect the unexpected and ride with the tide." While we all have minor worries, some folks suffer from major panic attacks -- dizziness, faintness and sweating. They have irrational phobias against snakes, flying, driving, etc.; they have obsessive-compulsive disorders such as checking to see whether the stove is turned on or constantly washing one's hands; and thousands of veterans suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. We need to help ourselves to relief and help others as well. See Anxiety & Depression Association of America, 8701 Georgia Ave., #412 Silver Springs MD, 20910.
March 3, 2023 Living Better with Natural Disasters Know vulnerable conditions. Urbanization leads to poorly built structures on hillsides in Brazil and flood plains in African mega-cities, with such situations inviting troubles when storms come. However, even the best of constructed houses aren't immune. Storm shelters are needed for protection on the Plains, but even the wealthier areas pause before contemplating the added construction costs. Scientific evidence for climate change causing extreme weather is presently inconclusive -- but that is little consolation. After the Philippine Typhoon Haiyan ten years ago, we learned that "storms of a century" might be redefined as "of a decade." We are learning lessons: don't build in vulnerable areas, but that is where the poor are more able to erect their homes; build protective shelters where possible; and (after the 2005 Katrina disaster) don't destroy protective coastal wetlands nor protective forest cover. With rising ocean levels, higher levees may prove insufficient in vulnerable areas where residents may have to be relocated. Forests absorb water from heavy rainfall and allow a slower runoff than will denude mountain sides, and it takes time for them to grow to maturity. Respect the elements. We cannot stop tidal waves following earthquakes, evacuate paths of unpredictable hurricanes, or protect against all floods. But we can install warning systems against some events that are spotted early. Early warning systems are far less costly to construct and ought to be globally networked. Today we have radios that are activated when storms are sighted and this can save lives. Monitoring alerts hooked to radios, phones, and other communications networks can give us precious warning time. Respond to disasters. In some ways this part of extreme disaster events is becoming better practiced. Using modern communications and transportation systems, various agencies (including the U.S. military) are able to respond with dispatch and plentiful supplies. Such response alerts both first and second level responders. Natural disasters will continue to occur, but prudence dictates that we use every means to alert, evacuate, and protect people, and to repair damage and normalize lives ASAP.
March 4, 2023 Breaking with the Fossil Fuel Economy Many localities, states, cities and nations are planning seriously for carbon neutrality by 2030 and even a non-carbon economy by 2050. Interestingly enough, even Louisiana, which was involved deeply in petroleum production for a century is now committed to a carbon-free 2050. Many governments find it proper to promote wind, solar, hydro, geothermal and other forms of renewable energy to a major degree; this is in a hope to fulfill the carbon-free mandate in about 25 years and to keep global warming to less than 2 degrees Celsius. Can they succeed? Technologically it is possible. Renewables are coming on strong; auto manufacturers are moving to electric vehicles at a rather rapid rate; domestic furnishings are using less energy; off-shore wind is at a stage of rapid advancement; nuclear and coal-fired powerplants are shutting down; home construction is far more efficient; lower renewable energy production costs are now available. However, the sailing is not perfect. Solar energy applications are growing, but not as fast as anticipated. In 2022, instead of 25GW new American solar energy sources, it appears the results were less than 20GW, mainly due to the lack of essential components needed for rapid expansion. Coupled with renewable energy expansion must be focus on energy efficiency, such as better grid systems, LED lighting fixtures, restricted use of electronic devices, and more zero-carbon buildings. Much depends on America's will power to change to renewable energy (something analogous to crash programs to replace rubber when sources were cut off during the Second World War). The capital for conversion to a renewable energy economy is available. Let's call in trillions of dollars, now in private hands and tax havens. Renewable energy jobs are plentiful and can fully replace fossil fuels now. Everything is in place except the will power of a world that needs to launch a renewable energy economy.
March 5, 2023 Attending Mount Tabor and the Golden Moment There in their presence he was transfigured; his face shone like the sun The Event. Each liturgical year the Transfiguration is really celebrated twice: once, in high summer (August 6th), when the glory of the Lord is shining with full foliage, and once in Lent when Jesus and disciples need consolation to carry through the upcoming Calvary experience and the sure knowledge that future glory will shine beyond the withering ignominy of what is soon to occur. The Transfiguration event is recorded in all three Synoptic Gospels, as well as in St. Peter's second letter. The Significance. Jesus takes the three disciples up the mountain; this harks back in time to Moses going up Mount Sinai and receiving the Law. Here Jesus stands in center stage and talks with Moses and Elijah; thus demonstrating the central role of Jesus in salvation history; he is greater than the supreme lawgiver and the great prophet and the Father affirms him as the beloved son. Jesus' face shines like the sun. Peter's reaction is to say -- "It is good for us to be here"; in our everyday language he could have said -- "Let's snap a photo." Peter offers to erect a stone memorial with three tents, referring to giving the Law as commemorated in the Feast of Tabernacles. The Father confirms the solemn event while disciples are paralyzed by fright. The Consolation. The Transfiguration gives us all courage. Jesus needs spiritual fortification for what was to come in his suffering and death -- and shaken disciples were given a foretaste of a future glory after their trials. To be transfigured is the reality that radiance shines through the ordinary daily life of each of us, for hard times precede final glory. Transfiguration is the vision of a better world seen from a hilltop vista. We need our moments of consolation, and an all-provident God provides them. We are not spiritual marines acting tough; we need a good word, a hug, and a smile from the ultimate Gift-giver.
March 6, 2023 Celebrating American Camping Week I have camped in every state but Hawaii, Utah, and Rhode Island and may never complete the task -- but that makes me human and not because of some sort of record-making. Camping is a good practice but good in itself and not for future bragging. We have to be psyched, especially if camping in inhospitable conditions or out of necessity. Actually, camping brings many pleasant thoughts either of times past or future prospects; the former gives us the pleasure of good experiences and landscapes; the latter energizes us for future vacations if time and energy permit. Camping is grand recreation, provided the weather cooperates, the equipment is adequate and in good order, and the surroundings and partners are congenial. Actually, camping is meant for all seasons, and most places, and under a variety of conditions. If equipment is adequate one can withstand virtually any storms. I recall a severe thunder storm in southern Illinois with buckets of water pouring down; however, we had pitched a tent for proper drainage and so stayed dry throughout the ordeal. Being picky about setting a tent up Is the product of early camping experiences. Choice of right place. As important as the immediate site chosen (good drainage, view, protection, and air flow) is the geographic areas where one wants to camp. Certain places are more suitable due to shorter travel distance, less congestion, less pollution, and more scenic views. A little time is well spent inspecting camping literature and talking with others who have been at certain places. Looking ahead allows campers to select proper equipment and clothing. Where possible use specially prepared public or private sites, since camping in the wilderness may damage fragile territory. If campers are careful, refrain from burning at sites or littering. Choose the right time. A few "polar bears" of the camping world like winter camping, when congestion is light and the sites are mostly vacant. Camping during regular vacation time can still be quite enjoyable if some effort is made to select a quiet location away from jovial crowds. Matching time and place may be challenging. Just off season may be great, for with now extended school years many vacation periods are shorter. Take extra time to enjoy the camping site and don't rush in late and out early. Choice of campers. Though I like to camp with others, I have learned to thoroughly enjoy retreats and times of vacation when camping alone as well. Don't force people to go camping, but encourage them with easy camping opportunities or even encourage their use of camper vehicles. Above all, make "happy campers." Write up experience. Most camping is fun and worth remembering as a learning process to be shared with others. Record the adventure in photos, audios, videos, or on paper.
March 7, 2023 Making Breakfast the Main Meal A Dominican priest, who was the chaplain at one of the religious communities where we performed environmental resource assessments in the Hudson Valley, attributed his very long life to living like a king at breakfast, a prince at lunch, and a pauper in the evening. Many of us testify to a bountiful breakfast, but unfortunately often stretch the royal spreads to later in the day as well. Many laborers and outdoors people of different callings swear to hearty breakfasts -- as well as some creative writers and artists who prefer to make the morning meal the main one of the day. Breakfasts are often the best buy in restaurants. Personal habit. At this time, I start my day very early and my first meal can sometimes be about 3:00 am. I like the meal to send me off with a special charge, and so I generally make it a generous one. This follows a tradition of having hearty breakfasts when we milked cows in early hours and then started to school or to doing other farm work. The Milford seminary that I attended was known for very large (outside Lent) breakfasts, because we rose early for prayers. One typical Midwestern Jesuit breakfast was cornbread and stew (usually a heavy beef variety with gravy) with the plate to be smothered with butter and syrup. Heavy duty! Favorite. I find it challenging to consider old fashioned oatmeal (to control cholesterol rates) as the main ingredient even with a wide variety of fruits, berries and nuts. What I note in telling my breakfast ingredients that they have varied over time in involved a variety of dried fruits such as plums) along with vegetables of the season. Every other day I add eggs to the menu, and sometimes add leftovers from the previous day to top off the breakfast. I garnish with various spices and hot sauce, soy sauce, or tomato sauce. During the growing season I vary the vegetables and herbs according to what is available. Virtually a new taste occurs for each breakfast depending on item variation. Application. Unfortunately, many American youngsters have little for breakfast but Twinkies and pop to start the day. The lack of a good breakfast most likely affects youthful -- and teacher -- performance. It would pay our nation to always offer free breakfasts in schools to students (and teachers), and even during vacation periods when youth do not always have nutritious meals available. Ensure that these meals contain fruit, vegetables, and whole grains for the entire growing population. A good creative morning depends on the nourishment received before beginning sessions, and so making this the main meal makes sense. We all have had enough experience with people trying to perform with virtually no beginning meal; let's encourage them to change the concept of "main meal" to morning for it launches the day in an energetic manner.
Al Fritsch Health Update Recent PET scan shows that I have cancer over many bone (not organ) areas. I will begin onsite radiation treatment immediately, and your prayers are greatly appreciated. Al Fritsch
March 8, 2023 Remembering Irene Dickinson, Earth Healer As the American nuclear power system recedes into the sunset, we need to recall that fifty years ago a group of heroic activists confronted an American myth that nuclear power would soon be "too cheap to meter." Such false images were challenged by alert citizens like Irene Dickinson, the foundress of National Intervenors, the first of the American anti-nuclear activist organizations. We ought to remember such 20th century heroines who are now ageless models at times of threatened climate change. Earthhealer Earth-loving heart, you didn't strive to gush They did not crush nor reward in sullen hush; Constantly, you aided all who fought Poor Earth, poor people, you led the blind
March 9, 2023 Watching What We Eat Condiments: Unless we look closely, we do allow certain foods, including spices, to be added in ample portions while hardly noting it. Perhaps Americans use catsup as one of those things, in far greater amounts than is often considered normal; recall that catsup’s sugar component is far higher than many folks anticipate. Know what you are using and number of times used. Desserts: We can grow in our desire for an after dish when the meal is not yet quite complete. An occasional piece of cake is one thing; a regular addition of cake on a daily basis is another. To like something means we give it a favorite place or in a special amount and try to fool ourselves into thinking we have been careful in what we choose – but have we? Occasional celebration: We do tend to break down and take a meal that is extraordinary, especially when celebrating with loved ones or friends on special occasions. Certainly, the event calls for major differences in types and amounts of food. Thanksgiving and Christmas feasts are certainly different – and we can feel comfortable about breaking the routine for a rare moment. Let it be rare, while still enjoyable. Just don’t make the occasional the regular fare. Such is life!
March 10, 2023 Sounding Ominous – Acid Rain We often are comforted by the sound of rain on the roof, for this means moisture is accumulating for the coming growing year. But what if that is acid rain? The excuse may be that all rain is at least slightly acidic, but the word bears degrees of intensity from slightly to severe enough to attack metal and erode rocks. Yes, today our cistern water quality can be affected when catchment surfaces (e.g., metal roofs) dissolve due to persistent acid rain. Silvicultural experts note that forests at higher elevations in the Blue Ridge Mountains and in ancient forests of Europe are damaged and dying. Medical research shows that acid rain in mist and fog can also have detrimental health effects on humans, animals and plants. Culturally, monuments of older and newer industrialized nations, from medieval cathedrals to the Lincoln Monument, are harmed by the assault of acid rain. Using our native fossil fuels as an intermediate energy source before transforming to a renewable energy economy comes at a severe uncalculated environmental cost. Acid rain results from pollutants in the air, especially from burning fossil fuels. Lowering the pH (to greater acidity) is due to acidic sulfur and other oxides in the emission products of coal-burning powerplants and from autos and other vehicles. This phenomenon of acid rain damage was first detected in a noticeable way in Scandinavia in the 1950s and then throughout industrialized and northern Europe, and then to our own North American elevated-area forests and lakes in industrial regions. And problem areas are becoming a global phenomenon. The Clean Air Act amendments of 1977 required new coal-fired plants to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions by 70 to 90%. Industry used scrubbers, lower-sulfur coal and new technologies, such as fluidized-bed combustion and limestone injection multi-stage burners; still we have damaging acid rain due to delays in Clean Air Act implementation, expanded fossil fuel combustion products, and delays in installing a renewable energy economy. In North America, acid rain is particularly acute in the Northeast U.S. and eastern Canada, which lie in the path of eastern movement of emissions from coal-fired facilities in the Midwest and the Ohio Valley. Lakes have deteriorated in quality and fish habitat has been endangered. At one count, some 48,000 lakes in Ontario province alone were regarded as threatened. In nine rivers in Nova Scotia there is no aquatic life to speak of and this is due to acidity.
March 11, 2023 Introducing a New Fruit Tree Variety Johnny Appleseed Day is a perfect time to talk about apples, a fruit we have given much attention to over the years. Planting a variety of fruit and nut trees can enhance the environment, and for average green folks (non-specialists) is more balanced than focusing on a single type of fruit, no matter how advantageous. You do not have to be an orchardist to choose variety; intersperse trees where space permits. This makes the tree planting a challenge and an opportunity to use the overlooked small spaces on your grounds. Some talk about north-facing slopes for later blooming, but that may have limited applicability with seasonal warming coming earlier. Variety allows a longer fruit season. In Kentucky, cherries along with strawberries start the fruit parade in late May and early June; plums together with wild raspberries begin in late June (though with proper choice the plum season can go a longer time); July is blackberry, peach, and early apple season; then apricots and mulberries come in August; later autumn apples and grapes in September; various late apples, pears, and paw paws follow; and, last, persimmons, that can bear into winter. Variety allows fruit to be available when one type gets damaged or destroyed by a frost. The blooming at different times both gives the pleasant appearance of blooming trees for more of the springtime and allows the possibility of some fruit when other varieties fail to bear in a given year. Variety can be coupled with the dedication of particular trees chosen by a donor in memory of a relative or friend -- and the connection to the person remembered by a particular fruit or nut. Choosing variety, whether of a fruit, vegetable, herb, berry or nut is very enjoyable. The catalogs are filled with mouth-watering pictures. Though your own growing-space situation may differ, choosing and hoping for the best is a joy in tree selection. Variety permits people to have the great pleasure of harvesting fruit when they visit during part of the growing year, along with the satisfaction of eating what they pick. When there is a grand harvest of one variety, pleasure gives way to work, for it takes effort to pick, prepare and preserve abundant fruit. As for commercial sources of fruit trees, I could suggest my favorites, but that might influence readers who could make better selections for their micro-climate. Rather, learn from local growers, county agents, and sales personnel. Should the tree die, you will most likely get a replacement from local folks -- though some national groups do very well in guaranteeing a tree after planting. Select disease-resistant varieties to minimize any temptation to spray pesticides. Often having two of a certain type of fruit tree or two close relatives allows cross-pollination. Make good choices.
March 12, 2023 Reflecting on Faith: The Woman at the Well God is spirit and those who worship must worship in spirit and truth. (John 4:24) Jesus is thirsty. He is honest about wanting others to interact with him. This goes beyond a physical desire for water to a spiritual desire to bring souls to God. Are we willing to listen and hear Jesus calling out to us and be willing to respond personally? Jesus is direct and plainspoken. He tells the woman all about her past life in an instant, that the Jews worship correctly, and that this nearby mountain is not that one. He goes on to say that even this discussion will soon be transcended as to worship space. Are we open to expanding our visions of what must change? Jesus is living water. He is the source of all graces through which we act and so is the wellspring of our lives. Do we see that the waters of Baptism are meant to be a manifestation of freshness and the way to come to the divine life? Are we to look more deeply into our faith and our daily spiritual journey? Jesus elicits response. The woman at the well becomes the first missionary taking the Good News to others in her village in such a convincing fashion that they come to see Jesus. She raises an issue that we must address. Is our testimonial to Good News sufficient to bring out those seeking to find Jesus? Jesus' words elicit urgency. His mission is so pressing that he has lost his appetite, for his food is to do the will of the one who sent him. Ought we to have a consuming zeal that goes beyond physical needs to partake in spreading the word to others? Jesus is willing to stay. He accepts the invitation to come to the village and remains there for a length of time. Do we give time for the Lord in our lives? Are we to sense the desire of others to communicate and respond by changing our schedule or itinerary to share time with them? This episode is a journey in faith, and the richness of the story cannot be fully tapped in a lifetime. Lent is that period when the Lord gives us space and time to break out of old ways (as was the case of the woman at the well and the disciples) and find Jesus in our ordinary life journey.
March 13, 2023 Fulfilling Good Samaritan Day We can imagine that when bad times come to another, we will be a "Good Samaritan" coming to the rescue. The Good Samaritan parable is perhaps Jesus' most famous one and involves coming to the help of a wounded robbery victim. By Jesus' accounting, this victim is ignored by two other passersby, and to top it off the helping hand is a despised foreigner. This Samaritan is the answer to the question posed to Jesus, "Who is my neighbor?" Good Samaritan Day comes in early Lent, when we may still be seeking to settle on a perfect additional action or restraint to do this penitential season. We may think about giving assistance locally though the emphasis is often placed on helping a distant victim in a poor country. However, just as Jesus extended "neighbor" to those of different religions or groupings so ought we to expand to a wider neighborhood. Let's consider extending "neighbor" to include the plants and animals that are being threatened on this planet, these victims of human greed and habitat robbery that are so easily ignored. They are our neighbors on this finite planet in a vast universe, and they depend on us to halt the threats of human origin. We know that environmental actions seem a little hackneyed, because all, even small tots, seek to do something "green." Where is the drama? Let's consider possible Lenten practices that seem trite, but are actualized by the contrite: * Protect wild plants: Assist in removing exotic invasive species from public lands and right-of-ways; plant trees, especially on or around local Arbor Day, and enlist others to do the same; insist that wilderness areas be left pristine; join with others to maintain nature trails; protect and admire, but not pick wild flowers; and report trespassing off-road vehicle drivers. * Domestic and wider environmental actions: Clean up a section of littered road or waterway; expand recycling efforts; report litterers so that they will be compelled to clean up their own mess; convert lawn into wildscape or gardens; write Congress about strengthening the Endangered Species Act; promote the renewable energy economy; read a book on environmental needs in our world; give some time to teaching environmental issues at a nature center; encourage youth to engage in outdoor hikes and camping; support those who seek to improve nature reserves; and oppose clearcutting on all state and national forestlands.
March 14, 2023 Marking Pope Francis' Tenth Anniversary What a decade with the Francis papacy! A transforming event was the election of the new pope from Latin America (the South). These began the very first moment when he chose Francis for a name. At that moment the new pope asked the people to pray for him in a most humble manner. He was one who soon showed a difference -- riding a bus to his residence, paying his hotel bill in person, and moving into the local hostel rather than the Papal Palace. From the start a new transformation of papacy with its emphasis on democratic communication and not noble domination was evident. Other Catholics ceased being a king's subjects and became fellow citizens in bringing Good News to all our brothers and sisters. Here is a Pope who speaks in a forthright manner -- though others who preceded him did so likewise. He gets to the heart of the issue -- the terrible hunger on the part of some who cry for food, and the vast and growing inequality of the wealthy bolstered by weak-kneed legislators who know the power-drivers who feed them. The thirst for power and possessions knows no limits. In this system, which tends to devour everything which stands in the way of increased profits, whatever is fragile like the environment is defenseless before the interests of a deified market, which becomes the only rule. "Evangelii Gaudium" #56 A curtain on believers seems to be lifting through his plain-spokenness. What is so evident is that a world was shocked by the stepping down of elderly Benedict XVI (the first resignation of a pope in 600 years) and a younger and stronger replacement -- God's gift to us all. Pope Francis has a ministry of simplicity by foregoing an expensive private vehicle. Our own prayer is that he abides by security rules in his rush to meet, embrace, bless, and wash the feet of everyone. From his fast sprint the world seemed to respond, as evidenced in his World Youth Day trip to Brazil. Pope Francis has been an Earthhealer from the start -- being on our Facebook page prior to his election. He is committed to the environment in every way; he planned to add to what has already been said off the cuff and in Evangelii Gaudium, and that was achieved when he wrote Laudite Si. He links an understanding of a dysfunctional world economy with what is happening through climate change. He perceives the gross inequality in the world of a thousand billionaires and a billion people who would crave a yearly thousand dollars. Pope Francis is also concerned about maintaining world peace; this he showed in his prayer evening at the Vatican, when military intervention was expected in Syria following the use of chemical weapons. In many ways, his and 100,000 participants at St. Peter's and the countless millions throughout the world bore fruit when diplomacy overcame military action. Such is Francis’ approach.
March 15, 2023 Observing Freedom of Information Day "We have got to have more information!" "We suffer from information overload!" Can both of these statements be simultaneously true? Rapid information dissemination is of recent origin and makes us jaded for more, while at the same time not allowing us room to prevent raw information from giving us indigestion. Two centuries ago, the time required to exchange information with Europe was months and depended on the speed of the sailing craft crossing the Atlantic. However, a few decades later faster ships were running on steam, telegraph wires crisscrossed the landscape, and eventually a transatlantic cable sped information flow even faster. However, during the Civil War reports (to the degree the government allowed) only took minutes via a telegraph teletype operator. Even then the Generals delayed news of the Cold Harbor Virginia battle because information of the horrifying death toll would overwhelm the public. When I was young, the attack on Pearl Harbor was known the day of the attack; we followed the Second World War on a daily basis to the degree the censors permitted. Still, we as citizens did not know about Nazi concentration camps and degree of death tolls of Jews, Gypsies, and Polish leaders until near the war's end. Such information was not available, and we began to realize that the communications speed is only one component of which controlled public access is another. Much depended and depends on governmental release of data findings and a willingness to disseminate information. Power rests in both receiving and sending information. And what about deliberate misinformation? Tomorrow, on Freedom of information Day we should ask some serious questions. Did the Bush Administration in 2003 know that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction and deliberately keep this from even the Congress? What about all the victims of recent drone strike attacks? How much methane is released in the new fracking phenomenon sweeping our country? What are definitive counts on drug-related deaths in Appalachia? And is it true that ours is a land of complete openness to information, or is much info withheld? The Internet is certainly a valuable tool for disseminating information. This website is meant to be an information-generating outlet, so we have posted ethnic and other statistics along with material on a variety of environmental issues, which may be quite controversial. The Internet can be a source of just such information, but there is another side: if the information is not checked out, it may be slanted and even destructive to targeted people. Not everything on the Internet is valid. One participant may favor trivia and know all that Google can present -- and yet be unwise. Truly, information may clutter reflection time and paralyze our decision-making faculty. Lenten self-control also applies to information selection, assimilation, and digestion. Our responsibility is to promote correct information.
March 16, 2023 Declaring “Small is Beautiful” The author of Small is Beautiful, E.F. Schumacher, is regarded by many of us as the father of appropriate technology. My Schumacher ancestors came from the part of Germany where he was born, so I regard him as a distant cousin and feel akin to his way of thinking about small practices. The thesis of his book is that simpler technologies should be championed where they do an adequate task. Why a tractor when a good hoe will do the job in a small plot? Smaller simple technologies cost far less, do not demand a large supporting maintenance system, are people friendly, enhance communities through participative applications, and are generally environmentally benign. Let's reemphasize a number of ways in which beauty is enhanced by smaller:
March 17, 2023 Announcing the Luck of Irish Americans My first and virtually only stage appearance was in perhaps the first grade, when I was to act like an Irishman with a brogue. The audience roared and I simply couldn't figure out what was so funny. They all knew my family and that I didn't have a drop of Hibernian or Celtic blood in my veins -- but I was not yet so enlightened. So much for an introduction to being different at St. Patrick's School. With years, that difference became more evident. It became a love/hate relationship: some things Irish were great, but not clannishness. Yes, clans fade with time, as have diluted ethnic neighborhoods, and cultural differences have waned. As for acting Irish, I am from the same school that the Clooney family attended when in Maysville, and Rosemary, Betty, and brother Nick and his son George Clooney were proud of their hometown origins and have used their Irishness well. On St. Patrick's Day we know that being Irish is still regarded as a point of pride. Many Irish-Americans return to the ole' sod to visit homes and graves of ancestors. Many enjoy celebrating this day by wearing green and gathering for Irish songs and dancing. St. Patrick's parades grace American cities and small towns, though weather can sometimes fail to cooperate. I enjoyed going to parades when studying in New York; a special friendliness pervades the Big Apple on St. Patrick's Day. The Irish enjoy a good joke, a hearty meal, a little imbibing, and a nice March 17th. Perhaps the Irish recall they could not celebrate Christmas in Puritan New England until after the middle of the 19th century. Cultural differences in America led to disagreements when Know Nothings targeted the Irish, refused them jobs and made life rough until the Civil War. Irish-Americans turned out to be good warriors (Irish-blood was spilt on both sides in that conflict). Through upward mobility Irish-Americans changed American ethnic fabric. John Kennedy helped cement acceptance, but other good-natured souls contributed along the way. A good strain of America is the result of the Irish.
March 18, 2023 Seeing a Balance during March Madness Kentucky is an enthusiastic sports state as are many others in America, except that sport and teams of choice differ. In Kentucky, basketball is king. Schoolkids and adults go wild at tournament time in March. Teams vie for end of season honors and student fans (both high school and college) turn out in mass to cheer as victors and commiserate as unfortunate vanquished. Host cities are turned into migration centers for a sea of joyful fans. Radio and TV coverage is comprehensive; banners abound; carloads of shouting youth move up and down roads and streets; fieldhouses turn into beehives, and referees hide after a disputed call. During this sports' mad month doctors advise those of us with weak hearts to refrain from attending such high-pressured events. It is a regular occurrence that heart attacks happen at such close games even when watching favorite teams on TV. Why all the artificial stress? My own attendance at a University of Kentucky game brought the conclusion, "Never again." The adrenaline rush was far too great. It has much to do with joining the crowd and losing control over oneself all for sports "enthusiasm." Where is the balance in our lives when we enter a mob and act like part of it? Fans are convinced that hollering louder will change the course of the game. In fact, earlier this season a minor earthquake was recorded coming from the sports arena due to a single crowd reaction at a game. Balance to such maddening conditions comes in several ways: stay away when pressure is too great; resolve to enjoy the sport for its own sake and even cheer opponents when they do a good job; consider that sports play is something good and that a victory to the chosen side is not an end, but additional reason to cheer; don't let competition overwhelm the psychological balance that always must be present; and challenge the unbalanced fans during saner moments before or after the event itself. Why lose balance over spectator sports when supporters expect players to hold their "cool" (stay in control)? This periodic madness raises more fundamental questions about sports in this age: What about the sports industry with its high-paid salaries, mega-stadiums built to accommodate wealth in special suites, restricted scholarships for talented athletes who are not academically inclined? How is this madness different from Roman circuses with lions killing Christians and gladiators slaying each other? What does loyalty mean in the frenzy of a competitive event and uncontrolled "fanhood"? Is it healthy for an over-sized and half-boozed spectator to suddenly erupt over a call by a referee? Has fair play and charity been lost? How about chaplains sitting on the bench with players and acting like one of the rest? Why condone madness? Isn't it more sporting to go out and involve oneself in personal exercise on a walking trail, at a squash court, or in an exercise room? What about watching seals snooze while betting which one will wake first? Private outdoor athletics is a chance for fresh and sunlight.
March 19, 2023 Enjoying Laetare Sunday Rejoice, Jerusalem, be glad for her, all you who love her! How should we conduct ourselves in Lent, especially since we recall on Ash Wednesday to hide any appearance of fasting? As believers, we are expected to have persistent joy and not the supposed gloom of a perpetual Lent. Furthermore, we can ask even whether that gloom is proper in Lent itself and regard the readings of the Liturgy today as proof that this is worth further reflection. Is a penitential season to bring doom and gloom or salvation through joyful practical exercises? Like the blind man who Jesus cures, we have the joy of seeing and following the light of Christ. We are part of the redemption that is occurring at this time; our sorrow should be temporary, for underneath it all is hope of coming to salvation. A firmness and trust in God gives joy that is worthy of public expression. We do penance knowing that we are not perfect and in need of reconciliation with God. We want to frankly admit that we can improve and change for the better. This possibility of transformation is itself a source of joy, a matter of continual rejoicing even when the sun is hidden and dark clouds lead to an overcast sky. We are people committed to change, and Lent involves practices that prove that we are people of the word and committed to the Word. Our penance is not because we are doomed and need it, but that we are in the process of being saved and show enthusiasm for the changes we are willing to undertake. We want to be more perfect and this can be seen as an enjoyable act. Today's Gospel reading speaks of four types of people: the parents who did not have the courage to get involved for fear of what could happen; bystanders who show a sense of indifference to Jesus' presence; Pharisees who do not and would not believe, and the blind man who in being healed affirm his faith. The struggles of all must be understood and yet joy only comes to one of the groups, namely the believer who is being thrown out of the established protection of a religion by being ejected from the community. The joy of finding Jesus is sufficient for him and ought to be for each of us who knows that in our hearts what occurs in a hostile way is not sufficient to break our trust in the Lord. And this is true joy worth deeper reflection. Pope Francis insists in Evangelii Gaudium that joy is at the heart of our spreading the Good News to the world, and we are the ones who discover that our mission is one of rejoicing, even when certain times and seasons test us. Lent prepares us for the added joy of a budding spring that is now before us. We look to a season of new light, renewed foliage, opportunities for outdoor work, and gladness that Christ's resurrection anticipates our own.
March 20, 2023 Championing Non-Smoker Rights Smoking is hard on the health of the smoker and of those near to the smoker. Evidence exists that people near to smokers are at risk and thus smoking has an environmental AND social component. Those near to smokers can also develop smoke-related illnesses such as emphysema, heart disease, and lung and other forms of cancer -- only not to the same degree of severity or frequency as smokers themselves. However, any disease is severe enough in whatever form, and non-smokers have a right to clean air and enjoyment of the air commons. While a smoker, I overlooked that my practice infringed on the rights of others, including my own non-smoking mother. Today, those who are near but do not smoke are better protected because the number of non-smoking areas multiply by the day, and smokers are subject to fines for not observing certain regulations. It is not enough just to "deodorize" or scent a smoked-up room with an aerosol spray; these simply mask carcinogenic smoke, but non-smokers are still subject to the assault of tobacco smoke. Opening windows and airing out a place is better, but hardly ever gets rid of the residual odor and some smoke-clinging substances on rugs and other fabrics. Non-smoking space needs to be preserved and protected. What about the non-smoking fetus in the smoker's womb or the infant in a smoker's home? Certainly, the state has a right to remove an innocent party from such danger, but ultimately it is the little one's mother who must refrain from smoking. The task is to convince that mother of dangers involved, but is it ethical to incarcerate her in a smoke-free compartment during pregnancy? Her rights need to be protected while our responsibility is to impress upon her the need of her offspring to have a clean environment. Amazingly, this problem approximates that in which pro-life and pro-choice forces battle. It becomes our responsibility to explain to others hazards of smoking and yet allow them the opportunity to do the right thing. Note that hospitals are now extending outdoor non-smoking areas further and further from the front entrance. Such measures are meant to ensure clean air for the innocent and health for all concerned. One bumper sticker says "Criticizing my smoking could be harmful to your health;" cute and part of the issue. The "right" or license to smoke is the right to engage in a form of entertainment; like other forms of recreation a certain risk is involved. Still, this is the free choice of an agent who just might live to 80 years without a cough -- though we doubt it. Pure air is a right to all; when a smoker lights up in the great outdoors, dilution is such that there is little social effect; when that same smoker indulges in a closed space, a deliberate infringement on limited air ensues and this neighbor has a right to fresh air. A right to pure air certainly must exceed a "right" to foul the air.
March 21, 2023 Providing Greens through Container Gardening Size of containers. Use larger planters such as sawed off "half" barrels, tubs, or large cans. Select a size according to the variety that is to be grown: a larger planter will be needed for tomato or pepper plants than for greens or many herbs; Plant selection. Choosing varieties is important when space is very limited. Grow what you like best within certain limits and forget about growing sunflowers and corn; leave bulk crops to open field gardeners. For salad lovers, containers are perfect for growing mustard, spinach, kale, lettuce, endive, and Swiss chard, along with many herbs that do not take up much space. These can be started now before the outside weather permits and moved outside in a few weeks. Except for radishes and the onion family, most root crops could be better raised with more space; Soil selection. You should provide a drain hole or outlet so excess water can escape. Use the best soil you can obtain, usually interspersing your own compost with soil obtained from a field or a garden supply outlet. Select rich soil and types low in clay; Siting. Place most plants in sunny places. Save less choice spots for greens that do not need much sun. Have vining plants such as cucumbers run up a trellis on the northern or eastern end of the location and stair step them down in a southern and western direction with smaller plants to the front; Care. One needs to know how much to water and to ask a neighbor to look in on needs while away on a trip. Usually, container plants will require more watering in hot dry periods than will plants in regular gardens, unless the container walls are protected from heating and moisture loss. An advantage of containers is that they require less weed control; and Rearrangements. An advantage is that planters may be bunched together when the plants are young and then thinned gradually as plants need more room to grow, thus maximizing the use of space. They can be arranged so as to place flowering or fruit-bearing plants in the most aesthetically pleasing design. Containers can be moved indoors in the late summer before frost, but that is sometime in the distant future. Let's start now with springtime.
March 22, 2023 Creating a Food Tripod Yesterday's reflection on container gardening for those with limited space offers an opportunity to establish a food balance in the home. This balance is directed towards saving money (and growing greens is an economy practice), getting the best in nutrition (and nothing can beat fresh greens), and fostering local produce production (many of the ills related to possible fresh veggies come from distant sources). In fact, three legs are very essential to a standing stool, the “Food Tripod,” and lack of balance occurs when one or even two legs of the food tripod are missing. Balance demands equal presence of all three. It's good to focus on food economy, but does this mean filling the menu with unhealthy food? For those who can afford the cost, is it good to bring the produce from a distant less controlled source and risk contamination? Balance is the golden food rule and deserves adequate consideration. Economy -- For many Americans and those in other poorer lands food bills draw special attention, for money is limited and food is essential to life. Unfortunately, many adjust tight budgets with pasta and sweets that give temporary relief, and yet lack proper nutritional value. Often wholesome foods are outside of a poor person's budget, or they are not normally found in grocery supply places in poor neighborhoods. Thus, supplementing diets with some grow-your-own foods is one alternative that the more adventuresome find promising and the visionary see beyond the horizon. Others learn the hard way to do one's own cooking instead of buying expensive commercially prepared foods. Still others who watch their pennies buy bulk and surplus supplies when plentiful and in season, and preserve food for the off-season. Nutrition: Much has been said on March 1st during the start of Nutrition Month about food choices, for if these are properly regulated the health of our nation's young and old would show noticeable improvement. Poor nutrition is the root of obesity- related illnesses, and resulting escalating health costs. Even when the contrast of good and bad nutrition is known, many consumers will overlook or excuse themselves for the chance to further indulge in favorite snacks and junk foods. A major challenge awaits conscientious budget watchers who desire to eat solely wholesome and nutritious food. Local Produce: The third tripod component is the most challenging for urban dwellers who are even familiar with the ordinary rudiments of food economics and nutrition. Where can this person garden? Home gardening is practiced by over 30 million individuals and groups. In an age of large supermarkets with thousands of selections, much comes from distant sources via complex food networks. Local produce by small farmers is ignored due to lack of volume and quality control. Eating totally from local produce is difficult but done in some farming communities.
March 23, 2023 Considering Fasting for Others We know from Mark 2:18-22 that people came to Jesus and asked a rather serious question: Why did John's disciples and Pharisees fast but his (Jesus) disciples did not? His reply was "How can the guests at a wedding fast as long as the groom is still among them?" Really, Jesus admits that there are times to feast and times to fast, not that fasting is inferior or even unimportant. We each need to fast in order to gain self-control, a practice that our people of plenty have in very short supply. Our fasting becomes a way of reaching out even when done as we heard on Ash Wednesday that we ought to keep our fasting somewhat private. Granted, fasting is a way to discipline, is part of our observance of Lent (to the degree that we are able by health, work, or age), and is a good way to rest our stomach and take off unneeded body fat. Refraining from good things, including the foods we like, is a means of gaining personal spiritual, mental, and physical wellbeing. Fasting is good for the individual soul, but can we go a step farther and make fasting into a social practice, even if not publicly announced? For years near Thanksgiving, Oxfam has encouraged thousands to observe a fast for the world's poor and to send the money saved to theirs or other world hunger agencies. On several occasions Pope Francis called for all of us to stop at noon and pray for the hungry. Such consciousness-raising practices allow all to become aware of amount and nutritional value of food consumed, how food choices differ from that of people in other ages and lands, and how little food more than a billion people of the world live on. Fasting then takes on a different direction: we fast for more than ourselves; the practice resembles giving aid through walk-a-thons and concerts. Fasting takes more effort than giving in charity. We feel it when we fast and that feeling stays during the entire period. We suddenly become aware of those who go on fasts for reforming institutions. Fasting can couple a personal exercise with a social dimension involving solidarity with others. A secondary social effect needs to be introduced publicly, namely that we fast from certain resource-intensive food items such as meat products and commercially processed snack and other prepared foods. Thus, refraining from such items for the sake of the hungry, when many cannot afford the luxury of eating meat except on rare occasions, makes this a meaningful practice. We live in a nation where many have never said "no" to goods demanded here and now. Fasting can become a public practice whose practitioners are witnesses to what our culture needs to consider in social and individual restraint. This is much like abstinence from meat in earlier times. All of us are invited to fast in Lent and beyond in order to become countercultural witnesses to a consumerist-filled world of spend and grab for more. Let’s make our fasting an undercover social event.
March 24, 2023 Protecting Domestic Silent Space and Time Silent space and time are components of a balanced domestic environment. But this often over looked in a busy world of ongoing activity. A needed tradeoff in life is to create an environmental compromise for all who share an environment that could be domestic as well as communal in a local or wider sense. Domestic dwellings need regulations to permit those wishing to rest to get quiet time. Yet we need space and time for all to have the freedom to move, converse, sing, dance, and authentically create and endure sounds of many sorts. The compromise for joint use of space and time extends from domestic scenes to the wildscape. Sound, when discordant, is noise, something disturbing to many. Noise creates extra tension among residents and leads to loss of hearing and is even regarded as sound pollution, especially when invading another's silent space. By using available commercial devices noise can be properly monitored. This involves measuring the volume of the noise, the recorder's distance from the source, and in cases of recording devices, the time when noise occurs. Sound is measured in logarithmic units called decibels (dBA), which go from zero where humans start to hear to over 140 where noise causes pain (certain rock and roll concerts). Permanent hearing loss could occur with continuous exposure at approximately 85 dBA. Source Sound level for operator in dBA Home controls of noise can be challenging, and yet achievable in a well-ordered home. External noise control, while beyond an individual's singular efforts, can be achieved by a well-ordered community policy created through cooperative efforts. Cotton plugs are virtually useless, but well fitted, commercial earmuffs worn by airport workers are effective.
March 25, 2023 Taking on Human Flesh The Word was made flesh, he lived among us, and we saw his glory. (John 1:14) Christians believe that today a mystery starts to unfold, the likes of which the world had never seen, a critical moment in human history when the Divine comes among us -- so that we might enter divine life. This event, the Feast of the Annunciation, is celebrated exactly nine months before Christmas Day. In Luke's Gospel the Angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she was to be the mother of the Messiah. In our Liturgy of the day, we recite the Creed and genuflect at the words, "And by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary and became man." We hold this to be a sacred moment, prepared for and anticipated for millennia through the selection of a Chosen People in a Promised Land. The prophets called Israel back again and again to that sacred mission of preparing for the Messiah. Now, after centuries of hope he arrives, a critical historic event. Incarnate hope. Christ the liberator comes among us; he presents liberation to us, giving us a chance to participate in healing the wounds of sin all around us, including the environmental degradation to the Earth itself. Even when people are behind bars or on a hospice bed -- a joining of prayerful and hopeful hearts, whether through active work or passive suffering, is a joining in the action of Christ in our midst. They each share this enterprise of liberation in and through Christ, and so his coming is the long-awaited hope realized in space and time. Incarnate action. By analogy, we "incarnate" Christ by being an embodiment of the Incarnate Mystery in and through our own lives. Christ is re-presented through our words becoming flesh in actions undertaken by godly ways. We become the opportunity for Heaven and Earth to meet in visible form through Good News concretized by us. Even in gardening we bring our ideas alive by what we grow. Extending to a world community we can realize a divinizing activity by beating swords into plowshares, and Mystery coming ever closer in visible form. In our collective Creed we profess our faith through godly deeds when Heaven and Earth kiss.
March 26, 2023 Affirming New Life Like Mary and Martha, we have our moments of profound sorrow over the passing of those who enhanced our life. But there is the paradox of the believer, being sad and happy at the same time. The mortal scene is to be more than endured; it is to be lived in fully and that means finding joy when nature bursts into bloom and when the Lord gives us more of good things in life. Let our lips be filled with gratitude, for Jesus is the resurrection and life. New seasons, no matter how often we experience them, are always welcomed with ever-deeper sincerity. Springtime is filled with pleasant things: singing birds freshly arrived from the South, chattering ground squirrels with pent-up energy, creeks singing while running, daylight ever increasing by minutes each sunrise and sunset, and trees all swelling with buds soon to burst. Nature is heralding its glory and that of its Creator. In essence, each new beginning has something repetitious, yet is unique in its own way. I expect the coming spring with experience from the past and yet awareness that a uniqueness is before us. No doubt there is wonder with this expected change of season – but isn’t it greater when wisdom grows with age and physical boldness fades? Such is life! And each year, emerging eternal possibilities appear for those willing to delve. Who knows whether this is our last mortal springtime and uncertainty adds to the adventure, knowing that there’s more in store for believers in the future? Each spring becomes a new adventure. Spring announces more perpetual activity and not more eternal rest. Rest goes with the fading winter season, and we bid it goodbye without looking back. For those with adventure ahead, being open to the spring is an invitation to new activities, even for those who are becoming more limited in mobility. With Jesus at our side as faithful companion, we advance to ever newness of life with fresh deeds and expanding horizon. Our age should only open us to ever-newer possibilities, something that both the season spring and the believer’s Holy Week invite. We welcome new life and see it as a challenge and an opportunity. Let’s live it up.
March 27, 2023 Embracing Art, Environment, and Earthhealing This website has taken great pains in coupling texts pertaining to a broad expanse of environmental issues of the past decade or so with timely photographs of related subjects. In this Art Week we want to reemphasize the connection between art and protecting the environment with several of many reasons: Respect for form, context, color, and design is a major component of good art; the same applies for appreciation of the treasure of nature all around, nature untouched and nature enhanced by respectful human touch. Artists are friends of nature and know that cooperative efforts involve sculpture, painting, architecture, and words as well as photographic capture. In showing respect, the artist is a gentle teacher telling the untrained to be respectful of the natural world. Hope is engendered in good art of all types from woodworking to clay-molding. Art takes us outside ourselves in the sphere of creative work and craft. (See some of our YouTube videos). If simple objects can become enduring treasures so can a damaged Earth be restored into precious surroundings in which to find quality of life. Art opens a horizon that beckons that future growth is possible and transformation is necessary for eternal growth of the human spirit. We need to be hopeful that climate change can be addressed and controlled, and art in crafted poetry and design has a way of encouraging us. Culture encourages and supports native art, and this becomes atmosphere and surroundings where the environment is protected and preserved for the generations who are to follow. Healing Earth is likewise a heritage to be carried on and never allowed to be abandoned, and cultural words and actions are present to assist. Consolation is a goal of good art from floral arrangement and costuming to song and dance. When attending to good art, the participant or observer comes to a feeling of wellbeing, so needed in a world of damaged landscape and polluted air and water. Good art from cuisine to archeological findings gives a spice to life that uplifts the caregivers and energizes protection of what at first appears lost forever. Art announces salvation and renewal and this is so at the heart of the crisis of our wounded Earth. Environment is not only the primary concern of those who expose damage; it is an urgent task of those who take it upon themselves to bear responsibility as change agents in a world needing the preservation and reconstruction of the economic and social order.
March 28, 2023 Asking Again: What Would Jesus Do? At various times in our lives, we Christians ask ourselves what Jesus would do in certain trying circumstances. It may be reprimanding others for their lives, or a decision to attend or omit going to a certain function. While there are many ways of addressing these circumstances, we never achieve a degree of certitude to put our minds totally at rest. By what approach do we attend to the haunting question of this essay title? The first approach is extreme in that it expects a miracle in which Jesus touches and talks to us in the manner of Paul being given instructions after falling from his horse. Are we to expect miracles in our anticipated conduct? The extremist expects a tap on the shoulder or a whisper in the ear with definite directions. However, we can hardly expect miracles, and we hope to be able to distinguish when imagination and reality collide. The second approach is the opposite extreme and quite secular: Jesus is at best at a distance in space and time and imagining what he would do is to take his own life out of context and put it into our human situation in an artificial manner. To ask this question is to pretend we have answers from out of the past. Far better for the secularist is to take decision-making into one's own hands. The third approach is to say a satisfactory answer is forthcoming through the power of the Holy Spirit leading us through proper discernment. If we pray, enlightenment will occur when we need divine assistance. Really it is the answer to the reframed question, "What must I do now as another christ?" My cultural "now" is 21st century; my "here" is where I live; and "we" are companions who are different folks from those at Jesus' time and ye t part of the Body of Christ. My answer is related to this time, place, and community. Yet it must be engendered with prudence for what actions to take, mercy on those who will be affected, and love for all parties concerned. We may imagine what would I do if in Jesus' sandals? Would I heal on the Sabbath? Would I call the dictator Herod a "fox?" Would I address Scribes and Pharisees in the manner that Jesus did? Would I cleanse the Temple with whips or gentle persuasion? Would I irritate relatives and friends in hometown Nazareth? Would I go to death like a lamb to the slaughter? Back to the here and now issue, what if our decision involves buying a car. Must it be a used or new one, an energy efficient one, a fashionable vehicle? Why is it needed for living comfortably or to improve ministry? We need to see clearly how we, as other christs, address the basic question: what must I do here and now so that my deed expresses the Lord who is within? Proper ongoing discernment includes praying, listening, and acting in a godly fashion in our everyday lives -- and to be at peace.
March 29, 2023 Refrigerating Conservatively As the weather in spring starts to warm, I recall that electric refrigeration has replaced the ice box in my own lifetime. Old refrigerators, like old soldiers, never die; they are moved to the back porch or garage for use as cold storage. Instead of gaining advantages through the new lower energy appliance, many households increase refrigeration expenditures by what is really a two- frig home. Let's take efficient refrigeration seriously; generally, this energy-consuming area follows lighting and resistance heating as the third largest household energy consumer. The refrigerator/freezer runs all day, and so energy consumption mounts up. Purchasing. Select the smallest refrigerator/freezer that will meet your needs. Larger ones are energy wasters, for conservation calls for using all cooled space. Avoid the frost-free variety for they take one-third more energy to operate. If extra freezers are considered to store surplus food, remember that chest-type freezers are more economical than upright models because less cold air can escape when they are opened. What about solar refrigerators? These are certainly available and in use for hospital supplies in areas of the world where grid electricity is intermittent or unavailable. The solar ones are generally more expensive, but all solar applications are rapidly declining in price. Placement. Provide adequate air circulation behind, above, and around the sides of the appliance. Locate the refrigeration unit in cooler places removed from direct sunlight and stoves. Maintenance. Keep the refrigerator temperature at 32-40 degrees F and the freezer between zero and minus 5 degrees. Let hot foods cool before storing in the refrigerator; in winter the back porch is ideal to cool and reduce the item to refrigerator temperature. Cover dishes and containers to keep moisture from escaping. Check refrigerator doors for a tight fit to control leakage; test by closing the door on a piece of paper, -- if the paper pulls out easily, adjust the latch or replace the seal or gasket. Condenser coils may collect dust and should be vacuumed. When away. Clean out the perishable items, pull the plug and leave the door open until you return from the extended absence. If the trip is of shorter duration, you still may want to give the refrigerator a rest and the freezer compartment a defrosting. Leave containers to catch the thawing condensate.
March 30, 2023 Being Aware of Substance Abuse Kentucky is famous for its burley tobacco, bourbon whiskey and, more recently, for growing marijuana. In recent times the tobacco component has been demoted. All of these wonders include behavioral consequences if misused. The general rules among more tolerant Kentuckians are: “use in moderation” and “overuse is unhealthy.” However, these three substances differ in effects and addictive behavior, and are treated separately. * Drugs -- Many advertised "soft" (some prescription and over-the-counter) drugs are tolerated by a medicine-demanding general population willing to take a dozen medicines and supplements at one time. Hard drug use is a chronic problem in America and especially in overdosed Appalachia. Yes, a national cavalier attitude contributes to the total drug culture. Many states are loosening marijuana use regulations. Strong drugs must be regulated; so should "weaker" drugs, including forbidding advertisements for medicines. Controlling hard drugs (heroin, methamphetamine and prescribed drugs like oxycontin has a sorry record. New drugs (Fentanyl) are even more potent and low priced. Tobacco, drugs, and alcohol are expensive, habit-forming, unhealthy and threatening to various body organs, and cause accidents when used improperly. Half of accident fatalities and homicides are drug-related; a quarter of suicides are alcohol- or drug-related; alcoholic imbibing has a deadening effect on human creativity, with work hours lost and less ability to contribute to society. Drug and alcohol users are seven times more likely to be separated or divorced; and child and spouse abuse heightened. Drugs and alcohol are gateways to more abuse.
March 31, 2023 Saving Seed as a Conservation Measure In this start of springtime when we are sowing seeds and preparing the garden, let’s recall that seeds are precious and though small, contain the cultural treasures of previous generations of produce. Those who make an effort to save seeds of varieties that were productive or tasty favorites of the past are to be commended for their efforts. Quite a number of gardeners are included in this company. In fact, they not only preserve variety but they are ensuring that our world does not become vulnerable to reduced numbers of crop variety when new challenges arise, such as global warming. Today, the concentration to a small number of commercial varieties threatens needed biodiversity, especially in an age of rapid climate change and possible extreme weather conditions. The headquarters of the Seed Savers Exchange is six miles north of Decorah, Iowa. This 860-acre farm is a living museum of historic vegetables, flowers, herbs, cattle, and fruits. Thousands of heirloom varieties are grown each summer in certified organic gardens to keep the seed collection viable. More than 24,000 rare vegetables, including 4,000 traditional varieties from Eastern Europe and Russia, are being permanently maintained in the gardens at Heritage Farm. The Seed Savers Exchange Yearbook contains 12,495 unique varieties and 19,888 total listings to members from members making this one of the greatest sources of heirloom varieties in the world. The buildings on the farm are also a treasure. The Amish have built a meeting center in the barn's cathedral-like loft. Also greenhouses, seed storage, a root cellar, and offices are on the grounds. The conference center showcases a classic Amish oak post-and-beam frame and the Visitor's Center next to the gardens is for educational displays and a unique gift shop, offering a wide selection of heirloom seeds and plants as well as other related gardening materials. To receive literature on membership contact: Seed Saver Exchange, 3070 North Winn Road, Decorah, Iowa 52101. Phone: (563) 382-5990; website: <>. |