Daily Reflections
by Al Fritsch, S.J.


A series of written meditations and reflections







                 January, 2007   

January 1   Start the Year Anew 

January 2   Tithing Time for Planning                     

January 3   Human Rights and Tibet's Freedom

January 4   Useless Things

January 5   Earthhealing and Personal Health Concerns

January 6   Green Gift Wrapping

January 7   Epiphany from a New Perspective

January 8   Protecting Endangered Areas       

January 9   Kidney Gift or Bazaar

January 10  Preserving Heritage Sites in Iraq

January 11  Jimmy Carter's New Book

January 12  Planning a House 

January 13  Lifestyle and Prophetic Witness    

January 14  Cana: Manifestation of the Lord         

January 15  Slave Trade Continues in Human Trafficking   

January 16  Religious Freedom Day -- 2007   

January 17  Steve Collingsworth's Answer to Blasting Effects 

January 18  Christian Unity 

January 19  What to Do about Global Warming  

January 20  World Religion Day   

January 21  Jesus is Liberator                 

January 22  Overpopulation Concerns   

January 23  Encourage Good Penmanship and Handwriting          

January 24  A Potter Molding Clay         

January 25  Wealth and Poverty  

January 26  Avoid Food Wastes   

January 27  Return to the Twelve-Component Soup  

January 28  What We Do About Rejection 

January 29  Disposal of Electronic Junk

January 30  Environmental Costs Exaggerated

January 31  Network  

                     February, 2007 

February   1   Winter Owls

February   2   Enlightenment and Websites

February   3   St. Blaise's Blessing 

February   4   Here I am! Send Me

February   5 Weatherman's Day

February   6   Dieting to Lose Weight  

February   7   Humble Prayer Goes Out to All the World

February   8   Harbinger of Spring

February   9   Ultra Early Gardening

February  10   The Good in Being Restless

February  11   Woe to You Who Are Rich

February  12   Globalizing Lincoln's Insight

February  13   The Problem of Acquiescence

February  14   Have a Heart Women: Register for the Draft!   

February  15   Broadening the Field of Earthhealing  

February  16   More Terrorists Than We Think  

February  17   "Politics is Money"

February  18   Be Compassionate

February  19   National Desolation

February  20   Look Again at Our Fat Intake

February  21   Ashes as Symbols

February  22   Public Acts of Piety 

February  23   The Darfur Crisis

February  24   Garlic: Plant of the Month

February  25   Jesus Was Tempted; So Are We  

February  26   Geological Awakening 

February  27   Helping to Empower Others    

February  28   Abolition Now!  

                        March, 2007 

March 1    To Whom Do Resources Belong?

March 2    Discerning Spirit   

March 3    The Elk Have Returned       

March 4    Listen to Him

March 5    Excessive Wealth is Undemocratic       

March 6    Liberate the Affluent 

March 7    Reducing Affluence Improves Quality of Life  

March 8    Choose Non-Violence in Place of Violence    

March 9    Rainforest Products Revisited 

March 10   Learn from the Poor

March 11   A Little More Time

March 12   The Gift of Memory

March 13   Seek Justice, Not Just Charity

March 14   Inspire the Overlooked 

March 15   Wind Chimes in Changing Times

March 16   Overfishing the Oceans    

March 17   Be Willing to Sacrifice 

March 18   Oneness through Forgiveness

March 19   Is Changing the Social Order a Credible Message?  

March 20   The Abandoned Homestead 

March 21   Challenge All to Change 

March 22   Rock Fences and Dry Stone Walls

March 23   Railroads as Means of Public Transportation

March 24   Wildflower Excursions

March 25   Refrain from Casting Stones

March 26   Emmanuel: God with Us

March 27   Radical Sharing Is Necessary 

March 28   Compassion 

March 29   Take What Is Rightly Ours

March 30   Beautiful Landscape

March 31   Doctors without Borders   

                  April, 2007 

April  1  Palm Sunday and Foolishness

April  2  Preached Retreats 

April  3  Passover from Slavery to Freedom

April  4  Spy Wednesday and Privacy Matters

April  5  Cranks Creek Survival Center

April  6  The Spirituality of Suffering with Others  

April  7  Global Health Is a Global Concern

April  8  Easter and New Life            

April  9  Garden & Library Week 

April 10  International Polar Year

April 11  Eighteen Seconds to Change the World 

April 12  The Red River Gorge 

April 13  Thomas Jefferson: Patriotic and/or Enigmatic

April 14  Global Warming Day 

April 15  From Doubt to Faith

April 16  Keeping America and the World Beautiful 

April 17  The Red Fox 

April 18  All Have the Right to Work

April 19  Compensating the Home Care-Givers    

April 20  Earth Day Evolving

April 21  Revelation and Earth Day

April 22  Immigration Reform and Workers' Rights 

April 23  The Environmental Costs of Meetings  

April 24  Physical Exercise for All  

April 25  Conservation Easements  

April 26  Support Micro Loans                  

April 27  The Blessings of April Showers  

April 28  The Wild Geranium  

April 29  Shepherd Sunday and Sun Day

April 30  Rainbows, Luck and Gambling for a Better World    

                   May, 2007 

May 1   Wildfires and Forest Life

May 2   Going "Cold Turkey" 

May 3   Ministry of Healing

May 4   Two Faces of Kentucky

May 5   The Horse Culture

May 6   Renew!  

May 7   Some Reasons to Emphasize Herbs  

May 8   A Hermitage Experience

May 9   Constructing a Retreat Cabin  

May 10  Tree Markings

May 11  Hemp Cultivation?

May 12  Migratory Birds     

May 13  Hands of Appalachia 

May 14  What's Wrong With Billionaires?

May 15  Biking Benefits

May 16  The Glory or Fate of Coral Reefs

May 17  The Trusty Hound Dog

May 18  Road Rage

May 19  A Fee for the Carbon Content of Fuels

May 20  Ascension Involves the Practical 

May 21  Noise Awareness Week 

May 22  The Harmony of Sounds and Silence 

May 23  Noise Assaults Us 

May 24  Noise Sensitivity 

May 25  Ten Ways to Reduce Noise 

May 26  Ten Ways to Create Silent Space

May 27  A Time to Be Silent 

May 28  Memorial Day and Memories

May 29  Globish: Going Half Way

May 30  The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

May 31  Public Interest Health Research Group 

                   June, 2007 

June  1  Healing Appalachia

June  2  Ten Reasons for Celebrating Rivers

June  3  Wisdom and the Trinity   

June  4  Wisdom: Recognizing God's Gifts   

June  5  Backyard Gardening versus CSAs

June  6  Sheltowee Trace

June  7  Lazarus' People

June  8  Architects as Earthhealers   

June  9  The Treasure of Seniors

June 10  Corpus Christi and Public Devotion

June 11  Sod and Pressed Earth Houses

June 12  Saving Natural Ginseng 

June 13  Tulip Poplars 

June 14  Old Car Art 

June 15  Two Models of Leadership

June 16  Leadership and the Principle of Subsidiarity

June 17  Expressions of Love on Father's Day   

June 18  Pray for Peace

June 19  Tar Sands

June 20  Pack Rats 

June 21  First Nations Day 

June 22  Kentucky River

June 23  Prairie Tall Grasses                

June 24  John, Herald to the Nations

June 25  Creature Companions

June 26  Stations of the Eco-Cross 

June 27  Cash Replaces Food Parcels 

June 28  Heron Dance

June 29  Should We Ask Questions?

June 30  Only Once in a Blue Moon 

                  July, 2007 

July 1   Being Resolute       

July 2   Jake, The Wolf Spider   

July 3   Declare Independence from Stuff   

July 4  Forbearers and Freedom  

July 5   Construction Time in July 

July 6   Understanding: Welcoming Opportunities for Insight  

July 7   Dying in Vain

July 8   Apostolic Mobility 

July 9   Pauses for Refreshment     

July 10  Ducks: Wildlife of the Month   

July 11  Cheer Up the Lonely Day

July 12  Where Have All the Honey Bees Gone?

July 13  Tolerance and the Smoker

July 14  Animal Protection and Welfare Groups

July 15  Know Our Neighbors   

July 16  "Nowhere" in July

July 17  Agritourism 

July 18  Eat Simply

July 19  Mimosa, The Silk Tree

July 20  Moon Day and Moonshine

July 21 The Abandoned Homestead  

July 22  Martha and Mary Revisited  

July 23  Is the Glacier an Endangered Species?

July 24  Corn: The Corny Biofuel

July 25  The Mountain Rhododendron

July 26  The Value of Ponds  

July 27  Focus and Concentration  

July 28  Being Treed  

July 29  Simple Prayer  

July 30  Create a Butterfly Garden   

July 31 UNICEF  

                       August, 2007 

August  1  Twenty-Fifth Anniversary  

August  2  Counsel: Making Right Judgments

August  3  August Flowers for Healing 

August  4  The Coast Guard

August  5  Confronting Greed  

August  6  My Favor Rests  

August  7  Rural Indoor Air Pollution

August  8  Bike Systems

August  9  Recycle Barns

August 10  EU Approaches to Global Warming

August 11  "Smoky Holler"

August 12  Parables Are for All of Us  

August 13  Lefthanders' Day and Practical Tolerance

August 14  Soldiers Dying in Vain   

August 15  Basic Assumptions

August 16  Relinquishment       

August 17  Making Do   

August 18  Forms of Noise and Excessive Sound

August 19  Bringing Fire to Others

August 20  Eagles and Turkeys 

August 21  Animal Shelters

August 22  Recycling Made Easy 

August 23  Eastern European Population Decline  

August 24  Better Sources of Biofuels and Plastics?    

August 25  Tobacco's Future

August 26  Last First and First Last 

August 27  Mother Teresa's Favorites

August 28  Full Corn Moon    

August 29  John the Baptist as Model      

August 30  The Oak Shade        

August 31  Family Farm Groups     

                      September, 2007 

September 1   Cherokee National Holiday  

September 2   Exalted and Humbled    

September 3   Laboring to Save the Earth   

September 4   Pasta Salad Varieties

September 5   Urban Forests      

September 6   Climate Change and the Poor 

September 7   Live Earth Pledge

September 8   The Value of Improved Literacy

September 9   The Cross, Discipleship and Saving the Earth

September 10  Hispanic Heritage and Fair Trade Movement

September 11  Arable Land Shortages  

September 12  Another Myth about Nuclear Energy  

September 13 Bottled Water 

September 14  American Military Expenditures: A Cross of Iron

September 15  Declaration of Debt   

September 16  Destitution is Slavery

September 17  Enhancing Our Sense of Citizenship 

September 18  Hosea Today

September 19  Environmental Beatitudes in Autumn

September 20  Fortitude as a Gift of the Spirit

September 21  World Gratitude & Native American Day

September 22  Are There Times for Green Hunting? 

September 23 God or Money 

September 24  Family Day   

September 25  The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Restive 

September 26  Discernment Process: Reasons for Smoking

September 27  Discernment Process: Reasons against Smoking  

September 28  Neutral Carbon: A Shell Game?   

September 29  Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance

September 30  Lazarus =  Laz(y) are us  

                        October, 2007 

October 1    A Case for Moderate Vegetarianism

October 2    Bengal Tigers and Other Big Cats   

October 3   Earthquakes and Acts of God

October 4    St. Francis and Diplomacy  

October 5    Create a Cane Brake        

October 6    What to Look for on Solar Tours 

October 7    Faithful Service

October 8    Soft or Hard Approaches to Lifestyle Change

October 9    Soft Approach: If We Change Our Ways...

October 10   Hard Approach: Unless We Change Our Ways...   

October 11   Voluntary Change Has Inherent Limitations     

October 12   Beyond Hard or Soft Approaches  

October 13   Herbal Teas  

October 14   Foreigners in Our Midst  

October 15   Injustice  

October 16   World Food Day Revisited 

October 17   Isolation, Never Again

October 18   St. Luke and the Journey of Faith  

October 19  Knowledge: Acting through Proper Experience  

October 20   Morality and Nuclear Power 

October 21   Perseverance     

October 22   October is Passing

October 23   Priestly Prayer and Service   

October 24   Service of the Word 

October 25   Service and Numbers

October 26   Indoor Physical Exercise 

October 27   Habitat for Humanity    

October 28   Simple Prayer   

October 29  Catastrophe: Live within Our Means

October 30  Faint Voices in the Hills    

October 31   British Influence: Wax or Wane? 

                       November, 2007 

November  1   Can We Be Saints? 

November  2   John W. Gofman (1919-2007)  

November  3   Nut-Gathering in Autumn      

November  4   Zacchaeus' House Is Our Earth   

November  5   Planning and Energy Consumption     

November  6  Sustainable Energy Blueprint

November  7   Carbon-Free and Nuclear-Free    

November  8   Proposed Energy Policy Initiatives      

November  9  A Man on the Moon Renewable Energy Project   

November 10   Soul-Searching about the War     

November 11   Reflection on the Hereafter   

November 12   Beware of Scam Artists  

November 13   Creating Sacred Space  

November 14   The Time for Pears     

November 15   Who Redistributes the World's Resources  

November 16   Clothes Lines Hang Out                 

November 17   Wars Triggered by Climate Change    

November 18   The Day of the Lord     

November 19   Lincoln and Emancipation   

November 20   Lead and Children's Day     

November 21   The Roots of Violence     

November 22   Simple Thanks   

November 23   Piety: Enhancing the Sense of Mystery   

November 24   Beavers and Natural Wetlands   

November 25  Christ's Cross: Weapon of Mass Blessing     

November 26   Shut-Ins As Earthhealers   

November 27   Sauerkraut or Choucroute

November 28   Credit and Borrowing off of Future Generations 

November 29   Self-Denial and Advent     

November 30   Share the World's Resources      

                    December, 2007


December 1   Christmas Card Time?  

December 2   Vigilance and Earthhealing

December 3   Rabbits 

December 4   The Poor: Problem or Solution 

December 5   Off-setting: Modern Snake Oil Sales?

December 6   Charity and the Christmas Spirit

December 7   Fire Safety Day

December 8   America's Saint Names

December 9   Repentance

December 10  Ecologically-Related Human Rights

December 11 Fear of the Lord: Preserving Reverence  

December 12  Roses, Poinsettias, Mistletoe, and Evergreens

December 13  Attributing the Driving Time 

December 14  Does It Really Matter?  Earth Is Lost

December 15  Nine Ways to Make Winter Endurable

December 16  Genuine Puzzlement  

December 17  Renewable America -- 2025 

December 18 Renewable America -- State-by-State

December 19 Hydropower's Potential 

December 20  Wind and Populated Areas

December 21  High Potential Solar Areas

December 22  High Potential Geothermal Areas

December 23  Joseph's Dilemma

December 24  Make America Energy Renewable 

December 25  Christmas Dawns   

December 26  Fourth World Movement  

December 27  God Only Knows 

December 28  Holy Innocents Day 

December 29  Civility and Courtesy    

December 30  Extended Families   

December 31  Final Blessings


                      January, 2008 

January  1  Fresh Beginnings 2008

January  2  Ten Favorite Scripture Passages

January  3  Keeping a Day Book

January  4 God is our Rock of Refuge

January  5  AIDS Epidemic Update

January  6  Epiphany: A New Insight

January  7  Facing Reality through Health Checkups

January  8  Annual Retreat and Physical Environment

January  9  Air Travel for the Privileged

January 10  The American Chestnut is Coming Back

January 11 Launching the Growing Year: Hot Beds

January 12  Free or Fair World Trade?

January 13  Baptism and Life-giving Water

January 14  Snow Storms and Global Warming

January 15  Soups for Winter

January 16  Promote Religious Freedom

January 17  The Pluses and Minuses of Wood Heating

January 18  Unity Octave at One Hundred Years 

January 19  Cell Phone and Silent Space

January 20  Vocational Call in the Twenty-First Century

January 21  Africans: Joy and Sorrows

January 22  Corporations Exist at the Citizens' Pleasure

January 23  Legible Handwriting So Others Can Read

January 24  Ways to Radically Share

January 25  The Internet: Free Travel of the Word

January 26 An Examination of Conscience

January 27  Urgency and Reform

January 28  Simple Lifestyle 2008

January 29  Heifer International

January 30  Respect Animals Especially Pets

January 31  Support the Inspired 

                     February, 2008 

February 1   Groundhogs Teach Us Something

February 2   You Are the Light of the World

February 3   Pray and Live the Beatitudes

February 4  Think before You Drink

February 5   Start Lent on a Spiritual Note

February 6   Ash Wednesday's Message: Sacrifice and Love

February 7  Creative Meals for Lent

February 8   Efficient Vehicles and Global Warming

February 9   Praying from the Heart

February 10  Temptations to Do or Not to Do 

February 11  A Simple Global Solution: Solar Cookers and Ovens

February 12  The Beginning of the Lincoln Year

February 13  Develop Bird Habitats

February 14  The Manifold Mystery of Love

February 15  Enjoy the Art of Story-Telling

February 16  Intrusiveness as a Modern Vice

February 17 Transfiguration and Earthhealing 

February 18  Presidents' Day and the American Way

February 19  Foster Responsible Consumerism

February 20  Highlight Tame and Scenic Rivers

February 21  Earthhealing and We the People

February 22 Promote Cooperatives

February 23  Plan Eco-Vacationing Near Home

February 24  Water Is Essential for Life

February 25  To Jet or Not to Jet: Flying Is for the Birds

February 26  Explore Our Historic Traces

February 27  Support Local Tour Guides

February 28  Urban Simple Living

February 29  Leap out on Leap Day 

                        March, 2008   

March 1    Backyard Gardening

March 2    The Blind Man and Faith

March 3    Genetic Engineering?  

March 4    Fostering Greater Respect

March 5    Select a Healthy Garden Variety       

March 6    Faith, Fiction and Fantasy

March 7    Prune Trees and Shrubs

March 8    List Tree Benefits

March 9    "I Am the Resurrection"  

March 10   Natural Versus Synthetic Fibers

March 11   Praying from the Heart: Sacred Space

March 12   Abraham Lincoln and His Birth State

March 13   The Underground Home

March 14   Help Create Quiet Zones  

March 15   Wind Power Coming to Life

March 16   Psalm Sunday: Our Own Journey of Faith  

March 17   Celebrate Spring's Arrival with "Greens"

March 18   Gather Non-Timber Forest Products Wisely 

March 19   Watch for the Birds

March 20   Holy Thursday: Called to be Caregivers

March 21   Good Friday: Death of Forests

March 22   Holy Saturday: Sorrow Turned to Joy

March 23   Easter Faith in 2008

March 24   Becoming our Land  

March 25   The Incarnation

March 26   Sharing Limited Space with Wildlife

March 27   Mobilize Senior Citizens

March 28   Solar-Powered Car

March 29   Honor the Sabbath  

March 30   God's Mercy, Faith and April Showers  

March 31   Choose Green Recreation Activities 

                  April, 2008 

April 1   Smoking: An April's Fools Joke

April 2   Organize an Arbor Day Event

April 3   Confront Television Addiction

April 4   Review Types of Walkways

April 5   Start Thinking Solar

April 6   Journey to Emmaus and Back

April 7   Develop Consider Public Service Announcements

April 8   Travel Lightly

April 9   Expose the Epidemic of Consumption

April 10  Learn about a Cordwood Building

April 11  Plan Before You Build

April 12  Teach-in Tips for Global Warming Day

April 13  Tend Sheep: The Commons    

April 14  Lingering Cool Weather   

April 15  Encourage Youth to Act Environmentally

April 16  Reclaiming the Commons

April 17  Space Versus Down-to-Earth Costs

April 18  Celebrate Citizen Monitors: Modern Paul Reveres    

April 19  National Hanging Out Day

April 20  The Way, the Truth and the Life    

April 21  Honor the Elders

April 22  Think Organic Green

April 23 Green Construction Suggestions

April 24  Hydropower: Large and Small

April 25  The Question    

April 26  Murphy's Law in Appalachia

April 27  Resurrection-Centered Spirituality

April 28  List Ways to Save Time

April 29  Make a Pilgrimage

April 30  Encourage Volunteer Activity 

                      May, 2008 

May 1   Joseph the Worker

May 2   What Are Weeds?

May 3   More Thoughts on the Iraq War

May 4   A Case Against Idle Speculation

May 5   Defend the Roadless Forest

May 6   Twelve Ways to Save Energy

May 7   Floral Gardens

May 8   Peace Poles

May 9   Endangered Species

May 10  Pentecost, The Flame of the Spirit    

May 11  Mother's Day: Love from Love                             

May 12  Green Cemeteries      

May 13  Space Tourism

May 14  Managing the Information Overload

May 15  Alternative Justice Approaches

May 16  Ornamentals, Lawns and Gardens

May 17  Apocalypse and the Oil Crash

May 18  Celebrate Trinity and Community   

May 19  Old-Growth Forests

May 20  Mulching Time

May 21  Twelve Ways to Save Water

May 22  Our Oceans and Seas: The Last Frontiers

May 23  Meetings, Meetings

May 24  All Tourism Needs to be Ecological

May 25  Corpus Christi                               

May 26  Visit Cemeteries

May 27  Eight Reasons for Reducing Lawns

May 28  Destroy Chemical Weapons

May 29  Coal: Mountaintop Removal

May 30  Radical Peace and the Sacred Heart

May 31  Visitation: The Magnificat  

                     June, 2008 

June  1 Earthhealing on Solid Ground

June  2  Now Is the Time to Think Smaller

June  3  Stewardship and Our Earth   

June  4  Restorative Justice through Community Service

June  5  World Environment Day 2008

June  6  D-Day

June  7  River Celebrations

June  8  Mercy, Not Sacrifice  

June  9  Oral and Video History

June 10  Guidelines for Edible Landscaping

June 11  Cisterns: Conserve Rain Water

June 12  Spirit Creatures: Animals

June 13  Spirit Creatures: Plants

June 14  Flag Day

June 15  Being Paternal

June 16  Preserve Languages

June 17  Ten Commandments of Resource Use 

June 18  Monitoring and Assessing

June 19  Making Composting Acceptable

June 20  Global Village

June 21  Heritage Seed

June 22  Fear Not, the Lord Is with Us

June 23  Resource Self-Control                

June 24  John the Baptist

June 25  Bird Sanctuaries

June 26  Resource Conservation Gardening

June 27  Archbishop Romero's Prayer

June 28  Observe -- Don't Make -- Fireworks Displays

June 29  Sts. Peter and Paul: Together But Different

June 30  Reassess the Budget 

                      July, 2008 

July  1   Canada: A Good Neighbor

July  2   Examining our Response to the Food Crisis

July  3   Confrontation: Bad or Good?

July  4   Declare Resource Interdependence

July  5   Care for Our Heart

July  6   Overcoming Terrorism through Loving Service

July  7   Local Food Redistribution Systems

July  8   Lakes and Aquaculture

July  9   Vacation Time and Eating

July 10   Chestnut Memories: A Wake and Reawakening

July 11   Eleven Reasons for Locally Grown Food

July 12   Championing Quality Amid Food Shortages

July 13   Sowing Good Seeds

July 14   Agribusiness 

July 15   Freedom Gardens: Individual Practice

July 16   Community Gardens: Group Practice

July 17   Food Preserving Techniques

July 18   Solar Food Dryers

July 19   Domestic Potable Water Supplies

July 20   Weeds, Tolerance and Permissiveness

July 21   Agricultural Marketing and Cooperatives 

July 22   Use Food Storage Space Well 

July 23   Food Stamps and Food Commodities

July 24   Global Warming and the Food Crisis

July 25   "Affluenza" versus Simpler Living                       

July 26   Food Wastes

July 27   Focusing on the Hungry

July 28   Wildscape and Wildlife

July 29   Martha and Mary

July 30   Gardens as Templates for Restoration

July 31   God's Grandeur: An Ignatian Vision 

                      August, 2008 

August  1   The Poor and Environmental Solutions

August  2   Water Fountains

August  3   Feeding People

August  4   Mobile Homes

August  5   Family Reunions

August  6   Transfiguration

August  7   Nuclear Power Versus Wind Energy

August  8   Spiritual Responsibility and Fidelity

August  9   Intergenerational Gardening

August 10   Spiritual Versus Material Security

August 11   Plan an Autumn Garden

August 12   Global and Local Villages

August 13   Become Self-Taught

August 14   Ark of the Covenant

August 15   Mary: Gentle Woman

August 16   Global Population: Explosion?      

August 17   Humility and Faith

August 18   Conflict Resolution and Ecological Concerns

August 19   Common Lands and Private Property Rights

August 20   Domestic Indoor Environment

August 21   Toxic Chemicals: A Social Justice Advocacy Issue

August 22   Photovoltaic Solutions

August 23   The Decentralist Dilemma 

August 24   Keys to the Kingdom and Responsibility 

August 25   The Mockingbird

August 26   Hands-on Work Experience

August 27   Animal "Rights"

August 28   A Case for Bilingualism

August 29   Speaking the Truth: A Prophetic Stance

August 30   The Internet and Global Communications      

August 31   Self-Denial and Vitality 

                         September, 2008 

September  1   Labor: Rights and Responsibilities    

September  2   Kind Words and Deeds

September  3   Reflection on Travel Experiences

September  4   Soft Drink Curbs

September  5   Ozone: Friend or Foe?

September  6   The Labyrinth

September  7  Networking with Those in Trouble

September  8   Solar Greenhouses and Cold Frames

September  9   The Ten Commandments of the Forest  

September 10   Mold, the Asbestos of the 2000s

September 11   In Defense of Wilderness 

September 12   Home Hobbies

September 13   Christians, Genesis and Earthhealing

September 14   The Sign of the Cross

September 15   Let's Try Organizing

September 16   Insulation and Weatherizing

September 17   Citizenship Day: The Soul of America

September 18   International Assistance and Charity

September 19   Use Caution with Commercial Chemicals 

September 20   Gardening as a Social Enterprise 

September 21   Opportunities to Realize Our Gifts

September 22   Celebrate Autumn Time

September 23   365 Low-cost, Nutritious and Convenient Meals

September 24   Simple Funerals

September 25   More Insurance?

September 26   Natural Sounds All Around

September 27   Road Blocks to Renewable Energy 

September 28   The First Day of the Rest of Life

September 29   Learning to Eat Lower on the Food Chain

September 30   U.S. Route 68: A Warning about Road Safety 

                         October, 2008 

October  1   Proclaiming a Redemption-Based  Spirituality

October  2   St. Francis, Patron of Environmentalists

October  3   St. Francis (Continued)

October  4   St. Francis (Continued)

October  5   Counting the Blessings of the Vineyard

October  6   Learning through Autumn Gardening

October  7   Providing proper Lighting for All

October  8   Striving to Be and Remain Debt-Free

October  9   Challenging the Slipping Memory

October 10   Burning Down the Place Seventeen Ways 

October 11   Discovering Backyard America

October 12   Inviting the Uninvited

October 13   Focusing on Ginseng, a Tobacco Substitute

October 14   Harvesting Nature's Produce

October 15   Preparing for Possible Disasters

October 16   Establishing a Local and Family History

October 17   Observing Fourth World Day

October 18   Tackling a Turnover of Yard into Garden

October 19   Rendering to Each Its Due

October 20   Caring for Ourselves as We Age

October 21   Conversing with Plants and Animals

October 22   Addressing Tobacco Use

October 23   Drying Food with Solar Energy

October 24   Questioning During Disarmament Week 

October 25   Creating a New Eden

October 26   Expressing Our Love of God and Neighbor

October 27   Dressing for the Season

October 28   Attending the Shut-ins

October 29   Choosing When and Where to Use Synthetics

October 30   Greening Tourist Areas

October 31   Celebrating the Eve of All Hallows 

                               November, 2008 

November 1   Many Good Folks            

November 2   Diamonds in the Rough

November 3   Do We Have Democracy?

November 4   Exercise Citizenship: Vote

November 5   Post-Election Blahs          

November 6   Hunting as Sport or Necessity

November 7   A Living Will

November 8   Trees and Leaves

November 9   The Church as Our Home             

November 10  Building a Worm Composting Bin

November 11  Confronting Mortality: The Afterlife              

November 12  Work on a Nature Trail 

November 13  Eco-Hypocrisy

November 14  Ten Reasons for Composting Toilets

November 15  Preserving Wildlife Habitats                       

November 16  Using Our Talents Well  

November 17  Darkness Comes                     

November 18  The Turkey, National Bird

November 19  Reread Lincoln's Gettysburg Address

November 20  Culinary Herb Growing and Use

November 21  Minimizing Habitat Disturbance                   

November 22  Autumn Tasks: Winterizing the Garden     

November 23  Christ the King

November 24  Will your Organs to Others

November 25  Design and Build a Garden Pool

November 26  Give Small-Scale Farming a Chance 

November 27  Thanksgiving Checklist and Prayer

November 28  Shopping Tips

November 29  Gardening and the Poor            

November 30  Active Waiting 

                        December, 2008 

December 1   Ten Ways to Prepare for Winter 

December 2   Remembering National Events

December 3   The God Within                 

December 4   Automobile Accidents

December 5   Hobbies, Crafts and Arts  

December 6   Twelve Gifts in Hard Times          

December 7   Preparing the Way       

December 8   Eve and Mary: Choices

December 9   Some Questions in Hard Times

December 10  Winter Nature Walk            

December 11  Windbreaks                 

December 12  Establishing a Global Village

December 13  Garden Economics

December 14  Rejoice Always       

December 15  Lighten Up; It's Divine Humor

December 16  The True Meaning of Gifts       

December 17  Enlightened Self-Interest, Really?                

December 18  Good Grief             

December 19  Safe Decorations

December 20  Winter Solstice & Light              

December 21  Mary and Joseph       

December 22  Hard Times for the Really Needy

December 23  Can We Pray Always?

December 24  The Word Proclaims Peace             

December 25  Divine Sensations

December 26  Keep a Quieter House

December 27  Choose Life          

December 28  The Holy Family Presentation

December 29  Rails-to-Trails

December 30  End-of-Year Reminders         

December 31  A Gaelic Blessing  

                        January, 2009 

January  1  Consider Fresh Beginnings      

January  2  Compose a Litany of the Earth

January  3  Join the 109th Christmas Bird Count        

January  4  Manifest the Divine     

January  5  List Peacemaking Activities 

January  6  Plan an Annual Retreat

January  7  Recall Reasons for Living Simply 

January  8  Simplify Your Life in Many Ways

January  9  Become an Eco-Traveler      

January 10  Resolve to Salt Less this Winter

January 11  Baptism: Reassuring Us to Act  

January 12  Make a Winter 12-Veggie Soup

January 13  Begin Small through Community Regeneration

January 14  Launch the Gardening Year

January 15  Eradicate Racist Residue        

January 16  Do and Encourage Daily Physical Exercise

January 17  Learn from Ben Franklin: Stay Busy

January 18  Listen for the Seasonal Calls

January 19  Promote Windpower for America

January 20  Pray for our President

January 21  Make a Forest Pledge on National Hug Day     

January 22  Care for the Car

January 23  Reuse Materials

January 24  Speak up for Ecumenism

January 25  Celebrate St. Paul's Day 

January 26  Save Our Hemlocks

January 27  Protect Wildlife      

January 28  Treasure Rural Experience

January 29  Question Retirement

January 30  Search for Community    

January 31  Declare All Time Extraordinary 

                          February, 2009 

February 1   Speak with Authority       

February 2   Recognize Candle Power

February 3   Show Hospitality to Wildlife

February 4   Reaffirm Reasons for Composting    

February 5   Expose Our State Religion            

February 6   Identify Sacred Public and Private Sites

February 7   Come, Come, First Robin

February 8   Cure the Sick

February 9   Confront Noise Pollution     

February 10  Acknowledge Our Need for Rest

February 11  Construct Privacy Screens and Noise Barriers

February 12  Celebrate Abe Lincoln's 200th Birthday

February 13  Initiate Ultra-Early Gardening

February 14  Turn Words to Deeds on Valentine's Day

February 15  Touch the Leper 

February 16  Utilize Wood Properly

February 17  Tackle Invasive Species       

February 18  Accept Old Age

February 19  Attend to Entrances and Signage

February 20  Frequent Public Worship Space

February 21  Consider Waterfalls

February 22  Forgive and Forget?  

February 23  Live in Hope

February 24  Curb Fat Twelve Ways

February 25  Welcome Ashes

February 26  Eat Less Meat

February 27  Simplify Life as a Community Project

February 28  Pray for Global Restoration  

                          March, 2009


March 1   Endure Trials and Temptations 

March 2   QQuestion Ecological Civil Disobedience    

March 3  Find Winter's Hidden Hope

March 4   Encourage Temporary Cold Frames

March 5   Discover Gardening as Sacred

March 6   Bring Wind Power to the Fore

March 7   Recognize the Art of Pretending

March 8   Participate in the Transfiguration Event  

March 9   Create Tranquil Living Space

March 10  Think about a Retreat Cabin

March 11  Why Retire?

March 12  Plant Trees as a Community Project

March 13  Challenge Inconsistent Drug Policies

March 14  Sing the Black Mountain Blues

March 15  Meet the Woman at the Well 

March 16  Revisit Past Predictions

March 17  Remember St. Patrick and Clover

March 18  Welcome Baby Boomers to Senior Citizenhood

March 19  Consider Ash Ponds and Toxic Substances

March 20  Celebrate the Vernal Equinox

March 21  Learn about Virtually Wild Ginseng

March 22  Practice Faith as a Public Act

March 23  Be Earthhealing Individuals

March 24  Be Earthhealing Groups   

March 25  Live with Potential Disaster

March 26  Promote Disaster Alert and Relief Systems

March 27  Review of My Conflict with Crows

March 28  Champion Appropriate Technology

March 29  Confront Death to Self  

March 30  Appreciate Environmental Art

March 31  Protect Streams 

                       April, 2009 

April 1   Credit for Credit: Who Are We Fooling?

April 2   Peace in the Holy Land: A New Spirit

April 3   Jerry Waddle and Ducks

April 4   All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs)

April 5   Palm Sunday: Hollow Shouts of Victory  

April 6   Salt of Our Earth

April 7   World Health Day

April 8   Spy Wednesday 

April 9   Nursing Homes

April 10  Calvary and Human Wounds 

April 11  Resurrection and the Garden

April 12  We are Easter People 

April 13  Easter Monday: Bless the Earth

April 14  Appalachian Floods

April 15  In Defense of Taxes

April 16  Health Care in Hard Times 

April 17  Pessimistic or Optimistic Ecoview

April 18  Spring Hikes

April 19  St. Thomas, Easter and Divine Mercy     

April 20  The Art of Listening 

April 21  Fresh Fruit and Vegetables

April 22  Earth Day Commitment

April 23  A Catastrophe or an Opportunity

April 24  National TV-Turnoff Week  

April 25  Some Questions for Car Users

April 26  The Road to and from Emmaus

April 27  Spring Rains and Storm Water

April 28  Green Buildings

April 29  Faltering Empire or Opportunity

April 30  Gambling for What? 

                       May, 2009 

May 1     International Year of Astronomy

May 2     Derby Day Celebration

May 3     Shepherding in Times of Crises

May 4     The Gift of Wildflowers

May 5     Animal Care

May 6     Lead Contamination

May 7     2009 National Day of Prayer

May 8     Democracy 101

May 9     Historic Preservation Week

May 10    Joined to the Vine

May 11    Converting from American to Global Measurements

May 12    Simplify Lawn Care

May 13    Contrasting Financial Views  

May 14    Shock or Disaster Capitalism and Environmentalism

May 15    Wisdom Is in Short Supply

May 16    Endangered Species Day

May 17    Holy Land: One-State Solution? 

May 18    Sustainability and Environment

May 19    Equal Green Practices for All?

May 20    Rainforests: The Planet's Lungs

May 21    Resource Conscious in 2009

May 22    A Global Maritime Corps

May 23    Justice and Charity

May 24    Ascension: Why Look to the Sky?

May 25    Memorial Day and Senior Moments

May 26    Coping with Higher Gasoline Prices

May 27    Rachel Carson's Birthday

May 28    Prophetic Response to Poverty 

May 29    Being Faithful Is a Success Story

May 30    Internet and Spreading the Good News  

May 31    Pentecost:The Restless Wind 

                        June, 2009 

June 1    Participating in National River Cleanup Week?

June 2    Patronizing Tailgate or Farmers' Markets

June 3    Teaching Good Environmental Practice

June 4    Promoting National Trails Day

June 5    Camping Smart

June 6    Observing Strawberry Moon

June 7    Radiating the Trinity 

June 8    Sightseeing Values

June 9    Honoring Centenarians

June 10   Separating Church and State

June 11   Returning Phoenix: Nuclear Power 

June 12   Juggling and Multitasking

June 13   Celebrating Flag Day

June 14   Building Up the Body of Christ  

June 15   Engineering Pharmaceuticals from Crops

June 16   Gardening Intensively

June 17   Dealing with Poisons

June 18   Enjoying International Picnic Day

June 19   Saving the Climate at Low Cost

June 20   Preparing for the Summer Solstice

June 21   Recognizing God's Power Without and Within

June 22   Stinging Summer Insects

June 23   Staying alert to Environmental Sleepers

June 24   Eating Right

June 25   Learning from Custer's Last Stand

June 26   Presenting the Gift of Peace

June 27   Remembering Helen Keller

June 28   Improving the Quality of Life  

June 29   Picking Early Blackberries

June 30   Mandating a World Grain Reserve 

                       July, 2009 

July 1    Cultivating Anglo-American Friendship    

July 2    Enduring Summer's Heat

July 3    Being Free from Credit and Debt     

July 4    Reading the Declaration of Independence

July 5    Risking to Be Prophetic

July 6    Affirming the "Jogger's Lament"

July 7    Cooling without Air Conditioning

July 8    Keeping Cool through Other Practices

July 9    Celebrating National Ice Cream Day

July 10   Discouraging Pests through Interplanting   

July 11   Battling Pests with Insects and Wildlife

July 12   Ministering Lightly

July 13   Reconsidering "Captive Nations Week"

July 14   Learning from the French

July 15   Remembering to Water Plants

July 16   Hiking in Summer

July 17   Realizing Mortality during "Endless July"

July 18   Implementing Wildlife Controls

July 19   Striving to Lead the Floundering

July 20   Recognizing Light Pollution on Moon Day

July 21   Observing Space Week

July 22   Fighting Hunger in America in 2009

July 23   Skygazing and the Perseid Meteor Showers

July 24   Assisting the Landless    

July 25   Starting A Cooking School

July 26   Multiplying Loaves

July 27   Building with Green Materials

July 28   Traveling by Air

July 29   Learning about Medicinal Herbs

July 30   Pirating and Corporate Accountability 

July 31   Defending Human Rights   

                     August, 2009 

August 1     Harvesting and Thankfulness

August 2     Hunger in the World

August 3     Stay Nearer Home This Year

August 4     Consider Nut Tree Plantings   

August 5     Gratitude for Mid-Summer's Green

August 6     Rid the World of Nukes

August 7     Cromer Ridge

August 8     Degrees of Environmental Greenness   

August 9     Real Presence

August 10    Animals as Friends

August 11    American Ethnic Change

August 12    Ten Ways to Beat the Heat

August 13    The Gift of the Volunteer

August 14    Domestic Tornado Shelters and Food Storage

August 15    Mary and Choice

August 16    Nourishing Belief in the Future

August 17    Growing Disparity of Rich and Poor

August 18    Appropriate Technology and the Economic Downturn

August 19    Toxic Chemicals in Your Home

August 20   Dealing with Terrorists

August 21    Rethinking Our Rest Time

August 22    Don't Pet or Make Pets of Wildlife

August 23    Trust in the Lord

August 24    Earthhealing and Environmental Consciousness 

August 25    Migrants and America

August 26    Compact Fluorescents for All

August 27    Tomatoes and Avoiding Cancer

August 28    Down-to-Earth Spirituality Versus Pretending       

August 29    Leaving Home

August 30    Acting Justly in Hard Times

August 31    Support International Relief Groups 

                       September, 2009 

September 1    Seventy Years Ago: The Second World War

September 2    Autumn Gardens Can be Productive

September 3    Support Single-Payer Health Insurance

September 4    Prisons, Justice and Balancing Budgets

September 5    Encourage Artists and Artisans

September 6    We Must All Be Healers   

September 7    Labor Day and Joblessness

September 8    That All May Be Literate

September 9    Examine Your Appliance Use

September 10   The Yard Sale and Swapping Ideas

September 11   Confronting Lack of Civility

September 12   Recycling Old Electronics?

September 13   Denial, Cross and Good Deeds  

September 14   Promote Hispanic Heritage Week

September 15   Chemical Materials Agency: Bluegrass Army Depot  

September 16   Selective Service for Women?

September 17   Citizenship Day and Model Citizens

September 18   World Water Monitoring Day

September 19   Stay Calm in Stormy Weather

September 20   Arrive at True Service for Others

September 21   Spread a Ministry of Gratitude

September 22   Autumnal Equinox and Peace

September 23   A Critical Look at King Coal

September 24   Are Hunting Days Numbered?

September 25   Observe Native American Day

September 26   Recovering Covered Bridges

September 27   Find God and Good in All

September 28   Climate Change and Copenhagen

September 29   Appreciate Teachers 

September 30   Learn Something New Every Day 

                       October, 2009 

October 1   World Vegetarian Day

October 2   Attend an Autumn Festival

October 3   Domestic Solar Tours in 2009  

October 4   Bless All the Earth

October 5   The Joy of New Wine

October 6   Control the Salt Intake

October 7   Americans and World Court Day

October 8   Should we Save Battlefields?

October 9   Cash for Clunkers: Get Serious!          

October 10  We Need Fire Prevention Measures

October 11  Called to Be Perfect                       

October 12  Columbus Day and Earth Science Week

October 13  The Hospice Workers' Prayer

October 14  Peace Corps and Volunteers

October 15  Harvesting Corn in Times Past

October 16  Food Shortages and World Food Day

October 17  Youth Museums and Varied Autumn Leaves

October 18  Aspirations to Greatness

October 19  North American Martyrs  

October 20  Observe Flying and Grazing Geese

October 21  Franz Jaegerstaetter: Conscientious Objector

October 22  Reviewing the Cuban Missile Crisis

October 23  Time to Abolish the Death Penalty         

October 24  We Can Each Make a Difference 

October 25  Seeing the Need to Disarm   

October 26  Promote American Bamboo

October 27  Relishing Autumn Scenes

October 28  Select the Right Snacks

October 29  Eightieth Anniversary of the Stock Market Crash

October 30  Redeeming Tobacco    

October 31  Should We Smile on Halloween? 

                         November, 2009 

November  1    Remember the Overlooked Saints

November  2    Pray for Those Who Passed On

November  3    Create Domestic Comfort Zones

November  4    Prepare for Copenhagen Next Month

November  5    Know the Reality of Instant Communications 

November  6    Take the 2009  Simple Lifestyle Test

November  7    Recall the Catholic Worker Founders

November  8    Acknowledge the Power of the Widow's Mite

November  9    Solve the Deer Proliferation Problem

November 10    Observe International Week of Peace and Science

November 11    Honor War Veterans

November 12    Consider Cap-and-Trade as Claptrap

November 13    Set a Swords-into-Plowshares Course

November 14    Make America Recycles Day Meaningful

November 15    Learn Lessons by Observing

November 16    Consider Ten Ways to Make Churches Greener         

November 17    Take Seriously Geography Awareness Week   

November 18    Be Prepared with ICE: In Case of Emergency

November 19    Make It Yours: Use Less Stuff Day

November 20    Consider Mid-Autumn Verse: An Autumn Message       

November 21    Support the World's Poor

November 22    Act Kingly with Christ the King

November 23    Drive Smart This Thanksgiving Weekend

November 24    Celebrate National Family Week

November 25    Inventory Our Service Potential

November 26    Thank God on Thanksgiving Day

November 27    Learn to Count Calorie

November 28    Make Proper Food Choices  

November 29    Consider Advent Celebrations

November 30    Accept the Coming of Winter  

                         December, 2009


December 1   Turn Our Thoughts to Copenhagen 

December 2   Question the St. Francis Pledge's Completeness

December 3   Participate in Eco-Walk Programs  

December 4   Have a New Soup Every Day 

December 5   ARE the United States Unique?

December 6   Prepare the Way of the Lord

December 7   Ensure Fire Safety

December 8   Proclaim Mary -- Mother of Earth

December 9   Recognize Kudzu in Our Midst

December 10  Participate in Human Rights Day

December 11  Contest Urban Sprawl

December 12  Make This a Peace Celebration Day

December 13  Rejoice in the Lord Always

December 14  Become Friends with Wintering Birds

December 15  Remember FDR and a Second Bill of Rights

December 16  Promote Good Reclamation Practice 

December 17  Fly on Wright Brothers Day?

December 18  Appreciate Sacajawea Day 

December 19  Show the Death Penalty Is Not Pro-Life

December 20  Blessed Are You Among Women

December 21  Welcome the Winter Solstice

December 22  Do Something Special at Christmas

December 23  Twas the Day before Christmas ... and Panic

December 24  Profess Our Creed through Deed

December 25  Live the Magnificat

December 26  Confirm a Down-to-Earth Spirituality

December 27  Give Sacred Space to Youth

December 28  Teach the Innocents to Pray

December 29  Consider Insulated Window Shades    

December 30  Count Your 2009 Blessings

December 31  Glance Back and Look Ahead 

                         January, 2010 

January 1   Start the Year Anew

January 2   Plan Ahead                     

January 3   Epiphany: Question the Way to Take to Peace   

January 4   Realize that Prescription Drugs Can Kill

January 5   Resist the Expansion of Nuclear Power 

January 6   Winter Riders

January 7   Critique the Federal Energy Star Program

January 8   Distinguish between Needs and Wants      

January 9   Consider the Shared Commons

January 10  Cherish Our Baptism

January 11  Reread "The Economic Bill of Rights"   

January 12  Bear Arms, Not Ammo

January 13  Promote an Essential Needs Economy   

January 14  Provide Health Care for All -- AND Ration?         

January 15  Fight Hunger Here and Now 

January 16  Eucharist: Memorial, Cosmic Mystery and Food  

January 17 Celebrate the Cana Event in Our Lives 

January 18  Pray for Church Unity: Circles within Circles   

January 19  Give Thanks for January's Blessings 

January 20  Defend Our Water Commons  

January 21  Hug a Tree?                 

January 22  Anticipate the Climate Toll  

January 23  Speak Up for Renewable Energy         

January 24  Initiate Twelve Types of Liberation         

January 25 Imitate the Conversion of St. Paul   

January 26 Comment on Enlightened Self-Interest  

January 27  Take Responsibility   

January 28  Observe Road Safety Practices

January 29  Redefine the "Privilege" of Offsetting

January 30  Can We Halt Climate Change?

January 31  Support Hometown Prophets    

                       February, 2010       

February   1   Proclaim Salvation for All

February   2   Candles and Other Energy Sources

February   3   Take and Receive Abundant Blessings 

February   4   Read "Tobacco Days: A Personal Journey"

February   5 Realize That Weather is Important

February   6   Consider Lenten Diet Changes   

February   7   Be Willing to Do the Lord's Work

February   8   Are We Willing to Accept Regulations? 

February   9   Demand Proper Financial Regulations

February  10   May We Hear the Cry of the Poor

February  11  Give Thanks for February's Blessings 

February  12   Ode to the February Born

February  13   Protest Acquiescence

February  14   Blessed Are the Poor               

February  15  Woe to the Rich

February  16   Shrove Tuesday and Meat Consumption   

February  17   Remember That We Are Dust and Ashes 

February  18   Celebrate the Mourning Doves

February  19   Is There a Garlic Bubble?

February  20   Observe Brotherhood and Sisterhood Week

February  21   Confront the Temptation to Refrain from Acting

February  22   Consider Our Cultural Commons

February  23   Is the Afghanistan War Justified?

February  24   Make Fossil Fuels Transitory Energy Sources

February  24   Question "Development"

February  25   Glory in the Lowly Dandelion  

February  26   Prepare for "Mountain Moments" 

February  27   Encourage Agents of Change    

February  28   Reveal God-Given Opportunities 

                     March, 2010 

March 1    Garden for Economic Reasons

March 2    Accept Responsibility and Unintended Consequences

March 3    Create a Different Salad Every Day   

March 4    Is Hunger a Form of Terrorism?  

March 5    Encourage Green Antinuclear Advocates     

March 6    Avoid March Madness

March 7    Learn about the First Missionary

March 8    Advance Food Security

March 9    Expose Affluence Slipping into Bankruptcy

March 10   Promote Renewables, Not Nuclear Power  

March 11   Observe Johnny Appleseed Day

March 12   Proclaim Air as Commons   

March 13   Be a Good Samaritan during Hard Times 

March 14  Laetare Sunday: Witness against Materialism  

March 15   Be Acquainted with Tea Parties and History

March 16   Thank God for March   

March 17   Green St. Patrick's Day

March 18   Critique Animal Protection Policy

March 19   Value Forests in Many Ways

March 20   Attend to Chores on the Vernal Equinox

March 21  Reflect upon the Account of the Adulterous Woman

March 22   Redirect the Contrasumers 

March 23   Protect from Information Overload

March 24   Commit Yourself to Ongoing Education

March 25   Incarnation: Let Earth and Heaven Kiss

March 26   Question "Development"

March 27   Celebrate North American Wildlife Day

March 28   Wave Palms Thoughtfully

March 29   Perform Public Acts of Piety

March 30   Affirm Healthy Habits

March 31   Welcome the Census-Taker


                           April, 2010 

April  1  Maundy Thursday, Creation and Service  

April  2  Calvary and the Mystery of Redemption

April  3  Corporate Creation/Redemption and Haiti

April  4 Resurrection: A New Centrality

April  5  Reclaim Our Land Commons

April  6  Give Thanks for April's Blessings 

April  7  Eight Critical World Health Threats

April  8  Redirect Current Tea Parties            

April  9  Big Government Is Bad; Little Government Is Worse

April 10  Striving for a Sense of Mercy

April 11 Consider Divine Mercy and Earthhealing 

April 12  Global Warming Coming Faster and Sooner

April 13 Greed Can Ruin Democracy

April 14  Pan American Day and Immigration Reform 

April 15  The Right to Work and Downsizing Expectations

April 16  Compensate Domestic Caregivers     

April 17  Tips for Garden Week 

April 18 Fishing in Today's World

April 19  Participate in National Volunteer and Wildlife Week

April 20  Assign Energy Use Properly

April 21  Earth Day at the Fortieth Anniversary

April 22  Accept, Not Assign, Blame on Earth Day 

April 23  Go Only to Green Conferences  

April 24  Increase Physical Exercising  

April 25  Observe Vocation Sunday  

April 26  Reform and Empower the United Nations     

April 27  When Did We See You Hungry and Not Feed You? 

April 28  Let Workers Own the Workplace

April 29  Must Jails Be What Jails Are?

April 30 Confront Wall Street Barons    

                         May, 2010 

May 1   Joseph the Worker: The Right to Work

May 2  Loving: The Unfinished Story  

May 3  Emphasizing Prudence in Climate Change Controversy

May 4  Asking Soteriological Questions

May 5   Championing Mulberries

May 6   Having a Time for Keeping Silent, A Time for Speaking

May 7   Bestowing the Blessings of May

May 8   Defending Wildlife, Wilderness and Forest Commons    

May 9   Planting the Gift of Peace at Home

May 10  Degrees of Environmental Concern: Thinking Globally

May 11  The Second Degree: Acting Locally

May 12  The Third Degree: Acting in Solidarity with Other

May 13  Testifying to God's Presence     

May 14  Facing Reality as a Deepening Spirituality

May 15  Selecting Dill as the Herb of the Year  

May 16  Celebrating the Ascension

May 17  Using Tools Properly

May 18  Failing to Face Cultural Bankruptcy

May 19  Confronting the Drug Culture?

May 20  Contrasting Material and Spiritual Privileged

May 21  Challenging Talents Turned to Material Privilege

May 22  Revealing the Mixed Mesophytic Forest

May 23 Pentecost: Spreading the Good News

May 24  Decorating Graves of Loved Ones

May 25  Reflecting on Ecotourism in Appalachia

May 26  Exposing Greed as a Vice

May 27 Living with Daily Routines

May 28  Facing Mountaintop Removal Practices

May 29  Saying Farewell to the Last Survivor of the Bo

May 30  Spreading Good News through a Loving Community 

May 31  Founding a New World Order on the Magnificat  

                        June, 2010 

June  1  Who Should Clean Up the Rivers?

June  2  Are Reduced Spatial Requirements Greener?

June  3  Are You Taking Time Off in Summer Months?  

June  4  How Many Sounds of Water Can You Distinguish? 

June  5  Why Is Reducing Meat Consumption Environmental?

June  6  Do We Truly Believe in Transformed Bread and Wine?

June  7  What Are the Three Legs of a Sound Energy Policy?

June  8  Must We Go from Short- to Long-Term Environmentalism?

June  9  How Many Ways Are There to Age Gracefully?

June 10  Natural Gas: A Bright Future?

June 11  Global Atmospheric Methane: A Problem? 

June 12  Rainwater Barrels Anyone?

June 13  Can We Live the Trinity Mystery?

June 14  Do You Treat Old Glory with Respect?

June 15  How about Some Verses: Steadfastness?

June 16  Do You Know the Ten Commandments of Capitalism? 

June 17  Is the Right to Health Access a Global Concern?

June 18  Can Our Nation Create a Proper Energy Mix?

June 19  Do We Pretend We Have Sufficient Resources?

June 20  Do We Foster Fatherly Self-Sacrifice? 

June 21  Must We Make Hay While the Sun Shines?

June 22  What Are the June Blessings?

June 23  How Should We Celebrate Public Service Day?              

June 24  Why Make Fuel Ethanol from Corn?

June 25  A New Marshall Plan for Emerging Nations?

June 26  Should Jerusalem be Internationalized?

June 27  Can Peaceful Resoluteness Replace Military Might?

June 28  Are There 183 More Salad Varieties?

June 29  Have You Resolved to Live within Your Means?

June 30  Why Support the Program on Corporations, Law & Democracy?


                         July, 2010 

July  1   Refrain from Optimistic Budgets

July  2   Make a Mid-Year Review in July

July  3  Bring Good News  

July  4  Free Speech for People Amendment

July  5   Enhance American Independence through Sustainability

July  6   Announce that America's Renewables Are Here Now    

July  7   Consider Solar Photovoltaics

July  8   Confront Wage Theft As a Global Problem 

July  9   Travel the Local Back Roads

July 10   Try Route 68: The Main Street of Kentucky

July 11   Reflect on Being Good Samaritans

July 12   Make July a Good Retreat Time

July 13  Thank God for July Blessings

July 14   Entitle Jacques Marquette "Premier Franco-American"

July 15   Realize Drug Ubiquity

July 16  Recite Creation's Eighth Day

July 17   Accept Collective Blame: Don't Point Fingers

July 18   Be Satisfied in Being a Martha  

July 19   Celebrate Space Week: Tidy-up Outer Space

July 20   Decide When Numbers Count

July 21   Observe the American Barn: An Endangered Species

July 22   Create Your Own Autumn Garden 

July 23   Promote Solar Hot Water Systems

July 24   Share with the Hungry and Forsaken

July 25   Recite a Green "Our Father"

July 26   Learn Spanish?

July 27   Repair Lead-Painted Houses with Caution

July 28   Sing A Floral Ode to Joy

July 29   Expose the Limited "Creation-Centered Spirituality"

July 30   Consider Ignatian Principles and the Environment

July 31   Launch a "Gray Matter in the Green" Blog 

                           August, 2010 

August  1   Spiritual Motivation: Becoming Truly Secure

August  2   Coal Ash: What Is a Greener Solution?

August  3   Environmental Solutions: Work and Pray 

August  4   Offshore Energy: Wind and/or Oil 

August  5   Hemp Reintroduction: The Time Has Come  

August  6   Transfiguration: A New Heaven and New Earth

August  7  Euphoria: A Worker's Attitude 

August  8  Destiny: The Best Preparation Is in Giving

August  9   Urban Gardens: Twenty-First Century Victory Gardens

August 10   Reality: A Basis for Authentic Spirituality

August 11   Reclaiming the Commons: Our Maritime Commons

August 12   Scything: Attending to August Weeds

August 13   Collectibles: Educational and Green Aspects

August 14   The Great Divide: Rich Get Richer and Poor...

August 15   Mary: Gentle Lady; Revolutionary Model

August 16   Peacemaking: Tearing Down and Rebuilding  

August 17   The Blessings of August: Thank God

August 18   Blueberries: Beneficial in So Many Ways

August 19   Marginalization: Jeremiah, Jesus, and FDR

August 20   Imperfect Prophets: Unclear Prophetic Messages

August 21  Interconnectedness: Salvation Is for All

August 22   The Narrow Gate: Self-Satisfaction and Smugness

August 23   Fear: Need We Be Fearful or Fearless?

August 24   Population Decline: The Ill Effects  

August 25   A Poem: Deep Service

August 26   Capitalism: State, Corporate or Neither?

August 27   St. Monica: A Saint for Our Times

August 28   The Corporate Person: A Form of Idolatry 

August 29   Humility: Ways to Become Exalted

August 30   Watering: Slaking Thirsty Garden Plants     

August 31   Finished Program: Time to Move On 

                        September, 2010 

September  1   Sacred Water: Worthy of Respect    

September  2  Consider Travel Checklists

September  3   Champion the Intellectual Commons

September  4   Halt Overconsumption by the Affluent

September  5   Wise Use of Possessions and Discipleship

September  6   Jobs Galore; Workers Anxious; Funds in Havens

September  7   A Variety of Autumn Greens

September  8   New "Fire Season" Suggestions 

September  9   Pluses and Minuses of Climate Change

September 10   Elderberry: The Modest Berry 

September 11   Environmental Lessons from the Oil Disaster

September 12   Prodigal Son and Forgiving Father

September 13   Alsatian: An Endangered Language

September 14   Gratitude for September Gifts

        September 15The Spirituality of a Non-Royalist

September 16   Five Innovative Ideas for Citizenship Day  

September 17   Yom Kippur: The Perpetual Call for Inclusivity

September 18   World Water Monitoring Day: Urgent Times

September 19   Resourcefulness and Stewardship

September 20   Call for a Nuclear-Free Middle East

September 21   Desalination: A Technological Frontier

September 22   Global Sanitation Problems and Solutions

September 23   Balancing Practical and Theoretical Issues

September 24   World Equestrian Games Begin Tomorrow

September 25   Is Climate Change Out of Control?

September 26   Lazarus and the Wages of Affluence

September 27   Family Day: Greener Ways Together

September 28   Autumn Camping: Twelve Suggestions

September 29   Mary E. Fritsch: Centennial of Birth

September 30   Poem: "Times Are Changing"  

                            October, 2010 

October  1   Food Attitudes: A Personal Journey 

October  2   Method Used for Food Reflections  

October  3   Homily: Increase Our Faith

October  4   Should We Learn Simple Food Games?

October  5   Will You Finish What's on Your Plate?

October  6   Do We Take Food for Granted?

October  7   Can't You at Least Eat?

October  8   Do Wild Foods Taste Better?         

October  9   Should We Talk About Killing Hogs?

October 10   Homily: Showing Appreciation for Miracles 

October 11   Are There Limits to Global Food Assistance?

October 12   Must We Choose Food-Growing over Other Crops?

October 13   How Does Patriotism Enter the Food Picture?

October 14   Is Food Production Related to Land Stewardship?      

October 15   Do We Honor Migrant Farm Workers?

October 16   Food Day: Are We Growing in Awareness?

October 17   Homily: Bread for the World Sunday

October 18   Is Eating Food a Total Experience?

October 19   Do Foods Make Sounds?

October 20   Should We Be Proud of Certain Food Preparations?

October 21   What Are the Visible Marks of a Good Cook?

October 22   Should We Cultivate a Taste for Good Foods?

October 23   Do Good Food Scents Make a Quality Environment?

October 24   Homily: The Pharisee and the Tax Collector

October 25   Is the Eucharist Real Food?                          

October 26   Worthy Communion When Neighbors Are Hungry? 

October 27   Why Celebrate When the World Is in Such a Mess?

October 28   Ought We to Fast for Self AND Others? 

October 29   What About Partaking in Seders?

October 30   What Are Ways to Reduce or Avoid Food Wastes?

October 31   Homily: Invite Zacchaeus to Join 

                         November, 2010


November 1  Do We Make Informed Food Choices?            

November 2  Should Emphasis Be on Growing Food?

November 3  Have We Calculated All Food Energy?

November 4  Do We Have to Go Organic?

November 5  Can We Be Overly Concerned about Food Nutrition?      

November 6  Is Food an Instrument of Resolution?           

November 7  Homily: God of the Living?          

November 8  Is Simplicity in Gardening Easy to Teach?

November 9  Locally-Grown: Are We What We Eat?

November 10 Is Knowing the Food Source a Control on Quality?

November 11 Is Having Fresh Food Better-Quality Living?

November 12 What Are Small-Scale Gardening Techniques?

November 13 Should We Preserve Surplus Food?

November 14 Homily: Do We Know the Changing Seasons?

November 15 Is Food Always Tempting and Enticing?

November 16 Must We Always Avoid Fatty Food?

November 17 Should We Create Our Own Fast Foods?

November 18 What Are Limits to Distributing Food Commodities?

November 19  Is the Food Distribution System Fair?

November 20  Vegetarianism: Is It Good or Bad?

November 21  Homily: Will We Choose a Throne or a Cross?         

November 22  How Do We Celebrate Food as Bounty?                  

November 23  Can Food Be Designed as a Powerful Weapon?

November 24  How Do We Share Food with the Hungry?

November 25  Do We Thank God Enough for Gifts of Food?

November 26  Ought We to Have A Global Food-Sharing Program?

November 27  Is Food Sharing a Component of Final Judgment?

November 28  Homily: When Do We Wait and When Not Wait?

November 29  Food Consciousness Grows             

November 30  China, Food and Climate Change 

                       December, 2010 

December 1  All Can Be Earth Healers 

December 2 Sustainability: An Ambiguous Concept 

December 3  Communications: The Overlooked Commons               

December 4  Artificial vs. Real Christmas Decorations 

December 5  Return Christ to "Xmas"

December 6  Gift-Giving and St. Nicholas               

December 7  Energy Efficiency as the New Frontier

December 8  Mary: Pure Transparency  

December 9  Caroling and Christmas Songs               

December 10  Rethink Lawns in the Climate Change Era  

December 11  Weighing the Legalization of Marijuana               

December 12  Focus on the Lord in Hard Times   

December 13  Advent: Alertness in Looking Back and Ahead 

December 14  Basic Elements of a Social Discernment     

December 15  Bill of Rights Day

December 16  Distinguishing Primary and Secondary Rights        

December 17  Anniversary of Utility-Scale Geothermal Power   

December 18  Are Promising Renewables Enough?          

December 19  Practice Patience in Troubled Times

December 20  Getting Smart on Drugs             

December 21  Local Attractions: The Fitchburg Furnace        

December 22  Winter's Gift

December 23  Counting Our December Blessings

December 24  The Art of Preparing for a Great Event          

December 25  The Ultimate Christmas Gift              

December 26  May All Families Be Holy

December 27 Healing Benefits of Classical Music           

December 28  Facing Our Phobias, Especially Phobophobia

December 29  Prudence and Climate Change Deniers 

December 30  Let's Get Serious: Realistic Resolutions          

December 31  Memorial to Kristin Johannsen 

                 The Blooming Cosmos 

                       January, 2011 

January  1  National Resolution: Exit Afghanistan      

January  2  Epiphany: Tell It Like It Is

January  3 Disparity in Wealth: Number One Global Insecurity 

January  4 A Challenge: 365 Different Breakfasts   

January  5  Renewable Energy Is Growing Remarkably 

January  6  The Pros and Cons of Electronic Books

January  7  The Benefits of Potted or Houseplants  

January  8  Hypocrisy: Coal Use and Opposition

January  9  Baptism: Called by the Exclusive ONE ...

January 10  ...to Reclaim the Commons by the Inclusive ALL

January 11  Attention Compulsive Meeting-Goers   

January 12  Lawns or Wildscape: Two Divergent Views

January 13  Barriers to a Physical Exercise Routine

January 14 Making Long-Range Garden Plans 

January 15  Moments of Sorrow           

January 16  Vocation: Salvation Reaching Out to All

January 17  Work Opportunities for Citizens

January 18  Public Service and Student Loan Forgiveness

January 19 Convert "Retirement Years" to Public Service  

January 20  Work as Curse or Work as Privileged Opportunity

January 21  Travel Education and Elderhostels    

January 22  Loved Ones Can Give Permission to Die

January 23  Urgent Times Demand Reformed People         

January 24  Plenty of Sleep vs. Enough Sleep?   

January 25  Oneness within the Christian Community 

January 26  Winter's Moments of Gratitude

January 27  Language Revitalization and the Commons       

January 28  Capitalism Fosters Lack of Faith

January 29  Dying as Opportunity to Spread Good News

January 30  Beatitudes and Blessings      

January 31  Seeking a Title for Reclaimers of the Commons   

                         February, 2011 

February 1   Review our American Freedoms

February 2   Expose the Obscenity of Wealth 

February 3   Enjoy "Appalachian Winter"

February 4   Witness to Needed Religion in Earthhealing

February 5   Champion Health through Nature Experiences

February 6   Lighten up the World

February 7   Acquire a Rocking Chair and Use It

February 8   Disparity of Wealth and the Environmental Crisis  

February 9   Vacation by Reducing the Carbon-Print

February 10  Competition or Win/Win Approaches   

February 11  Geothermal Energy: A Stimulus Package Success

February 12  Make Personal and Family Gardening Choices

February 13  Realize a Growing Responsibility to Be Like Jesus

February 14  Express Love from the Heart 

February 15  Gratitude Heals Our Wounded Earth

February 16  Heal Earth: Expand the Frontiers of Soteriology

February 17  Review Disaster Supplies

February 18  Multiply Random Acts of Kindness

February 19  Contrasumers: Moving Towards a New Economy

February 20  An Eye for Eye and a Tooth for Tooth

February 21  Presidents' Day: Expand the American Dream

February 22  Promote a Globally Just Energy Policy

February 23  Confront Climate Change Naysayers

February 24  Carbon Capture and Storage: A Pipe Dream?

February 25  Geoengineering: Promising or Just Plain Hubris?  

February 26  List the Elements of a Global Energy Policy

February 27  Lessons from Birds: Trust, Freedom, Joy

February 28  Gurgling Creeks: Nature's Musical Sounds  

                           March, 2011 

March 1  Interior Ecology: A Personal Frontier 

March 2  Components of an Interior Ecology

March 3  Enrichment of our Interior Ecology

March 4  Prayerfulness: Every Day is a Day of Prayer

March 5  Hidden Freedoms of the Elderly

March 6  Face Hypocrisy in All Its Forms

March 7  Question Issues Arising Over Rights

March 8  Right to Privacy and Silent Space

March 9  Lent: A Favorable Time to Speak Up  

March 10  Right to Adequate Food

March 11  Right to Potable Water

March 12  Right to Clean Air 

March 13  Facing Current Temptations 

March 14  Right to Work for a Livelihood

March 15  Right to Freedom of Press and Communications

March 16  Right to Proper Education

March 17  Right to Affordable Housing and Home Care

March 18  Right to Access to Health Care

March 19  Right to Public Assembly and Worship

March 20  Transfiguration as Goal, Calling and Blessing

March 21  Spring Has Sprung: Being Right With the World

March 22  Right to Land -- Particular Land?  

March 23  Being Right with Land: Growing Greener

March 24  Planting Trees: Being Right with Forests

March 25  Affirming Climate Change: Being Right with Earth  

March 26  Being Right with Wildlife

March 27  Samaritan Woman at the Well: Gentle Confrontation

March 28  Being Right with the Seas 

March 29  Being Right with Cultural and Historic Sites

March 30  Human Mobility: Being Right with Migrants 

March 31  Commercial Mobility: Being Right with Material Goods  

                        April, 2011 

April 1  Listening and Discerning God's Voice

April 2  Varying Food Tastes on a Daily Basis  

April 3  Being Radicalized by a Gospel Passage

April 4  Noticing Extreme Climate-Change-Related Weather Events

April 5  Trusting Scientific Evidence: A Global Crisis 

April 6  Recording Our Ethnic Diversity and Change

April 7  Global Sharing is Healthy    

April 8  Discerning Use of Land for Food and Biofuels 

April 9  Keeping Easter a Non-commercial Celebration     

April 10  Discovering Christ as the Resurrection and Life

April 11  Benefiting from Social Networking  

April 12  Telling the Last Civil War Story

April 13  Trimming the Obscene Military Budget

April 14  Appreciating Roads for Their Blessings

April 15  Living in the Boondocks  

April 16  Preparing for a Veggie/Floral Garden 

April 17  Proclaiming Royal Titles 

April 18  Contesting the Individual Right to Bear Arms

April 19  Broadening Nonpartisan Environmental Concerns  

April 20  Working for Greater Food Security 

April 21  Holy Thursday: Consecrating Us to Serve

April 22  Good Friday: Dying for All Creation

April 23  Holy Saturday: Rising As Lord of All

April 24  Proclaiming Easter Past, Future, and Present

April 25  Reflecting on Time: Past, Future, and Present

April 26  Demonstrating the Existence of God through Love

April 27  Earthhealing through the Basic Component of Love

April 28  Showing Compassion for our Wounded Earth

April 29  Recounting That We Are Easter People

April 30 Accepting the Challenge of Creative Writing 

                        May, 2011 

May 1   Gratitude Leading to Mercy

May 2   The Little Blue Book: A Blueprint for Radical Change  

May 3   Wildflower Week Is Worth Celebrating

May 4   Aging Can Involve New Adventures

May 5   National Day of Prayer Concerns   

May 6   "No New Taxes" versus "TAX THE RICH"   

May 7   The Marginalized Activist Dilemma 

May 8   Companions on the Road to Emmaus

May 9   Social Responsibility in 2011    

May 10  Energy Efficiency Demands Top Priority

May 11  How to Combat High Food Prices

May 12  Renewable Energy: An Answer but When?

May 13  Is the New Age of Coal to Be Welcomed or Condemned?

May 14  Poke Salad Time and Festivals

May 15  Becoming Sheepgates for Others  

May 16  We Need Trees for Many Reasons 

May 17  Decisions During a Tomato Year  

May 18  Every Person Is Irreplaceable

May 19  Radical Sharing Reconsidered  

May 20  Awareness of Impending Water Shortages   

May 21  The Ambivalence of Armed Forces Day  

May 22  Being of Service to Others   

May 23  Clean Nuclear Energy?  A Lie!  

May 24  The Ministry of Shared Suffering 

May 25  Urban Centers: For better or Worse     

May 26  Windpower and Changing Landscapes   

May 27  Thinking with the Church in 2011 

May 28  Haircuts: An Earth Healing Topic?   

May 29  Learning to Do Good Deeds through Self-Control 

May 30  Memorials: Real and/or Artificial 

May 31  Discerning When to Drive or Not 

                     June, 2011 

June 1 Why Nuclear Power?  Is it Congressional Payoff Time?

June 2  Protect Silent Space in a Busy, Connected World

June 3  Defend the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

June 4  National Trails: A Great Infrastructure Investment 

June 5  The Grace of Holy Discontent and Earthhealing 

June 6  Can People of Holy Discontent Be Happy?

June 7  Ten Reasons for Small-Scale Hydropower Now

June 8  Can Religionless Spirituality Heal Our Earth?

June 9  Activist Options for Senior Citizens' Day

June 10  Crisis Caused by Disparity of Wealth/Power

June 11  Two Views of Possessions

June 12  Pentecost and World Evangelization

June 13  Babel Dispersal Today and Beyond

June 14 Is Good News a Two-Way Street?

June 15  Good News Will Ultimately Triumph Over Bad News

June 16  Elk and Large Wildlife Presence and Proliferation

June 17  World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought

June 18  Raspberry Season Fosters Creativity

June 19  Sharing Blessings and the Trinity

June 20  Elitism Versus Democratic Values

June 21  Similarity in Making-Hay and Healing Earth

June 22  Should We Preserve Nature as Untouched?

June 23  2000th Essay: The Future of Earth Healing, Inc.

June 24  Creating the Future: A Healed Earth

June 25  Time to Make Cucumber Pickle

June 26  Corpus Christi: An Activist and Holy Discontent

June 27  Paul Bunyan Day and Pax Americana

June 28  Kentucky: A Touch-of-Green Positive Aspects

June 29  Kentucky: A Touch-of-Green Negative Aspects

June 30  Questions at the 2011 Half-Year Review 

                          July, 2011 

July 1    Preparing for the Second Half of 2011    

July 2    Plutocratic versus Democratic Ways: Tax the Rich!

July 3    Meek and Humble of Heart -- And Also Angry

July 4    American Independence Minus Pretensions

July 5    Trying to Make July Tolerable   

July 6    Is Credit-Card Enslavement a Wakeful Nightmare?

July 7    Giving the Emptying Plains Back to the Buffalo

July 8    Biofuels for the Affluent versus Food for the Poor

July 9    Checklist for Reducing Stress in Threatening Times?  

July 10   Becoming Efficient Sowers of Good News

July 11   Let's Insist on Access to Free Potable Water

July 12   It Is Time to Expose Deadbeat Corporations    

July 13   Keeping Renewable Energy Production Decentralized

July 14   The Jury is Out on Marcellus and other Shale Gas

July 15   Recognizing the Need to Count Important Matters

July 16   Suggestions for Improving Annual Retreats  

July 17  Tolerating Weeds amid the Wheat 

July 18   Space Week and Militarization: Another Problem?

July 19   The Elite Versus the People  

July 20   Tackling the Overpopulation of Cattle

July 21   First Bull Run: Reflecting on Civil War Issues

July 22   Thunder and Lightning: Taking Proper Precautions

July 23   A Problem of the Commons: Resistance to Antibiotics

July 24   Invest in the Treasure of Spiritual Motivation

July 25  "Food Day" in October Should Focus on Food Costs 

July 26   Hunger Must Be Eliminated Now

July 27   Benefits from  Redistribution through Fair Taxes  

July 28   Summer Drinks Revisited 

July 29   Reclaiming the Commons: A Simple Formula 

July 30   Do We Have Time?

July 31   Do Not Let Bad News Hinder Our Work            

                     August, 2011 

August 1  Celebrating Green As the Color of August  

August 2   Living Within One's Means   

August 3  Reflecting on Physical and Spiritual Journeys   

August 4   Nationalizing with Caution and Care 

August 5   Preparing for Autumn Garden

August 6   Harvesting Silage in August

August 7   Living with the Storms of Insecurity 

August 8   Rowing as Ideal Physical Exercise

August 9   Expanding Our Healing Ministries Ten Ways  

August 10  Connectedness: Creating a Balanced Practice

August 11 Tasting Plums, A Favorite Wild and Domestic Fruit

August 12  Debunking Twelve Popular American Myths

August 13  Challenging the System by Reclaiming the Commons

August 14  Universalism: Extending Care to All

August 15 Seeing Mary in Place, Time, and Among Us

August 16  Confronting Misuse of the Air Commons  

August 17  Fighting to Keep Water Supplies Accessible

August 18  Limiting Private Property Managed by Good Stewards  

August 19  Contrasting the Material and Spiritual Culture

August 20  Recognizing World Health As Global Security    

August 21  Rattling the Keys of the Kingdom 

August 22  Radicalizing People to Be Change Agents  

August 23  Balancing Sounds and Silence   

August 24  Taxing the Rich for God's and Our Sake

August 25  Becoming Prophetic Reclaimers of the Commons 

August 26  Revealing Elements Needed to Reclaim the Commons

August 27  Promoting World Federalism to Save Our Earth

August 28  Denying Self to Follow the Lord

August 29  Realizing That We Are Both Powerless and Powerful

August 30  Proclaiming the Good News to All Creation   

August 31  Rereading Upturned Plow   

                         September, 2011 

September 1  Wine-Making

September 2  Think Globally, Act Locally, But All Act As One

September 3  Justification of Pastoral Work 

September 4 Fraternal Correction and Work

September 5  Work as Labor for Some, as Dream for Others

September 6  Dilemma for Pro-Life Environmentalists    

September 7  Attention to Stacationers  

September 8  Efficiency + Renewables = Economic & National Security

September 9  Defending Public Lands

September 10  Swap Ideas Day: Types of Special Alerts

September 11  Forgiveness Again and Again

September 12  Earthhealing and the Laws of Ecology 

September 13  First Law: Everything is connected to Everything Else

September 14  Second Law: Everything Must Go Somewhere

September 15  Third Law: Nature Knows Best  

September 16  Fourth Law: No Such Thing as a Free Lunch

September 17  Okra: Many Benefits Exist

September 18  Divine Generosity Should Be Our Way

September 19  Coastal Cleanup Day

September 20  International Day of Peace

September 21  St. Matthew's Day

September 22  Social Contacts: Formal or Informal  

September 23  Restitution for Native Americans

September 24  Celebrate the Black Walnut

September 25  Parable of Two Sons and Assuming Responsibilities

September 26  Vatican City: Carbon Neutral and Pro-Environment   

September 27  Expanding Our Earthhealing Ministries Ten Ways

September 28  Interacting with an Emerging China 

September 29 Wisdom of the Elders Versus Selfishness

September 30  A Wonderful Memory: Mary Byrd Davis 

                        October, 2011 

October 1 Twenty Suggestions for a Busy October   

October 2  Restore the Forsaken Vineyard

October 3  Acknowledging Social Addictions 

October 4  Confronting Social Addictions

October 5  Healing Social Addictions  

October 6  Compassion and Social Addiction  

October 7  Campfires and Playing with Fire  

October 8  Jewelweed Benefits throughout the Year    

October 9  Come to the Banquet

October 10  Indian "Three Sisters" -- Corn, Beans, and Squash 

October 11 Champlain's Dream and Lessons to Be Learned  

October 12  Cumulating Small Earthhealing Acts: Good or Bad? 

October 13  Nuclear Waste Disposal and Modern Mythology Day   

October 14  What, the Devil?  Is Evil Personified?

October 15  Domestic Ecology and Enthronement of Sacred Heart  

October 16  Render to Caesar

October 17  Observe World Food Day

October 18  Food Insecurity, Famine, and Terrorism  

October 19  Visit the Martyrs' Shrine 

October 20  Witnessing as Long-Term Spiritual Investment 

October 21  Respecting Limited Garden-Space  

October 22  Placid Environmentalism: Pale Green or Yellow?

October 23  How Do We Love God with Our Whole Heart?

October 24  United Nations Day 2011: Year of the Forest  

October 25  Disarmament Day: Do Away with Nuclear Power 

October 26  Playing Games with Ecological Issues

October 27  Seed-Saving Programs and Endangered Species

October 28  St. Jude, Patron of the Impossible: Earthhealing? 

October 29  Navigating One's Good Name in Credulity's Shoals

October 30  Practice What We Preach

October 31  Fuel Speculation and Justice    

                         November, 2011 

November  1 Saints: Mortal and Immortal Models

November  2 We Poor Souls

November  3  HERE, NOW, WE: Resurrection-Centered Spirituality

November  4 So Long, Barefoot Days

November  5  Let's Keep the Clocks Unchanged

November  6  Awaiting the Expectant One

November  7  Switchgrass and Future Biofuels

November  8  "Pro-Life and Anti-Environment" is an Oxymoron

November  8    Special Issue

          Occupy Wall Street Folks: Become Reclaimers of the Commons

November  9  Balance Material/Spiritual Growth

November 10  Tea Party: Target Public/Private Privileges 

November 11  Remember Veterans in Tight Fiscal Times

November 12  Dress Warmly Indoors and Lower Room Temperature

November 13  Creative Fidelity with Talents Given

November 14  Focus on Fitness: Spiritual, Mental, Economic, Physical

November 15  Biophilia: Our Love of Nature

November 16  International Day for Tolerance      

November 17  National Homeless Awareness Week

November 18  The Practice of Using Less Stuff

November 19  International Men's Day 

November 20  Help Establish Christ's Kingdom

November 21  Are Wild Turkeys Really Wild?

November 22 When Is Affluence Excessive? 

November 23  The Myth of Thanksgiving for Better or Worse

November 24  The Habit of Being Thankful

November 25  Combat Economic Dysfunctionality: Buy Nothing Day

November 26  Citizen of Heaven and Earth: Stay Awake

November 27  Introducing Changes in the Church's Liturgy

November 28  Reflect on Ways to Be Less Violent

November 29  Mesmerized by Stock Market Numbers 

November 30  Sharing Land with Others 

                       December, 2011 

December 1  Select Relevant Information

December 2  Are All Charities Effective in Poor Lands?

December 3  Is Creation-Centered Spirituality Green? 

December 4 Practice Patience in Troubled Times 

December 5  Renewable Utilities Need Not Be Massive Projects

December 6  Thirty Possible Non-Monetary Christmas Gifts

December 7  Smokehouses and Fire Safety Day

December 8  Mary: Mother of the Poor

December 9  Non-Renewables Must Give Way to Renewable Energy

December 10  Trees: Celebration or Vestigial Paganism

December 11  Advent Joy Comes with Good News 

December 12  Celebrate International Mountain Day 

December 13  Consumer Addiction and Former Addicts 

December 14  Heaven and Earth Kiss 

December 15  Environmental Protection Is THE Pro-Life Issue

December 16  Downsizing Expectations and Radical Sharing   

December 17  Burgoo: The Kentucky Food Specialty

December 18  House of David

December 19  When Being Called "Radical" Is a Compliment

December 20  Must We Feed the Birds

December 21  Oil Spill Clean-up Using Wool

December 22  Welcome the Winter Solstice

December 23  Prisoners, Community Service, and Economics

December 24  Make Christmas Special for Young and Old 

December 25  Current Knowledge Extends Our Blessed Christmas

December 26  Time to Rest and Time to Act

December 27  Extend Seasonal Warmth and Comfort into 2012

December 28  The Power of Suffering with Christ 

December 29  365 Ways to Prepare Oatmeal

December 30  Domestic Planning and Fidelity  

December 31  Eagles and Butterflies: Sally Ramsdell 



                    January, 2012

January 1  Give Global Peace a Chance

January 2   Predicting 30 Trends: Is This a Good Exercise?        

January 3   Election Year and Hidden Marks of Leadership  

January 4   Indebtedness: A Crime Against the Future

January 5   Academic Contributions (Credits and Debts)

January 6   Are American Supposed to Be the Greatest?

January 7   Welcome to the Vinegar-Loving, Sour-Pickle People

January 8   The Privilege to Relinquish Privilege    

January 9   Support the U.S. Postal Service  

January 10  Is Israel America's Spoiled Brat?

January 11  Approaches to Pro-life/Environmental Protection

January 12  HERE Is Where We Act as Earthhealers

January 13  NOW Is the Time to Heal Our Wounded Earth

January 14  WE are the Ones Called to Heal

January 15  Speak, Lord, Your Servant is Listening

January 16  Hidden Racism and Public Racial Pride     

January 17  Has Solar Manufacturing Moved to China?

January 18  When is a Seasonal Move (Snowbirding) Green?

January 19  Peanuts: Ecologically Green Food

January 20  Ten Eco-balances for an Earthhealer   

January 21  Should we Use More Public Transportation              

January 22  Modern Jonah: A Serious and Light-hearted Story

January 23  Advantages of Electronic Books      

January 24  Selecting Trees for Windbreaks      

January 25  Nine Reasons to Downsize Lifestyles

January 26  Waiting Out the Snowstorm 

January 27  Googling for Better or Worse   

January 28  Quercus Falls: Remembering Departed Human Oaks  

January 29  When Do We Teach with Authority?

January 30  Franklin D. Roosevelt and Jobs, Jobs  

January 31  Encouraging Reclaimers of the Commons 


                                       February, 2012

February  1 Fossil Fuel Still Favored over Renewable Energy

February  2  Give Light to All in Many Ways 

February  3  Harbinger of Spring: The Mourning Dove

February  4  Honor Our Constitution by Initiating a Second One

February  5  Job's Trials Are Ours as Well

February  6 Confrontation as a Possible Christian Virtue 

February  7  Deer, Venison, and Hungry Neighbors

February  8  Is Wealth Incompatible with a Strong Democracy?

February  9  Champion the Humble Potato 

February  10  Walking for Health

February  11  Encourage Inventiveness in Earthhealing

February  12 Healing Troubled People, Troubled Earth

February  13  Methamphetamine Epidemic and Drug Company Profits

February  14  Valentine's Day and Flowers for Every Season   

February  15  Facts about Global Deforestation

February  16  Ten Ways to Avoid Cabin Fever 

February  17  Pray Your Own Way; Yes, Pray Your Own Way

February  18  Maritime Transportation and Global Air Pollution   

February  19 Penitential Rites Give Us Comfort

February  20  Presidents' Day: Washington and Lincoln Insights

February  21  Celebrate Marti Gras; Ponder Fat Tuesday  

February  22  Ash Wednesday: Will Daily Reflections Be Ashes?

February  23  A Peace Dividend: Take What Is Rightfully Ours 

February  24  Sowing Peas Early in Kentucky

February  25  Global Anticipation of More Natural Disasters

February  26  The Temptation to Keep the Status Quo 

February  27  Risks in Discerning the Reality of Our Culture 

February  28  Sport Events Can Become Unhealthy 

February  29  Make This Leap Day Truly a Timely Gift 


                March, 2012

March  1  Eight Reasons to Go with the Wind as Renewable Energy

March  2  Share Pets with Neighbors 

March  3  Can We Overthrow Nobility of Wealth Non-Violently?

March  4  Transfiguration Day and a New Heaven and New Earth

March  5  Nuclear Energy's Current Fading Glory

March  6  Onions Are a True Spice of Life   

March  7  Tax Havens are Concentration Camps of Wealth 

March  8  Make This a Flowering Year 

March  9  Monitor, Merrimac, and Aircraft Carriers  

March 10  Reflecting on Clocked-Time When "Springing Ahead"  

March 11 Have You Ever Cleansed a Temple? 

March 12  Select and Plant a Variety of Fruit and Nut Trees

March 13  Should We Be Silent When Attacked? 

March 14  Flood Tide   

March 15  Green Cement: Reducing Climate Change Gases 

March 16  Quilting Day: Social, Art, Utility, and Creativity

March 17  Light-Hearted Irish and Troubled Times

March 18  Calvary's Cross and Laetare Sunday 

March 19  Democratic Principles and the Church

March 20  Spring Equinox: Fine Time to Shine

March 21  Garden Spacework; The Art of Turning Soil     

March 22  Heirlooms, Legacy Materials, and Junk 

March 23  Spices and Herbs Make for Quality of Life   

March 24  The Fallacy of Leaving Job Creation to the Rich  

March 25  Dying to Self in Order to Rise Again  

March 26  Annunciation Day and Dewfall 

March 27  Limit TV time: Instead Read, Pray, and Reflect

March 28  Spring Housecleaning Covers Many Areas

March 29  Global Climate Change Paralysis: A Moral Dilemma 

March 30  Agribusiness Versus Today's Small Farmers 

March 31  Migrants Need a Fighting Chance 


      April, 2012

April  1  Palm Sunday: The Foolishness of a Fickle Crowd

April  2  No fooling: Renewable Growth Is Explosive

April  3  Isolationism Needs to Be Challenged

April  4  Passover, Horseradish, and Bitter Herbs

April  5  Holy Thursday: Richness in Old and New Ritual

April  6  Good Friday: Calvary Extended in Space and Time    

April  7  Holy Saturday: Make This a Day of Repose 

April  8 Easter Renewal in Spirit, Life, Love, and Energy    

April  9  Why a Manual for Reclaimers of the Commons? 

April 10  Should We Defend Today's Robin Hoods?   

April 11  Global Warming Day Revisited

April 12  The Right Word at the Right Place and Time

April 13  Thomas Jefferson and Power of the Word

April 14  Review Culinary and Commercial Sweeteners

April 15  Belief, Unbelief, and Divine Mercy

April 16  The 2011 Award for Bad Climate Science

April 17  Focus on Controlling Invasive Species

April 18  Recall April Memories

April 19  Natural Bridge in My Parish Bounds

April 20  Mountaintop Removal and Its Costs

April 21  Earth Day and Easter Empowerment

April 22 Burning Hearts on Our Journey of Faith   

April 23  Upward Mobility and a New American Dream  

April 24  Prophet: Demonstrate Alone Publicly for Change

April 25  Solidarity: Demonstrate Publicly with Others

April 26 Lectures, Academic Rip-offs, and Free Education    

April 27  Polar week and Arctic Thawing  

April 28  Ten Approaches to Staying Hopeful

April 29 Being Good Shepherds in an Addicted World

April 30  Keeping America Beautiful is Truly Earthhealing 



          May, 2012

May 1   How Do We Make May Day a Worker's Day?

May 2   Is There Enough Work for Every American?

May 3   Isn't It Time to Conquer Tropical Diseases? 

May 4   Do Super PACs Destroy Our Democratic Process? 

May 5   Are Earthhealers to Be Exemplary Good Samaritans? 

May 6   Is Addressing Excessive Consumerism Like Vinedressing?  

May 7   Can an Herb Garden Be a Place of Prayer?

May 8   Does Coal Have a Future? 

May 9   Is Admitting "Through My Fault" Part of Earthhealing?   

May 10  How Do We Rejoice in Springtime Joy? 

May 11  Why Declare the Holy Land a Pilgrimage Destination? 

May 12  Is Earthhealing Primarily Practical?

May 13  Why Does Earthhealing Involve Loving People?

May 14  Is Pure Libertarianism Unchristian?

May 15  Why Are True Prophets Never Popular?

May 16  Is the Tenth Commons to Reclaim "In God We Trust?"

May 17  Why Look You up to Heaven?  Why Not Act Now? 

May 18  Can Millennial Youth Find Fulfillment in Work?

May 19  Are Modern Robin Hoods Today's Agents of Change?

May 20  Are We Like Christ -- Priests, Prophets, and Kings?

May 21  Are Renewable Winds Blowing? Waves/Tides Splashing?

May 22  How About Celebrating World Turtle Day? 

May 23  Can AA Twelve-Step Program Apply to Social Addiction?

May 24  What is Corporatocracy? Is America a Victim?

May 25  Must We Critically Discern Natural Gas Development?

May 26  Are There More Than Eight Questions for Downsizers?

May 27  Pentecost: Do We Proclaim the Primacy of the Word?

May 28  How Is Love Part of Memorial Day?

May 29  Must Renewable Energy Facilities Be Spacious?

May 30  Joan of Arc: At 600, a Perennial Teenager? 

May 31  Do Environmental Mini-alarms Smother Radical Change? 


           June, 2012

June 1   Anticipate Summer's Heat

June 2   Is Nuclear Power a Dream Turned into a Nightmare?

June 3   The Trinity in our Lives

June 4   Way of the Cross and Social/Environmental Themes   

June 5   World Environment Day and Conscientious Voting

June 6   Drill Baby Drill!  Cheap Fuel or Cheap Strategy

June 7   Protection from the Sun     

June 8   On Environmental Issues Remain Non-Partisan  

June 9   Promoting Porch Swings on Senior Citizens' Day

June 10  Eucharist as Our Nourishment

June 11  The Art of Enjoying Free Time

June 12  Reasons Why Being Poor Can Be Enriching

June 13  Voters' Dilemma: Citizenship and Discernment

June 14  Flag Day: Patriotism and World Citizenship

June 15  God is Love

June 16 Why We Must Repeat the Motto "In God We Trust"

June 17 The Mustard Seed Becomes the Largest Plant

June 18  How Do We Exult the Lowly?

June 19  First UN Conference on the Environment, 1972

June 20  Fleeting Time and Summer Solstice  

June 21  We Need Models of Enthusiasm in Summertime

June 22  Appreciating the Miracles of Life 

June 23  Oregano: "Delight of the Mountains"

June 24  John the Baptist: A Prophet as Teacher 

June 25  Searching for a Comprehensive Eco-Spirituality

June 26  HERE: A Down-to-Earth Spirituality 

June 27  NOW: A Spirituality of Compassion

June 28  WE: A Resurrection-Centered Eco-Spirituality

June 29  Invasive Wineberries and Other Seasonal Cousins

June 30  When Do I Think Small?  Think Big


           July, 2012

July 1   Little Girl, Arise!  Feminine Aspirations Today           

July 2   Celebrate the Fourth in New Ways      

July 3   Focus Today

July 4   Religious Liberty for All 

July 5   Writing Letters Still Has Charm and Value 

July 6   Eight Ways to Remember Sightseeing Trips   

July 7   Reflecting Near Water Sounds 

July 8   Prophets Lack Neighborhood Honors   

July 9   Our New Fossil Fuel Addiction: Natural Gas

July 10  Refraining from Constant Social Contact   

July 11  Solastalgia: Stress from Local Environmental Assault

July 12  The Joys of Harvesting

July 13  Attending to Smokers Who Are Killing Themselves

July 14  "Reclaiming the Commons:" Eccentricity or Investment?

July 15  The Missionary: He Began to Send Them out Two by Two   

July 16  Culture of Life versus Culture of Death

July 17  Ragweed Control   

July 18  Renewable Energy: A Needed Climate Change Strategy

July 19  Promote and Organize Green Picnics

July 20  Deworming Tobacco Plants and Praying Mantises

July 21  Mint: A Summer Beverage of Choice

July 22  They Were Like Sheep without a Shepherd  

July 23  Olympic Games and Playing to Win

July 24  Soybeans Are Also a Green Food Crop

July 25  Earthhealing Is Democratic, Not Elitist

July 26  True Democratic Process: The Poor Must Lead the Way 

July 27  America's Different Moral Attitudes about Wealth

July 28  The Role of Liturgical Chant and Cosmic Vibrations 

July 29  Insights into Jesus' Multiplication of Loaves  

July 30  Enduring Increased Frequency of Weather Extremes   

July 31  Earthhealing Has Ignatian Roots   


  August, 2012

August  1  Time to Ask Whether Race Enters This Election    

August  2  Time to Enjoy Watermelon Day

August  3  Time to Appreciate August's Wildflowers 

August  4  Time to Improve the Art of Hospitality  

August  5  Time to Get Physical AND Spiritual Nourishment     

August  6  Time to Take "The Shakertown Pledge"    

August  7  Time to Beg for Help from Others

August  8  Time to Think Differently: Ten Easy Suggestions

August  9  Time to Defend Dilapidated Barns 

August 10  Time to Talk Tree Troubles: Emerald Ash Borer

August 11  Time to Think about Autumn Gardens 

August 12  Time to See Eucharist as Pledge of Eternal Life  

August 13  Time to Review Preserving Abundant Produce

August 14  Time to State Reasons Why I Am No Capitalist   

August 15  Time to Stop Pretending: The Assumption  

August 16  Time to Confront Modern Atheism

August 17  Time for Conference on Christianity & Ecology?

August 18  Time to Ask How Survivors Cope with AIDS     

August 19  Time for Eucharistic Believers to Help the Needy

August 20  Time to Be Concerned about Homeless Animals

August 21  Time to Look at Corn Alcohol: Legal Moonshining

August 22  Time for Ten Travel Hints for Simple Living 

August 23  Time to Recognize Inordinate Love for Automobiles

August 24  Time to Walk and Time to Bike     

August 25  Time to Use Grandpa's Oxen at Church Construction

August 26  Time to See Eucharist as Reverence for Life 

August 27  Time to Revisit an Authentic Eco-Spirituality

August 28  Time to Ask Whether Creation-Centerness Is "Junk"

August 29  Time to Promote Resurrection Spirituality

August 30  Time Once in a Blue Moon to See Godliness in Work

August 31  Time to Gather More Time Sayings          


      September, 2012

September 1  Tony Mazzocchi, Labor Warrior and Friend  

September 2  Guarding against Enticements and Allurements     

September 3  The American Dream and a Living Wage   

September 4  Creating Jobs through Protecting the Environment  

September 5  Grapes: A Choice Fruit of the Season       

September 6  Is Honey Bee Colony Collapse Disorder Solved? 

September 7  Encouraging the Grandma Moses in Elders

September 8  Breaking Up Banks Too Big to Fail 

September 9  Attending Those with Hearing Impediments

September 10  Swap Ideas Day: Expand the Web of Life

September 11  Peace Place: An Answer to 9-11 

September 12  Privacy, Buddy Systems, and Connectedness 

September 13  The Haunting Mists of September

September 14  Bearing Our Crosses during Hard Times  

September 15  Confessions of a Fiscal Conservative        

September 16  Faith versus Works or Faith AND Works

September 17  Citizenship Day and a Relevant Constitution  

September 18  World Water Monitoring Day: More Water Concerns

September 19  Why Postpone an Interactive Blogging Site

September 20  Good News: Learning from Creature/Teachers

September 21  Sharing Our Food Budget on World Gratitude Day 

September 22  Autumn Equinox: It's Even better Than It Looks 

September 23  Forsaking Greed and Taking a Servant's Role 

September 24  Making a Twelve-Ingredient Autumn Salad   

September 25  Does Tweeting Have Some Hidden Value? 

September 26  Urban Homesteading for Willing Folks

September 27  Clean Energy: Critical Investments & Decisions   

September 28  What We Owe Others on Native American Day    

September 29  If We Can't Slow Down Time, Let's Cherish It 

September 30  Practicing Tolerance Among Believers


      October, 2012

October 1  Tolerate Non-Believers.  What about Non-Belief?  

October 2  Economics and the Clash of Good and Evil   

October 3  Confronting Our Vestigial Clan Mentality

October 4  St. Francis and Types of Environmentalism    

October 5  Attaining Peace of Soul        

October 6  Learning and Teaching Tree Identification    

October 7  Marriage and Earthhealing

October 8  Homemade Laundry Soap as Potential Savings

October 9  Should We Promote Clean Electric Vehicles?

October 10  Goodbye to American King Coal      

October 11  Different Degrees of Earthhealing      

October 12  Accepting Critics with a Proper Spirit 

October 13  Continue the Act of Challenging  

October 14  Easier for a Camel to Pass through a Needle's Eye

October 15  Hospitality, Friendliness, and Earthhealing  

October 16  World Food Day and High-Priced Food 

October 17  Obesity and Limiting Food Intake

October 18  Non-Partisan Politics versus Fierce Partisanship  

October 19  The Agony of a Dying Language  

October 20  Protecting the Commonwealth from Billionaires   

October 21  Comfort the Afflicted; Afflict the Comfortable

October 22  Practicing Meditation in a Busy World 

October 23  Polling Numbers: What Do They All Mean?  

October 24  Focus on Food Day, 2012  

October 25  Aurora, CO & Bearing Arms in a Permissive Society

October 26  Hickory Nuts and Labors of Love       

October 27  When Sober News Becomes Good News  

October 28  Faith and Begging for Divine Help   

October 29  Job and Acceptance of God's Will

October 30  Tax Havens: Worse Than We Thought    

October 31  October Ends: Sic Transit Gloria


November, 2012

November  1  Saints Who Are Spiritual Resources
November  2  Dying with Dignity     
November  3  Challenging the Aristocracy of Wealth     
November  4  Love of God and Considering Our Mortality    
November  5  Don't Forget: The Voiceless are Hurting
November  7  Worker Safety at Portsmouth Diffusion Facility
November  8  The Act of Passing On and Passing Over          
November  9  Gun and Ammo Control: Why Private Arsenals?      
November 10  The Call to Universal Fellowship          
November 11  The Widow's Mite and the Power of Generosity  
November 12  Year-Round Garden Variety without a Greenhouse   
November 13  Champion the Nobility of Being Poor   
November 14  The Sensational Aromas of Autumn    
November 15  Renewables and New Electrical Generation Capacity   
November 16  Tolerating the Pain of Damaged Earth 
November 17  This Has Been a Hot Year       
November 18  Climate Change and Signs of the Times      
November 19  Recycling Old Tires in Different Ways     
November 20  U.S. National Decline or Number One in Change?       
November 21  Preserve Us from Our Selfish  Ways  
November 22  Gratitude Could Be Our Salvation   
November 23  Consumerism, Permissiveness, & Never Saying "No"    
November 24  Eight Ways to Curb Over-Consumerism     
November 25  Thy Kingdom Come: We are Called to be Catalysts
November 26  Ethnicity in Motion: Ethnic Atlas of the United States
November 27  When is Tough Love the Right Option  
November 28  The Last Rose of Summer  
November 29  Balancing Physical and Spiritual Demands        
November 30  Kairos, Chronos, and Advent


December, 2012

December 1  Advent: A Season of Hope      
December 2  Expectancy as an Advent Characteristic 
December 3  Don'ts and Dos When Stranded in a Blizzard   
December 4  The Last Rose of Summer
December 5  Decorating with Taste, Safety, and Cost in Mind  
December 6  Climate Change under Attack in America
December 7  Pearl Harbor Could Occur Again 
December 8  Immaculate Conception and America's Motivation  
December 9  Advent: Becoming Forerunners of a Future 
December 10  Appalachian Is an Emerging Ethnic Group
December 11  Ethnic Amalgamation or Ethnic Diversification   
December 12  Geothermal Energy: Promising but Troubled
December 13  State-by-State Distinctive Ethnic Groups 
December 14  Forefather's Day and Praying for Our Country  
December 15  Bill of Rights and Corporate "Persons" 
December 16  Advent: The Savior Comes to a Troubled World  
December 17  Made in America and Wright Brothers Day 
December 18  Caregiving and Institutionalization
December 19  Constructing a Meditation Garden    
December 20  Sacagawea and Her Contribution to America  
December 21  Now Winter Is Here.  Where Are We?  
December 22  Gus and the First Christmas
December 23  Advent: Sacred Moments of Expecting Parents
December 24  Spread the Pure Joy of Christmas   
December 25  Christmas and Manchester Prisoners     
December 26  Pejorative & Anti-Catholic English Words
December 27  How Much Should We Plan for 2013? 
December 28  Create a Novel Soup Today 
December 29  God Is the Eternal Potter; We Are the Clay     
December 30  Struggling Families: Parents and Children   
December 31  Count Your 2012 Blessings


January, 2013

January 1   The Year 2013: A Time for Reflection
January 2   Great Expectations for the Year
January 3   Environmental Themes for Each Month
January 4   Monthly Environmental Themes Continued 
January 5   Reflection on the Sights in January
January 6   Leading Others to Epiphany
January 7   Today the Death Penalty is Uncivilized 
January 8   Winter Water Sounds
January 9   Reforming the Academic System
January 10  Are Free Universities Possible?
January 11  How About a No-Frills University?
January 12  Donations within a Democracy
January 13  The Importance of Our Baptismal Vows
January 14  Arctic Ice Cap Shrinks Rapidly
January 15  Ethnic and Ecological Consciousness
January 16  Pride in Ethnicity and Being American
January 17  Ben Franklin and Defense of Democracy
January 18  Churches Coming Together Ecumenically
January 19  Reflection on the Aromas of January
January 20  We Are Each Uniquely Called by God
January 21  Cultivating Tastes for Garden Produce to Come
January 22  Is Our Consumer-Based Culture Sustainable?
January 23  Caffeine Beverages: A Matter of Concern?
January 24  Support Bereavement Programs
January 25  Overcoming Lethargy on Climate Change Denial
January 26  Discussing Negativism without Being Negative 
January 27  Semper Reformanda: Always to Be Reformed
January 28  Tracking and Footprints in the Snow
January 29  Promoting Renewables: Tidal Energy
January 30  Offer Prayers for and Ask Prayers from Others
January 31  Earthhealing and "Right to Die"


February, 2013

February 1  A Moment in the History of the Church
February 2  Delightful Sights in February
February 3  Prophets Must Speak the Truth 
February 4  365 Foods Containing Peanuts   
February 5  Twelve Reasons to Emphasize Solar Energy
February 6  Maintaining Mental Balance in Various Ways 
February 7  Enchanting Soundscape of February 
February 8  Scouting and Enjoying Nature's Benefits   
February 9  Earthhealers and a New Evangelization
February 10  Called to Be and Find Earthhealers     
February 11  The Tastes of Sweet Things in February
February 12  Lincoln: A Heroic Figure When We Need Heroes 
February 13  Making Our Lent a New Opportunity
February 14  Being Neighborly and Martin Buber's I and Thou
February 15  Indoor Aromas in the Middle of February  
February 16  Outdoor Activity as a Remedy for Depression
February 17  Temptations Confronting the Earthhealer 
February 18  Ten Ways to Live the Year of Faith
February 19  Let's Popularize Solar System Day
February 20  A Saint for Every Age 
February 21  The Poor Will Rise -- Christian Revolution 
February 22  George Washington and the Federalist Donation
February 23  Polycarp, Martyr and Saint
February 24  Earthhealing and the Power of Transfiguration
February 25  Listing Dandelions' Environmental Benefits
February 26  Winter Feelings: Protecting Our Face
February 27  Fracking: Panacea or Problem
February 28  Simple Ways to Induce Sleep without Pills


March, 2013

March 1   May Benedict XVI Have Time to Write   
March 2   Championing a Wind-Energized Economy 
March 3   Woman at the Well and Frank Conversation 
March 4   Remembering the Sounds of Floods
March 5   In Defense of Daydreams    
March 6   Dreaming about the Future: Alternative Scenarios 
March 7   Perpetua & Felicity and Modern Temptation  
March 8   Sausage Making   
March 9   A Lenten Environmental Examination of Conscience 
March 10  Laetare Sunday and the Blind Man's Courage
March 11  Emergency Grab-and-Go Kits  
March 12  Hemp Is Related but NOT Marijuana  
March 13  Celebrate Good Samaritan Day
March 14  Gunbearers Are Insecure People
March 15  Be Slow at Handing Out Superlatives
March 16  Limits to Physical but not Spiritual Growth
March 17  Martha, Mary, and Lazarus
March 18  Swallows Return to San Juan Capistrano
March 19  The Church Preparing to be a Catalyst of Change
March 20  Preparing a Seasonal Garden Salad
March 21  Observe World Forestry Day
March 22  Why Such Brief Prayers at the Reflection's End?
March 23  The Arctic Sheet is Melting 
March 24  The Meaning of a Palm Procession
March 25  Word Power: Faith in Words Spoken or Written
March 26  Realism Is the Best Earthhealing Practice
March 27  Spy Wednesday: Loyalty and Betrayal 
March 28  Priestly Service and Cultural Expectations
March 29  Being Present at Calvary 
March 30  Pausing and Awaiting the New Fire 
March 31  Easter People Inflamed to Renewal


April, 2013

April  1  Reclaimers Counter Climate Change Deniers  
April  2  Focusing on Cardinal or Theological Virtues
April  3  The Quagmire and the Battle Between Good and Evil
April  4  Soft or Gentle Hard Approaches to Climate Change 
April  5  Subtitling "Reclaiming the Commons" 
April  6  Creating a Firestorm      
April  7  The Need for God's Mercy Today  
April  8  Conversations among Consumer Addicts
April  9  Glory of Creation   
April 10  Life as Glory of Creation     
April 11  Ways to Control Air and Related Pollution
April 12  Renewable Energy: Answer to Global Warming
April 13  Is a Total Renewable Energy Economy Possible Soon?
April 14  Earthhealing and Life's Final Journey 
April 15  Do We Take Electricity for Granted?
April 16  Local Voluntary Hospital Chaplains 
April 17  Is this true? The First Impression is a Lasting One
April 18  The "Right" to Automatic Weapons
April 19  Is Escaping Methane Hot Air or Scorching Gas?
April 20  Fossil Fuel Emission Problems and Catastrophe
April 21  Shepherding and Pasturing among Wounded Sheep
April 22  Lou Lipps: A Down-to-Earth Jesuit     
April 23  Moderation, Proper Food Choices, and Dieting   
April 24  Break the Myth: More Handouts to the Poor
April 25  Over-Competitiveness in Our Culture
April 26  Strengths and Weaknesses of Church as Institution     
April 27  The Church Acting as Witness  
April 28  Glorifying God in Healing Our Wounded Earth
April 29  Looking for Renewal in Urgent Times 
April 30  Silver Showers


May, 2013

May 1  Nine Benefits of Flowers during Wildflower Week
May 2  The Earthly Joys of Our Faith    
May 3  Healing coupled with Earth: Various Meanings
May 4  The Benefits of Opting for Garden Variety
May 5  Establishing Peace in Times of Turmoil  
May 6  Nurses as Healers of Earth      
May 7  Some Thoughts about Non-Violent Revolution   
May 8  The Universal Right to Good Health
May 9  Human Responsibility: Arise and Heal Our Earth     
May 10  Using "Charity" as Power
May 11  The Privilege to Serve Others
May 12  Mother's Day and Rising to the Occasion     
May 13  Conservation Tillage and "Ecological Farming" 
May 14  Land for Essential Needs: Food Production
May 15  Land for Essential Needs: Housing
May 16  The Peace Dividend as a Rare Opportunity 
May 17  The Benefits of Bicycles
May 18  The Commons: Does Enclosure Continue Today
May 19  Pentecost: Spirit Communicates and Babel Confounds 
May 20  Charity and Appalachian Development   
May 21  Soot: A Climate-Changing Pollutant
May 22  Maritime Day and Ocean Problems and Solutions  
May 23  Edible Landscaping Benefits 
May 24  Conversations with the Spiritually Unaffiliated
May 25  Debunking America's State Religion   
May 26  Does Being Godly Bear the Marks of the Trinity? 
May 27  Memorial Times and Places   
May 28  Photographs and Precious Memories  
May 29  Institutions Hear: Who Pays the Piper Calls the Tune 
May 30  Private Wealth in Contrast to Commonwealth
May 31  The Principle of Environmental Commons


June, 2013

June  1  June's Pluses and Minuses
June  2  Corpus Christi: The New Covenant Cosmic Event 
June  3  Making Hay: Pleasant and Unpleasant Memories      
June  4  Clean Air Day and Decline of American Coal
June  5  World Environment Day and Healing Our Earth    
June  6  Cherry Season and Happy Memories 
June  7  Healing Earth through Reparation Practices
June  8  Climate Activism: A New Breed of Environmentalism  
June  9  Victims of Violence Dying before Their Parents  
June 10  Global Wildlife Under Immense Peril
June 11  Support Wilderness Preserves
June 12  Dangers from Canadian Tar Sands Exploitation   
June 13  Keystone XL Pipeline is a Lose, Lose Proposition
June 14  Civil Disobedience on Flag Day
June 15  Power in Possessing Guns and Being Unarmed
June 16  Forgiveness in an Unforgiving Culture
June 17  Wildlife Protection and Drought Conditions     
June 18  Sociability and International Picnic Day 
June 19  The Cyrus Cylinder and Human Rights 
June 20  World Refugee Day
June 21  Reducing Emissions Caused by Deforestation Practices 
June 22  Car Pooling and Sharing Resources
June 23  Faithfully Taking Up Our Daily Crosses                   
June 24  Book Review: Return to Order
June 25  Religious Call for Property Limitations 
June 26  Wastes in American Medical Practice   
June 27  Benefits and Risks of Cheap American Natural Gas 
June 28  National Handshake Day and Making Agreements 
June 29  Books-in-Progress: A Novel Concept?  
June 30  Follow Jesus on the Journey to Jerusalem

July, 2013

July  1  Discovering America's Community Relations
July  2  Living to See a Renewable Energy Economy
July  3  Creating Justice for All 
July  4  Expressing Love for Our Country through Deeds
July  5  Purging Military Terms from Our Vocabulary
July  6  Coming to an Understanding of What "Success" Means
July  7  Peace Sunday: Exploring Ways to Peace
July  8  Revealing Wage Theft as a Major Problem
July  9  Supporting Labor Union Organizing Today
July 10  Promoting UNESCO Global Cultural Sites 
July 11  Trying to Spell the Sound of Rushing Water       
July 12  Reasons for Making an Annual Retreat
July 13  Appreciating the Exquisite Tastes of July  
July 14  Loving Our Neighbor as Ourselves   
July 15  Globalization Can Be an Assault on Cultures  
July 16  Listing Green Tourist Guidelines 
July 17  God Is Love: Examining What This Means
July 18  Biomass: Renewable Energy or Forest Disaster
July 19  Not Tolerating Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution
July 20  Defining Culture Differently  
July 21  Martha & Mary: Choosing the Better Part
July 22  Eating Food With Others Has Sacred Significance    
July 23  Addressing Anti-Boredom Month
July 24  Modern Idolatry: Tearing Down Our Personal Idols
July 25  Extractive Industry vs. Tourism/Retiree Communities
July 26  A Real Puzzle: Ethnic Changes in U.S. Urban Areas
July 27  Cultivating Our Sense of Gratitude
July 28  Having a Prayerful Persistence  
July 29  Variety in Soups, Salads, Oatmeal, and Peanuts   
July 30  The Church Continues to Celebrate Culture
July 31  Ignatius Loyola, Francis of Assisi, and Pope Francis

August, 2013

August  1  August's Glorious Landscape and Praise    
August  2  Chemical Weapons Stored for Destruction, Not Use
August  3  Congratulations to "The Catholic Worker" at Eighty  
August  4  Trusting in Material Goods
August  5  Climbing a Mountain is Blessed
August  6  Hiroshima Day, Transfiguration, and Glorification
August  7  Wind: Will It Be a Globally Accepted Fuel Source?
August  8  No-Growth Philosophies Are Hokum
August  9  Gun Controls or Controlled by Guns
August 10  Smells of August: Preserving Produce for Winter
August 11  Sacred Trust: Responsibility to Heal Our Earth
August 12  Should We Brag about Our Good Deeds?
August 13  Rock Formations, Cliffs, and Natural Bridges   
August 14  What about "Radical Conservatives?"    
August 15  Mary: Entrusted Instrument of God's Grace
August 16  Garden Hints for Late Summer         
August 17  Emil Kapaun: Continuing American Heroic Traditions      
August 18  Charisma: The Art of Setting Strategic Fires   
August 19  Europe Bans Pesticides in Honey Bee Die-Off
August 20  Birds, Threats, and Pet and Feral Cats
August 21  Nitrogen Feast or Famine and Ammonia Controls   
August 22  Contrasumption: Twelve Ways to Live on Less
August 23  Geothermal, the Friendliest Energy Source
August 24  Ways to Help When Death Comes in a Family     
August 25  Those Impoverished Choosing to Move Forward 
August 26  Be Kind to Humankind Week and Total Health Care  
August 27  Reflect on the Church as Compassionate
August 28  Watch out! Electronics May Lower Practical Skills   
August 29  Security and Insecurity in Today's World          
August 30  The Power in Accepting Our Limitations
August 31  Paw Paws: Our Grandest Native American Fruit   

September, 2013

September 1  Cultivating the Virtue of Humility    
September 2  Global Unemployment: A Volatile Time Bomb    
September 3  Climate Change Warning Levels at 400ppm 
September 4  Detrimental Effects of the Throwaway Culture
September 5  Benefits from Local Basement Sales     
September 6  Let's Rid Ourselves of Clericalism
September 7  Democratic Efforts to Combat Clericalism
September 8  Releasing the Death Grip on Possessions 
September 9  The Subtle Art of Gleaning
September 10  Curb the Weapons Trade through Real Offsetting
September 11  Federal Lands Day and Care for Creation  
September 12  Traffic Fatalities in Appalachia 
September 13  Grapes Offer Us Fruitful Potential
September 14  The Holy Cross: Power and Powerlessness  
September 15  Celebrate the Prodigal Druggie's Return     
September 16  How about Domestic Tar Sands Development?
September 17  What Constitutes Citizenship in 2013?
September 18  Window of Opportunity to Save Our Wounded Earth
September 19  The Church Proclaiming Good News
September 20  Aquaculture and Modern Fish Farming
September 21  Listen for September's Distinctive Sounds   
September 22  Master the Art of Servanthood
September 23  Preparing Buildings in Autumn
September 24  Environmental Gun Threats (EGT)      
September 25  Global Disaster Early Warning Systems
September 26  Occasionally Returning to the Home Country
September 27  Touching and Celebrating Earth through Dancing  
September 28  Why Not Consider a Recorded Funeral Oration?   
September 29  Lazarus Is the Divine Presence in Our Midst
September 30  Present Time: Glancing Back and Looking Ahead

October, 2013

October  1  Reflection Involves Silent Space and Time 
October  2  Respect Resident Birds and Wildlife  
October  3  Green Apple Pancakes  
October  4  Espousing a National Carbon Tax
October  5  Celebrate Simple Lifestyle Day
October  6  Faithfulness and Godly Service 
October  7  The Rosary as a Means of Reflection
October  8  Children as Rebels or Revolutionaries    
October  9  Household Compromise of Sound and Silence
October 10  Press for National Gun Licensing  
October 11  Sharing Economy: Collaborative Consumption Model
October 12  Natural Recycling All Around Us
October 13  Thanks for the Everyday Miracles
October 14  Rediscovering America with Gratitude
October 15  Harvest Time and Nutrition for Poor Folks
October 16  Focus on World Food Needs in 2013   
October 17  What Triggers Global Protesting  
October 18  Pumpkins: A Truly American Delight   
October 19  Bullying: A Local and National Phenomenon
October 20  The Struggle to Remain Faithful Today
October 21  HERE is a Troubled Earth    
October 22  The Fundamental Option Is with the Poor NOW
October 23  WE Are Socially Addicted People 
October 24  God Empowers Us to Act   
October 25  A 21st Century Christian Manifesto
October 26  An Eco-Conservative Stages of Life 
October 27  Our Prayerful Position Before God
October 28  A Church Promoting Prayerfulness  
October 29  Encouraging Outdoor Play in October   
October 30  Forty-Four Titles for Trees  
October 31  Saintly: Loving through Deeds  

November, 2013

November 1  Honor the Unsung Saints          
November 2  What about the "Hour of Our Death"?
November 3  The Lord Desires Salvation for All
November 4  Is It Near the End of Electric Utilities?
November 5  Is Wind Power Blowing in Fast Enough?         
November 6  Let's Celebrate Indian Summer
November 7  State of the Climate Report
November 8  Fair Trade Is Part of a Healthy Lifestyle
November 9  Unfair Trade in Fauna and Flora                 
November 10  Encouragement in the Midst of Adversity
November 11  Take Pride in Local Veterans               
November 12  Let's Be Potters Molding a Just World 
November 13  Legislator Pledges Are Anti-Democratic   
November 14  Sounds of November Challenge Us
November 15  Consumerism: A Good or Bad Term?                      
November 16  Slave Liberation: Propertied America Take Note   
November 17  Remaining Steadfast in Uncertain Times               
November 18  Excessive Methane: Blessing or Curse?  
November 19  Reflect on Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
November 20  Honor the Skunk or Polecat
November 21  You Know You are Getting Old When...                  
November 22  Where Were You 50 Years Ago Today?       
November 23  Wage Theft: A Modern American Blight 
November 24  Christ the King: Monarch and/or Servant?
November 25  Church As Promoter of Economic Development 
November 26  Simple Living as Testimony to Sharing    
November 27  Food: Quantity, Quality, Safety, and Access
November 28  Answering a Crisis in Gratitude by Simple Thanks  
November 29  Spread the Message: Buy Nothing Day              
November 30  Prepare for Advent Blessings

December, 2013

December 1  Advent Comes through Proper Preparation   
December 2  Awaiting Means Becoming More Down-to-Earth
December 3  China: A Challenge to a Greener Global Future
December 4  Salvation and the Dangers of Riches 
December 5  Should We Celebrate Tinsel Day?    
December 6  Ideal Gifts for the Christmas Season   
December 7  Patriotism Is Sharing Not Isolating Ourselves        
December 8  Immaculate Conception: Dawn of a New Age
December 9  Being Ourselves During Favorable Times 
December 10  License Automobiles AND Guns           
December 11  Admiring the Beautiful Ohio River Valley
December 12  Advantages of Having Rain Barrels    
December 13  Assisting Others in Giving and Giving Up 
December 14  Cedar and the Scent of Holiday Season      
December 15  Spread Joy Amid Today's Hard Times
December 16  Information Communications Technology Energy Use  
December 17  The Northern Cardinal: An Aviary Winter Delight   
December 18  Winter and Indoor Environmental Cautions         
December 19  Reflection or Action: Which Is First?
December 20  Providing for Season's Special Treats              
December 21  Christening the Yuletide        
December 22  Support Those Who Are Starting Families 
December 23  I Have a Christmas Dream
December 24  The Burning Babe on Christmas Eve                
December 25  Christmas and Bethlehem: City of David
December 26  Reaffirming Our Trust in God 
December 27  The Pro-Life Field Must Expand          
December 28  The Church Encouraging Catalytic Action
December 29  Families Fleeing to Safer Places 
December 30  A Dozen Highlights for Horizon Watchers           
December 31  Bestowing an American Blessing    

January, 2014

January 1   How Can We Make This a Day of Peace?
January 2 Should We Keep This Website Operating?                
January 3   Suggestions to Prepare for Winter Emergencies
January 4   At Least 365 More Ways to Enjoy Peanuts
January 5   Epiphany is a Global Celebration
January 6   In Search of Wisdom 
January 7   Compromise by Tweaking the Current Economy?
January 8   Will All Mountains Bounce Back?    
January 9   Support Hospice Programs
January 10  Champion Snow Benefits
January 11  Promote Healing of Our Wounded Earth
January 12  Baptism Activates Us to Be Liberators
January 13  Music Enhances Healing at All Levels
January 14  Stuck in Tar Sands and Shale Rock            
January 15  Discrimination: "Hillbilly" as Disparaging
January 16  Visions of Youth and Dreams of the Elderly
January 17  Should We Strive to Impose Democracy?
January 18  The Global Immigration Phenomenon Confronts Us
January 19  John the Baptist: The Art of Stepping Back
January 20  Knowing Someone who Remembered the Civil War
January 21  Hugs are for Everyone                
January 22  January is Remote Garden Preparation Month
January 23  Spreading Word through Digital Media      
January 24  Choose Hobbies Well      
January 25  Explore Personal Changes and Life Adjustments
January 26  Motivation and the Unique Call to Serve 
January 27  Reduce Stress and Live a Higher Quality Life
January 28  Be Mindful of Fuel Economy
January 29  Champion "Small is Beautiful"
January 30  Let's Celebrate Chinese New Year
January 31  The Yurt: A Worthwhile Structure

February, 2014

February   1   Freedom through Non-Violence
February   2   Presenting Christ Who Is Light    
February   3   Garden as Light to Others 
February   4   Enjoy Native Persimmons in Many Ways 
February   5  Are We Frightened by a Possible Pandemic?
February   6   American Mobility Never Ceases   
February   7   Charles Dickens: Man of Letters and Compassion
February   8   When Does Education Become a Racket?
February   9   Being Present As Christ's Light
February  10   Physical Exercising for Health
February  11   Celebrate Inventor's Day by Using Our Hands
February  12   Reflections at the Lincoln Memorial
February  13   Take Notice of Random Acts of Kindness Day
February  14   Saints Valentine, Cyril, and Methodius
February  15   Vibrational Pollution and Effects
February  16   Fulfilling the Law Is Freedom to Serve
February  17   Remember Presidents' Day
February  18   Contesting Faulty Consumer Products
February  19   Consider Authentic Puzzles
February  20   Sharing and World Day of Social Justice
February  21   Tackling Our Present Troubles 
February  22  Saint Peter, Model for Us All
February  23   Striving for Divine Perfection amid Imperfection
February  24   Help Establish Global Peace
February  25   Champion Solar Applications
February  26   Community Supported Agriculture
February  27   Drugs, Painkillers, and Overdosing
February  28   Lightning: Feared and/or Admired?

March, 2014

March  1    National Nutrition Month

March  2    Do Not Be Anxious about Tomorrow

March  3    Living Better with Natural Disasters

March  4    Should We "Celebrate" Mardi Gras?

March  5    Remember "We Are Dust and unto Dust We Shall Return"

March  6    Thoughts during American Camping Week

March  7    Making Breakfast the Main Meal

March  8    Irene Dickinson, Earth Healer

March  9    Confronting Temptations in an Alluring World

March 10    Acid Rain: It Sounds Ominous -- and Is 

March 11    Introduce a New Fruit Tree Variety

March 12    Consider Fasting for Others

March 13    Good Samaritan Day's Lenten Hints

March 14    Pope Francis' First Anniversary

March 15    Observe Freedom of Information Day

March 16    Mount Tabor and the Golden Moment

March 17    The Luck of Irish Americans

March 18    Seeking Balance during March Madness

March 19    Awareness of Substance Abuse

March 20    Champion Non-Smoker Rights and Related Issues

March 21    Daily Greens through Container Gardening

March 22    Food Tripod: Economy, Nutrition, and Local Produce

March 23    Reflections on Faith: The Woman at the Well

March 24    Protect Domestic Silent Space and Time

March 25    The Divine Takes on Human Flesh

March 26    Must We Americans Continue to Import Oil?

March 27    Art, Environment, and Earthhealing

March 28    Ask Again: What Would Jesus Do?

March 29    Let's Refrigerate Conservatively

March 30   Laetare Sunday and Joy of the Believer

March 31   Seed Saving as a Conservation Measure

April, 2014

April  1   Being an April Fool Forty Nine Ways  
April  2   Critique Spectator Sports
April  3   See Lotteries as Modern Addiction    
April  4   Ginseng, Queen of the Natural Medicinals
April  5   Booker T. Washington and the Dignity of Gardening
April  6   Christ is The Life
April  7   World Health Day and Global Hopes
April  8   Seniors and Driving Problems
April  9   Building Community through Works of Mercy
April 10   Recalling Pierre Teihard de Chardin
April 11   Encourage Young People's Herb Gardens
April 12   Observe Global Warming Day
April 13   Palm Sunday and a Messiah Complex
April 14   Let All Creation Give Praise to God
April 15   Think about Third World Day's Significance
April 16   Awaiting the Next Rise of the Nuclear Phoenix
April 17   Holy Thursday and Service to Others
April 18   Seeing Calvary's Cross Today
April 19   Restore Damaged Lands
April 20   Easter and Cultural Restoration
April 21   Champion Conservationist John Muir
April 22   Reflect on Earth Day 2014
April 23   Connect Sun Day and the Commons
April 24   Take Your Daughters and Sons to Work Day
April 25   Let Everyday be Arbor & Bird Day
April 26   Discuss the American Interstate System               
April 27   New Saints in Our Times
April 28   Observe Holocaust Remembrance Day   
April 29   Confront Mean-Spirited Egalitarianism
April 30   Celebrate Metamorphosis and Butterflies

May, 2014

May 1   A Patriot's Prayer    
May 2   Why We Must Stop the Keystone XL Pipeline 
May 3   May Flowers and Derby Day
May 4   Scripture and Fulfillment
May 5   Recognize Cinco de Mayo
May 6   The Rainbow: God's Covenant with Our Earth
May 7   Spring Litter Cleanup is Necessary
May 8   May Is the Perfect Gardening Month
May 9   Always Beware of Impulse Buying  
May 10  Highlight Poke Shoots and Berries
May 11  Reflections on Good Shepherd Sunday 
May 12  Promote Nurses as Model Caregivers      
May 13  Plans, Plans, and Summer Plans
May 14  Iraq Crisis: A Three-Nation Solution?
May 15  Changing Lawn into Edible Landscape
May 16  Celebrate National Bike to Work Day
May 17  Treat Chemicals with Respect
May 18  Jesus: the Way, Truth and Life  
May 19  North American Community, Oil, and Jobs
May 20  Coyotes Fill the Carnivore Niche
May 21  Traditions, Mother Goose, and Nursery Rhymes
May 22  World Diversity and Maritime Day  
May 23  Respect for the Web of Life
May 24  Consolation
May 25  Jesus' Loved Ones and Associates
May 26  Memorial Day/Decoration Day   
May 27  Believers and the Environmental Crisis
May 28  Raising an Alarm about Climate Change
May 29  Avoid Idle Speculation 
May 30  Reflect on the Life of Joan of Arc
May 31  The Magnificat's Enduring Promise

June, 2014

June 1    Good News to All Creation
June 2    Celebrate National Go Barefoot Day
June 3    Highlight American Rivers Month
June 4    Athletes and Multi-Million Dollar Academic Enterprises
June 5    World Environment Day and 100% Renewables
June 6    Outdoor Retreat Experiences  
June 7    Dogs and Best Friends Day
June 8    Pentecost and Our Spiritual Life
June 9    The Blessings of Porch Sitters
June 10   The Holy Land and Our Right to Return
June 11   Maintain a Composter
June 12   Compose Some Haiku 
June 13   National Juggling Day and Focusing
June 14   Patriotism, Migrants, and Our Flag
June 15   Trinitarian Reflections
June 16   Stressed Forests Are Ideal for Reflecting 
June 17   The Glory of Pickling
June 18   The Art of Godly/Worldly Balance
June 19   What Is This Juneteenth?
June 20   Consider a Dozen Summer Suggestions
June 21   Cultivate Spiritual Nourishment
June 22   We Are the Body of Christ
June 23   Discuss Brain Drain
June 24   Try Eating in the Wild
June 25   Is Industrial Civilization Heading for Collapse?  
June 26   How Do We Cope with Global Catastrophe? 
June 27   Healing Earth and the Sacred Heart Devotion
June 28   Celebrate Jewelweed
June 29   Sts. Peter and Paul and Unchanging Rocks
June 30   Appalachia is Worth Celebrating 

July, 2014

July 1   What's to Stash and What's to Trash    
July 2   Pro-Life Involves a Broad Agenda
July 3   Bringing about Fair Taxes    
July 4   Today We Ought to Recall America's Blessings
July 5   Spectator, Competitive, and Recreational Sports
July 6   Time for Spiritual Refreshment
July 7   College Debts and Ongoing Educational Programs
July 8   Promote Geothermal Applications
July 9   Be Satisfied with the Taste of Seasonal Berries
July 10  Retreat Choices within Natural Settings
July 11  The Quandary of Transporting People
July 12  Alternative Biofuels Are Available
July 13  Reflections on Sowing and Reaping
July 14  Grain Threshing Memories
July 15  Abolition 2000 Statement
July 16  Global Child Health Care  
July 17  China, Don't Follow Our American Ways
July 18  Appalachia: Positive and Negative Challenges
July 19  Literacy Training and Promotion
July 20  Weeds Teach Us Tolerance
July 21  Black Locust: Weed Tree or More?
July 22  Nuclear Weapons and Power Questions
July 23  A Moment of Grace: We Are the Poor
July 24  Amelia Earhart and History
July 25  Pilgrims Take Journeys in Faith  
July 26  Snakes Deserve Our Respect
July 27  Find and Acquire Treasured Resources   
July 28  How Do We Handle Impending Catastrophe?
July 29  GUNS: Giving Us Negative Security
July 30  Celebrate God's Gift of Peppers
July 31  St. Ignatius and the Environment


August, 2014

August  1  Personal Growth: Rest Secure or Demand More?
August  2  Observe Breastfeeding Week
August  3  They All Ate and Were Satisfied
August  4  Respect Black Bears
August  5  Protect Against Forest Fires
August  6  Transfiguration and Future Glory
August  7  Emergency Evacuation Plans
August  8  Return to Urban Victory Gardens
August  9  Nagasaki Day and Nuclear Power Abolition
August 10  Placing Our Troubles in the Lord
August 11  Ten Proven Ways to Reduce Grocery Bills
August 12  August Was a Harvest Time for Tobacco
August 13  Visit Kentucky's Natural Bridge
August 14  Attempting to Be Godly  
August 15  Mortal Mary Leads the Way
August 16  Mixed Mesophytic Forest      
August 17  A House of Prayer for All the Peoples   
August 18  Welcoming Back the Bald Eagle
August 19  The Art of Herding Cattle
August 20  Promote Camping as Recreation 
August 21  Consider the "Walmartization" of America
August 22  Thomas More: The Man for All Seasons
August 23  Support the Veterans History Project  
August 24  The Pope as Rock in the Storm       
August 25  Shared Caving Experiences
August 26  Remember Women's Equality Day   
August 27  Biking Is Healthy but Risky 
August 28  Broaden Mother Teresa of Calcutta's Message  
August 29  Whistleblowers Must Take Risks
August 30  Enjoy Sorghum-Making        
August 31  Self-Denial, Sharing, and Growing Vitality   

September, 2014

September 1   Anniversaries Sad and/or Glorious
September 2   Sow Autumn Greens in Summer Glory
September 3   Travel Versus Glorious Electronic Communication 
September 4   Honoring the Glory of a Living Wage
September 5   Peaches Have Their Glory Days     
September 6   Respect the Glorious Castor Bean Plant  
September 7   The Glory of Successful Fraternal Correction
September 8   We Seek to Glory in Clean Water for All
September 9   Public Lands Glorify the Commons
September 10  Endangered Trees: Threatened Forest Glory
September 11  Burial Grounds: Sic Transit Gloria Mundi  
September 12  American Bison: The Ancient Glory of the Plains  
September 13  Is Population Decline Problematic or Glorious? 
September 14  Road Signs and Crosses of Glory
September 15  Appalachian Energy Policy and Return to Glory  
September 16  Mayflower Day: Ethnic Pride and False Glory
September 17  Citizenship or Constitution Day and "Old Glory"
September 18  School and the Glory of Good Nutrition
September 19  Inglorious Campaign Contributions
September 20  There's No Glory in Inequality
September 21  Working Is an Act of Glorification  
September 22  Breaking Fossil Fuel Addiction Is Glorious
September 23  Autumn Colors Bring Landscape Glory
September 24  Glory in Christian Unity, Not Uniformity  
September 25  Glory Be!  Limited Land for Food Production 
September 26  An Earthhealer's Hopeful Glory
September 27  Choose Good News with a Spice of Glory   
September 28  God's Greater Glory through Hospitality 
September 29  Michaelmas and Angelic Glory
September 30  Fading Glory: The Indian Summer of Life

October, 2014

October 1    Solar Energy: A Climate Change Alternative 
October 2    Know and Champion Sanctuary
October 3    Yom Kippur and Middle East Atonement
October 4    Extend Francis' Blessings
October 5    Care for Earth, God's Vineyard    
October 6    Autumn's Dangers  
October 7    Secular and Spiritual Empowerment
October 8    Miracles, Prayers, and Community Growth
October 9    Enslavement by Domestic Credit and Debt
October 10   Environmentalism and Church Life  
October 11   Question Our Sense of Respect  
October 12   Embrace Mystery and Restlessness
October 13   Choose Wisely: Good Money, Bad Money
October 14   Consider Small-Space Gardening
October 15   Teresa of Avila as Model
October 16   World Food Day: Help End Hunger 
October 17   Observe Peace and Justice Week
October 18   Consider Arguments for a Greener Diet
October 19   Render Our Civic Duties and Respect Government
October 20   Amazon Deforestation and Food Production
October 21   Pause before Calling Others Names  
October 22   Observe Wildlife of the Month: The Squirrel
October 23   Learn from African Hopes and Fears
October 24   Nuclear Power: Dead or Alive?
October 25   Standardizing English as a Global Language
October 26   Love God and Neighbor
October 27   Forecasting Weather and Signs of the Times 
October 28   Consider Autumn Hiking Comfort and Choices 
October 29   Stop Corporate Welfare   
October 30   Walk over a Swinging Bridge   
October 31   Reconsider Halloween

November, 2014

November  1    A Saint for All Seasons
November  2    Poor Souls and Daniel Boone's Birthday
November  3    Diet Shifts and Environmental Improvement
November  4    Exercising a Citizen's Right to Vote
November  5    The Gaza Strip: Israel's Concentration Camp
November  6    Greening Healthcare Institutions   
November  7    Observe World Community Day      
November  8    The Fall of the Berlin Wall
November  9    The Joy of Coming Home   
November 10    Encouraging Christian/Moslem Mutual Respect   
November 11    Veterans Deserve Our Continued Support
November 12    The Act and Art of Letting Go
November 13    Puzzled by the Karen Silkwood Saga
November 14    Consider Pedestrian Rights      
November 15    25 Years after El Salvador Jesuits Murdered
November 16    Our Talents and Opportunities              
November 17    Observe American Education Week   
November 18    When He Returns Will He Find Faith on Earth?
November 19    Celebrate Chipmunks and Ground Squirrels
November 20    Barns: Environmental Symbol of Communities 
November 21    Weighing Climate Change Issues
November 22    National Stop the Violence Day   
November 23    Christ As Judge
November 24    Solar PV Shingles and Panels
November 25    Regard Walking as Daily Exercise
November 26    Championing and Promoting Natural Capital
November 27    Thanksgiving Day: Thanks Lord for Simple Things
November 28    Buy Nothing Day 
November 29    Tolerating Compulsive Counting Folk
November 30
   Advent and St. Andrew as Model

December 2014

December 1   AIDS Day and Current Epidemics
December 2   Recognize Authentic Environmental Stewardship
December 3   Help Keep America Beautiful
December 4   Recording Elders for Holiday Gifts
December 5   Tinsel Day: Comfort or Discomfort?
December 6   Harmony as Our Spiritual Gift
December 7   Awaiting and Hastening the Day of the Lord
December 8   Let's Always Say "Yes" to God
December 9   Benefits in Building Smaller Houses
December 10  Look for Lead in the Home
December 11  Saint Odile and Sacred Space
December 12  Poinsettia Day and December Plants
December 13  Candles amid December's Darkness 
December 14  We Are to Be Joyful Heralds and Evangelists 
December 15  Welcome the Animals at Christmas
December 16  Addressing a World of Bullies
December 17  Mobilizing Faith-Based Communities 
December 18  Internet Freedom and Neutrality
December 19  Beware of Underdog Day
December 20  Finality 
December 21  Emmanuel is Present
December 22  Capricorn and Goats
December 23  Are Milder Winters Coming?
December 24  Prison Razor Wire Glistens at Christmas 
December 25  Attending to the Best Christmas Gift 
December 26  Jesus Christ Activist
December 27  Radon and Our Homes
December 28  Holy Family and Today's Families
December 29  Support the SUN DAY Campaign
December 30  The Privilege of Being People of Service  

January 2015

January 1   Reflecting During Troubled Times
January 2   Reasons Climate Change Is Not Given Top Priority
January 3   Discovering Sacred Sights
January 4   Epiphany: Manifesting Mystery
January 5   Moving Us to Divine Mystery
January 6   Observing the World Around Us
January 7   Seeing the Mystery in All Creation  
January 8   Perceiving Mystery Within 
January 9   Looking Up at the Heavens 
January 10  Gazing Always Ahead 
January 11  Considering the Meaning of Our Baptism
January 12  Hearing the Call: To Each His/Her Own 
January 13  Earthhealing: A Call within a Call    
January 14  Listening to Sacred Sounds             
January 15  Reaching Deeper Harmony
January 16  Sounds and Silence: Needing Pauses  
January 17  Harmonizing within Artistic Activities
January 18  Calling "Samuel, Samuel" 
January 19  Tasting the Goodness of the Lord      
January 20  Recounting Ways to Prepare Apples  
January 21  Establishing a Sacred Aroma          
January 22  Dignifying Manual Labor       
January 23  Rendering Footprints As Sacred Touch
January 24  Touching the Earth (A Potter Molding Clay)           
January 25  Recalling Jonah to Restoration  
January 26  Purging Useless Stuff in Order to Focus
January 27  Knowing and Applying a Conservation Ethic  
January 28  Refraining from Food Wastes  
January 29  Creating Sacred Time and Space 
January 30  Defending Our Fragile Earth
January 31  Reciting and Celebrating Our Common Creed

February 2015

February 1   Speaking with Authority
February 2   Celebrating New Light   
February 3   Confronting Desolate Sights
February 4   Addressing Wildlife Threats
February 5   Drowning Out Mourning Dove Sounds
February 6   Controlling Noise in Our World
February 7   Experiencing Discord on Our Earth
February 8   Coupling Job's Trials and Global Depression
February 9   Tasting Effects of Water Contamination
February 10  Declaring the Right to Potable Water
February 11  Looming Disturbances in the Atmosphere
February 12  Benefitting from the People's Climate March
February 13  Extending Compassion to Ebola Victims
February 14  Facing Catastrophes with Loving Hearts
February 15  Reflecting on Miracles and Cures
February 16  Needing Redemption Individually and Collectively
February 17  Shrove Tuesday: Stumbling When Not Looking
February 18  Ash Wednesday and Need for Salvation
February 19  Human Rights and China's Move to Freedom
February 20  Caring for the Needs Due to Inequality
February 21  Touching All with Compassion  
February 22  Resisting Tempting Allurements and Detours
February 23  Denying the Current Situation
February 24  Excusing Ourselves from the Struggle
February 25  Escaping to Trite or Harmful Allurements  
February 26  Coupling Human Suffering with Creation's Groaning
February 27  Recording Environmental Damage and Good Deeds
February 28  Confronting Reality through Annual Retreats

March 2015

March 1   Discovering Our Consolations
March 2   Experiencing Jesus as Perfect Model
March 3   Observing the Flying Birds
March 4   Listening to the Raging Floods
March 5   Smelling and Tasting Dandelions
March 6   Whoa! Whiffing Fresh Horseradish
March 7   Touching Newly-Turned Soil
March 8   Moneychanging in the Temple  
March 9   Knowing Jesus as Activist
March 10  Becoming an Activist Like Jesus
March 11  Comparing Acts of Charity and Social Justice
March 12  Considering Pedestrian Rights
March 13  The Healing Jesus
March 14  Participating in Healing
March 15  Coming of Nicodemus by Night
March 16  Visiting James Madison's Montpelier
March 17  The Teaching Jesus
March 18  Applying Jesus' Teaching Methods
March 19  Pondering Once More Who Is This Jesus?
March 20  The Liberating Jesus
March 21  Self-Control is Personal Liberation
March 22  Sacrificing for Others is Mortification
March 23  Reflecting on the Coming of the Lord
March 24  Speaking the Word
March 25  Celebrating the Incarnation
March 26  Presenting the Divine and Human
March 27  Liberating through Our Efforts
March 28  Finding Jesus among the Poor  
March 29  Entering Jerusalem as Spectators or Participants
March 30  Immersing in Local Environmental Issues
March 31  Engaging in Radical Compassion

April 2015

April 1   Taking Holy Week Seriously

April 2   Celebrating Jesus as Priest

April 3   Being With Jesus at Calvary

April 4   Stepping Back for a Moment

April 5   Celebrating the Mystery of New Life

April 6   Turning Fear to Joy before Our Eyes

April 7   Listening to the Sounds of April Showers

April 8   Mystifying Aromas of Spring

April 9   Relishing Bittersweet Greens and Memories

April 10  Basking in the Spring Sun

April 11  Showing Mercy/Justice by Climate Change Funding

April 12  Calling Us All to Mercy Sunday

April 13  Discovering Two Standards

April 14  Rejecting the Standard of Materialism

April 15  Choosing the Standard of Radical Sharing

April 16  Noting Difficulties in Decision-Making

April 17  Considering Basic Levels of Humility

April 18  Delving into Deeper Levels of Humility

April 19  Renewing Society: An Integral Economy/Ecology

April 20  Joining Jesus as Solitary Witness

April 21  Knowing Jesus as Compassionate

April 22  Seeing Jesus as Suffering Servant

April 23  Walking the Stations of a Suffering Earth

April 24  Agonizing over a Wounded Earth

April 25  Proclaiming Eco-Beatitudes 

April 26  Reflecting on Qualities of a Good Shepherd

April 27  Searching for Reasons to Remove Litter

April 28  Inviting Sufferers into a Healing Community

April 29  Imitating Christ in Compassionate Suffering

April 30  Promoting the Conservation of Spiritual Energy

May 2015

May 1   Building Grace on Nature's Bounty
May 2   Observing the Urgency to Act Now
May 3   Bearing Much as a Fruitful Vine
May 4   Seeing Flowers Here Today, Gone Tomorrow
May 5   Detecting the Sounds of May
May 6   Chancing upon a Lively Vine
May 7   Tasting the Luscious Fruits of May
May 8   Radiating Warmth and Reflecting Rainbows
May 9   Reaffirming Resurrection-Centered Spirituality
May 10  Collaborating within Christ's Loving Service
May 11  Reflecting on the Phenomenology of Power 
May 12  Revealing Divine Power at Work in Creation
May 13  Reminding Ourselves of Power over Others
May 14  Discovering Current Levels of Impoverishment
May 15  Confronting Power through Power  
May 16  Breaking Loose through Power Manifestations
May 17  Ascending with Christ through Our Humble Work
May 18  Finding Power within Powerlessness
May 19  Showing Urgency through Imitating Christ
May 20  Perceiving Easter as a Radicalizing Event
May 21  Taking on Spiritual Power as Other Christs
May 22  Realizing Power in Being Non-Violent
May 23  Proclaiming the Power of the Poor
May 24  Witnessing to the Power of Pentecost
May 25  Gardening has a Host of Benefits
May 26  Suggesting Things for a Beginning Gardener  
May 27  Praying over and Repairing Damaged Land
May 28  Revitalizing a Resilient but Wounded Earth
May 29  Blessings Extend Positive Energy to Others
May 30  Broadening Social Justice to be Christocentric
May 31  Reinterpreting Deep Power in Trinitarian Terms

June, 2015

June 1   Confronting the World in Summertime
June 2   Presenting Challenges from Cliffs
June 3   Rumbling Distant Thunder Startles Us
June 4   Enjoying a Priceless Drink of Cool Water
June 5   Wafting Scent of New‑Mown Hay
June 6   Coming in Contact with Inviting Rocks
June 7   Manifesting the Power of Corpus Christi
June 8   Self-sacrificing as the True Messianic Role
June 9   Affirming the Great Work Ahead
June 10  Bearing Good News to All Creatures
June 11  Proclaiming is Communication, a Two-Way Street
June 12  Spreading Good News and a Paradigm Shift
June 13  Being Protected from Lurking Dangers
June 14  Observing the Mustard Seed's Powerful Growth
June 15  Recognizing the Lowly as Starting to Rise
June 16  Calling for Non-Violent Change
June 17  Ascending & Descending: Rise & Fall of Systems
June 18  Reflecting on How to Act as Change Agents
June 19  Choosing between Earthhealing Leadership Models
June 20  Tempting the Newly Exalted 
June 21  Trusting During Storms at Sea
June 22  Being Agents for Environmental Resource Assessments
June 23  Working as a Team to Save Our Earth  
June 24  Bringing Down Those in High Places Non-violently
June 25  Acting & Thinking Locally to Act & Think Globally
June 26  Defending Instant Communications as Appropriate
June 27  Orchestrating Environmental Fatigue
June 28  Proclaiming Life for All
June 29  Earthhealing and Personal Health Concerns
June 30  Planning at Mid-Year and Daily Examinations 

July, 2015

July 1   Seeing God in All Things
July 2   Concentrating on Fishing
July 3   Revealing Secrets of the Gurgling Stream
July 4   Enjoying Roadside Wildflowers
July 5   Being Prophetic amid Modern Difficulties
July 6   Tasting Native and Home-Grown Fruit
July 7   Learning from Creature Teachers
July 8   Taking a Closer Look at Jesus 
July 9   Recognizing Jesus as Perfect Teacher
July 10  Experiencing Jesus as Perfect Healer
July 11  Discovering Jesus as Perfect Activist
July 12  Championing Our American Religious Foundations
July 13  Realizing Earthhealers as Imperfect People
July 14  Coping with Climate Change Denial
July 15  Excusing Ourselves from Climate Change
July 16  Escaping from Environmental Responsibilities
July 17  Deceiving Self as Empowered on One's Own
July 18  Opening to Burnout and Dropout
July 19  Inspiring Good Leadership
July 20  Fence-Sitting as a Preferred Occupation
July 21  Pretending to be Relevant by Spinning Wheels
July 22  Challenging Cynicism in All Its Forms
July 23  Treating Affluence as a Disease
July 24  Discovering Earth's Many Qualities
July 25  Learning to Be Cooperative
July 26  Multiplying Loaves and Renewing Ourselves
July 27  Promoting Appropriate Technology
July 28  Supporting People-Centered Appropriate Technology
July 29  Knowing the Advantages of Appropriate Technology
July 30  Influencing Our Eco-Spirituality by Where We Are
July 31  Experiencing Our Eco-Spirituality by When We live

August 2015

August 1   Celebrating Lammastide in Gratitude
August 2   Feeding the Hungry Impels Us  
August 3   Fascinating Insects
August 4   Engaging in Nature's Conversations
August 5   Preserving the Summer Bounty
August 6   Delighting in the Consolations of Summer
August 7   Appreciating the Summer Foliage and Beauty
August 8   Focusing on Major Climate Change Decisions
August 9   Receiving Nourishment for Our Mission
August 10  Believing in the Holy Spirit, the Giver of Life
August 11  Announcing God's Spirit as Inspiration
August 12  Recognizing the Good Spirit in Our Lives
August 13  Proclaiming the God Within with Enthusiasm
August 14  Discovering the HERE in Life
August 15  Finding the NOW of Life
August 16  Eating the Bread of Eternal Life
August 17  Interrelating with the WE in Community
August 18  Delving into God's Self-Communication
August 19  Considering Ignatian Tradition and the Trinity
August 20  Striving to Be Godly as Earthhealers
August 21  Commenting Further on the Holy Trinity
August 22  Hoping We Do Not Stumble in Godly Reflection
August 23  Perceiving Multitudes and Remnants
August 24  Working Harmoniously in a Godly Fashion  
August 25  Contrasting Harmony and Disharmony
August 26  Healing Work as Harmonizing
August 27  Earthhealing as Special Mission
August 28  Working as Part of Divine Harmony
August 29  Discerning Spirits Communally
August 30  Purifying the Heart by Earthhealers
August 31  Preserving and Enhancing our Enthusiasm

September 2015

September 1   Exploring Community Enhancement
September 2   Attending to Joyful Valleys
September 3   Noticing Autumn's First Signs: Flocking Birds
September 4   Recalling the Smell of Silage
September 5   Tasting "Joy-Foam" at Sorghum Time
September 6   Learning the Art of Healing
September 7   Dancing the Virginia Reel
September 8   Celebrating in a Total Community
September 9   Embracing Cosmic Community
September 10  Considering Church as Community
September 11  Bringing All Together Under Christ
September 12  Listing Church Characteristics 
September 13  Realizing that Faith without Works Is Dead
September 14  Participating in Salvation History
September 15  Focusing on Divine Liturgy
September 16  Addressing Liturgy as Formal Prayer and Work
September 17  Honoring Liturgy as Mutual Celebration
September 18  Nourishing Spiritual Life through Liturgy
September 19  Beholding a Consecrated HERE as Real Presence
September 20  Discerning True Service
September 21  Experiencing a Consecrated NOW
September 22  Thinking as a Consecrated WE in Community
September 23  Rendering Sacrifice and Prophetic Witness
September 24  Striving to Imitate the Person of Christ
September 25  Reflecting on Perichoresis and Relationships
September 26  Discovering Community as Trinitarian
September 27  Dedicating Ourselves Totally to God
September 28  Collaborating within and among Churches
September 29  Praying that Community Actions Be Great Works
September 30  Recognizing Various Spirits at Work

October, 2015

October 1  Reflecting on World Vegetarian Day
October 2  Sounds of Coming and Going
October 3  Enjoying the Scent of Wet Autumn Leaves
October 4  Blessings of Man and Wife
October 5  Flowing Water Refreshes the Soul
October 6  Romping amid Piled Leaves
October 7  Honoring Baptism as a Road to Collaboration
October 8  Forgiving as Part of Collaboration
October 9  Entering Ever Deeper Levels of Forgiveness
October 10  Being Receptive to forgiveness
October 11  Confronting Worldly Wealth and Inequality 
October 12  Conducting the Sacraments of Life
October 13  Affirming New Life
October 14  Advancing in Eco-Spirituality
October 15  Mustering Coworkers to Earthhealing
October 16  Observing World Food Day
October 17  Making an Autumn Wilderness Retreat
October 18  Rethinking the Folly of Seeking glory
October 19  Encouraging Radical Sharing at all Levels
October 20  Dawning of a New Economic Order
October 21  Promoting Regional Sharing Practices
October 22  Taking National Leadership Roles
October 23  Advocating for International Controls
October 24  Supporting Broad-Based Global Practices
October 25  Pleading for God's Mercy
October 26  Gazing at the Harvest Moon
October 27  Forgiving Polluters?
October 28  Praying a Green "Our Father"
October 29  Discerning Communal Decisions
October 30  Renewing the Face of Our Earth
October 31  Moving to Deeper Mystery


November 2015

November 1   Ushering in a New Earth
November 2   Being Settled or Unsettled
November 3   Refreshing Memories of Autumn Landscapes
November 4   Haunting Bay of the Coon Hounds
November 5   Extolling the Autumn Apple
November 6   Creating a Cosmic Hymn of Praise
November 7   Preparing for the New Heaven and New Earth
November 8   Recalling the Widow's Mite
November 9   Considering the Lateran Basilica as a Home
November 10  Home Goings and Comings
November 11  Understanding that All Have a Right to a Job
November 12  Creating Meaningful Jobs for Workers
November 13  Becoming Christ to Others
November 14  Investing Locally as Inhabitants See Fit
November 15  Reflecting on Apocalypse and Tribulations
November 16  Dreaming of Good Food, Water, Housing and Health
November 17  Dreaming of Schools, Recreation & Human Services
November 18  Making Dreams into a New Creation
November 19  Being Free to Make Work-Related Choices
November 20  Entering the Ongoing Work of Restoration
November 21  Seeing Earthhealing as Unique Service
November 22  Praying Thy Kingdom Come
November 23  Recycling Is Good But Not Enough
November 24  Expecting Other Creatures on a New Earth
November 25  Living with a Certain Uncertainty
November 26  Assembling at Thanksgiving
November 27  Adding Substance to Our Thanksgiving
November 28  Establishing Domestic Sacred Space
November 29  Observing the Signs of Our Times 
November 30  Perceiving a New Heaven and New Earth

December 2015

December 1  Waiting with Patience
December 2  Seeing God on Our Evolving Journey
December 3  Finding God in All Things over Time
December 4  Discovering Eco-Spirituality Inherently Social
December 5  Rendering a Time for Everything 
December 6  Preparing the Way of the Lord as Heralds
December 7  Hastening the Day of the Lord as Catalysts
December 8  Accelerating the Changes Demanded
December 9  Recognizing Promise or Peril
December 10  Acknowledging Being Called to Presence
December 11  Generating an Enjoyable Christmas Spirit
December 12  Enhancing the Seasonal Spirit
December 13  Rejoicing with Liberation and Inner Peace
December 14  Practicing the Art of Spiritual Stewardship
December 15  Learning Patience & Restlessness Simultaneously
December 16  Realizing Earthhealing as a Communal Enterprise
December 17  Selecting a Humble Cedar Christmas Tree
December 18  Christmas Caroling Ought to Be Global
December 19  Reviewing the Year's Insights 
December 20  Willing to Be Peacemakers
December 21  Winter: Pondering Mystery and Overcoming Faults
December 22  Spring: Rising to a More Just Society
December 23  Summer: Coming Closer to the Lord amid Distractions
December 24  Autumn: Affirming Our Sacred Mission
December 25  Wishing You a Blessed Christmas
December 26  Glistening Razor Fence at Manchester Prison
December 27  Admiring the Holy Family
December 28  Healing Earth has Trinitarian Characteristics
December 29  Summarizing Eco-Spirituality Insights
December 30  Earthhealing as a Meaningful Calling
December 31  Bringing Finality to the Year


January, 2016

January 1   New Year's Starting Something Afresh       
January 2   Planning with Limited Resources
January 3   Epiphany: Establishing Firm Paths to Peace
January 4   General Gardening Reflections        
January 5   Jesus Christ Activist: A Work-in-Progress
January 6   Make Pope Francis' Encyclical a Reality  
January 7   The Primacy of Action
January 8   Garden Size Determination
January 9   Garden Variety Selection
January 10  Baptism: A Profound Calling
January 11  Our Baptismal Event    
January 12  We are Called to Do Great and Cosmic Deeds
January 13  Divinization and Great Deeds
January 14  Black Lives Matter: A Touchy Issue
January 15  Year‑Round Gardening 
January 16  Seedlings and Hot Beds      
January 17  Cana: Manifestation of Spiritual Empowerment
January 18  Become Celebrating Activists
January 19  Unity through Inclusivity
January 20  Inauguration: A Year from Today
January 21  Laudato Si (LS): Franciscan AND Ignatian        
January 22  Global Ecological Discernment
January 23  Garden Record Keeping
January 24  Jesus as Liberator
January 25  Injured Worker's Advocate
January 26  Ban Fracking in Kentucky and Elsewhere      
January 27  Ten Concrete Applications of Laudato Si
January 28  Pluses and Minuses to Lower Price of Gasoline
January 29  Wheelchair and Assisted Gardening
January 30  The Gardener's Gentle Wish
January 31  Confronting Prophetic Rejection

February, 2016

February 1   Healing Earth through Caring for Plants
February 2   Presentation: A Faith Journey
February 3   Encouraging Activism among Seniors
February 4   The Noble Work of Our Hands
February 5   Garden Work and Leisure Time
February 6   Gardening as Re-Creation in Sacred Space
February 7   Are We Willing to be Prophets and Fishers?
February 8   Rhythmic Planetary Vibrations
February 9   Mardi Gras: Perhaps It's Time to Celebrate
February 10  Ash Wednesday: From Dust through Dust to New Life
February 11  Inventor's Day: Work of Hands, Head and Heart
February 12  Praying for Our Governmental Leaders
February 13  Enhancing Voter Opportunities
February 14  Temptation: Part of the Human Condition
February 15  Overcoming Temptation
February 16  An Outdated, Unsustainable & Intolerable System
February 17  Spiritual Sight: Seeing with Eyes of Faith
February 18  Hoot Owls and Haunting Sounds of Winter
February 19  Championing the Consecrated Life
February 20  The Gardener's Act of Loving Sacrifice
February 21  Transfiguration: Foreshadowing Glory
February 22  Discovering Our Consolations
February 23  Eucharistic Consolation and Divine Presence
February 24  Preparing Soil Plots for Maximum Growth
February 25  What is Likeable about Garlic?
February 26  Parousia: Is it Coming Soon?
February 27  Say Goodbye to Fossil Fuels
February 28  Willing to Converse with Strangers
February 29  Leap Year Day: A Gift and Opportunity


March, 2016

March 1   Preparing for Seasonal Change
March 2   Eco-Balance through Organic Gardening
March 3   Six Ways to Show Mercy
March 4   The Demise of Coal
March 5   Welcoming the Renewable Energy Economy   
March 6   Standing Up Against Adversity
March 7   Saints Perpetua and Felicity, Martyrs and Models
March 8   Developing a Green Thumb for Gardening
March 9   Becoming One With Our Land
March 10  Recapping What Is Wrong with Fracking
March 11  Apple: The Perfect Candidate for Food Variation
March 12  Why Must We Change that Clock Tomorrow?
March 13  Jesus is Resurrection and Life
March 14  Involve Youth in Environmental Activities
March 15  Involve Elders in Environmental Activities
March 16  Use Skype at Critical Times
March 17  St. Patrick's Day Celebration
March 18  Holistic Health and Gardening
March 19  St. Joseph: Patron of Many
March 20  Palm Sunday Starts the Passion Drama
March 21  Greet Springtime in Special Ways
March 22  Resonance
March 23  Betrayal: When Activity Yields to Passivity
March 24  Last Supper Lasting as a Perpetual Institution
March 25  Participating in the Calvary Event
March 26  Death and Burial: A Final Accomplishment
March 27  Awaiting Easter Power and Glory
March 28  Easter Time and a Natural Theology
March 29  Divine Love as Primordial Resonance
March 30  Resonance: An Intuitive Perspective
March 31  The Garden: A Humble Setting


April 2016

April 1   How to Plan Our Work or Free Time
April 2   Renewed Interest in Cisterns
April 3   Mercy, Forgiveness and Miracles
April 4   The Blessings of Easter 
April 5   Recycling Is Good But Not Perfect
April 6   The Land Remembers: A Healing Blessing
April 7   Blessing over Damaged Land or Artifact
April 8   A Quest to Understand Resonance
April 9   Championing Green Gardening
April 10  Called to Be and Do the Extraordinary
April 11  Is This the End of the Ages -- Doomsday?
April 12  Henry Clay, A Great Statesman
April 13  In Defense of Generalists 
April 14  Resolve to Do Something about Invasive Species
April 15  Rockclimbing in the Red River Gorge
April 16  How Much Gardening Equipment is Needed?
April 17  A Light to the Gentiles
April 18  Keep America Beautiful As a Garden Project
April 19  Celebrate National Hanging Out Day
April 20  Encourage Youth to Plant Trees
April 21  Promote Wildlife Week
April 22  Earth Day: A Focus on Willingness to Act
April 23  Agribusiness Versus Small Farms
April 24  A New Commandment: Love as Jesus Loves
April 25  Doom and Gloom or Vroom and Bloom
April 26  Composting Organic Materials
April 27  April Showers Bring May Flowers
April 28  Achieving Local Environmental Results
April 29  Chemical Warfare Victims' Day
April 30  Gardeners Striving for Wholeness


May, 2016

May 1   Renewing Is Establishing Peace
May 2   Celebrating the Flowers of May
May 3   The Many Benefits of Biking
May 4   Wildfires, Wilderness and Forest Life
May 5   Ways to Counter Gross Economic Inequality
May 6   Construct a Retreat Cabin
May 7   Affirming Our Horse Culture
May 8   Ascension Calls for Action
May 9   Current Ideas about Time
May 10  Trusty Hound Dogs
May 11  It's Time to Sow Hemp Again
May 12  Planting Trees as a Mark of Respect
May 13  Stop Smoking by Going "Cold Turkey"
May 14  Reasons to Celebrate National Herb Week
May 15  Pentecost: A Time to Act; A Time for Silence
May 16  Support Noise Action Week
May 17  Harmonize Sounds and Silence
May 18  Awareness and Coping with Noise
May 19  Cultivating Noise Sensitivity
May 20  Nine Ways to Reduce Noise
May 21  Nine Ways to Create Silent Space
May 22  The Trinity in Our Lives
May 23  The Glory or Fate of Coral Reefs
May 24  Floral Gardens as an Art Form                             
May 25  What's Wrong with Billionaires?
May 26  Road Rage and Memorial Day Weekend
May 27  Globish: A Universal Language
May 28  Memorial Day and Respectful Memories
May 29  Corpus Christi and Public Devotion
May 30  The Gifts of the Holy Spirit 
May 31  A Gardener's Ode to Joy

June, 2016

June  1  Protecting and Assisting Garden Plants
June  2  Some Reasons for Celebrating Rivers
June  3  Halt Damage, Repair the Harmed, Make Reparation
June  4  The Mountain Rhododendron   
June  5  Violent Deaths and Sorrow to Loved Ones  
June  6  Hike the Sheltowee Trace
June  7  Consider a Poem for the Times: Lazarus' People
June  8  Architects Can Be Earthhealers   
June  9  The Wisdom of Seniors
June 10  Wisdom Includes Recognizing God's Gifts    
June 11  Visit the Eco-Tourist Center of Kentucky
June 12  Forgiveness in the Jubilee Year of Mercy   
June 13  Speak Well of Tulip Poplars 
June 14  Old Car Art -- In Junk Yards 
June 15  Two Models of Leadership   
June 16  The Principle of Subsidiarity and Leadership Choices
June 17  Gambling in Lottery or For a Better World
June 18  Love and Respect on Father's Day   
June 19  Accepting One's Cross
June 20  Saying Good Things about Pack Rats
June 21  Native Americans and Aboriginal Day  
June 22  Honoring the Kentucky River
June 23  Champion Prairie Tall Grasses                
June 24  John, Herald to the Nations
June 25  Discover Creature Companions
June 26  Jesus Is Resolute; So Ought We Be  
June 27  Environmental Cost of Face-to-Face Meetings  
June 28  Let's Continue Asking Questions
June 29  Some Garden Conservation Techniques
June 30  Gardener's Desire to Conserve Resources

July, 2016

July 1   Declare Independence from Stuff               
July 2   Jake, The Wolf Spider     
July 3   Apostolic Mobility 
July 4   Following American Revolutionaries' Footsteps   
July 5   Construction Time in July 
July 6   Dying in Vain  
July 7   The Abandoned Homestead
July 8   Ducks: Wildlife of the Month 
July 9   Understanding: Welcoming Opportunities for Insight
July 10  Know Our Neighbors       
July 11  Cheer Up the Lonely Day
July 12  Suggestions on How to Eat Simply
July 13  Tolerance and the Smoker
July 14  Animal Protection and Welfare Groups
July 15  Stopping at "Nowhere" during July Travels
July 16  Promoting Agritourism
July 17  Reflection on the Martha and Mary Story  
July 18  Doing, Being and Contemplation in Action
July 19  Moon Day and Moonshine
July 20  Mimosa, The Silk Tree
July 21  Retreat: The Pause That Refreshes      
July 22  Backyard Gardening Versus CSAs    
July 23  Glaciers Are Endangered Species
July 24  Simple Prayer
July 25  Improving Food Quality  
July 26  Discovering Value in Ponds   
July 27  Focus and Concentration in July 
July 28  The Misfortune of Being Treed   
July 29  The Garden: Gateway to Mystery  
July 30  Create a Butterfly Garden   
July 31  Confronting Greed

August, 2016

August  1  Gardening in August  
August  2  How to Be a Revolutionary
August  3  Counsel: Making Right Judgments  
August  4  Respect Our Coast Guard
August  5  God is Love  
August  6  My Favor Rests   
August  7  Parables Are for All of Us 
August  8  Bikers, Pedestrians and Infrastructure Improvement
August  9  Recycle Unused Barns in Imaginative Ways
August 10  The Widening VW Diesel Scandal
August 11  My Memory of "Smoky Holler"
August 12  August Flowers Are Worth Celebrating  
August 13  Lefthanders' Day and Practical Tolerance
August 14  Bringing Fire to Others        
August 15  Making Basic Assumptions
August 16  Relinquishment AND Restitution       
August 17  The Art of "Making Do"    
August 18  What about Sod or Pressed Earth Houses?
August 19  Recalling Guns of August and Beyond
August 20  Bald Eagles versus Turkeys  
August 21  Last First and First Last
August 22  Consider Recycling Made Easy  
August 23  European Population Decline  
August 24  Using Biofuels and Biomass More Efficiently    
August 25  Rural Indoor Air Pollution  
August 26  Enjoy a Hermitage Experience
August 27  Mother Teresa's Favorites
August 28  Exalted and Humbled     
August 29  John the Baptist as Our Model      
August 30  Treasure Oak Shade        
August 31  Formulating Gardening Practices   

September, 2016

September 1   Extending the Garden Growing Season
September 2   Honor the Cherokee National Holiday     
September 3   Laboring to Save the Earth   
September 4   Discipleship and Spiritual Discipline 
September 5   Promote Urban Forests      
September 6   Climate Change and the Poor 
September 7   The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Restive
September 8   Champion Literacy for Everyone
September 9   Twelve Steps for Consumer Addicts  
September 10  Environmental Beatitudes in Autumn
September 11  Destitution is a Form of Slavery   
September 12  Premium Arable Land  
September 13  Challenge the Bottled Water Epidemic 
September 14  American Military Expenditures: A Cross of Iron 
September 15  End National and Domestic Debt Domination
September 16  Full Corn Moon    
September 17  Enhancing Our Sense of Citizenship
September 18  God or Money?  Fair Taxes or Tax Havens?    
September 19  Battlefields in America
September 20  Fortitude as a Gift of the Spirit
September 21  Hosea Speaks Today   
September 22  Hispanic Heritage and Fair Trade Practices
September 23  Native American Day, Gratitude and Respect
September 24  Coexisting with Wildlife as Gardeners    
September 25  Lazarus =  Laz(y) Are Us (We)
September 26  Discernment: Reasons for and against Smoking
September 27  Make Gardening a Family Affair   
September 28  Neutral Carbon: A Shell Game?     
September 29  The Costs of Nuclear Weapons
September 30  Consider Migratory Birds and Butterflies 


October, 2016

October 1    Participate in a Solar Tour
October 2    Strive for Faithful Service   
October 3    Earthquakes and Acts of God
October 4    St. Francis as Model Diplomat   
October 5    Create a Cane Brake         
October 6    A Case for Moderate Vegetarianism
October 7    Bengal Tigers and Other Big Cats
October 8    Create Herbal Teas
October 9    Welcoming Foreigners
October 10   Soft Approach to Lifestyle Change
October 11   Hard Approach: Unless We Change Our Ways...   
October 12   Voluntary Change Has Inherent Limitations     
October 13   Numbers and Sacred Scripture    
October 14   Miscellaneous Autumn Garden Hints   
October 15   Peace with Justice Week  
October 16   Perseverance Needed Today        
October 17   World Food Day Revisited   
October 18   St. Luke and the Journey of Faith  
October 19   Knowledge: Acting through Proper Experience   
October 20   Morality and Nuclear Power 
October 21   Faint Voices in the Hills        
October 22   October is Passing
October 23   Cherish Simple Prayer 
October 24   Unique Ministerial Service
October 25   Proclaiming Good News: Suffering Has Value    
October 26   Champion Indoor Physical Exercise 
October 27   Culture through Garden Cultivation      
October 28   Isolation, Never Again     
October 29   Catastrophe: Living Beyond Our Means
October 30   Zacchaeus's House Is Our Earth  
October 31   British Influence: Wax or Wane?

November, 2016

November  1   Striving for Sainthood 
November  2   Remembrances in November's Indian Summer
November  3   Recalling Nut-Gathering in Autumn      
November  4   Updating a Sustainable Energy Blueprint  
November  5   Remedy for Vanishing Agricultural Lands        
November  6   Confronting Secularity with a Merciful Spirit
November  7   Fossil Fuel-Free and Nuclear Power-Free 
November  8   Manifesting Citizenship on Election Day      
November  9   A "Man on the Moon" Renewable Energy Program   
November 10   Soul-Searching amid Failing Military Solutions      
November 11   Reflections on Imagining the Hereafter   
November 12   Let's Beware of Scam Artists   
November 13   Awaiting the Day of the Lord  
November 14   Beavers and Natural Wetlands    
November 15   Learning to Share through Gardening 
November 16   Consider Creating Sacred Space
November 17   Struggles Triggered by Climate Change    
November 18   Enjoy Autumn Pears        
November 19   Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation   
November 20   Christ's Cross: Weapon of Mass Blessing     
November 21   Lead and Universal Children's Day   
November 22   Stop the Violence Day    
November 23   Piety: Enhancing the Sense of Mystery   
November 24   Giving Simple Thanks  
November 25   Let's Start Redistributing World Resources          
November 26   Encouraging Shut-Ins As Earthhealers
November 27   Self-Denial and Advent 
November 28   Borrowing from Future Generations 
November 29   Sauerkraut or Choucroute   
November 30   A Garden Teaches Patience

December, 2016

December 1   Is It Christmas Card Time Again?  
December 2   The Poor: Problem or Family Affair
December 3   Learn to Live with Rabbits  
December 4   Repentance Needed Here and Now 
December 5   Off-Setting: Modern Snake Oil Sales?
December 6   Charity and the Christmas Spirit
December 7   Looking Again at Fire Safety Day
December 8   America's Saint Names
December 9   Fear of the Lord: Preserving Reverence
December 10  Green-Tinted Human Rights
December 11  Genuine Puzzlement for John the Baptist   
December 12  Roses, Poinsettias, Mistletoe, and Evergreens
December 13  Attributing the Driving Time 
December 14  Does It Really Matter?  Earth Is Lost
December 15  Nine Ways to Make Winter Endurable
December 16  Turn to the Scriptures in Advent
December 17  Renewable America Is Coming 
December 18  Joseph's Dilemma
December 19  Wind and Solar Renewable Energy Growth
December 20  Hydropower and Geothermal Sources 
December 21  Home Economics in Winter Time  
December 22  A Garden as a New Eden 
December 23  Where Have All the Honey Bees Gone?
December 24  Make America Green Conscious ASAP  
December 25  Christmas Dawns   
December 26  Appalachian Christmas Celebration  
December 27  God Only Knows
December 28  Holy Innocents Day  
December 29  Testing My Civility and Courtesy     
December 30  Extended Family Connections 
December 31  Final Blessings in Gratitude

January, 2017

January  1  Launch 2017 with Fresh Beginnings
January  2  My Ten Favorite Scripture Passages
January  3  Resolve to Keep a Day Book
January  4  Our Rock of Refuge
January  5  AIDS/HIV Epidemic Update
January  6  Discovering Retreat Time and Space
January  7  Planning Regular Health Checkups
January  8  Truly Living the Epiphany
January  9  Is Air Travel for the Privileged?
January 10  The American Chestnut Arises Again
January 11  Launching the Growing Year: Hot Beds
January 12  Free or Fair World Trade?
January 13  Consider Soups in Winter
January 14  Snow Storms and Climate Change
January 15  Baptism and Life-giving Water
January 16  Promote Religious Freedom
January 17  The Pluses and Minuses of Wood Heating
January 18  Octave for Christian Unity 
January 19  Highlight Tame and Scenic Rivers
January 20  Corporations Exist at the Citizens' Pleasure
January 21  Africans: Joys and Sorrows
January 22  Vocational Call in the Twenty-First Century
January 23  Legible Handwriting So Others Can Read
January 24  The Need to Radically Share
January 25  The Internet: Promise and Peril
January 26  An Examination of Conscience
January 27  Reviewing Cautions Against Gambling
January 28  99 Simple Lifestyle Suggestions
January 29  Urgency and Reform
January 30  Respect Animals and Especially Pets
January 31  Encourage Inspiration

February, 2017

February 1   Even Groundhogs Can Teach Us
February 2   A Light for Us to Enlighten Others
February 3   A Global Solution: Solar Cookers and Ovens
February 4   Weigh Natural Versus Synthetic Fibers
February 5   Ways to Become a Light to the World
February 6   Enhance the Art of Story-Telling 
February 7   Urban Simple Living
February 8   Maintain Efficient Vehicles and Drivers
February 9   Learn to Pray from the Heart
February 10  Support Enthusiastic Tour Guides 
February 11  Reflections on Abraham Lincoln
February 12  Called to Discern What We Must Do   
February 13  Improve Bird Habitats
February 14  The Manifold Mystery of Love
February 15  Launch Gardening in Your Backyard
February 16  Recognize Intrusiveness as a Modern Vice
February 17  Practice Responsible Consumerism 
February 18  Cell Phone and Electronic Device Overuse
February 19  Must It Be an Eye for an Eye?
February 20  Presidents' Day and the American Way
February 21  Earthhealing and We the People
February 22  Promote Cooperatives
February 23  Plan Eco-Vacationing Near Home
February 24  Explore Our Local Historic Roots
February 25  Help Create Quiet Zones 
February 26  Do Not Worry About Tomorrow  
February 27  Think before You Drink 
February 28  Start Lent on a Spiritual Note


March, 2017

March 1    Ash Wednesday's Message: Sacrifice and Love
March 2    Creative Meals for Lent
March 3    Faith, Fiction, Fantasy and Reality
March 4    Fostering Greater Respect
March 5    Temptations To Do and Not to Do       
March 6    The Complex Issue of Genetic Engineering 
March 7    Ideal Time to Prune Trees and Shrubs
March 8    Singing the Benefits of Trees
March 9    Select a Wholesome Garden Variety  
March 10   Destitution Is the Form of Slavery
March 11   Honor the Sabbath Rest
March 12   Transfiguration and Earthhealing
March 13   Benefits and Disadvantages of Underground Homes
March 14   Celebrate the Heavenly Vibrations  
March 15   Wind Power's Emerging Advantages
March 16   To Jet or Not to Jet: Flying Is for the Birds
March 17   Respect Non-Timber Forest Products
March 18   Encourage Others to Watch for the Birds
March 19   Proclaiming Water As Essential for Life 
March 20   Encourage Students to Act Environmentally
March 21   Spring Comes in Fits and Starts
March 22   Celebrate Spring's Arrival with "Greens"
March 23   Sharing Limited Space with Wildlife
March 24   We Become Our Land: Resonance  
March 25   The Incarnation in Our Lives
March 26   Faith Models: The Blind Man and Others
March 27   Recognizing the Roles of Senior Citizens
March 28   Solar-Powered Cars Are a Challenge
March 29   Finding Sacred Space within the Heart  
March 30   Great Blue Heron, Nature's Delight  
March 31   Choose Green Recreation Activities

April, 2017

April 1   Smoking: A Cruel April Fool’s Joke
April 2   "I Am the Resurrection"   
April 3   Confront Television Addiction
April 4   Review Types of Safe Walkways
April 5   Start Thinking Solar
April 6   Organize an Arbor Day Event
April 7   Consider Public Service Announcements
April 8   Travel Lightly
April 9   A Journey to Faith  
April 10  Learn about a Cordwood Building
April 11  Always Plan before You Build
April 12  Teach-in Tips for Global Warming Day  
April 13  Holy Thursday: Called to be Caregivers
April 14  Good Friday: Death of the Forest
April 15  Holy Saturday: Sorrow Turned to Joy
April 16  Easter Faith in 2017
April 17  Space Versus Down-to-Earth Costs
 April 18  Celebrate Citizen Monitors: Modern Paul Reveres     
April 19  National Hanging Out Day
April 20  Green Construction Suggestions     
April 21  Honor the Elders
April 22  Think Organic Green
April 23  God's Mercy, Faith and Showers   
April 24  Expose the Epidemic of Consumption
April 25  The Question    
 April 26  Murphy's Appalachian Law
April 27  Encourage Volunteer Activity
April 28  Some Ways to Save Time
April 29  Make a Pilgrimage
April 30  Journey to Emmaus and Back

May, 2017

May 1   Joseph the Worker
May 2   The Value of Mulching
May 3   Why Solar Churches?
May 4   Space Tourism   
May 5   Defend the Roadless Forest
May 6   Thirteen Ways to Save Energy
May 7   Tending Sheep: Protecting the Commons
May 8   Peace Poles
May 9   Endangered Species
May 10  Floral Gardens      
May 11  Coping with Information Overload     
May 12  Multipurpose Cemeteries      
May 13  The Way, the Truth and the Life
May 14  Mother's Day: Love from Love 
May 15  Alternative Justice Approaches
May 16  Beautifying the Surroundings
May 17  Hastening the Move from a Fossil Fuel Economy
May 18  Become a Green Gardener     
May 19  Championing Old-Growth Forests
May 20  Weeds Can Be Controlled 
May 21  Resurrection-Centered Spirituality 
May 22  Our Oceans and Seas: The Last Frontiers
May 23  Meetings, Meetings
May 24  All Tourism Needs to be Green
May 25  Large- and Small-Scale Hydropower
May 26  Destroy Remaining Chemical Weapons
May 27  Eight Reasons for Reducing Lawns
May 28  A Case against Idle Observation
May 29  Visit Cemeteries
May 30  Twelve Ways to Save Water  
May 31  Reflecting on the Magnificat

June, 2017

June  1  Earthhealing and the Need for Planning
June  2  Now Is the Time to Think Smaller
June  3  Trails and River Celebrations   
June  4  Pentecost: Light Prayer
June  5  World Environment Day 2017
June  6  D-Day Remembrances
June  7  Cisterns: Conserve Rain Water  
June  8  Guidelines for Edible Landscaping
June  9  Oral and Video History
June 10  Bird Sanctuaries
June 11  Celebrate Trinity and Community
June 12  Spirit Creatures: Animal and Plant
June 13  Create Herbal Teas
June 14  Honoring Flag Day
June 15  Ten Commandments of Resource Use
June 16  Preserve Languages
June 17  Being Paternal 
June 18  Corpus Christi 
June 19  Making Composting Acceptable
June 20  Support the Global Village
June 21  Resource Conservation Gardening Techniques
June 22  Monitoring and Assessing
June 23  Radical Peace and the Sacred Heart                
June 24  John the Baptist
June 25  Fear Not, the Lord Is with Us
June 26  Champion and Treasure Heritage Seed
June 27  Stewardship and Our Earth
June 28  Observe -- Don't Make -- Fireworks Displays
June 29  Sts. Peter and Paul: Together But Different
June 30  Reassess the Budget

July, 2017

July  1   Canada: A Good Neighbor
July  2   Making Christ Our Focus
July  3   Called to Mercy, Not Sacrifice
July  4   Declare Resource Interdependence
July  5   Care for Our Heart
July  6   Wholesome Vacation Time
July  7   Confrontation: Good or Bad?
July  8   Promoting the Beauty and Utility of Lakes
July  9   Sustaining a Humble Heart amid Uncertainties
July 10   Chestnut Memories: A Wake Amid Reawakening
July 11   Eleven Reasons for Locally Grown Food
July 12   Promote Freedom Gardens
July 13   Community Gardens and Group Activities
July 14   Becoming Restorers of the Landscape 
July 15   Championing Quality at Harvest Time
July 16   Becoming Soil for Good Seed
July 17   Food Preserving Techniques
July 18   Resource Self-Control  
July 19   Farmers' Markets and Other Produce Sources
July 20   Food Distribution Systems
July 21   Domestic Potable Water Supplies 
July 22   Using Food Storage Space Well  
July 23   Weeds and Tolerance
July 24   Climate Change and the Poor
July 25   "Affluenza" versus Simpler Living                        
July 26   Overcoming Food Wastes
July 27   Restorative Justice through Community Service
July 28   Wildscape and Wildlife
July 29   Martha and Mary
July 30   Suffering Humanity, A Treasure Worth Discovering
July 31   God's Grandeur: An Ignatian Vision

August, 2017

August  1   Let Us Learn Essentials from the Poor
August  2   Water Fountains Sing to Us
August  3   Feeding People in Times of Food Shortages
August  4   Mobile Homes: Good and Bad
August  5   Family Reunions
August  6   Transfiguration
August  7   Nuclear Power Versus Wind Energy
August  8   Solar Hot Water Systems
August  9   Promote Intergenerational Gardening
August 10   Consider Becoming Self-Taught
August 11   Plan an Autumn Garden
August 12   Champion Local and Global Villages
August 13   Material Versus Spiritual Security
August 14   Revere the Ark of the Covenant
August 15   Mary: Gentle Woman
August 16   Global Population: Explosion or Decline      
August 17   Domestic Indoor Environment
August 18   Conflict Resolution and Ecological Concerns
August 19   Common Lands and Private Property Rights
August 20   Reflecting on Humility and Faith  
August 21   Toxic Chemicals: A Social Justice Advocacy Issue
August 22   Photovoltaic Solutions
August 23   Local Concern Versus Globalization 
August 24   Discuss Animal "Rights"
August 25   Listen to the Mockingbird
August 26   Valuing Hands-on Work Experience
August 27   Keys to the Kingdom and Responsibility
August 28   Promoting a Case for Bilingualism
August 29   Speaking the Truth: A Prophetic Stance
August 30   The Internet and Global Communications      
August 31   A Fresh Look at Vitality  

September, 2017

September  1   Labor: Rights and Responsibilities     
September  2   Consolation: Kind Words and Deeds
September  3   Self-Denial Needed Today
September  4   Curb Soft Drink Use
September  5   Ozone: Friend or Foe?
September  6   Celebrate the Labyrinth
September  7   Reflection on Travel Experiences
September  8   Solar Greenhouses and Cold Frames
September  9   Ten Commandments of the Forest   
September 10   Networking with Those in Trouble
September 11   In Defense of Wilderness 
September 12   Promote and Enjoy Home Hobbies
September 13   Christians, Genesis and Earthhealing
September 14   The Sign of the Cross
September 15   Let's Try Organizing
September 16   Insulation and Weatherization
September 17   Citizenship Day: A Forgiving America 
September 18   American Foreign Aid and Charity
September 19   Use Caution with Household Chemicals 
September 20   Gardening as a Social Enterprise 
September 21   Consider Simple Funerals
September 22   Celebrate Autumn Time
September 23   Spice Your Meals with Variety
September 24   Coming to Realize Our Gifts
September 25   Just How Much Insurance?
September 26   Natural Sounds All Around
September 27   Road Blocks to Renewable Energy  
September 28   Mold, the Asbestos of the 2000s
September 29   Learning to Eat Lower on the Food Chain
September 30   Traveling on U.S. Route 68

October, 2017

October  1   The First Day of the Rest of Life
October  2   St. Francis, Patron of Environmentalists
October  3   St. Francis (Continued)
October  4   St. Francis (Continued)
October  5   Learn through Autumn Gardening
October  6   Face Indebtedness in a Spiritual Way
October  7   Provide proper Lighting for All
October  8   Count the Blessings of the Vineyard
October  9   Challenge a Slipping Memory
October 10   Fire Prevention Week's Do and Don't List 
October 11   Discover Backyard America
October 12   Prepare for Possible Local Disasters
October 13   Focus on Ginseng, a Wonder Plant
October 14   Harvest Nature's Produce
October 15   Invite the Uninvited
October 16   Establish a Family and Local History
October 17   Observe World Day for the Eradication of Poverty
October 18   Tackle a Turnover of Yard into Garden
October 19   Address Tobacco Use
October 20   Care for Ourselves as We Age
October 21   Converse with Plants and Animals
October 22   Render to Each Its Due
October 23   Dry Food with Solar Energy
October 24   Consider Disarmament Week 
October 25   Attend to Shut-ins
October 26   Choose When and Where to Use Synthetics
October 27   Dress for the Season
October 28   Create a New Eden
October 29   Express Our Love of God and Neighbor
October 30   Make Green Tourist Areas
0ctober 31   Celebrate the Eve of All Hallows

November, 2017

November 1   Thank God for Many Good Folks            
November 2   Diamonds in the Rough
November 3   Does Our Democracy Needs Strengthening?
November 4   Trees and Leaves
November 5   Reflecting on Practicing What We Preach          
November 6   Hunting as Sport or Necessity
November 7   Prepare a Living Will
November 8   Should We Will Organs for Others?
November 9   The Church as Our Home     
November 10  Build and Maintain a Worm Composting Bin
November 11  Veterans' Day: A Transitory Sacrifice             
November 12  Learning to Await the Transition           
November 13  Recognizing Eco-Hypocrisy
November 14  Ten Reasons for Dry Composting Toilets
November 15  Restoring Wildlife Habitats
November 16  Darkness Expands                         
November 17  The Turkey as National Bird
November 18  Reread Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
November 19  Using Our Talents Well   
November 20  Culinary Herb Growing and Use
November 21  Consider Micro Hydropower                    
November 22  Winterizing the Garden     
November 23  Thanksgiving Thought and Prayer
November 24  Is This a Good Day for Gift Purchase?
November 25  Design and Build a Garden Pool
November 26  Christ the King
November 27  Small-Scale Farming Is Essential 
November 28  Work on a Nature Trail 
November 29  Sharing Food Locally and Globally            
November 30  Resonating with Our God Within

December, 2017

December 1   Ten Ways to Prepare for Winter 
December 2   Plan a Winter Nature Walk
December 3   Active Waiting                  
December 4   Automobile Accidents Happen
December 5   Hobbies, Crafts and Arts  
December 6   Twelve Gifts Worth Considering          
December 7   Remembering Painful Events  
December 8   Eve and Mary: Choices
December 9   Hard Question: Why Billionaires?
December 10  Preparing the Way                
December 11  Learn about Valuable Windbreaks                 
December 12  Establishing a Global Village
December 13  Consider Garden Economics
December 14  Enlightened Self-Interest, Really?     
December 15  Lighten Up; It's Divine Humor
December 16  The True Meaning of Christmas Gifts       
December 17  Rejoice Always                   
December 18  Good Grief              
December 19  Safe Decorations
December 20  Create a Quieter House
December 21  Winter Solstice and Light        
December 22  Tough Times for Those in Real Need
December 23  Can We Pray Always?
December 24  Mary and Joseph              
December 25  Divine Sensations
December 26  The Word Proclaims Peace 
December 27  Fight for the Environment 
December 28  Choose Life  
December 29  End-of-Year Reminders 
December 30  The Holy Family Presentation        
December 31  A Gaelic Blessing

January, 2018

January  1  New Year's Here      
January  2  Recite a Litany of the Earth
January  3  Protect Birds in Various Ways        
January  4  Promote Reasons for Living Simply    
January  5  Consider Peacemaking Activities 
January  6  Plan an Annual Retreat
January  7  Glory in the Story
January  8  Baptism: Reassuring Us to Act
January  9  Strive to Become an Eco-Traveler      
January 10  Resolve to Salt Less this Winter
January 11  Launch the Gardening Year   
January 12  Make a Winter Twelve-Veggie Soup
January 13  Treasure Rural Experiences
January 14  Listen for the Seasonal Calls
January 15  Purge Elements of Residual Racism        
January 16  Encourage Daily Physical Exercise
January 17  Learn from Ben Franklin: Stay Active
January 18  Eight Ways to Simplify One's Life
January 19  Celebrate Windpower in America
January 20  Reflections Where Life Expectancy Declines
January 21  The Jonah Story Applies to All    
January 22  Care for the Car
January 23  Reuse Materials
January 24  Make a Forest Pledge
January 25  St. Paul's Day and Ecumenism 
January 26  Save Our Hemlocks
January 27  Protect Our Wildlife      
January 28  Called to Exercise Authority
January 29  Questioning Retirement
January 30  The Hunger for Community    
January 31  Declare All Time Extraordinary

February, 2018

February 1   Come, Come, First Robin     
February 2   Recognize Candle Power
February 3   Show Hospitality to Wildlife
February 4   Curing and Healing    
February 5   Initiate Early Gardening
February 6   Identify Sacred Private Space
February 7   Let's Accept Old Age
February 8   Good Reasons for Composting 
February 9   Confronting Noise Pollution     
February 10  Curb Fat Twelve Ways
February 11  Touching Compassion for the Infirm
February 12  Celebrate Abe Lincoln's Birthday
February 13  Welcome Ashes
February 14  Turning Words into Deeds  
February 15  Eat Less Meat
February 16  Attend to Entrances and Signage
February 17  Tackle Invasive Species Such as Kudzu       
February 18  Endure Trials and Temptations 
February 19  Striving to Live in Hope
February 20  Utilize Wood Properly
February 21  Frequent Public Worship Space
February 23  Consider Domestic Waterfalls
February 23  Does America Have a State Religion?
February 24  Acknowledge Our Need for Rest
February 25  Participating in the Transfiguration 
February 26  Construct Privacy Screens and Noise Barriers
February 27  Simplify Life as a Community Project
February 28  Pray for Global Restoration

March, 2018

March 1   Expand the "Rails to Trails" Program
March 2   Resistance and Civil Disobedience   
March 3   Winter's Hidden Hope
March 4   Conversing with the Woman at the Well 
March 5   Discover Gardening as Sacred
March 6   Defend Solar and Windpower against Naysayers
March 7   Recognize the Art of Pretending
March 8   Living with Potential Disaster  
March 9   Design Tranquil Living Space
March 10  Consider a Retreat Cabin
March 11  Practice Faith as a Public Act
March 12  Plant Trees and Berries as a Community Project
March 13  Challenge Inconsistent Drug Policies
March 14  Encourage Temporary Cold Frames
March 15  Sing the Black Mountain Blues
March 16  Revisit Past Predictions
March 17  St. Patrick and Clover
March 18  Confront Death to Self  
March 19  Coal Ash Ponds and Toxic Substances
March 20  Celebrate the Vernal Equinox
March 21  Learn about Virtually Wild Ginseng
March 22  Why Retire?
March 23  Become Earthhealing Individuals
March 24  Become Earthhealing Groups    
March 25  Palm Sunday: Hollow Shouts of Adulation
March 26  Promote Disaster Alert and Relief Systems
March 27  Review My Conflict with Crows
March 28  Spy Wednesday  
March 29  Nursing Homes
March 30  Calvary and Human Wounds 
March 31  Resurrection and the Garden

April, 2018

April 1   We are Easter People
April 2   Easter Monday: Bless the Earth
April 3   Jerry Waddle and Ducks
April 4   All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs)
April 5   Champion Appropriate Technology    
April 6   Salt of Our Earth
April 7   Observe World Health Day
April 8   St. Thomas, Easter and Divine Mercy 
April 9   Baby Boomers and Senior Citizenhood
April 10  Appreciate and Support Environmental Art
April 11  Promote Fresh Vegetables and Fruit
April 12  An Imperfect Culture: Who Are We Fooling?
April 13  Peace in the Holy Land: A New Resolve
April 14  In Defense of Income Taxes
April 15  The Road to and from Emmaus
April 16  Health Care a Major Issue 
April 17  Pessimistic or Optimistic Ecoview
April 18  Enjoy Spring Hikes
April 19  Faltering Empire or Something Better   
April 20  Spring Rains and Resulting Storm Water
April 21  Earth Day Recommitment
April 22  Shepherding in Times of Crises
April 23  Preservation Week and Being Realistic
April 24  National Screen-Free and TV-Turnoff Week   
April 25  Some Questions for Us Auto Users
April 26  Appalachian Floods
April 27  Listening to Nature and Beyond 
April 28  Reminding Ourselves of a Possible Catastrophe
April 29  Connected through the Vine 
April 30  Gambling in a Good Way

May, 2018

May 1   Look with Wonder to the Stars
May 2   Derby Day Celebration
May 3   2018 National Day of Prayer
May 4   The Gift of Wildflowers
May 5   Reaffirm Animal Care
May 6   A Special Commandment of Love 
May 7   Help Preserve Rainforests: The Planet's Lungs 
May 8   Review Democracy 101
May 9   Support Green Building Programs
May 10  Protect Streams and Channels
May 11  Changing from American to Global Measuring Systems
May 12  Simplify Lawn Care
May 13  Ascension: Why Look to the Sky?
May 14  Is Capitalism Compatible with Good Environmentalism?
May 15  Wisdom of Elders is Overlooked
May 16  Sustainability and Environment
May 17  Holy Land: A One-State Solution? 
May 18  National Endangered Species Day
May 19  Hasten Green Energy Practices
May 20  Pentecost: The Restless Wind
May 21  The Call for Prophetic Response
May 22  A Global Maritime Corps
May 23  Charity and/or Justice
May 24  Contrasting Economic Views  
May 25  Resource Conscious Acts of Love
May 26  Rachel Carson's Birthday
May 27  Resonating with the Trinity 
May 28  Memorial Day and Senior Moments
May 29  Being Faithful Is a Success Story
May 30  Internet and Spreading Good News   
May 31  Be Conscious of Lead Contamination

June, 2018

June 1    Participating in National River Cleanup Day
June 2    Promoting National Trails Day
June 3    Building up the Body of Christ  
June 4    Patronizing Tailgate or Farmers' Markets
June 5    Learning to be Smart Campers
June 6    Dealing with Poisons  
June 7    Teaching Good Environmental Practice  
June 8    Sightseeing Values
June 9    Rethinking Our Rest Time
June 10   Battling the Powers of Evil: Opioid Addiction
June 11   Returning Phoenix: Nuclear Power 
June 12   Juggling and Multitasking
June 13   Respecting Church/State Separation
June 14   Celebrating Flag Day
June 15   Deriving Safe Pharmaceuticals from Plants
June 16   Gardening Intensively
June 17   Bringing Mustard Seed to Fruition
June 18   Enjoying International Picnic Day
June 19   Curbing Climate Change at Low Cost
June 20   Eating Right
June 21   Greeting the Summer Solstice
June 22   Stinging Summer Insects
June 23   Staying Alert to Hidden Environmental Problems
June 24   imitating John the Baptist
June 25   Learning from Custer's Last Stand
June 26   Actualizing the Gift of Peace
June 27   Remembering Helen Keller
June 28   Welcoming the Strawberry Moon
June 29   Picking Blackberries
June 30   Mandating a World Food Reserve

July, 2018

July 1   Improving Quality of Life   
July 2   Cultivating Anglo-American Friendship    
July 3   Learning to Endure Summer's Heat
July 4   Reflecting on the Declaration of Independence
July 5   Liberating from Credit and Debt 
July 6   Recalling the "Jogger's Lament"
July 7   Realizing the Extend of Opioid Overdosing
July 8   Challenged to Be Prophetic
July 9   Savoring Summer Hikes
July 10  Discouraging Pests through Interplanting   
July 11  Battling Pests with Friendly Insects and Wildlife
July 12  Remembering to Water Garden Plants
July 13  Celebrating National Ice Cream Day
July 14  Looking to France as a Model Nation
July 15  Ministering Lightly
July 16  Broadening the Scope of "Captive Nations Week"
July 17  Introducing Mortality in "Endless July"
July 18  Implementing Wildlife Controls
July 19  Restricting Salt Intake
July 20  Building with Green Methods and Materials
July 21  Discovering Pollution Effects of Fracking 
July 22  Striving to Lead the Floundering
July 23  Giving Appreciation to Volunteers
July 24  Assisting the Landless     
July 25  Emphasizing Harmony as Both Means and Goal
July 26  Learning about Medicinal Herbs
July 27  Recognizing Light Pollution at Buck Moon
July 28  Traveling by Air: Not All Benefits
July 29  Multiplying Loaves
July 30  Fighting Hunger in America in 2018
July 31  Staying Cool through Summer's Second Half

August, 2018

August 1   Harvesting and Thankfulness
August 2   Gratitude for Mid-Summer's Green
August 3   Stay Nearer Home This Year
August 4   Consider Nut Tree Plantings   
August 5   Confronting Hunger in the World
August 6   We Must Rid the World of Nukes
August 7   Cromer Ridge
August 8   Degrees of Environmental Greenness    
August 9   Ten Ways to Beat the Heat
August 10  Animals Far and Near as Friends
August 11  Changing Pattern of American Ethnicity
August 12  Proclaim the Real Presence
August 13  Skygazing and the Perseid Meteor Showers
August 14  Domestic Tornado Shelters and Food Storage
August 15  Mary and Choice
August 16  Toxic Chemicals in Your Home
August 17  Growing Disparity of Rich and Poor
August 18  Reaffirm Appropriate Technology
August 19  Nourishing Belief in the Future
August 20  How Do We Look upon Terrorists?
August 21  Honoring Centenarians and Other Elders
August 22  Don't Pet or Make Pets of Wildlife
August 23  Energy Efficiency: Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs)
August 24  Earthhealing and Environmental Consciousness 
August 25  Migrants and American Opportunity
August 26  Trust in the Lord
August 27  Tomatoes and Avoiding Cancer
August 28  Down-to-Earth Spirituality Versus Pretending       
August 29  The Reality of Leaving Home
August 30  Native American Lands and Renewable Energy 
August 31  Support International Relief Groups

September, 2018

September 1    Seventy-Eight Years Ago: Second World War Begins
September 2    Act Justly in Troubled Times
September 3    Labor Day and the Privilege of Work
September 4    Prisons, Justice and Balancing Budgets
September 5    Support Single-Payer Health Insurance
September 6    Consider Your Appliance Use
September 7    Encourage Artists and Artisans
September 8    That All May Be Literate
September 9    We Are Called to Be Healers    
September 10   Yard Sales and Swapping Ideas
September 11   Confronting Lack of Civility
September 12   Autumn Gardens Can Be Productive
September 13   Selective Service for Men AND Women?
September 14   Chemical Weapons: Bluegrass Army Depot
September 15   Begin National Hispanic Heritage Month 
September 16   Denial, Cross and Good Deeds   
September 17   Citizenship Day and Model Citizens
September 18   World Water Monitoring Day
September 19   Stay Calm in Stormy Weather
September 20   Dethroning King Coal
September 21   Observe World Gratitude Day
September 22   Autumnal Equinox and Peace
September 23   Improving Our Service for Others
September 24   Should Wildlife Lovers Discourage Hunting?
September 25   Climate Change Consumes our Attention
September 26   Admiring and Preserving Covered Bridges
September 27   Learn Something New Every Day
September 28   Celebrate Native American Days
September 29   Let's Appreciate Our Teachers
September 30   Find God and Good in All

October 2018

October 1   World Vegetarian Day
October 2   Attend an Autumn Festival
October 3   Observe Space Week 2018
October 4   Bless All the Earth
October 5   The Joy of New Wine  
October 6   Domestic Solar Tours in 2018
October 7   Champion the Nuclear Family
October 8   Should We Save Battlefields?
October 9   Americans and the World Court          
October 10  We Need Fire Prevention Measures
October 11  The Hospice Workers' Prayer                   
October 12  Columbus Day and Earth Science Week
October 13  Peace Corps and Volunteers
October 14  Called to Strive to Be Perfect  
October 15  Harvesting Corn in Times Past
October 16  Food Insecurity and World Food Day
October 17  Youth Museums with Autumn Leaves
October 18  Time to Abolish the Death Penalty
October 19  North American Martyrs   
October 20  Moon Day: Apollo VII 50th Anniversary
October 21  Proper Aspirations to Greatness
October 22  Lessons from the Cuban Missile Crisis
October 23  Franz Jaegerstaetter: Conscientious Objector         
October 24  We Can Each Make a Difference 
October 25  Choose Snacks Wisely
October 26  Promote American Bamboo or River Cane
October 27  Relishing Autumn Scenes: Migrating Geese
October 28  Seeing the Need to Disarm   
October 29  Anniversary of the Great Stock Market Crash
October 30  It Is Time to Redeem Tobacco     
October 31  Should We Smile on Halloween?

November, 2018

November  1    Call Forth the Overlooked Saints
November  2    Pray for Those Who Passed On
November  3    Solving Deer Proliferation   
November  4    Two Great Commandments: Love God and Neighbor  
November  5    Know the Reality of Instant Communications 
November  6    Take the 2018 Simple Lifestyle Test
November  7    Recall the Catholic Worker Founders
November  8    Create Domestic Comfort Zones
November  9    Honor War Veterans
November 10    World Science Day for Peace and Development
November 11    Acknowledge the Power of the Widow's Mite          
November 12    Take Seriously Geography Awareness Week 
November 13    Set a Swords-into-Plowshares Course
November 14    Make America Recycles Day Meaningful
November 15    Observe Use Less Stuff Day
November 16    Drive Smart This Holiday Season
November 17    St. Elizabeth of Hungary
November 18    Learn Lessons by Observing
November 19    Set a Priority to Focus on the World's Poor  
November 20    Celebrate National Family Week
November 21    Inventory Our Service Potential  
November 22    Thank God on Thanksgiving Day
November 23    Learn to Count Calories  
November 24    Make Proper Food Choices 
November 25    Act Kingly with Christ the King
November 26    Ten Ways to Make Churches Greener 
November 27    Consider An Autumn Verse
November 28    Be Prepared with ICE: In Case of Emergency    
November 29    Reintroduce Advent Celebrations
November 30    Accept the Coming of Winter


December, 2018

December 1   Climate Change Can Still be Halted 
December 2   Advent: Turning Reflection into Action
December 3   Participate in Eco-Walk Programs  
December 4   Consider Insulated Window Shades     
December 5   ARE the United States Unique?
December 6   Strive to Control Kudzu
December 7   Ensure Domestic Fire Safety
December 8   Proclaim Mary -- Mother of Earth
December 9   Prepare the Way of the Lord
December 10  Participate in Human Rights Day
December 11  Confront Urban Sprawl
December 12  Celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe
December 13  Beware of Bad Reclamation Practices
December 14  Become Friends with Wintering Birds
December 15  Remember FDR and a Second Bill of Rights
December 16  Rejoice in the Lord Always 
December 17  Fly on Wright Brothers Day?
December 18  Profess Our Creed through Deed     
December 19  Show that the Death Penalty Is Not Pro-Life
December 20  Appreciate Sacajawea Day
December 21  Welcome the Winter Solstice
December 22  Do Something Special at Christmas
December 23  Blessed Are You Among Women
December 24  Twas the Day before Christmas ... and Panic
December 25  Live the Magnificat
December 26  Confirm Our Down-to-Earth Spirituality
December 27  Count Your 2018 Blessings
December 28  Remember to Pray for and with Children
December 29  Have Soup on Winter Days
December 30  Give Sacred Space to Youth
December 31  Glance Back and Look Ahead

January, 2019

January 1   Starting the Year Anew
January 2   Learning to Plan Ahead                     
January 3   Winter Riders    
January 4   Expecting Extreme Weather and Natural Disasters
January 5   Resisting Expansion of Nuclear Power  
January 6   Epiphany: Questioning Peacemaking Right Now
January 7   Bear Arms, Not Ammo
January 8   Distinguishing between Needs and Wants       
January 9   Considering the Shared Commons
January 10  Promoting an Essential Needs Economy
January 11  Preparing for the Growing Season      
January 12  Greening Building Construction
January 13  Cherishing Our Baptism
January 14  Providing Health Care for All         
January 15  Fighting Hunger Here and Now  
January 16  Eucharist: Memorial, Cosmic Mystery and Food   
January 17  Defending Our Water Commons 
January 18  Circles within Circles: Praying for Church Unity    
January 19  Giving Thanks for January's Blessings 
January 20  Celebrating the Cana Event in Our Lives    
January 21  Hugging a Tree?                  
January 22  Anticipating Climate Toll    
January 23  Supporting Renewable Energy         
January 24  Taking Responsibility Individually & Collectively
January 25  Reflecting on the Conversion of St. Paul   
January 26  Fuller Commenting on Enlightened Self-Interest  
January 27  Initiating Eleven Types of Liberation      
January 28  Observing Road Safety Practices
January 29  Redefining the Privilege of Offsetting
January 30  Rereading "The Economic Bill of Rights"
January 31  Affirming that Nothing is Ever Lost


February, 2019

February   1   Take and Receive Abundant Blessings
February   2   Candles and Other Energy Sources
February   3   Support Hometown Prophets 
February   4   Commit Yourself to Ongoing Education
February   5  Realize That Weather Can Be Intrusive
February   6   U.S. Counties with Saints Names    
February   7   The Poor Will Rise and Bring Change
February   8   Healing Earth and Need for Regulations
February   9   Look for Proper Financial Controls
February  10   Risking to Do the Lord's Work
February  11   Give Thanks for February's Blessings 
February  12   Ode to the February Born
February  13   Is Hunger a Form of Terrorism?
February  14   Promote Renewables Now
February  15   Celebrate Mourning Doves
February  16   Salvation For All Demands Radical Sharing
February  17   Blessed Are the Poor  
February  18   Woe to the Rich
February  19   Is Garlic Something Special?
February  20   Are We Willing to Halt Climate Change? 
February  21   Recasting the Spirituality of Gardening
February  22   Respect Our Cultural Commons
February  23   Is Modern Warfare Ever Justified?
February  24   Willing to Extend Our Compassion
February  25   Glory in the Lowly Dandelion  
February  26   Celebrate "Mountain Moments" 
February  27   An Urgent Need for Authentic Agents of Change   
February  28   Critique Animal Protection Policy 

March, 2019

March 1    Winter's Hidden Hope
March 2    Accept Responsibility and Unintended Consequences
March 3    Acquiescence: A Failure to Speak Out   
March 4    Avoid March Madness
March 5    Shrove Tuesday and Meat Consumption
March 6    Remember That We Are Dust and Ashes     
March 7    Consider Lenten Diet Changes   
March 8    Advance Food Security Globally
March 9    Expose Affluence Realistically
March 10   Confront the Temptation to Refrain from Acting    
March 11   Observe Johnny Appleseed Day
March 12   Acknowledge Air as Commons   
March 13   Attend to Good Samaritan Day 
March 14   Create Variation through Herbs and Spices  
March 15   Learn about Tea Parties Past and Present
March 16   Green Upcoming St. Patrick's Day  
March 17   Transfiguration and Healing Our Earth
March 18   Thank God for March 
March 19   Garden for Economic Reasons
March 20   List Our Spring Chores at the Vernal Equinox
March 21   Value Forests in Many Ways
March 22   Redirect the Contrasumers 
March 23   Championing the Fundamental Right to Work
March 24   Learn about the First Missionary
March 25   Incarnation: Let Earth and Heaven Kiss
March 26   Explore Our Use of the Word "Development"
March 27   Celebrate Our North American Wildlife
March 28   Let's Avoid Information Overload and Fake News
March 29   Recalling Great Depression Days
March 30   Affirm Healthy Habits; Shun Unhealthy Ones
March 31   Laetare Sunday: Dare to Become a Witness

April, 2019

April  1  Promote the Family Farm
April  2  Give Thanks for April's Blessings
April  3  Designate Per Capita Energy Use Properly
April  4  Gather Spring Greens
April  5  Reclaim Our Land Commons
April  6  Learn Critical World Health Threats  
April  7  Reflect upon the Account of the Adulterous Woman 
April  8  Participate in National Volunteer Week             
April  9  Big Government Is Bad; Little Government Is Worse
April 10  Strive to Become Ever More Merciful 
April 11  Inspire Workers to Own Their Workplaces
April 12  Global Warming Coming Sooner and Faster  
April 13  Greed Can Ruin Democracy
April 14  Wave Palms Deliberately
April 15  Yes, We Are Pan Americans
April 16  Let's Compensate Domestic Caregivers     
April 17  List Tips for Seasonal Garden Work  
April 18  Maundy Thursday and Service  
April 19  Calvary and the Mystery of Redemption 
April 20  Awaiting Balance, Invitation and Promise
April 21  Celebrate Resurrection and New Life
April 22  On Earth Day Accept, Not Assign, Blame   
April 23  Patronize Green Conference Alternatives 
April 24  Must Jails Be What Jails Are?  
April 25  Publicize Renewable Energy's Successes
April 26  Reform and Empower the United Nations     
April 27  When Did We See You Hungry and Not Feed You? 
April 28  Consider Divine Mercy and Earthhealing
April 29  Encourage Physical Exercising
April 30  Confront Wall Street For What It Is  

May, 2019

May 1   Joseph the Worker: Championing the Right to Work
May 2   Considering Mulberries for Edible Landscapes
May 3   Staying Cool in Discussing Climate Change
May 4   Asking Soteriological Questions
May 5   Fishing in Today's World       
May 6   Listing Rainwater Barrel Benefits 
May 7   Bestowing the Blessings of May
May 8   Defending Wildlife, Wilderness and Forest Commons    
May 9   Reflecting on Ecotourism in Appalachia
May 10  Facing Reality as Deepening Spirituality
May 11  Using Tools Properly 
May 12  Hearing the Call to Mission 
May 13  Breaking Silence on World Communications Day
May 14  Degrees of Environmental Concern: Thinking Globally
May 15  The Second Degree: Acting Locally
May 16  The Third Degree: Collaborating with Others   
May 17  Varying Spices and Herbs for Dishes
May 18  Facing Cultural Bankruptcy
May 19  Loving: The Unfinished Story        
May 20  Contrasting Material and Spiritual Privilege 
May 21  Challenging Talents Used for Material Privilege
May 22  Revealing the Mixed Mesophytic Forest
May 23  Confronting the Drug Culture
May 24  Decorating Graves of Loved Ones
May 25  Exposing Greed as a Vice
May 26  Planting the Gift of Peace at Home 
May 27  Living with Daily Routines
May 28  Discussing Natural Gas: A Bright Future?
May 29  Saying Farewell to the Last Survivor of the Bo
May 30  Spreading Good News through a Loving Community 
May 31  Building a New World Order on the Magnificat


June, 2019

June  1  Who Should Clean Up Our Rivers?
June  2  How Do We Celebrate Christ's Ascension?
June  3  Are You Taking Time Off in Summer Months?  
June  4  How Many Sounds of Water Can You Distinguish?  
June  5  Why Is Reducing Meat Consumption Environmental?
June  6  Should We Make Fuel Ethanol from Corn?  
June  7  What Are the Three Legs of a Sound Energy Policy?
June  8  Must We Go from Short- to Long-Term Environmentalism?
June  9  Pentecost: Do We Spread the Good News?
June 10  Can You List the Ten Commandments of Capitalism?
June 11  Is Increased Global Atmospheric Methane a Problem? 
June 12  Are Reduced Spatial Requirements Greener?
June 13  Should We Perform Public Acts of Piety?
June 14  Do You Treat Old Glory with Respect?
June 15  Do We Honor Fatherly Self-Sacrifice?
June 16  How Do We Live the Trinitarian Mystery?  
June 17  Is There a Universal Right to Health Access?
June 18  Will Our Nation Create a Proper Energy Mix?
June 19  Why Must We Conserve Resources?
June 20  How about Some Verses: Steadfastness? 
June 21  Must We Make Hay While the Sun Shines?
June 22  Why Should We Celebrate Public Service Day?
June 23  How Do We Testify to Christ's Presence Today?     
June 24  Do We Truly Believe in Transformed Bread and Wine? 
June 25  What about a Marshall Plan for Emerging Nations?
June 26  Should Jerusalem be Internationalized?
June 27  Why a Program on Corporations, Law & Democracy?
June 28  What Are the June Blessings?
June 29  Have You Resolved to Live within Your Means?
June 30  Can Diplomacy Replace Military Might?


July, 2019

July  1   Refrain from Optimistic Budgets
July  2   Make a Mid-Year Review in July
July  3   Champion Solar Photovoltaics
July  4   Enhance American Independence through Sustainability
July  5   Counter Corporate Funds for Political Activities
July  6   Question the St. Francis Pledge's Completeness     
July  7   Bring Good News  
July  8   Confront Wage Theft As a Global Problem 
July  9   Travel the Local Back Roads
July 10   Try Route 68: The Main Street of Kentucky
July 11   Entitle Jacques Marquette "Premier Franco-American"
July 12   Make July a Good Retreat Time
July 13   Thank God for July Blessings
July 14   Reflect on Being Good Samaritans
July 15   Acknowledge Drug Ubiquity
July 16   Recite Creation's Eighth Day
July 17   Accept Collective Blame: Don't Point Fingers
July 18   Observe the American Barn: An Endangered Species 
July 19   Celebrate Space Week: Tidy-up Outer Space
July 20   Decide When Numbers Count
July 21   Be Satisfied in Being a Martha
July 22   Create Your Own Autumn Garden 
July 23   Promote Solar Hot Water Systems
July 24   Share with the Hungry and Forsaken
July 25   Sing a Planetary Ode to Joy
July 26   Welcome Spanish?
July 27   Repair Lead-Painted Houses with Caution
July 28   Recite a Green "Our Father"
July 29   Discuss "Creation-Centered Spirituality"
July 30   Hasten the Renewable Energy Economy
July 31   Consider Ignatian Principles and the Environment


August, 2019

August  1   The Blessings of August: Thank God
August  2   Coal Ash: Searching for a Green Solution
August  3   Environmental Solutions: Work AND Pray 
August  4   Spiritual Motivation: Becoming Truly Secure
August  5   Hemp Reintroduction: The Time Has Come  
August  6   Transfiguration: A New Heaven and A New Earth
August  7   Euphoria: A Worker's Attitude 
August  8   Reclaiming the Commons: Our Maritime Commons 
August  9   Urban Gardens: Twenty-First Century Victory Gardens
August 10   Reality: A Basis for Authentic Spirituality
August 11   Destiny: The Best Preparation Is in Giving
August 12   Scything: Battling August Weeds
August 13   Collectibles: Educational and Green Aspects
August 14   The Great Divide: Rich Get Richer and Poor...
August 15   Mary: Gentle Lady and Revolutionary Model
August 16   Blueberries: Beneficial in So Many Ways
August 17   Revelation: God-Given Opportunities
August 18   Peacemaking: Tearing Down and Rebuilding  
August 19   Marginalization: Jeremiah, Jesus, and FDR
August 20   Imperfect Prophets: Unclear Prophetic Messages
August 21   How Many Ways Are There to Age Gracefully?  
August 22   A Poem: Deep Service
August 23   Fear: Need We Be Fearful or Fearless?
August 24   Population Decline: Some Ill Effects  
August 25   The Narrow Gate: Self-Satisfaction and Smugness
August 26   Capitalism: State, Corporate or Neither?
August 27   St. Monica: A Saint for Our Times
August 28   The Corporate Person: A Form of Idolatry 
August 29   Interconnectedness: We ALL Need to Work Together
August 30   Watering: Slaking Thirsty Garden Plants     
August 31   Finishing a Phase: Time to Move On Hopefully

September, 2019

September  1   Humility: Ways to Become Exalted  
September  2   Jobs Galore; Workers Anxious; Funds in Havens
September  3   Champion the Intellectual Commons
September  4   Let's Halt Overconsumption by the Affluent
September  5   New "Fire Season" Suggestions  
September  6   Consider Travel Checklists
September  7   Grow a Variety of Autumn Greens
September  8   Wise Use of Possessions and Discipleship
September  9   Clean Water: Worthy of Respect
September 10   Elderberry: The Modest Berry 
September 11   Environmental Lessons from Oil Disasters
September 12   The Spirituality of a Non-Royalist
September 13   Endangered Languages: Alsatian and Others
September 14   Gratitude for September Gifts
September 15   Prodigal Son and Forgiving Father
September 16   Pokeweed Revisited
September 17   Six Arenas to Exercise our Citizenship   
September 18   World Water Monitoring Day: Urgent Times
September 19   Do Wild Foods Taste Better?
September 20   Call for a Nuclear-Free Middle East 
September 21   Desalination: A Technological Frontier
September 22   Resourcefulness and Stewardship
September 23   Practical and Theoretical Environmental Issues
September 24   Visiting Old Friends Retirement Facility
September 25   Natural Gas Use Does Not Curb Climate Change
September 26   Global Sanitation Problems and Solutions
September 27   Celebrate Family-Related Green Activities
September 28   Autumn Camping: Twelve Suggestions
September 29   Lazarus and the Wages of Affluence
September 30   Poem: "Times Are Changing" 

October, 2019

October  1   Food Attitudes: A Personal Journey 
October  2   Food as Divine Blessing  
October  3   Food as Taken for Granted
October  4   Food in Simple Games
October  5   Food as Ordinary Nourishment
October  6   Increase Our Faith
October  7   Food as Enjoyment
October 8    Yom Kippur: The Perpetual Call for Inclusivity
October  9   Talking Less about Hog-Killing Events
October 10   Food Production and Land Stewardship
October 11   Limits to Global Food Assistance
October 12   Focus on Food-Growing Crops
October 13   Showing Appreciation for Miracles  
October 14   Honor Migrant Farm Workers
October 15   Foods and Patriotism
October 16   Food Day Is Every Day
October 17   Food as Festive
October 18   Eating Food as a Total Experience
October 19   The Sounds that Accompany Food
October 20   Bread for the World Sunday
October 21   The Four Marks of a Good Cook
October 22   The Taste of Good Food
October 23   The Scent of Good Food
October 24   Food as Gift to Celebrate
October 25   Food as Sacred          
October 26   Worthy Communion When Neighbors Are Hungry? 
October 27   The Pharisee and the Tax Collector
October 28   Fasting for Self AND Others 
October 29   The Joy of Gardening
October 30   Ways to Reduce or Avoid Food Wastes
October 31   Food Habits Change 

November, 2019

November 1  Thinking about Food and Climate Change            
November 2  Emphasizing Local Food-Growing, Less Purchasing
November 3  Invite Those Who Are Ostracized  
November 4  Weighing an Organic Gardening Direction
November 5  Being Concerned about Food Nutrition
November 6  Resolving Issues While Partaking Meals           
November 7  Knowing Food Source Is Good Quality Control      
November 8  Gardening Demands Patience by Everyone
November 9  Becoming Local: We Are What We Eat
November 10  Professing a Living God
November 11  Choosing Simpler Nutritious Foods
November 12  Considering Small-Scale Gardening Techniques
November 13  Preserving Surplus Food and Never Wasting
November 14  Creating Our Own Fast Foods
November 15  Controlling Enticing and Tempting Foods
November 16  Sharing Food and the Final Judgment
November 17  Knowing the Signs of Our Times
November 18  Keeping the Food Distribution System Fair
November 19  Distributing Food Commodities Properly
November 20  Emerging Vegetarianism
November 21  Calculating Total Food Energy
November 22  Designating Food as a Powerful Weapon
November 23  Reducing Fat and Sugar Intake
November 24  Choosing a Throne or a Cross
November 25  Seeing Food as a Gift to Share
November 26  Supporting a Global Food-Sharing Program
November 27  Celebrating Food as a Bounty  
November 28  Thanking God for All Good Gifts
November 29  Expanding Food Consciousness             
November 30  Adjusting to the Age of Climate Change


December, 2019

December 1  When Do We Wait and When Not Wait?   
December 2  Sustainability: An Ambiguous Concept  
December3   Communications:TheOverlookedCommons
December 4  Artificial vs. Natural Christmas Decorations 
December 5  Return Christ to "Xmas"
December 6  Gift Giving and St. Nicholas               
December 7  Energy Efficiency as the New Frontier
December 8  Mary: Pure Transparency  
December 9  Caroling and Christmas Songs                
December 10  Rethink Lawns in the Climate Change Era  
December 11  Weighing Marijuana Legalization             
December 12  Basic Elements within a Social Discernment      
December 13  Advent: Alertness in Looking Back and Ahead 
December 14  Celebrating the "Bill of Rights"     
December 15  Focus on the Lord in Hard Times
December 16  Distinguishing Primary and Secondary Rights        
December 17  Promoting Utility-Scale Geothermal Power
December 18  Will Renewable Energy Come Fast Enough?           
December 19  Tearing Down the Old Homestead 
December 20  Winter's Gift             
December 21  Local Attractions: The Fitchburg Furnace        
December 22  Practice Patience in Troubled Times
December 23  Counting Our December Blessings
December 24  The Art of Preparing for a Great Event          
December 25  The Ultimate Christmas Gift              
December 26  Prudence and Climate Change Deniers
December 27  Healing Benefits of Classical Music           
December 28  Facing Our Phobias, Especially Phobophobia
December 29  May All Families Stay United 
December 30  Get Serious: Make Realistic Resolutions          
December 31  ALL Can Be Earthhealers  


January, 2020

January  1  Making Peace a National and Global Resolution      
January  2  Ten Components to a Renewable Energy Economy 
January  3  Knowing Detrimental Effects from Wealth Disparity
January  4  Welcoming the Census-taker   
January  5  Epiphany: Tell It Like It Is
January  6  Weighing Pros and Cons of Electronic Books
January  7  Recognizing Houseplant Benefits   
January  8  Lawns or Wildscape: Presenting Divergent Views
January  9  Failing to Say Goodbye to King Coal 
January 10  Attending or Avoiding Meetings 
January 11  Baptism: Called by the Exclusive ONE ...
January 12  ...to Reclaim the Commons by the Inclusive ALL
January 13  Overcoming Barriers to Physical Exercise
January 14  Making Long-Range Garden Plans 
January 15  Moments of Sorrow            
January 16  Converting "Retirement Years" to Public Service  
January 17  Creating Work Opportunities for Citizens
January 18  Forgiving Student Loans through Public Service
January 19  Salvation Reaching Out to All
January 20  Considering Work as Curse or Blessing
January 21  Choosing Later Educational Opportunities    
January 22  Giving Loved Ones Permission to Die
January 23  Winter's Moments of Gratitude
January 24  Championing Plenty of Sleep vs. Enough Sleep   
January 25  Bringing Oneness to the Christian Community 
January 26  Urgent Times Demanding a Reformed People   
January 27  Support Language Revitalization       
January 28  Critiquing the Current Economic System
January 29  Preparing for Dying: A Worthy Exercise
January 30  Identifying Reclaimers of the Commons 
January 31  Reviewing Our American Freedoms


February, 2020

February 1   Elements of a Global Energy Policy 
February 2   Beatitudes and Blessings
February 3   Enjoy "Appalachian Winter"
February 4   Need for Religious Celebration Today
February 5   Champion Wellbeing through Nature Experiences
February 6   Vacation by Reducing the Carbon-Print
February 7   Benefits of a Rocking Chair
February 8   Disparity of Wealth and Environmental Crisis  
February 9   Lighten up the World
February 10  Competition or Win/Win Approaches   
February 11  Geothermal Energy: Renewable and Promising
February 12  Make Personal and Family Gardening Choices
February 13  Saving Earth Is Part of Salvation History
February 14  Express Love from the Heart 
February 15  Gratitude Heals Our Wounded Earth
February 16  Discerning Our Likeness to Jesus
February 17  Presidents' Day: Expand the American Dream
February 18  Celebrate "Random Acts of Kindness Day"
February 19  Contrasumers: Moving Towards a Balanced Economy
February 20  Confront Climate Change Naysayers
February 21  Review Disaster Supplies
February 22  Beware of the Addictive Internet
February 23  An Eye for Eye and a Tooth for Tooth   
February 24  The Last of the Civil War Kids
February 25  Geoengineering: Promising or Just Plain Hubris?  
February 26  Lent: A Favorable Time to Speak Up
February 27  Lessons from Birds: Trust, Freedom, Joy
February 28  Gurgling Creeks: Nature's Musical Sounds
February 29  Make This Leap Day Something Special


March, 2020

March 1  Facing Current Temptations
March 2  Interior Ecology: A Personal Frontier  
March 3  Listing Components of an Interior Ecology
March 4  Enriching Our Interior Ecology
March 5  Praying Every Day
March 6  Championing Hidden Freedoms of the Elderly
March 7  Facing Hypocrisy in All Its Forms  
March 8  Transfiguration as Goal, Calling and Blessing
March 9  Discussing Spirituality and Political Action  
March 10  Proclaiming Adequate Food for All
March 11  Declaring the Right to Potable Water
March 12  Affirming Clean Air Is Essential for All
March 13  Questioning Issues Arising Over Rights  
March 14  Working for a Livelihood
March 15  Confronting the Samaritan Woman at the Well
March 16  Creating Opportunities for Proper Education 
March 17  Promoting Affordable Housing and Home Care
March 18  Accessing Adequate Health Care
March 19  Defending Public Assembly and Worship
March 20  Providing Privacy and Silent Space
March 21  Spring Has Sprung: Being Right With the World  
March 22  Being Radicalized by Faith
March 23  Sponsoring Programs to Green the Landscape
March 24  Planting Trees as a Greening Practice
March 25  Curbing Climate Change: Being Right with Earth  
March 26  Preserving Our Wildlife Treasure
March 27  Maintaining Freedom of Press and Communications 
March 28  Protecting the Vast Ocean Commons
March 29  Discovering Christ as the Resurrection and Life
March 30  Establishing Cultural and Historic Sites
March 31  Ensuring Mobility: Being Right with Migrants

April, 2020

April 1  Listening and Discerning God's Voice
April 2  Partaking in a Seder  
April 3  Addressing Climate-Change-Related Weather Events
April 4  Accepting Evidence and a Crime Against Humanity
April 5  Proclaiming Royal Titles
April 6  Keeping Easter a Non-commercial Celebration
April 7  Sharing Globally Is Healthy     
April 8  Working for Greater Food Security      
April 9  Consecrating Us to Serve
April 10  Extending the Calvary Event to the World
April 11  Being Empowered to Rise with the Lord
April 12  Announcing Easter Past, Future, and Present
April 13  Reflecting on Time: Past, Future, and Present
April 14  Appreciating Roads for Their Blessings
April 15  Spreading Easter Blessings  
April 16  Contesting the Individual Right to Bear Arms
April 17  Preparing for a Veggie/Floral Garden
April 18  Recounting That We Are Easter People
April 19  Celebrating Mercy Sunday   
April 20  Recording Our Ethnic Diversity and Change 
April 21  Living in the Boondocks
April 22  Considering Earth Day's Fiftieth Anniversary
April 23  Trimming an Obscene Military Budget 
April 24  Discerning Use of Land for Food and Biofuels
April 25  Benefiting from Social Networking
April 26  Finding Companions on the Road to Emmaus
April 27  Promoting Raised-Bed Gardening
April 28  Showing Compassion for Our Wounded Earth
April 29  Demonstrating the Existence of God through Love
April 30  Accepting the Challenge of Creative Writing


May, 2020

May 1   Wildflower Week Is Worth Celebrating
May 2   Should We Be Concerned about Commercial Justice?
May 3   Becoming Sheepgates for Others
May 4   Aging Can Involve Adventures
May 5   The Marginalized Activist Dilemma     
May 6   "No New Taxes" versus "TAX THE RICH"   
May 7   National Day of Prayer
May 8   Energy Efficiency Demands Top Priority
May 9   Social Responsibility in 2020     
May 10  Learning to Be of Service to Others   
May 11  How to Combat Mounting Food Prices
May 12  Renewable Energy: An Answer, but When?
May 13  Right to Have Land -- Particular Land?
May 14  Poke Salad Time and Celebrations
May 15  Decisions During a Tomato Year   
May 16  The Ambivalence of Armed Forces Day    
May 17  Doing Good Deeds through Self-Control    
May 18  Every Person Is Irreplaceable
May 19  Radical Sharing Reconsidered    
May 20  Water Rights and Water Shortages    
May 21  We Champion Trees for Many Reasons
May 22  The Ministry of Shared Suffering
May 23  Clean Nuclear Energy?  Not So!  
May 24  The Grace of Holy Discontent 
May 25  Urban Centers: For better or Worse     
May 26  Windpower and Changing Landscapes    
May 27  Thinking with the Church in 2020 
May 28  Haircuts: An Earth Healing Topic?   
May 29  Discerning When to Drive or Not
May 30  Memorials: Real and/or Artificial  
May 31  Pentecost and World Evangelization 


June, 2020

June 1  Happiness, Confrontation and Holy Discontent
June 2  Babel Dispersal Today and Beyond
June 3  Good News Will Ultimately Triumph
June 4  Ten Reasons for Small-Scale Hydropower Now
June 5  Fiftieth Anniversary of Earth Day 
June 6  National Trails: A Great Infrastructure Investment  
June 7  Sharing Blessings in the Divine Family
June 8  Can Religionless Spirituality Heal Our Earth?
June 9  Activist Options for Senior Citizens' Day
June 10  Dangers Resulting from Disparity of Wealth/Power
June 11  Two Views on Material Possessions
June 12  Is Good News a Two-Way Street?
June 13  Protect Silent Space in a Busy, Connected World
June 14  Corpus Christi: Becoming a Eucharistic Activist
June 15  Defend the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
June 16  Elk Presence and Proliferation
June 17  World Day to Combat Drought
June 18  Raspberry Season Fosters Creativity
June 19  Elitism is Anti-Democratic
June 20  Similarity in Making-Hay and Healing Earth
June 21  Do Not Be Afraid, the Lord Is with Us
June 22  Should We Preserve Nature as Untouched?
June 23  The Future of Earth Healing, Inc.
June 24  Helping to Create the Future
June 25  Time to Make Cucumber Pickle
June 26  Kentucky: Touch-of-Green Positive Aspects
June 27  Paul Bunyan Day and Pax Americana
June 28  Growing in Service with Proper Motivation 
June 29  Kentucky: Touch-of-Green Negative Aspects
June 30  Questions at the 2020 Half-Year Review

July, 2020

uly 1    Being Sensitive During the Second Half of 2020     
July 2    Taxing All Fairly Is Not a Partisan Issue
July 3    Trying to Make July Tolerable
July 4    American Independence Minus Pretensions
July 5    Meek and Humble of Heart -- And Also Angry
July 6    Is Credit-Card Enslavement a Wakeful Nightmare?
July 7    Giving the Emptying Plains Back to the Buffalo
July 8    Biofuels for Vehicles versus Food for the Poor
July 9    Checklist for Reducing Stress in Difficult Times  
July 10   How Do We Address the Power of Corporations?  
July 11   The Right to Potable Water  
July 12   Becoming Efficient Sowers of Good News
July 13   Keeping Renewable Energy Production Decentralized
July 14   The Jury is Out on Fracking and Shale Gas
July 15   Recognizing the Need to Count Important Matters
July 16   Suggestions for Improving Annual Retreats   
July 17   The Elite Versus the People     
July 18   Militarization of Space: Another Problem?
July 19   Tolerating Weeds amid the Wheat
July 20   Tackling the Overpopulation of Cattle
July 21   First Bull Run: Reflecting on Civil War Issues
July 22   Thunder and Lightning: Taking Proper Precautions
July 23   A Problem of the Commons: Resistance to Antibiotics
July 24   Let's Work to Eliminate Hunger Now
July 25   Ten Reasons for Small-Scale Hydropower Now 
July 26   Invest in the Treasure of Spiritual Motivation
July 27   Benefits from  Redistribution through Fair Taxes   
July 28   Summer Drinks Revisited 
July 29   Reclaiming the Commons: A Simple Formula 
July 30   Do We Have Time?
July 31   Discernment of Spirits

August, 2020

August 1   Celebrating Green As the Color of August   
August 2   Not Letting Bad News Hinder Our Work   
August 3   Reflecting on Physical and Spiritual Journeys   
August 4   Nationalizing with Caution and Care  
August 5   Preparing for Autumn Garden
August 6   Replicating Fukushima in New Mexico?
August 7   Harvesting Silage in August  
August 8   Rowing as Ideal Physical Exercise
August 9   Living with the Storms of Insecurity 
August 10  Connectedness: Creating a Balanced Practice
August 11  Finding Plums, A Favorite Wild and Domestic Fruit
August 12  Debunking Twelve Popular American Myths
August 13  Challenging the System through Confrontation
August 14  Exposing Misuse of the Air Commons  
August 15  Seeing Mary in Place, Time, and Among Us
August 16  Universalism: Extending Care to All
August 17  Struggling to Keep Water Supplies Accessible
August 18  Managing Private Property as Good Stewards  
August 19  Contrasting the Material and Spiritual Culture
August 20  Recognizing World Health As Global Security     
August 21  Balancing Sounds and Silence
August 22  Encouraging People to Be Change Agents  
August 23  Rattling the Keys of the Kingdom      
August 24  Taxing the Rich for God's and Our Sake 
August 25  Becoming Prophetic Builders of a Just System 
August 26  Revealing Elements for Restructuring the System
August 27  Promoting World Federalism to Save Our Earth
August 28  Living Within One's Means
August 29  Realizing That We Are Both Powerless and Powerful
August 30  Denying Self to Follow the Lord
August 31  Rereading Upturned Plow 



September, 2020

September 1  Vine-Growing and Wine-Making
September 2  Thinking Globally, Acting Locally -- With All
September 3  Justifying Pastoral Work 
September 4  Facing Dilemma for Pro-Life Environmentalists
September 5  Considering the Condition of Staycationers
September 6  Correcting Fraternally Is a Duty
September 7  Laboring for Some Is Dreaming for Others
September 8  Realizing Efficiency + Renewables = Security
September 9  Defending Public Lands
September 10  Remembering on Swap Ideas Day
September 11  Discovering Okra's Many Benefits
September 12  Earthhealing and the Laws of Ecology 
September 13  Forgiving Again and Again
September 14  First Law: Everything is Connected to Everything Else
September 15  Second Law: Everything Must Go Somewhere
September 16  Third Law: Nature Knows Best   
September 17  Fourth Law: No Such Thing as a Free Lunch  
September 18  St. Matthew and His Gospel
September 19  International Coastal Cleanup  
September 20  Divine Generosity Should Be Our Way
September 21  International Day of Peace
September 22  Social Contacts: Formal or Informal?   
September 23  Expanding Our Earthhealing Ministries
September 24  Celebrate the Black Walnut
September 25  Restitution for Native Americans
September 26  Vatican City: Carbon Neutral and Pro-Environment   
September 27  Parable of Two Sons and Assuming Responsibilities
September 28  Interacting with an Emerging China 
September 29  Wisdom of the Elders Versus Selfishness
September 30  A Wonderful Memory: Mary Byrd Davis


October, 2020

October 1  Making 20 Suggestions for a Busy October   
October 2  Ensuring Jewelweed Benefits throughout the Year  
October 3  Playing with Fire and Campfires   
October 4  Restoring the Forsaken Vineyard
October 5  Acknowledging Social Addictions
October 6  Confronting Social Addictions    
October 7  Healing Social Addictions    
October 8  Expecting a Successor?   
October 9  Learning Lessons from Champlain's Exploits
October 10  Performing Small Earthhealing Acts: Good or Bad? 
October 11  Coming to the Banquet     
October 12  Growing "Three Sisters"-- Corn, Beans, and Squash  
October 13  Disposing Nuclear Waste and Modern Mythology Day   
October 14  Pinpointing the Devil: Is Evil Personified?
October 15  Enthroning the Sacred Heart in Our Home
October 16  Observing World Food Day
October 17  Being Aware of Food Insecurity and Terrorism
October 18  Rendering to Caesar and to God
October 19  Visiting a Martyrs' Shrine  
October 20  Witnessing as Long-Term Spiritual Investment 
October 21  Respecting Limited Garden-Space   
October 22  Distinguishing the Shades of Green Works
October 23  Doing Away with Nuclear Power
October 24  Celebrating United Nations Day
October 25  Loving God with Our Whole Heart  
October 26  Playing Games with Ecological Issues
October 27  Seed-Saving and Endangered Species
October 28  Earthhealing: St. Jude, Patron of the Impossible
October 29  Navigating One's Good Name in Credulity's Shoals`
October 30  Practicing What We Preach
October 31  Challenging Fuel Price Speculation  

November, 2020

November  1  Imitating Saints: Mortal and Immortal Models
November  2  Praying for All Poor Souls
November  3  Voting "Pro-Environment AND Pro-Life"
November  4  Prolonging Barefoot Days
November  5  Discerning Switchgrass as a Biofuel
November  6  Choosing a Resurrection-Centered Spirituality
November  7  Keeping the Clocks Unchanged
November  8  Awaiting the Expectant One
November  9  Balancing Material and Spiritual Growth
November 10  Confronting Immoral Privileges 
November 11  Remembering Military Veterans
November 12  Dressing Warmly and Lowering Room Temperature
November 13  Being Spiritually, Mentally & Physically Fit
November 14  Affirming Biophilia: November's Hidden Blessing
November 15  Using Talents During Faithful Expectancy
November 16  Championing International Day for Tolerance
November 17  Conquering Hunger and Homelessness  
November 18  Resolving to Use Less Stuff
November 19  Celebrating International Men's Day 
November 20  Knowing When Affluence Is Excessive
November 21  Reflecting on Ways to Be Less Violent
November 22  Establishing Christ's Kingdom
November 23  Upholding Thanksgiving Myths for Better or Worse
November 24  Welcoming Change as Enlivening 
November 25  Pondering Stock Market Numbers    
November 26  Striving to Be Always Thankful
November 27  Observing Buy Nothing Day
November 28  Asking Whether Wild Turkeys Are Really Wild?
November 29  Awakening to a New Church Year
November 30  Sharing Limited Land with Others

December, 2020

December 1  Selecting Relevant Information
December 2  Being Effective Charities among the Poor
December 3  Advocating for Cordwood Buildings 
December 4  Insisting on Some Domestic Renewable Utilities
December 5  Considering 30 Non-Monetary Christmas Gifts
December 6  Practicing Patience in Troubled Times  
December 7  Championing Smokehouses on Fire Safety Day
December 8  Proclaiming Mary: Mother of the Poor
December 9  Substituting Fossil Fuels with Renewable Energy
December 10  Celebrating Trees or Vestigial Paganism
December 11  Reflecting on International Mountain Day
December 12  Assisting Those in Addiction 
December 13  Presenting Good News with Advent Joy
December 14  Observing Heaven and Earth Kiss 
December 15  Making Environment THE Pro-Life Issue
December 16  Downsizing Expectations Is a Blessing   
December 17  Discovering More to Re-gifting Day
December 18  Feeding the Birds Is Worth Considering
December 19  Being Called "Radical" Is a Compliment
December 20  Honoring the House of David
December 21  Welcoming the Winter Solstice
December 22  Proclaiming Burgoo: Kentucky's Premier Dish
December 23  Promoting Prisoner Community Service
December 24  Making Christmas Special for Young and Old 
December 25  Extending Christmas Greetings
December 26  Balancing Time to Rest and Time to Act
December 27  Recalling, Planning and Living Each Day
December 28  Suffering with Christ 
December 29  Repeating "Eagles and Butterflies:" Sally Ramsdell
December 30  Bringing Seasonal Warmth and Comfort into 2021
0December 31  Counting on Things That Count


January, 2021

January 1   Giving Global Peace a Chance
January 2   Predicting Thirty Trends       
January 3   Reviewing the Sense of Privilege  
January 4   Facing Indebtedness: Burden Future Generations?
January 5   Asking Honestly Whether Academic Life Is Worth It
January 6   Questioning America's Sense of Greatness
January 7   Welcoming the Sour-Pickle People
January 8   Monitoring Elected Leadership    
January 9   Supporting the U.S. Postal Service  
January 10  Observing Jesus' and Our Baptism 
January 11  Knowing That We Are Old When...
January 12  Being Present in Times of Troubles
January 13  Acting Now to Heal Our Wounded Earth
January 14  Appealing to All Citizens to be Earthhealers
January 15  Revealing Racism and Public Racial Pride     
January 16  Questioning Whether Israel Is a Spoiled Brat
January 17  Speak, Lord, Your Servant is Listening
January 18  Snowbirding: A Green Option?
January 19  Promoting Peanuts: Ecologically Green Food
January 20  Earthhealing's Ten Eco-balances   
January 21  Using More Public Transportation               
January 22  Selecting Trees for Windbreaks
January 23  Considering Advantages of Electronic Books      
January 24  Making Jonah a Light-Hearted Story        
January 25  Giving Nine Reasons to Downsize Lifestyles
January 26  Waiting Out the Snowstorm 
January 27  Googling for Better or Worse   
January 28  Quercus Falls: Remembering Departed Human Oaks  
January 29  Encouraging Earth Renewers
January 30  Remembering Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal  
January 31  Teaching with Authority


February, 2021

February  1  Favoring Fossil Fuel Still over Renewable Energy 
February  2  Giving Light to All on Candlemas Day 
February  3  Mourning Dove: Harbinger of Spring
February  4  Honoring Our Constitution by Initiating a Second
February  5  Feeding Hungry Folks Venison
February  6  Confronting Injustice as Christian Virtue 
February  7  Discovering Job's Trials Are Ours as Well
February  8  Finding Private Wealth Incompatible with Democracy
February  9  Championing the Humble Potato 
February  10  Walking for Your Health
February  11  Encouraging Inventiveness in Earthhealing
February  12  Suggesting Ways to Avoid Cabin Fever  
February  13  Sowing Peas Early in Kentucky
February  14  Healing Troubled People, Troubled Earth   
February  15  Expanding Washington and Lincoln Insights
February  16  Pondering Marti Gras: Fat Tuesday
February  17  Observing Ash Wednesday Ramifications
February  18  Greening Maritime Transportation    
February  19  Praying Your Own Way
February  20  Knowing Facts About Global Deforestation
February  21  Keeping the Status Quo Is Tempting
February  22  Realizing Spectator Sports Can Be Unhealthy
February  23  Working for World Understanding and Peace 
February  24  Celebrating Flowers in Every Season
February  25  Anticipating More Global Extreme Disasters
February  26  Exposing the Drug Overdose Epidemic
February  27  Risking While Challenging Cultural Reality
February  28  Transfiguring a New Heaven and New Earth

March, 2021

March  1  Finding Eight Reasons to Support Wind Energy
March  2  Sharing Pets with Neighbors 
March  3  Overthrowing Nobility of Wealth Non-Violently
March  4  Declaring Tax Havens "Concentration Camps of Wealth"
March  5  Fading Glory of Nuclear Energy
March  6  Reflecting on Time When "Springing Ahead" 
March  7  Cleansing a Temple   
March  8  Making This a Flowering Year
March  9  Recalling Monitor, Merrimac and Aircraft Carriers  
March 10  Welcoming Onions as a Spice of Life    
March 11  Reciting Flood Tide
March 12  Selecting a Variety of Fruit and Nut Trees
March 13  Being Silent When We Are Attacked? 
March 14  Lifting the Cross on Laetare Sunday   
March 15  Reducing Climate Change Gases with Green Cement 
March 16  Turning the Garden Soil with a Spade  
March 17  Highlighting the Light-Hearted Irish
March 18  Promoting Democracy in the Church 
March 19  Quilting Day: Social, Art, Utility, and Creativity
March 20  Celebrating Spring Equinox: Fine Time to Shine
March 21  Dying to Self in Order to Rise Again  
March 22  Treating Heirlooms, Legacy Materials, and Junk 
March 23  Making Quality of Life through Spices and Herbs
March 24  Leaving Job Creation to the Rich Is Wrong  
March 25  Reflecting on Annunciation Day and Dewfall
March 26  Housecleaning in Spring Covers Many Areas 
March 27  Limiting TV time: Instead Read, Pray, and Reflect
March 28  Seeing Palm Sunday: Foolishness of a Fickle Crowd
March 29  Changing Global Climate: A Moral Dilemma
March 30  Contrasting Agribusiness and Small Farmers 
March 31  Respecting the Rights of Migrants   

April 2021

April  1  Holy Thursday: Enriching Old and New Ritual
April  2  Good Friday: Extending Calvary in Space and Time    
April  3  Holy Saturday: Making This a Day of Repose 
April  4  Renewing in Easter Spirit, Life, Love, and Energy
April  5  Realizing Renewable Growth Is Explosive
April  6  Challenging Isolationism
April  7  Highlighting Horseradish and Bitter Herbs
April  8  Awaiting Global Warming
April  9  Debunking America's Silence to the Wealthy
April 10  Defending Today's Robin Hoods   
April 11  Believing in Divine Mercy
April 12  Saying the Right Word at the Right Place and Time
April 13  Recalling Thomas Jefferson and Power of the Word
April 14  Reviewing Culinary and Commercial Sweeteners
April 15  Celebrating Photography as Part of Earthhealing
April 16  Collaborating Globally in Times of Crisis
April 17  Controlling Invasive Species
April 18  Burning Hearts on Our Journey of Faith  
April 19  Inviting Tourists to Kentucky's Natural Bridge
April 20  Reviewing Mountaintop Removal and Its Costs
April 21  Recalling April Memories
April 22  Promoting Earth Day and Easter Empowerment
April 23  Championing an Authentic Upward Mobility  
April 24  Demonstrating as Prophets for Change
April 25  Being Good Shepherds in an Addicted World
April 26  Assessing Academic Rip-offs and Modern Education    
April 27  Thawing and Changing Polar Conditions  
April 28  Reflecting on Ten Approaches to Staying Hopeful
April 29  Demonstrating Publicly in Solidarity with Others
April 30  Keeping Environment Beautiful is Truly Earthhealing  


May 2021

May 1   Making May Day a Worker's Day
May 2   Addressing Excessive Consumerism Like Vinedressing
May 3   Conquering Pandemics and Tropical Diseases  
May 4   Damaging Democratic Process through Super PACs 
May 5   Being Good Samaritans as Earthhealers   
May 6   Finding Enough Work for Every American 
May 7   Making an Herb Garden a Place of Prayer
May 8   Questioning Whether Coal Has a Future 
May 9   Earthhealing Involves Loving People and Earth
May 10  Rejoicing in Springtime Delights 
May 11  Declaring the Holy Land a Pilgrimage Destination 
May 12  Earthhealing Is Essentially Quite Practical
May 13  Admitting "Through My Fault" Is Humbling   
May 14  Questioning Whether Libertarianism Is Unchristian
May 15  Being a True Prophet Is Difficult
May 16  Joining with Christ as Priest, Prophet and King
May 17  Looking up to Heaven?  Why Not Act Now? 
May 18  Finding Fulfillment in Work
May 19  Designating today's Robin Hoods as Agents of Change
May 20  Reclaiming "In God We Trust"
May 21  Listening to Renewable Sources Blowing and Splashing
May 22  Celebrating World Turtle Day 
May 23  Pentecost: Proclaiming the Power of the Word
May 24  Exposing Corporatocracy and America's Victimhood
May 25  Discussing Natural Gas Development and Application
May 26  Downsizing as an Earthhealing Practice
May 27  Applying AA Twelve-Step Program to Social Addiction
May 28  Fulfilling Memorial Day through Deepening Love
May 29  Declaring Joan of Arc a Perennial Teenager
May 30  Discovering the Trinity in Our Lives
May 31  Promoting Radical Environmental Change 

June 2021

June 1   Anticipating Summer's Heat
June 2   Beholding Earth as Mystery
June 3   Considering Space for Renewable Energy Facilities
June 4   Making a Social/Environmental Way of the Cross   
June 5   Celebrating World Environment Day
June 6   Discovering Eucharist as Our Nourishment
June 7   Protecting from the Sun      
June 8   Attending UN Conference on the Environment, 1972
June 9   Promoting Porch Swings on Senior Citizens' Day
June 10  Yelling Drill Baby Drill!  Cheap Fuel or Strategy?
June 11  Affirming that God is Love
June 12  Being Poor Can Be Enriching
June 13  Reflecting on the Mustard Seed
June 14  Waving Flag, Patriotism and World Citizenship
June 15  Enjoying Free Time as an Art
June 16  Repeating the Motto "In God We Trust"
June 17  Discerning Citizenship Responsibilities 
June 18  Emerging Authentic Eco-Spirituality
June 19  Fleeting Time and Summer Solstice
June 20  Enduring the Storms at Sea  
June 21  HERE: Recognizing a Down-to-Earth Spirituality
June 22  NOW: Embracing a Spirituality of Compassion
June 23  WE: Finding a Resurrection-Centered Spirituality
June 24  Learning from John the Baptist 
June 25  Exulting the Lowly Is an Imperative
June 26  Seeking Models of Enthusiasm in Summertime
June 27  Appreciating the Miracles of Life
June 28  Viewing Oregano: "Delight of the Mountains"
June 29  Championing Invasive Wineberries
June 30  Thinking Small and Thinking Big



July 2021

July 1   Attempting to Focus Today
July 2   Celebrating the Fourth in New Ways
July 3   Humbly Seeking God's Help Is Truly Patriotic     
July 4   Risking Being Prophets Today
July 5   Writing Letters Still Has Charm and Value  
July 6   Remembering Sightseeing Trips   
July 7   Listening to Water Sounds 
July 8   Discovering the Existence of Solastalgia
July 9   Questioning the Focus on "Cheap" Natural Gas
July 10  Refraining from Constant Social Contact   
July 11  Sending Missionaries Out Two by Two 
July 12  Harvesting Is a Joyful Time
July 13  Attending to Smokers Who Are Killing Themselves
July 14  "Reclaiming the Commons:" Eccentric or Socially Just?
July 15  Refining the Urgent Climate Change Strategy 
July 16  Affirming a Culture of Life
July 17  Controlling Ragweed   
July 18  Being Sheep without a Shepherd  
July 19  Designing Green Picnics
July 20  Deworming Tobacco Plants and Praying Mantises
July 21  Enjoying Mint: A Summer Beverage of Choice
July 22  Realizing Earthhealing as Democratic, Not Elitist
July 23  Affirming True Democratic Process through Solidarity  
July 24  Recognizing Soybeans as a Green Food Crop
July 25  Multiplying the Loaves
July 26  Rethinking Competitive Games and Playing to Win
July 27  Contrasting America's Attitudes about Wealth
July 28  Chanting in Harmony as Cosmic Resonance 
July 29  Existing Nightmare: Nuclear Powerplants  
July 30  Enduring Increased Frequency of Weather Extremes   
July 31  Earthhealing Has Ignatian Roots


August 2021

August  1  Time to Give Physical AND Spiritual Nourishment 
August  2  Time to Appreciate August's Wildflowers
August  3  Time to Enjoy Watermelon Day
August  4  Time to Polish the Art of Hospitality 
August  5  Time to Ask Whether Racial Bias Lingers       
August  6  Time to Take "The Shakertown Pledge"    
August  7  Time to Beg for Help from Others
August  8  Time to See Eucharist as Pledge of Eternal Life
August  9  Time to Defend Dilapidated Barns 
August 10  Time to Talk About Tree Troubles
August 11  Time to Think about Autumn Gardens 
August 12  Time to Think Differently: Ten Suggestions  
August 13  Time to Preserve Abundant Produce
August 14  Time for Eucharistic Promoters to Help the Needy
August 15  Time to Stop Pretending: The Assumption  
August 16  Time to Confront Modern Atheism
August 17  Time for Conference on Christianity & Ecology?
August 18  Time to Ask How Survivors Cope with AIDS    
August 19  Time to State Reasons Why I'm No Capitalist   
August 20  Time to Be Concerned about Homeless Animals
August 21  Time Once in a Blue Moon to See Godliness in Work
August 22  Time to See Eucharist as Empowering Us to Act  
August 23  Time to Recognize Inordinate Love for Automobiles
August 24  Time to Hike and Time to Bike     
August 25  Time to Use Grandpa's Oxen at Church Construction
August 26  Time for Ten Simple-Living Travel Hints
August 27  Time to Revisit an Authentic Eco-Spirituality
August 28  Time to Promote Resurrection-Centered Spirituality
August 29  Time to Guard Against Material Allurements
August 30  Time to Reconsider Legal Moonshining
August 31  Time to Gather More Time Sayings     


September 2021

September 1  Solving Honey Bee Colony Collapse Disorder  
September 2  Evaluating Creation-Centered Spiritualities       
September 3  Honoring Tony Mazzocchi, Labor Warrior   
September 4  Creating Jobs through Environmental Protection 
September 5  Attending Those with Hearing Impediments    
September 6  Affirming the American Dream by a Living Wage  
September 7  Encouraging the Grandma Moses in Elders
September 8  Breaking Up Banks Too Big to Fail 
September 9  Choosing Grapes as a Fruit of the Season   
September 10  Expanding the Web of Life on Swap Ideas Day
September 11  Recalling Peace Place 
September 12  Discussing Faith vs. Works with Faith & Works 
September 13  Haunting Mists of September
September 14  Bearing Our Crosses During Hard Times  
September 15  Confessing to Be a Fiscal Conservative         
September 16  Maintaining Connections in Living -- and Dying
September 17  Reflecting on Citizenship and Our Constitution   
September 18  Concerning World Water Monitoring Day
September 19  Forsaking Greed and Taking a Servant's Role
September 20  Learning from Creature/Teachers
September 21  Sharing Our Bounty on World Gratitude Day 
September 22  Simplifying Lives after Pandemic Experiences 
September 23  Risking Interactive Blogging
September 24  Celebrating Native American Day in California      
September 25  Tweeting Has Some Hidden Advantages 
September 26  Practicing Tolerance Among Believers
September 27  Investing More in Clean Energy   
September 28  Making a Twelve-Ingredient Autumn Salad  
September 29  Cherishing the Time We Can't Slow Down 
September 30  Homesteading as a Lifestyle Choice


October 2021

October 1  Tolerating Non-Believers.  What about Non-Belief?  
October 2  Clashing of Good and Evil   
October 3  Reaffirming Traditional Marriages
October 4  Honoring St. Francis as Environmentalist   
October 5  Attaining Peace of Soul       
October 6  Learning and Teaching Tree Identification    
October 7  Confronting Our Vestigial Clan Mentality
October 8  Saving through Homemade Laundry Soap
October 9  Promoting Clean Electric Vehicles
October 10  Passing a Camel through a Needle's Eye      
October 11  Distinguishing Different Degrees of Earthhealing
October 12  Accepting Positive Criticism with a Proper Spirit 
October 13  Persevering in the Act of Challenging   
October 14  Saying Goodbye to American King Coal
October 15  Rendering Hospitality and Friendship  
October 16  Observing World Food Day Today  
October 17  Comforting Afflicted; Afflicting Comfortable 
October 18  Being Political but not Partisan  
October 19  Feeling the Agony of a Dying Language  
October 20  Honoring Kateri: Patroness of the Environment  
October 21  Limiting Food Intake and Being Aware of Obesity
October 22  Practicing Meditation in a Busy World 
October 23  Polling Numbers: What Do They All Mean?  
October 24  Begging for Divine Help Today  
October 25  Bearing Arms in a Permissive Society
October 26  Selecting Hickory Nuts as a Labor of Love      
October 27  Choosing Beneficial and Sobering News  
October 28  Finding Tax Havens Worse Than We Thought 
October 29  Accepting of God's Will in All Things
October 30  Concluding October with Halloween    
October 31  Considering Mortality and Love of God


November 2021

November  1  Honoring Saints as Spiritual Resources
November  2  Dying with Dignity     
November  3  Challenging the Aristocracy of Wealth    
November  4  Creeping Chernobyl and Piketon Worker Safety
November  5  Remembering That the Voiceless are Hurting
November  6  Uprooting Our Selfish Tendencies  
November  7  Observing the Widow's Mite as Generosity
November  8  Passing On and Passing Over          
November 9  Controlling Guns and Ammo: Why Private Arsenals?      
November 10  Hearing the Call to Universal Fellowship          
November 11  Respecting the Sacrifices of Veterans
November 12  Gardening Year-Round without a Greenhouse   
November 13  Championing the Nobility of Poor Citizens  
November 14  Seeing Climate Change as Sign of the Times    
November 15  Affirming Renewable Energy Generation Capacity  
November 16  Tolerating Damage to Earth? 
November 17  Enduring Another Hot Year       
November 18  Recalling the Sensational Aromas of Autumn     
November 19  Recycling Old Tires in Different Ways    
November 20  Sharing Our National Gifts       
November 21  Coming of the Kingdom and Our Participation
November 22  Moving Ethnicity: Ethnic Atlas of the U.S.
November 23  Integrating Tough Love into Corrective Action  
November 24  Discovering the Power of Gratitude
November 25  Appreciating Our Thanksgiving Bounty   
November 26  Recognizing Consumerism and Permissiveness
November 27  Curbing Over-Consumerism    
November 28  Reflecting on Kairos, Chronos, and Advent
November 29  Balancing Physical and Spiritual Needs        
November 30  Protecting the Commonwealth from Billionaires


December 2021

December 1  Hoping During the Advent Season     
December 2  Proclaiming Expectancy an Advent Characteristic 
December 3  Existing While Stranded in a Blizzard   
December 4  Preserving the Last Rose of Summer
December 5  Becoming Forerunners of the Future   
December 6  Attacking Climate Change
December 7  Realizing that Pearl Harbor Could Reoccur 
December 8  Considering Immaculate Conception and Motivation  
December 9  Decorating with Taste, Safety, and Cost in Mind
December 10  Emerging Ethnic Group in Appalachia
December 11  Finding Ethnic Amalgamation or Diversification  
December 12  Coming of the Savior: A Joyful Advent
December 13  Identifying State-by-State Ethnic Groups 
December 14  Honoring Sacagawea's Contribution to America   
December 15  Confronting So-called "Corporate Persons"  
December 16  Promising Renewable Geothermal Energy
December 17  Making It in America and Wright Brothers Day 
December 18  Caregiving and Institutionalization
December 19  Expecting Parents: A Blessed Advent
December 20  Realizing that Winter Is Coming
December 21  Praying for Our Country on Forefather's Day
December 22  Presenting Gus at the First Christmas
December 23  Constructing a Meditation Garden  
December 24  Spreading the Pure Joy of Christmas   
December 25  Recalling Christmas and Manchester Prisoners     
December 26  Struggling Families: Parents and Children
December 27  Planning for 2022 
December 28  Creating a Novel Soup Today  
December 29  Seeing God as Eternal Potter; We Are the Clay     
December 30  Recognizing Anti-Catholic English Words
December 31  Counting Your 2012 Blessings


January 2022

January 1   Viewing 2022 as a Time for Reflection
January 2   Leading Others to Epiphany
January 3   Creating Monthly Environmental Themes 
January 4   Continuing Monthly Environmental Themes  
January 5   Observing January Sights
January 6   Expecting Great Things for 2022
January 7   Realizing that a Death Penalty Is Uncivilized 
January 8   Listening to Winter Water Sounds
January 9   Reaffirming Our Baptismal Vows
January 10  Reforming the Academic System
January 11  Wondering About Free Higher Education
January 12  Keeping Academic Pursuits Simple
January 13  Donating within a Democracy  
January 14  Shrinking Arctic Ice Cap: A Mixed Blessing
January 15  Treasuring Our Ethnicity
January 16  Being Uniquely Called by God
January 17  Listening to the Wisdom of Ben Franklin
January 18  Coming Together Ecumenically
January 19  Taking in the Aromas of January
January 20  Respecting Ethnic and Ecological Consciousness
January 21  Cultivating Tastes for Future Garden Produce
January 22  Critiquing Our Consumer-Based Culture
January 23  Needing to Always Seek Reformation
January 24  Supporting Bereavement Programs
January 25  Confronting Climate Change Denial
January 26  Discussing Negativism without Being Negative 
January 27  Concerning Caffeinated and Other Beverages
January 28  Tracking Footprints in the Snow
January 29  Recognizing Renewable Energy: Tidal Energy
January 30  Speaking the Prophetic Truth
January 31  Challenging the "Right to Die"


February, 2022

February 1  Broadening Perspectives through Reading History
February 2  Viewing Winter Delights
February 3  Offering Prayers and Asking Prayers   
February 4  Celebrating Peanuts-in-Foods Day  
February 5  Emphasizing Twelve Reasons for Solar Energy
February 6  Finding and Incorporating New Earthhealers 
February 7  Enchanting Soundscape of February 
February 8  Helping Youth Enjoy Nature's Benefits  
February 9  Witnessing During Critical Times
February 10  Maintaining Mental Balance in Various Ways     
February 11  Tasting Sweet Things in February
February 12  Championing Lincoln: A Needed Hero 
February 13  Blessing the Poor
February 14  Being Neighborly and Martin Buber's I and Thou
February 15  Highlighting Indoor Aromas in Mid-February 
February 16  Remedying Depression through Outdoor Activity
February 17  Finding Saints for Every Age 
February 18  Growing in Active Faith
February 19  Popularizing Solar System Day
February 20  Willing to Extend Our Compassion
February 21  Rising up of the Poor -- Christian Revolution 
February 22  Expanding George Washington's Dream
February 23  Honoring Polycarp, Martyr and Saint
February 24  Fracking: Panacea or Problem?
February 25  Listing Dandelions' Environmental Benefits
February 26  Protecting Our Face in Winter
February 27  Failing to Speak Out
February 28  Inducing Sleep without Pills


March 2022

March 1   Championing a Wind-Energized Economy  
March 2   Fashioning Our Lent into a New Opportunity  
March 3   Making an Environmental Examination of Conscience   
March 4   Remembering the Sounds of Floods
March 5   Defensing Daydream among Elders    
March 6   Tempting the Earthhealer Today
March 7   Reviewing the Temptations of Perpetua & Felicity
March 8   Making Sausage   
March 9   Dreaming about the Future: Alternative Scenarios
March 10  Choosing Moderation, Proper Food or Dieting
March 11  Creating an Emergency Grab-and-Go Kit  
March 12  Celebrating Good Samaritan Day Tomorrow
March 13  Earthhealing and the Power of Transfiguration
March 14  Recognizing Gunbearers as Insecure People
March 15  Being Slow at Handing Out Superlatives
March 16  Seeing Limits to Physical but not Spiritual Growth
March 17  Hemp-Growing Is Legal Again  
March 18  Returning Swallows to San Juan Capistrano
March 19  Preparing the Church to Be a Catalyst of Change
March 20  Conversing Frankly with the Woman at the Well
March 21  Observing World Forestry Day
March 22  Melting of the Arctic Sheet
March 23  Saying a Brief Prayer at the Reflection's End
March 24  Preparing a Seasonal Garden Salad
March 25  Speaking and Writing Faithfully: Word Power
March 26  Earthhealing Practice and Realism
March 27  Celebrating the Blind Man's Courage
March 28  Taking Electricity for Granted
March 29  Encouraging Local Voluntary Hospital Chaplains
March 30  Making a First Impression a Lasting One?
March 31  Affirming a Possible 2030 Renewable Energy Economy


April, 2022

April  1  Countering Climate Change Deniers    
April  2  Joining the Battle between Good and Evil
April  3  Living Eternally: Martha, Mary and Lazarus
April  4  Welcoming Silver Showers 
April  5  Challenging an Enlightened Church to Speak 
April  6  Creating a Firestorm to Bring Change       
April  7  Affirming Life as Glory of Creation    
April  8  Recognizing Our Consumer Addictions
April  9  Finding the Glory of Creation in Springtime  
April 10  Processing with Palms
April 11  Controlling Air and Related Pollution
April 12  Answering Global Warming with Renewable Energy
April 13  Recalling Spy Wednesday: Loyalty and Betrayal  
April 14  Performing Priestly Service for Others
April 15  Being Present at Calvary
April 16  Pausing and Awaiting the New Fire
April 17  Rising with the Lord
April 18  Escaping Methane: Hot Air or Scorching Gas?
April 19  Rejecting the "Right" to Automatic Weapons
April 20  Acquainting Ourselves with Fossil Fuel Problems
April 21  Focusing on Cardinal or Theological Virtues
April 22  Remembering Lou Lipps: A Down-to-Earth Jesuit     
April 23  Breaking the Myth: Handouts Go to the Poor
April 24  Needing God's Mercy Today
April 25  Attacking Over-Competitiveness in Our Culture
April 26  Assessing Strengths and Weaknesses of the Church     
April 27  Curbing Climate Change through Church Witness  
April 28  Reflecting on Non-Violent Revolution
April 29  Supporting Renewal in Urgent Times 
April 30  Approaching Climate Change by Soft or Hard Sell


May 2022

May 1  Earthhealing and Life's Final Journey 
May 2  Recounting the Earthly Joys of Our Faith    
May 3  Coupling Healing with Earth: Various Meanings
May 4  Listing Flower Benefits during Wildflower Week
May 5  Testing Academia: Who Pays the Piper Calls the Tune
May 6  Healing Earth and Nursing Qualities      
May 7  Stating the Universal Right to Good Health   
May 8  Shepherding and Pasturing among Wounded Sheep 
May 9  Serving Others Is a Privilege      
May 10  Using "Charity" as Power
May 11  Opting for Garden Variety with Its Benefits  
May 12  Debunking America's State Religion Human     
May 13  Conserving Water for Growing Food in Dry Times 
May 14  Producing Food on Land for Essential Needs
May 15  Earth Healing as a Form of Glorification
May 16  Making the Peace Dividend a Golden Opportunity 
May 17  Being Aware of Authentic Charitable Need
May 18  Finding Whether Enclosing the Commons Continues Today
May 19  Introducing a Climate-Changing Pollutant: Soot
May 20  Recalling the Benefits of Bicycles   
May 21  Discussing Ocean Problems and Solutions
May 22  Establishing Peace in Times of Turmoil     
May 23  Listing Edible Landscaping Benefits 
May 24  Conversing with the Spiritually Unaffiliated
May 25  Housing Is a Global Need
May 26  Taking Responsibility to Save Our Earth     
May 27  Respecting Memorial Times and Places   
May 28  Honoring Photographs and Precious Memories  
May 29  Celebrating the Ascension and Memorial Day
May 30  Contrasting Private Wealth to Commonwealth
May 31  Affirming the Principle of Environmental Commons


June 2022

June  1  Reviewing June's Pluses and Minuses
June  2  Celebrating the Cyrus Cylinder and Human Rights 
June  3  Making Hay: Pleasant and Unpleasant Memories      
June  4  Upholding Our Earth on World Environment Day
June  5  Inspiring Pentecostal Differences and Similarities
June  6  Spicing Cherry Season with Happy Memories 
June  7  Declining Importance of American Coal 
June  8  Promoting Climate Activism   
June  9  Dying Victims and Living Parents  
June 10  Realizing that Global Wildlife Is Under Peril
June 11  Supporting Wilderness Preserves
June 12  Being Godly Bear the Marks of the Trinity
June 13  Knowing Canadian Tar Sands Exploitation Dangers
June 14  Discussing Civil Disobedience on Flag Day
June 15  Possessing Guns and Being Unarmed
June 16  Introducing Forgiveness to an Unforgiving Culture
June 17  Enhancing Our Wildlife Protection     
June 18  Fostering Hospitality on International Picnic Day 
June 19  Holding Corpus Christi a New Covenant Cosmic Event 
June 20  Highlighting World Refugee Day
June 21  Bringing a Halt to Global Deforestation   
June 22  Car-Pooling and Sharing Many Resources
June 23  Taking Up Our Daily Cross Faithfully                 
June 24  Healing Earth through Reparation
June 25  Championing Property Limitations 
June 26  Following Jesus on the Journey to Jerusalem
June 27  Listing Benefits and Risks of Natural Gas 
June 28  Affirming Agreements on National Handshake Day
June 29  Designating Books-in-Progress a Novel Concept  
June 30  Tackling Unwelcome Medical Costs and Wastes

July 2022

July  1  Discovering America's Community Relations
July  2  Creating Justice for All
July  3  Exploring Ways to Peace 
July  4  Expressing Love for Our Country through Deeds
July  5  Purging Military Terms from Our Vocabulary
July  6  Coming to an Understanding of What "Success" Means
July  7  Anticipating an Energy Economy Minus Coal
July  8  Revealing Wage Theft as a Major Problem
July  9  Supporting Labor Union Organizing Today
July 10  Reflecting on the Good Samaritan Parable 
July 11  Trying to Spell the Sound of Rushing Water       
July 12  Making an Annual Retreat Is a Free Decision
July 13  Appreciating the Exquisite Tastes of July  
July 14  Promoting UNESCO Global Cultural Sites    
July 15  Recognizing Damage to Our Cultural Commons  
July 16  Listing Green Tourist Guidelines  
July 17  Choosing the Better Part: Mary and Martha
July 18  Seeing Wood Biomass as Benefit or Disaster
July 19  Tolerating Less Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution
July 20  Defining Culture Differently  
July 21  Examining What This Means: God Is Love
July 22  Eating Food With Others Has Sacred Significance    
July 23  Addressing Anti-Boredom Month
July 24  Having a Prayerful Persistence
July 25  Promoting Tourism/Retiree Communities
July 26  Considering American Ethnic Changes
July 27  Cultivating Our Sense of Gratitude
July 28  Tearing Down the Idols All Around Us   
July 29  Championing Variety in Salads and Other Foods   
July 30  Remembering Ignatius Loyola -- and Francis of Assisi
July 31  Trusting Foolishly in Material Possessions

August 2022

August  1  Praising August's Glorious Landscape    
August  2  Destroying Stored Chemical Weapons
August  3  Congratulating "The Catholic Worker" at Eighty-Nine  
August  4  Improving Our National Infrastructure
August  5  Climbing a Mountain is Enthralling
August  6  Comparing Transfiguration and Hiroshima Day
August  7  Healing Our Earth: A Sacred Trust
August  8  Asking Whether No-Growth Philosophy Is Proper
August  9  Controlling Guns or Being Controlled by Guns
August 10  Preserving Produce for Winter
August 11  Affirming the Future of Wind Power
August 12  Bragging About Our Good Deeds?
August 13  Highlighting Unique Rock formations
August 14  Setting Strategic Fires through Charismatic Word   
August 15  Trusting Mary: God's Instrument of Grace
August 16  Preparing a Late Summer Garden         
August 17  Continuing American Heroic Traditions: Emil Kapaun
August 18  Questioning "Radical Conservatives"      
August 19  Watching Our Electronics Lower Practical Skills
August 20  Threatening Birds in Various Ways
August 21  Choosing to Move Forward with the Poor
August 22  Advancing an Atmosphere of Contrasumption
August 23  Calling Geothermal the Friendliest Energy Source
August 24  Responding When Death Comes Close to Us    
August 25  Recognizing Nitrogen's Feast or Famine  
August 26  Being Fully Aware of Humankind Week 
August 27  Reflecting on Church as Compassionate
August 28  Cultivating the Virtue of Humility  
August 29  Facing Security and Insecurity in Today's World
August 30  Accepting Our Limitations As Empowering

August 31  Celebrating Paw Paws: A Native American Fruit   


September 2022

September 1  Reflecting on the Serenity Prayer    
September 2  Benefiting from Local Church Sales     
September 3  Warning Levels of Severe Climate Change
September 4  Releasing the Death Grip on Possessions
September 5  Facing Global Unemployment: A Volatile Time Bomb
September 6  Ridding Ourselves of Clericalism
September 7  Combatting Clericalism through Democratic Means
September 8  Knowing Throwaway Culture's Detrimental Effects
September 9  Gleaning Can Be Ecological
September 10  Curbing Weapons Trade through Real Offsetting
September 11  Celebrating the Prodigal's Return
September 12  Counting Traffic Fatalities in Appalachia 
September 13  Being Thankful for Bountiful Grape Harvests
September 14  Probing the Mystery of the Holy Cross  
September 15  Realizing Environmental Gun Threats
September 16  Questioning Domestic Tar Sands Development
September 17  Constituting Citizenship in 2022
September 18  Mastering the Art of Servanthood
September 19  Saving Our Wounded Earth
September 20  Discussing Aquaculture and Modern Fish Farming
September 21  Proclaiming Good News as Church
September 22  Listening for September's Distinctive Sounds  
September 23  Preparing Domestic Space for Winter
September 24  Caring for Creation on National Public Lands Day    
September 25  Being Aware of Lazarus in Our Midst
September 26  Returning to the Land of Origin
September 27  Touching and Celebrating Earth through Dancing  
September 28  Considering a Recorded Funeral Oration    
September 29  Supporting Disaster Early Warning Systems
September 30  Glancing Back and Looking Ahead


October 2022

October  1  Spicing Silent Space/Time with Reflection 
October  2  Cultivating Faithfulness and Godly Service    
October  3  Encouraging Outdoor Play in October    
October  4  Espousing a National Carbon Tax
October  5  Celebrating Simple Lifestyle Day
October  6  Respecting Resident Birds and Wildlife
October  7  Reflecting on the Rosary
October  8  Viewing Kids as Rebels or Revolutionaries    
October  9  Thanking God for Everyday Miracles
October 10  Pressing for National Gun Licensing  
October 11  Sharing Economy: Collaborative Consumption Model
October 12  Recycling Naturally All Around Us
October 13  Compromising Domestic Sound and Silence
October 14  Rediscovering America through Respect for All
October 15  Providing Nutrition for Poor Folks
October 16  Struggling to Remain Faithful Today 
October 17  Protesting Triggered at a Global Level
October 18  Celebrating Pumpkins: A Truly American Delight   
October 19  Bullying: A Local and National Phenomenon
October 20  Focusing on World Food Needs
October 21  Acknowledging a Troubled Earth  
October 22  Opting Fundamentally with the Poor
October 23  Seeking a Prayerful Attitude
October 24  Empowering Us to Act Spiritually
October 25  Proclaiming a Christian Revolutionary Manifesto
October 26  Reviewing Eco-Conservative Stages of Life 
October 27  Being a Socially Addicted People  
October 28  Promoting Prayerfulness within the Church  
October 29  Presenting Forty-Four Titles for Trees
October 30  Desiring Salvation for All    
October 31  Loving through Deeds and Sainthood  


November 2022

November 1  Honoring Unsung Saints          
November 2  Reflecting on “The Hour of Our Death"
November 3  Viewing Food Quality, Quantity, Safety and Access
November 4  Being On- or Off-the-Grid
November 5  Melting Pot or Diversification in American Population
November 6  Encouraging Others in the Midst of Adversity
November 7  Taking the State of Climate Seriously
November 8  Realizing Fair Trade as Socially Beneficial
November 9  Trading Unfairly in Fauna and Flora                 
November 10 Celebrating Indian Summer
November 11 Honoring Local War Veterans              
November 12 Molding a Just World 
November 13 Remaining Steadfast in Uncertain Times
November 14 Challenging the Sounds of November 
November 15 Considering Consumers as Good or Bad
November 16 Confronting Excessive Property Holdings
November 17 Pledging that is Anti-Democratic
November 18 Defining Methane a Blessing or a Curse  
November 19 Pondering Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
November 20 Designating Christ the King Monarch or Servant
November 21 Accepting that You Are Getting Older When…
November 22 Knowing Where You Were 59 Years Ago Today      
November 23 Stealing Wages is Global 
November 24 Assuming Gratitude through Simple Thanks
November 25 Spreading the Message: Buy Nothing Day 
November 26 Sharing through Simp0le Living  
November 27 Preparing for the Advent Season
November 28 Respecting the Skunk or Polecat  
November 29 Promoting Economic Development through Church
November 30 Blessings of Advent Include Self-Denial

December 2022

December 1  Reflecting on the Dangers of Riches     
December 2  Becoming More Down-to-Earth
December 3  Challenging a Greener Global Future for China
December 4  Honoring John the Baptist
December 5  Celebrating Tinsel Day    
December 6  Choosing Ideal Gifts for Christmas   
December 7  Sharing Can Be Patriotic
December 8  Dawning of a New Age: The Immaculate Conception
December 9  Being Ourselves During Favorable Times 
December 10  Licensing Automobiles AND Guns           
December 11  Spreading Joy Amid Today’s Hard times
December 12  Having Rain Barrels    
December 13  Assisting Others in Giving and Giving Up 
December 14  Scenting the Holiday Season with Cedar   
December 15  Admiring the Beautiful Ohio River Valley
December 16 Energizing Our Information Communications Technology  
December 17  Enjoying the Northern Cardinal: A True Winter Delight
December 18  Supporting Those Who Are Starting Families

December19  Reflecting or Acting: Which Is First?
December 20  Providing for Season's Special Treats              
December 21  Christening the Yuletide        
December 22  Listing Indoor Environmental Cautions 
December 23  Realizing that I Have a Christmas Dream
December 24  The Burning Babe on Christmas Eve                
December 25  Visiting Bethlehem: City of David
December 26  Reaffirming Our Trust in God 
December 27  Expanding the Pro-Life Field of Issues          
December 28  Encouraging Catalytic Action in the Church
December 29  Fleeing to Safer Places by Families
December 30  Watching the Horizon for New Highlights
December 31  Bestowing an American Blessing    

January 2023

January 1 Making This a Day of Peace
January 2 Keeping This Website Operating
January 3 Preparing for Winter Emergencies
January 4 Enjoying Peanuts 365 Different Ways
January 5 Healing Scarred Mountains
January 6 Celebrating Epiphany as a Global Event
January 7 Reforming the Current Economic System
January 8 Being Baptized to Serve Others
January 9 Supporting Hospice Programs
January 10 Championing Snow Benefits
January 11 Treating Our Wounded Earth with Care
January 12 Exposing the Term “Hillbilly” as Disparaging
January 13 Healing at All Levels through Music
January 14 Exploiting Tar Sands and Shale Rock            
January 15 Humbling Words by John the Baptist
January 16 Seeing Youthful Visions and Elderly Dreams
January 17 Striving to Impose Democracy
January 18 Confronting the Global Immigration Phenomenon
January 19 Searching for Holy Wisdom
January 20 Knowing Someone Who Remembered the Civil War
January 21 Giving Hugs to Others               
January 22 Motivating Us to Serve Others
January 23 Spreading Word through Digital Media      
January 24 Choosing Hobbies Well      
January 25 Celebrating Chinese New Year Festivities
January 26 Preparing Remotely for a Garden in January
January 27 Being Mindful of Fuel Economy
January 28 Reducing Stress and Living a Higher Quality Life
January 29 Reflecting on the Beatitudes
January 30 Exploring Personal Changes and Life Adjustments
January 31 Discovering the Yurt a Worthwhile Structure


February 2023

February   1   Affirming Freedom through Non-Violence
February   2   Presenting Christ Who Is Light    
February   3   Enlightening Others through Gardening 
February   4   Enjoying Persimmons in Many Ways 
February   5    Being Present as Christ’s Light
February   6   Discovering American Mobility Never Ceases   
February   7   Meeting Dickens: Man of Letters and Compassion
February   8   Recognizing Some Education as a Racket
February   9   Calling St. Peter a Model for Us All
February  10   Exercising Physically for Health
February  11   Celebrating Inventor's Day by Using Our Hands
February  12   Fulfilling the Law Is Freedom to Serve
February  13   Taking Notice of Random Acts of Kindness Day
February  14   Recalling Sts. Valentine, Cyril, and Methodius
February  15   Sensing Vibration Pollution and Effects
February  16   Tackling Our Present Troubles 
February  17   Sharing and World Day of Social Justice
February  18   Contesting Faulty Consumer Products
February  19   Striving for Divine Perfection amid Imperfection
February  20   Remembering Presidents' Day
February  21   Reflecting on the Lincoln Memorial
February  22    Welcoming Ash Wednesday
February  23   Considering Authentic Puzzles
February  24   Helping Establish Global Peace
February  25   Championing Solar Applications
February  26   Confronting Temptations in an Alluring World
February  27   Overdosing Drugs and Painkillers
February  28   Lightning: Fearsome and admirable


March 2023

March  1   Recognizing National Nutrition Month
March  2   Manifesting Openness about Tomorrow
March  3   Living Better with Natural Disasters
March 4    Breaking with the Fossil Fuel Economy
March 5    Attending Mount Tabor and the Golden Moment
March  6   Celebrating American Camping Week
March  7   Making Breakfast the Main Meal
March  8   Remembering Irene Dickinson, Earth Healer
March  9   Watching What We Eat
March 10   Sounding Ominous: Acid Rain
March 11   Introducing a New Fruit Tree Variety
March 12   Reflecting on Faith: The Woman at the Well
March 13   Fulfilling Good Samaritan Day
March 14   Marking Pope Francis' Tenth Anniversary
March 15   Observing Freedom of Information Day
March  16  Declaring “Small Is Beautiful”
March 17   Announcing the Luck of Irish Americans
March 18   Seeking Balance during March Madness
March 19   Enjoying Laetare Sunday
March 20   Championing Non-Smoker Rights 
March 21   Providing Greens through Container Gardening
March 22   Creating a Food Tripod
March 23   Considering Fasting for Others
March 24   Protecting Domestic Silent Space and Time
March 25   Taking on Human Flesh
March 26   Affirming New Life
March 27   Embracing Art, Environment, and Earthhealing
March 28   Asking Again: What Would Jesus Do?
March 29   Refrigerating Conservatively
March 30   Being Aware of Substance Abuse
March 31   Saving Seed as a Conservation Measure  


April 2023

April  1    Being an April Fool Forty-Nine Ways  
April 2   Reliving Palm Sunday
April  3    Seeing Lotteries as Modern Addiction    
April  4    Titling Ginseng “Queen of Natural Medicinals”
April  5    Designating Gardening as a Noble Art
April  6    Serving Others and Holy Thursday
April  7    Seeing Calvary's Cross Today
April  8    Restoring Damaged Lands
April 9    Proclaiming Easter to the World
April  10   Celebrating  Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
April  11   Encouraging Young People's Herb Gardens
April  12   Becoming Aware of Global Warming
April  13   Critiquing Spectator Sports
April  14   Giving Praise to God by All Creation
April  15   Reflecting on Global Differences
April 16   Revealing New Saints in Our Times
April  17   Celebrating Metamorphosis and Butterflies
April  18   Affirming World Health as a Global Goal
April  19   Driving Problems and Seniors
April  20   Recognizing Conservationist John Muir
April  21   Connecting Sun Day and the Commons
April  22   Reflecting on Earth Day 2023
April 23  Building Community through Works of Mercy
April  24   Taking Daughters and Sons to Work Day
April  25   Letting Everyday be Arbor & Bird Day
April  26   Highlighting America’s Interstate System               
April  27   Awaiting the Next Rise of the Nuclear Phoenix
April  28   Observing Holocaust Remembrance Day   
April  29   Confronting Mean-Spirited Egalitarianism
April 30   Seeing Christ as The Life

May 2023

May 1   Reciting a Patriot's Prayer    
May 2   Moving Spiritually to a Non-Carbon Economy
May 3   Championing May Flowers
May 4   Observing the Fulfillment of Scripture
May 5   Recognizing Cinco de Mayo
May 6   Celebrating Rainbow: God's Covenant with Earth
May 7   Proclaiming Jesus: the Way, Truth and Life
May 8   Recognizing May as the Perfect Gardening Month
May 9   Being Always Aware of Impulse Buying  
May 10  Highlighting Poke Shoots and Berries
May 11  Peacemaking in Times of Crises
May 12  Promoting Nurses as Model Caregivers      
May 13  Creating Plans, Plans, and Summer Plans
May 14  Becoming Jesus’ Loved Ones and Associates
May 15  Changing Lawn into Edible Landscape
May 16  Participating within a North American Community
May 17  Treating Chemicals with Respect
May 18  Seeing Spring Litter cleanup as Necessary  
May 19  Observing National Bike-to-Work Day    
May 20  Filling the Carnivore Niche with Coyotes
May 21  Affirming World Cultural Diversity Day  
May 22  Remembering Mother Goose and Nursery Rhymes
May 23  Sharing Good News with All of Creation
May 24  Respecting the Web of Life
May 25  Discovering Consolation 
May 26  Avoiding Idle Speculation
May 27  Cooperating During an Environmental Crisis May 28  Discovering Pentecost in Our Spiritual Life
May 29  Memorial Day/Decoration Day     
May 30  Reflecting on the Life of Joan of Arc
May 31  Reciting the Magnificat's Enduring Promise

June 2023

June 1    Overdosing with Fentanyl
June 2    Observing National Go Barefoot Day
June 3    Highlighting  American Rivers Month
June 4    Proclaiming Trinitarian Reflections
June 5    Striving on World Environment Day for 100% Renewables
June 6    Undertaking Outdoor Retreat Experiences  
June 7    Confronting Academic Athletic Enterprises
June 8    Celebrating Best Friends Day
June 9    Blessings of Porch Sitters
June 10   Returning to the Holy Land
June 11   Being Part of the Body of Christ
June 12   Composing Some Haiku 
June 13   Juggling Day and Focusing
June 14   Considering Patriotism, Migrants, and Our Flag
June 15   Supporting Urban Forestry
June 16   Healing Earth and the Sacred Heart
June 17   Pickling in All Its Glory
June 18   Affirming a Sense of Balance
June 19   Knowing the Significance of Juneteenth
June 20   Cultivating Spiritual Nourishment
June 21   Considering a Dozen Summer Suggestions
June 22   Maintaining a Composter
June 23   Discussing Brain Drain
June 24   Eating in the Wild
June 25   Dealing with Fear in the Modern World  
June 26   Coping with Global Catastrophe 
June 27   Reflecting While in a Stressed Forest
June 28   Prizing Jewelweed
June 29   Unchanging Rocks: Sts. Peter and Paul
June 30   Promoting Appalachia  

July 2023

July 1   Deciding What's to Stash and What's to Trash    
July 2   Giving a Cup of Water is Pro-Life
July 3Bringing about Fair Taxes
July 4   Recalling America's Blessings
July 5   Discussing Spectator and Competitive Sports
July 6   Enjoying the Taste of Seasonal Berries
July 7   Considering College Undertakings Today
July 8   Promoting Geothermal Applications
July 9   Welcoming Spiritual Refreshments
July 10  Choosing a Retreat within Natural Settings
July 11  Transporting People Can Be Problematic
July 12  Discussing Alternative Biofuels
July 13  Affirming Global Child Health Care
July 14  Threshing Grain Memories
July 15  Reaffirming the Abolition 2000 Statement
July 16  Reflecting on Sowing and Reaping   
July 17  Hoping That China Doesn’t Follow American Ways
July 18  Challenging Appalachia: Positively and Negatively
July 19  Exposing Negative Security through Guns
July 20  Experiencing a Moment of Grace:  We Are the Poor
July 21  Discovering Black Locust: Weed Tree or More?
July 22  Turning Once More to Dangers of Nuclear Weapons
July 23  Realizing Weeds Teach Us Tolerance  
July 24  Celebrating Amelia Earhart and Her Story
July 25  Taking a Pilgrim Journey of Faith  
July 26  Deserving Our Respect Extends to Snakes   
July 27  Proclaiming God's Gift of Peppers
July 28  Coping with Impending Catastrophe
July 29  Promoting Literacy Training
July 30  Acquiring Treasured Resources
July 31  Joining St. Ignatius and the Environment

August 2023

August  1  Demanding More or Resting Secure
August  2  Observing Breastfeeding Week
August  3  Overcoming Global Hunger
August  4  Respecting Black Bears
August  5  Protecting Against Forest Fires
August  6  Proclaiming Transfiguration and Future Glory
August  7  Being Aware of Emergency Evacuation Plans
August  8  Returning to Urban Victory Gardens
August  9  Reflecting on Nuclear Power Abolition
August 10  Visiting Kentucky’s Natural Bridge
August 11  Reducing Grocery Bills Ten Proven Ways
August 12  Harvesting Tobacco in August
August 13  Placing Our Troubles in the Lord
August 14  Attempting to Be Godly  
August 15  Leading the Way with Mary
August 16  Mixed Mesophytic Forest      
August 17  Camping as Recreation   
August 18  Welcoming Back the Bald Eagle
August 19  The Art of Herding Cattle
August 20  Having a House of Prayer for all the Peoples
August 21  Consider the "Walmartization" of America
August 22  Thomas More: The Man for All Seasons
August 23  Support the Veterans History Project  
August 24  Biking Is Healthy but Risky       
August 25  Shared Caving Experiences
August 26  Remember Women's Equality Day   
August 27  Seeing the Pope as Rock in the Storm 
August 28  Broaden Mother Teresa of Calcutta's Message  
August 29  Whistleblowers Take Risks
August 30  Enjoy Sorghum-Making  
August 31 Self-Denial, Sharing, and Growing Vitality   

September 2023

September 1   Being Aware of Anniversaries Sad and/or Glorious
September 2   Sowing Autumn Greens in Summer Glory
September 3   Honoring a Living Wage on Labor Day
September 4   Traveling Versus Electronic Communicating 
September 5   Realizing that Peaches Have Their Days     
September 6   Respecting the Beautiful Castor Bean Plant  
September 7   Endangering Forest Life by Sick Trees
September 8   Seeking Clean Water for All
September 9   Supporting Public Lands as Part of the Commons
September 10  Performing Successful Fraternal Correction
September 11  Finding Burial Grounds: Sic Transit Gloria Mundi  
September 12  Becoming More Aware of the American Bison  
September 13  Considering Population Decline   
September 14  Observing Road Signs and Crosses of Glory
September 15  Searching for an Appalachian Energy Policy 
September 16  Commemorating Mayflower Day
September 17  Celebrating Constitution Day and "Ole Glory"
September 18  Recognizing Good Nutrition Education
September 19  Analyzing Campaign Contributions
September 20  Discovering the Horror of Gross Inequality
September 21  Championing Christian Unity, Not Uniformity  
September 22  Breaking Fossil Fuel Addiction
September 23  Displaying Autumn Landscape Glory
September 24  Working Is an Act of Privilege
September 25  Designating Land for Food Production 
September 26  Finding Earthhealing Characteristics
September 27  Choosing Good News for Better Living   
September 28  Learning Ever Greater Hospitality 
September 29  Remembering Michaelmas and Angels
September 30  Fading Glory: The Indian Summer of Life

October 2023

October 1    Affirming or Denying Service
October 2    Knowing and Championing Sanctuary
October 3    Promoting Solar Energy: A Renewable Alternative 
October 4    Extending Francis' Blessings
October 5    Treating Miracles, Prayers, and Community Growth
October 6    Remembering Autumn's Dangers  
October 7    Distinguishing Secular and Spiritual Empowerment
October 8    Caring for Earth, God's Vineyard    
October 9    Being Enslaved by Domestic Credit and Debt
October 10   Connecting Environmentalism and Church Life  
October 11   Questioning Our Sense of Respect  
October 12   Having Teresa of Avila as Model
October 13   Choosing Wisely: Good Money, Bad Money
October 14   Considering Small-Space Gardening
October 15   Embracing Mystery and Restlessness
October 16   Observing World Food Day: Help End Hunger 
October 17   Celebrating Peace and Justice Week
October 18   Creating Arguments for a Greener Diet
October 19   Observing Wildlife of the Month: The Squirrel
October 20   Reflecting on Amazon Deforestation
October 21   Pausing before Calling Others Names  
October 22   Rendering Civic Duties: Respecting Government
October 23   Learning from African Hopes and Fears
October 24   Focusing on Nuclear Power: Dead or Alive
October 25   Standardizing English as a Global Language
October 26   Stopping Corporate Welfare   
October 27   Forecasting Weather and Signs of the Times 
October 28   Considering Autumn Hiking Comfort and Choices 
October 29   Loving God and Our Neighbor
October 30   Walking over a Swinging Bridge   
October 31   Reconsidering Halloween


November 2023

November 1 Having a Saint for All Seasons
November 2 Remembering the Poor Souls
November 3 Observing World Community Day
November 4 Exercising a Citizen's Right to Vote
November 5 Calling the Gaza Strip a Concentration Camp
November 6 Greening Health Care Institutions
November 7 Shifting Diets for Environmental Improvement
November 8 Recalling the Fall of the Berlin Wall
November 9 Letting Go as Part of Life
November 10 Encouraging Christian/Moslem Mutual Respect
November 11 Continuing Support for Veterans
November 12 Reliving the Joy of Coming Home
November 13 Puzzling Karen Silkwood Saga
November 14 Discovering When Silence Is a Sin
November 15 25 Years after El Salvador Jesuits Murdered
November 16 Celebrating Chipmunks and Ground Squirrels
November 17 Observing American Education Week
November 18 Finding Faith on Earth
November 19 Utilizing Our Talents and Opportunities
November 20 Viewing Barns as Symbolic
November 21 Weighing Climate Change Issues
November 22 Considering National Stop the Violence Day
November 23 Thanksgiving Day: Thanks Lord for Simple Things
November 24 Buying Nothing Day
November 25 Walking as Good Daily Exercise
November 26 Proclaiming Christ as Judge
November 27 Championing and Promoting Natural Capital
November 28 Promoting Solar PV Shingles and Panels
November 29 Tolerating Compulsive Counting Folks
November 30 Welcoming Advent and St. Andrew as Model


December 2023

December 1   Helping Keep America Beautiful
December 2   Recognizing Authentic Environmental Stewardship
December 3   Becoming Advent People
December 4   Recording Elders for Holiday Gifts
December 5   Observing Tinsel Day Carefully
December 6   Making Harmony Our Spiritual Gift
December 7   Looking for Lead in the Home
December 8   Saying "Yes" to God
December 9   Benefiting by Building Smaller Houses
December 10  Awaiting and Hastening the Day of the Lord
December 11  Praying to Saint Odile
December 12  Noticing Poinsettia Day and December Plants
December 13  Lighting Candles amid December's Darkness 
December 14  Mobilizing Faith-Based Communities 
December 15  Welcoming Animals at Christmas
December 16  Addressing a World of Bullies
December 17  Being Joyful Heralds and Evangelists          
December 18  Exploring Internet Freedom and Neutrality
December 19  Being Aware of Underdog Day
December 20 Reflecting on Finality 
December 21  Glistening Prison Razor Wire at Christmas 
December 22  Discussing the Benefits of Goats
December 23  Coming Milder Winters
December 24  Recognizing that Emmanuel Is Present
December 25  Attending to the Best Christmas Gift 
December 26  Proclaiming Jesus Christ Activist
December 27  Detecting Radon in Our Homes
December 28  Looking Back and Looking Ahead   
December 29  Supporting the SUN DAY Campaign    
December 30  Being People of Service        
December 31  Celebrating the Holy Family and Our Families

January 2024

January 1   Reflecting During Troubled Times
January 2   Changing Climate Is Not Given Top Priority
January 3   Discovering Sacred Sights
January 4   Observing the World Around Us
January 5   Moving Us to Divine Mystery
January 6   Manifesting Mystery: The Epiphany
January 7   Considering the Meaning of Our Baptism
January 8   Perceiving Mystery Within 
January 9   Looking Up to the Heavens 
January 10  Gazing Always Ahead 
January 11  Seeing the Mystery in All Creation  
January 12  Hearing the Call: To Each His/Her Own 
January 13  Earthhealing: A Call within a Call    
January 14  Calling "Samuel, Samuel" 
January 15  Reaching Deeper Harmony
January 16  Sounds and Silence: Needing Pauses  
January 17  Harmonizing within Artistic Activities
January 18  Listening to Sacred Sounds             
January 19  Tasting the Goodness of the Lord      
January 20  Recounting Ways to Prepare Apples  
January 21  Recalling Jonah to Restoration  
January 22  Dignifying Manual Labor       
January 23  Rendering Footprints as Sacred Touch
January 24  Touching the Earth (A Potter Molding Clay)          
January 25  Establishing a Sacred Aroma          
January 26  Purging Useless Stuff in Order to Focus
January 27  Knowing and Applying a Conservation Ethic  
January 28  Defending Our Fragile Earth
January 29  Creating Sacred Time and Space 
January 30  Refraining from Food Wastes  
January 31  Reciting and Celebrating Our Common Creed

February 2024

February  1  Addressing Wildlife Threats
February 2   Celebrating New Light   
February 3   Confronting Desolate Sights
February 4   Speaking with Authority
February 5   Drowning Out Mourning Dove Sounds
February 6   Controlling Noise in Our World
February 7   Experiencing Discord on Our Earth
February 8   Coupling Job's Trials and Global Depression
February 9   Tasting Effects of Water Contamination
February 10  Declaring the Right to Potable Water
February 11  Looming Disturbances in the Atmosphere
February 12  Benefitting from the People's Climate March
February 13  Extending Compassion to Ebola Victims
February 14  Facing Catastrophes with Loving Hearts
February 15  Reflecting on Miracles and Cures
February 16  Needing Redemption Individually and Collectively
February 17  Shrove Tuesday: Stumbling When Not Looking
February 18  Ash Wednesday and Need for Salvation
February 19  Human Rights and China's Move to Freedom
February 20  Caring for the Needs Due to Inequality
February 21  Touching All with Compassion  
February 22  Resisting Tempting Allurements and Detours
February 23  Denying the Current Situation
February 24  Excusing Ourselves from the Struggle
February 25  Escaping to Trite or Harmful Allurements  
February 26  Coupling Human Suffering with Creation's Groaning
February 27  Recording Environmental Damage and Good Deeds
February 28  Confronting Reality through Annual Retreats
February 29  Facing Troubles in Our World

March 2024

March 1    Discovering Our Consolations
March 2    Experiencing Jesus as Perfect Model
March 3    Observing the Flying Birds
March 4    Listening to the Raging Floods
March 5    Smelling and Tasting Dandelions
March 6    Whoa! Whiffing Fresh Horseradish
March 7    Touching Newly-Turned Soil
March 8    Money-changing in the Temple  
March 9    Knowing Jesus as Activist
March 10  Becoming an Activist Like Jesus
March 11  Comparing Acts of Charity and Social Justice
March 12  Considering Pedestrian Rights
March 13  The Healing Jesus
March 14  Participating in Healing
March 15  Coming of Nicodemus by Night
March 16  Visiting James Madison's Montpelier
March 17  The Teaching Jesus
March 18  Applying Jesus' Teaching Methods
March 19  Pondering Once More Who Is This Jesus?
March 20  The Liberating Jesus
March 21  Self-Control is Personal Liberation
March 22  Sacrificing for Others is Mortification
March 23  Reflecting on the Coming of the Lord
March 24  Speaking the Word
March 25  Celebrating the Incarnation
March 26  Presenting the Divine and Human
March 27  Entering Jerusalem as Spectators and Participants
March 28  Celebrating Jesus as Priest
March 29  Being with Jesus at Calvary
March 30  Celebrating the Mystery of New Life
March 31  Engaging in Radical Compassion

April 2024

April 1    Taking Easter Time Seriously
April 2    Liberating through Our Efforts
April 3    Finding Jesus among Poor
April 4    Stepping Back for a Moment
April 5    Immersing in Local Environmental Issues
April 6    Showing Mercy/Justice by Climate Change Funding
April 7    Calling Us All to Mercy Sunday
April 8    Mystifying Aromas of Spring
April 9    Relishing Bittersweet Greens and Memories
April 10  Basking in the Spring Sun
April 11  Turning Fear to Joy before Our Eyes
April 12  Listening to the Sounds of April Showers
April 13  Discovering Two Standards
April 14  Rejecting the Standard of Materialism
April 15  Choosing the Standard of Radical Sharing
April 16  Noting Difficulties in Decision-Making
April 17  Considering Basic Levels of Humility
April 18  Delving into Deeper Levels of Humility
April 19  Renewing Society: An Integral Economy/Ecology
April 20  Joining Jesus as Solitary Witness
April 21  Knowing Jesus as Compassionate
April 22  Seeing Jesus as Suffering Servant
April 23  Walking the Stations of a Suffering Earth
April 24  Agonizing over a Wounded Earth
April 25  Proclaiming Eco-Beatitudes 
April 26  Reflecting on Qualities of a Good Shepherd
April 27  Searching for Reasons to Remove Litter
April 28  Imitating Christ in Compassionate Suffering
April 29  Inviting Sufferers into a Healing Community
April 30  Promoting the Conservation of Spiritual Energy

May 2024

May 1   Building Grace on Nature's Bounty
May 2   Observing the Urgency to Act Now
May 3   Bearing Much as a Fruitful Vine
May 4   Seeing Flowers Here Today, Gone Tomorrow
May 5   Collaborating within Christ's Loving Service
May 6   Chancing upon a Lively Vine
May 7   Tasting the Luscious Fruits of May
May 8   Radiating Warmth and Reflecting Rainbows
May 9   Ascending with Christ through Our Humble Work
May 10  Detecting the Sounds of May
May 11  Reflecting on the Phenomenology of Power 
May 12  Reaffirming Resurrection-Centered Spirituality
May 13  Reminding Ourselves of Power over Others
May 14  Discovering Current Levels of Impoverishment
May 15  Confronting Power through Power  
May 16  Breaking Loose through Power Manifestations
May 17  Revealing Divine Power at Work in Creation
May 18  Finding Power within Powerlessness
May 19  Witnessing to the Power of Pentecost
May 20  The Mystery of All Creation
May 21  Taking on Spiritual Power as Other Christs
May 22  Realizing Power in Being Non-Violent
May 23  Proclaiming the Power of the Poor
May 24  Showing Urgency through Imitating Christ
May 25  Gardening has a Host of Benefits
May 26  Reinterpreting Deep Power in Trinitarian Terms
May 27  Praying over and Repairing Damaged Land
May 28  Revitalizing a Resilient but Wounded Earth
May 29  Blessings Extend Positive Energy to Others
May 30  Broadening Social Justice to be Christocentric
May 31  Suggesting Things for a Beginning Gardener  

June 2024

June 1    Confronting the World in Summertime
June 2    Manifesting the Power of Corpus Christi
June 3    Rumbling Distant Thunder Startles Us
June 4    Enjoying a Priceless Drink of Cool Water
June 5    Wafting Scent of New‑Mown Hay
June 6    Coming in Contact with Inviting Rocks
June 7    Presenting Challenges from Cliffs
June 8    Self-sacrificing as the True Messianic Role
June 9    Obeying the Will of God
June 10  Bearing Good News to All Creatures
June 11  Proclaiming is Communication, a Two-Way Street
June 12  Spreading Good News and a Paradigm Shift
June 13  Being Protected from Lurking Dangers
June 14  Calling for Non-Violent Change
June 15  Recognizing the Lowly as Starting to Rise
June 16  Observing the Mustard Seed's Powerful Growth
June 17  Ascending & Descending: Rise & Fall of Systems
June 18  Reflecting on How to Act as Change Agents
June 19  Choosing between Earthhealing Leadership Models
June 20  Tempting the Newly Exalted 
June 21  Working as a Team to Save Our Earth
June 22  Being Agents for Environmental Resource Assessments
June 23  Trusting During Storms at Sea
June 24  Bringing Down Those in High Places Non-violently
June 25  Acting & Thinking Locally to Act & Think Globally
June 26  Defending Instant Communications as Appropriate
June 27  Orchestrating Environmental Fatigue
June 28  Affirming the Great Work Ahead
June 29  Earthhealing and Personal Health Concerns
June 30  Planning at Mid-Year and Daily Examinations 

Juky 2024

July 1    Seeing God in All Things
July 2    Concentrating on Fishing
July 3    Revealing Secrets of the Gurgling Stream
July 4    Enjoying Roadside Wildflowers
July 5    Learning from Creature Teachers
July 6    Tasting Native and Home-Grown Fruit
July 7    Being Prophetic amid Modern Difficulties
July 8    Taking a Closer Look at Jesus 
July 9    Recognizing Jesus as Perfect Teacher
July 10  Experiencing Jesus as Perfect Healer
July 11  Discovering Jesus as Perfect Activist
July 12  Coping with Climate Change Denial
July 13  Realizing Earthhealers as Imperfect People
July 14  Championing Our American Religious Foundations
July 15  Excusing Ourselves from Climate Change
July 16  Escaping from Environmental Responsibilities
July 17  Deceiving Self as Empowered on One's Own
July 18  Opening to Burnout and Dropout
July 19  Pretending to be Relevant by Spinning Wheels
July 20  Fence-Sitting as a Preferred Occupation
July 21  Inspiring Good Leadership
July 22  Challenging Cynicism in All Its Forms
July 23  Treating Affluence as a Disease
July 24  Discovering Earth's Many Qualities
July 25  Learning to Be Cooperative
July 26  Supporting People-Centered Appropriate Technology
July 27  Promoting Appropriate Technology
July 28  Multiplying Loaves and Renewing Ourselves
July 29  Knowing the Advantages of Appropriate Technology
July 30  Influencing Our Eco-Spirituality by Where We Are
July 31  Experiencing Our Eco-Spirituality by When We live

August 2024

August 1   Celebrating Lammastide in Gratitude
August 2   Feeding the Hungry Impels Us  
August 3   Fascinating Insects
August 4   Delighting in the Consolations of Summer
August 5   Preserving the Summer Bounty
August 6   Engaging in Nature's Conversations
August 7   Appreciating the Summer Foliage and Beauty
August 8   Focusing on Major Climate Change Decisions
August 9   Receiving Nourishment for Our Mission
August 10  Believing in the Holy Spirit, the Giver of Life
August 11  Proclaiming the God Within with Enthusiasm
August 12  Recognizing the Good Spirit in Our Lives
August 13  Announcing God's Spirit as Inspiration
August 14  Discovering the HERE in Life
August 15  Finding the NOW of Life
August 16  Delving into God's Self-Communication
August 17  Interrelating with the WE in Community
August 18  Eating the Bread of Eternal Life
August 19  Considering Ignatian Tradition and the Trinity
August 20  Striving to Be Godly as Earthhealers
August 21  Commenting Further on the Holy Trinity
August 22  Hoping We Do Not Stumble in Godly Reflection
August 23  Contrasting Harmony and Disharmony
August 24  Working Harmoniously in a Godly Fashion  
August 25  Perceiving Multitudes and Remnants
August 26  Healing Work as Harmonizing
August 27  Earthhealing as Special Mission
August 28  Working as Part of Divine Harmony
August 29  Discerning Spirits Communally
August 30  Purifying the Heart by Earthhealers
August 31  Preserving and Enhancing our Enthusiasm   


September 2024

September 1   Exploring Community Enhancement
September 2   Attending to Joyful Valleys
September 3   Noticing Autumn's First Signs: Flocking Birds
September 4   Recalling the Smell of Silage
September 5   Tasting "Joy-Foam" at Sorghum Time
September 6   Celebrating in a Total Community
September 7   Dancing the Virginia Reel
September 8   Learning the Art of Healing
September 9   Embracing Cosmic Community
September 10  Considering Church as Community
September 11  Bringing All Together Under Christ
September 12  Listing Church Characteristics 
September 13  Realizing that Faith without Works Is Dead
September 14  Participating in Salvation History
September 15  Focusing on Divine Liturgy
September 16  Addressing Liturgy as Formal Prayer and Work
September 17  Honoring Liturgy as Mutual Celebration
September 18  Nourishing Spiritual Life through Liturgy
September 19  Beholding a Consecrated HERE as Real Presence
September 20  Thinking as a Consecrated WE in Community
September 21  Experiencing a Consecrated NOW
September 22  Discerning True Service
September 23  Rendering Sacrifice and Prophetic Witness
September 24  Striving to Imitate the Person of Christ
September 25  Reflecting on Perichoresis and Relationships
September 26  Discovering Community as Trinitarian
September 27  Dedicating Ourselves Totally to God
September 28  Collaborating within and among Churches
September 29  Praying that Community Actions Be Great Works
September 30  Recognizing Various Spirits at Work

October 2024

October 1  Reflecting on World Vegetarian Day
October 2  Sounds of Coming and Going
October 3  Enjoying the Scent of Wet Autumn Leaves
October 4  Romping amid Piled Leaves
October 5  Flowing Water Refreshes the Soul
October 6  Blessings of Man and Wife
October 7  Honoring Baptism as a Road to Collaboration
October 8  Forgiving as Part of Collaboration
October 9  Entering Ever Deeper Levels of Forgiveness
October 10  Being Receptive to forgiveness
October 11  Affirming New Life
October 12  Conducting the Sacraments of Life
October 13  Confronting Worldly Wealth and Inequality 
October 14  Advancing in Eco-Spirituality
October 15  Mustering Coworkers to Earthhealing
October 16  Observing World Food Day
October 17  Making an Autumn Wilderness Retreat
October 18  Dawning of a New Economic Order
October 19  Encouraging Radical Sharing at all Levels
October 20  Rethinking the Folly of Seeking glory
October 21  Promoting Regional Sharing Practices
October 22  Taking National Leadership Roles
October 23  Advocating for International Controls
October 24  Supporting Broad-Based Global Practices
October 25  Forgiving Polluters?
October 26  Gazing at the Harvest Moon
October 27  Pleading for God's Mercy
October 28  Praying a Green "Our Father"
October 29  Discerning Communal Decisions
October 30  Renewing the Face of Our Earth
October 31  Moving to Deeper Mystery

November 2024

November 1   Refreshing Memories of Autumn Landscapes
November 2   Being Settled or Unsettled
November 3   Ushering in a New Earth
November 4   Haunting Bay of the Coon Hounds
November 5   Extolling the Autumn Apple
November 6   Creating a Cosmic Hymn of Praise
November 7   Preparing for the New Heaven and New Earth
November 8   Home Goings and Comings
November 9   Considering the Lateran Basilica as a Home
November 10  Recalling the Widow's Mite
November 11  Understanding that All Have a Right to a Job
November 12  Creating Meaningful Jobs for Workers
November 13  Becoming Christ to Others
November 14  Investing Locally as Inhabitants See Fit
November 15  Dreaming of Schools, Recreation & Human Services
November 16  Dreaming of Good Food, Water, Housing and Health
November 17  Reflecting on Apocalypse and Tribulations
November 18  Making Dreams into a New Creation
November 19  Being Free to Make Work-Related Choices
November 20  Entering the Ongoing Work of Restoration
November 21  Seeing Earthhealing as Unique Service
November 22  Expecting Other Creatures on a New Earth
November 23  Reviewing Our "YouTube" Series
November 24  Praying Thy Kingdom Come
November 25  Living with a Certain Uncertainty
November 26  Assembling at Thanksgiving
November 27  Adding Substance to Our Thanksgiving
November 28  Establishing Domestic Sacred Space
November 29  Observing the Signs of Our Times 
November 30  Perceiving a New Heaven and New Earth


December 2024

December 1  Waiting with Patience
December 2  Seeing God on Our Evolving Journey
December 3  Finding God in All Things over Time
December 4  Discovering Eco-Spirituality Inherently Social
December 5  Rendering a Time for Everything 
December 6  Accelerating the Changes Demanded
December 7  Hastening the Day of the Lord as Catalysts
December 8  Preparing the Way of the Lord as Heralds
December 9  Recognizing Promise or Peril
December 10  Acknowledging Being Called to Presence
December 11  Generating an Enjoyable Christmas Spirit
December 12  Enhancing the Seasonal Spirit
December 13  Learning Patience & Restlessness Simultaneously
December 14  Practicing the Art of Spiritual Stewardship
December 15  Rejoicing with Liberation and Inner Peace
December 16  Realizing Earthhealing as a Communal Enterprise
December 17  Selecting a Humble Cedar Christmas Tree
December 18  Christmas Caroling Ought to Be Global
December 19  Reviewing the Year's Insights 
December 20  Spring: Rising to a More Just Society
December 21  Winter: Pondering Mystery and Overcoming Faults
December 22  Willing to Be Peacemakers
December 23  Summer: Coming Closer to the Lord amid Distractions
December 24  Autumn: Affirming Our Sacred Mission
December 25  Wishing You a Blessed Christmas
December 26  Glistening Razor Fence at Manchester Prison
December 27  Summarizing Eco-Spirituality Insights
December 28  Healing Earth has Trinitarian Characteristics
December 29  Admiring the Holy Family
December 30  Earthhealing as a Meaningful Calling
December 31  Bringing Finality to the Year

January 2025

January  1  Launch 2025 with Fresh Beginnings
January  2  My Ten Favorite Scripture Passages
January  3  Resolve to Keep a Day Book
January  4  Our Rock of Refuge
January  5  Truly Living the Epiphany
January  6  Discovering Retreat Time and Space
January  7  Planning Regular Health Checkups
January  8  AIDS/HIV Epidemic Update
January  9  Is Air Travel for the Privileged?
January 10  The American Chestnut Arises Again
January 11  Launching the Growing Year: Hot Beds
January 12  Baptism and Life-giving Water
January 13  Consider Soups in Winter
January 14  Snow Storms and Climate Change
January 15  Free or Fair World Trade?
January 16  Promote Religious Freedom
January 17  The Pluses and Minuses of Wood Heating
January 18  Octave for Christian Unity 
January 19  Vocational Call in the Twenty-First Century
January 20  Corporations Exist at the Citizens' Pleasure
January 21  Africans: Joys and Sorrows
January 22  Highlight Tame and Scenic Rivers

January 23  Legible Handwriting So Others Can Read
January 24  The Need to Radically Share
January 25  The Internet: Promise and Peril
January 26  An Examination of Conscience
January 27  Reviewing Cautions Against Gambling
January 28  99 Simple Lifestyle Suggestions
January 29  Urgency and Reform
January 30  Respect Animals and Especially Pets
January 31  Encourage Inspiration

February, 2025

February 1   Even Groundhogs Can Teach Us
February 2   A Light for Us to Enlighten Others
February 3   A Global Solution: Solar Cookers and Ovens
February 4   Weigh Natural versus Synthetic Fibers
February 5   Pray and Live the Beatitudes
February 6   Enhance the Art of Story-Telling 
February 7   Urban Simple Living
February 8   Maintain Efficient Vehicles and Drivers
February 9   Learn to Pray from the Heart
February 10  Support Enthusiastic Tour Guides 
February 11  Reflections on Abraham Lincoln
February 12  Ways to Become a Light to the World  
February 13  Improve Bird Habitats
February 14  The Manifold Mystery of Love
February 15  Launch Gardening in Your Backyard
February 16  Called to Discern What We Must Do  
February 17  Practice Responsible Consumerism 
February 18  Cell Phone and Electronic Device Overuse
February 19  Recognize Intrusiveness as a Modern Vice
February 20  Presidents' Day and the American Way
February 21  Earthhealing and We the People
February 22  Promote Cooperatives
February 23  Must It Be an Eye for an Eye?
February 24  Explore Our Local Historic Roots
February 25  Help Create Quiet Zones 
February 26  Plan Eco-Vacationing Near Home
February 27  Think before You Drink 
February 28  Start Lent on a Spiritual Note

March 2025

March 1    Ash Wednesday's Message: Sacrifice and Love
March 2    Creative Meals for Lent
March 3    Faith, Fiction, Fantasy and Reality
March 4    Fostering Greater Respect
March 5    Select a Wholesome Garden Variety  
March 6    The Complex Issue of Genetic Engineering 
March 7    Ideal Time to Prune Trees and Shrubs
March 8    Singing the Benefits of Trees
March 9    Temptations To Do and Not to Do       
March 10   Destitution Is the Form of Slavery
March 11   Honor the Sabbath Rest
March 12   To Jet or Not to Jet: Flying Is for the Birds
March 13   Benefits and Disadvantages of Underground Homes
March 14   Celebrate the Heavenly Vibrations  
March 15   Wind Power's Emerging Advantages
March 16   Transfiguration and Earthhealing
March 17   Respect Non-Timber Forest Products
March 18   Encourage Others to Watch for the Birds
March 19   Proclaiming Water As Essential for Life 
March 20   Encourage Students to Act Environmentally
March 21   Spring Comes in Fits and Starts
March 22   Celebrate Spring's Arrival with "Greens"
March 23   Sharing Limited Space with Wildlife
March 24   We Become Our Land: Resonance  
March 25   The Incarnation in Our Lives
March 26   Great Blue Heron, Nature's Delight  
March 27   Recognizing the Roles of Senior Citizens
March 28   Solar-Powered Cars Are a Challenge
March 29   Finding Sacred Space within the Heart  
March 30   Faith Models: The Blind Man and Others
March 31   Choose Green Recreation Activities


                             Subject Matter
Animals and Wildlife
     -- Animal Protection
Appalachia and Kentucky Issues
Auto Driving and Safety
Charity and Social Justice
Community Development and Public Service
Community -- Seniors
Consumerism and Simple Living
Earth Day
Economics, Commons, and New Global Order
Eco-Spirituality & Earthhealing
Energy -- General
     -- Conservation
     -- Fossil Fuels and Biofuels
     -- Nuclear Power
     -- Renewable Sources and Applications
Environment -- General
     -- Climate Change
     -- Indoor
     -- Pollution and Protection
     -- Silent Space and Noise
Ethnicity and States
     -- Berries, Fruit, Nuts & Vegetables
     -- Nutrition
     -- Preparation and Preservation
     -- Security and Hunger
Forest and Trees
Health -- General
     -- Addictions
     -- Fitness
     -- Safety
Historical Documents and Preservation
Holy Cross & Sacrifice
Homilies -- General
   -- Advent
   -- Christmas and Epiphany
   -- Baptism and Vocation
   -- Lent
   -- Holy Week
   -- Easter and Ascension
   -- Pentecost
   -- Trinity
   -- Transfiguration
   -- Jesus
        -- Shepherd
   -- Mary
   -- Personal Practices
   -- Social Issues
Housing and Construction
Human Rights
International Issues and Policy
Labor, Jobs, and Retirement
Land Conservation and Development
National Policy
     -- Prisons
     -- Space
National Holidays
Peace and War Issues
People -- Saints
People -- Others
Personal -- Actions
     -- Attitudes
     -- Discernment
     -- Planning
     -- Prayer
     -- Sensations
     -- Flowers
Poverty & Wealth
Prolife & Environment
Religion, Theology and Public Prayer
Social Attitudes
Thanksgiving and Blessings
Travel and Transportation
 -- Floral Verses
Waste and Resource Use
Water Conservation and Protection
Weather and Seasons




May 11, 07         Hemp Cultivation?
July 26, 07        The Value of Ponds
August 25, 07      Tobacco's Future
September 11, 07   Arable Land Shortages
June 21, 08        Heritage Seed
July 8, 08         Lakes and Aquaculture
July 14, 08        Agribusiness  
July 21, 08        Agricultural Marketing and Cooperatives
October 14, 08     Harvesting Nature's Produce
November 26, 08    Give Small-Scale Farming a Chance
June 2, 09         Patronizing Tailgate or Farmers' Markets       
June 15, 09        Engineering Pharmaceuticals from Crops
July 11, 09        Battling Pests with Insects and Wildlife
July 18, 09        Implementing Wildlife Controls
August 4, 09       Consider Nut Tree Plantings         
October 15, 09     Harvesting Corn in Times Past
July 21, 10        Observe the American Barn: An Endangered Species    
August 5, 10       Hemp Reintroduction: The Time Has Come     
August 12, 10      Scything: Attending to August Weeds
July 20, 11        Tackling the Overpopulation of Cattle  
August 6, 11       Harvesting Silage in August
March 30, 12       Agribusiness Versus Today's Small Farmers
July 20, 12        Deworming Tobacco Plants and Praying Mantises
July 24, 12        Soybeans Are Also a Green Food Crop
June 3, 13         Making Hay: Pleasant and Unpleasant Memories
September 20, 13   Aquaculture and Modern Fish Farming
                       Animals and Wildlife

February 1, 07     Winter Owls
March 3, 07        The Elk Have Returned
April 17, 07       The Red Fox
May 12, 07         Migratory Birds
May 17, 07         The Trusty Hound Dog
June 20, 07        Pack Rats  
July 2, 07         Jake, The Wolf Spider
July 10, 07        Ducks: Wildlife of the Month
July 12, 07        Where Have All the Honey Bees Gone?
August 20, 07      Eagles and Turkeys 
October 2, 07      Bengal Tigers and Other Big Cats   
November 24, 07    Beavers and Natural Wetlands
December 3, 07     Rabbits 
February 1, 08     Groundhogs Teach Us Something
March 19, 08       Watch for the Birds
June 12, 08        Spirit Creatures: Animals
July 28, 08        Wildscape and Wildlife
August 25, 08      The Mockingbird
November 18, 08    The Turkey, National Bird  
February 7, 09     Come, Come, First Robin
March 27, 09       Review of My Conflict with Crows
June 22, 09        Stinging Summer Insects
July 18, 09        Implementing Wildlife Controls
August 22, 09      Don't Pet or Make Pets of Wildlife  
October 20, 09     Observe Flying and Grazing Geese
November 9, 09     Solve the Deer Proliferation Problem             
February 18, 10    Celebrate the Mourning Doves
April 19, 10       Participate in National Volunteer & Wildlife Week
March 27, 10       Celebrate North American Wildlife Day  
June 16, 11        Elk and Large Wildlife Presence and Proliferation
July 7, 11         Giving the Emptying Plains Back to the Buffalo
July 20, 11        Tackling the Overpopulation of Cattle
November 21, 11    Are Wild Turkeys Really Wild?
February 3, 12     Harbinger of Spring: The Mourning Dove
May 22, 12         How About Celebrating World Turtle Day?  
September 6, 12    Is Honey Bee Colony Collapse Disorder Solved?
March 18, 13       Swallows Return to San Juan Capistrano
August 20, 13      Birds, Threats, and Pet and Feral Cats 
October 2, 13      Respect Resident Birds and Wildlife  
November 20, 13    Honor the Skunk or Polecat
December 17, 13    The Northern Cardinal: An Aviary Winter Delight

                          Animal Protection

August 21, 07      Animal Shelters
January 30, 08     Respect Animals Especially Pets
February 13, 08    Develop Bird Habitats
March 26, 08       Sharing Limited Space with Wildlife
May 9, 08          Endangered Species
June 25, 08        Bird Sanctuaries
August 27, 08      Animal "Rights"
September 11, 08   In Defense of Wilderness 
November 15, 08    Preserving Wildlife Habitats                   
November 21, 08    Minimizing Habitat Disturbance 
January 3, 09      Join the 109th Christmas Bird Count             
January 27, 09     Protect Wildlife      
February 3, 09     Show Hospitality to Wildlife
May 5, 09          Animal Care
August 10, 09      Animals as Friends
December 14, 09    Become Friends with Wintering Birds
March 18, 10       Critique Animal Protection Policy
March 26, 11       Being Right with Wildlife
December 20, 11    Must We Feed the Birds
June 10, 13        Global Wildlife Under Immense Peril
June 17, 13        Wildlife Protection and Drought Conditions     

              Appalachia and Kentucky Issues

March 20, 07       The Abandoned Homestead
March 22, 07       Rock Fences and Dry Stone Walls
May 4, 07          Two Faces of Kentucky
May 5, 07          The Horse Culture
June 1, 07         Healing Appalachia
June  6, 07        Sheltowee Trace
July 21, 07        The Abandoned Homestead
August 11, 07      "Smoky Holler"
April 26, 08       Murphy's Law in Appalachia
June  7, 08        River Celebrations
March 14, 09       Sing the Black Mountain Blues
April 14, 09       Appalachian Floods
September 26, 09   Recovering Covered Bridges               
October 2, 09      Attend an Autumn Festival
February 26, 10    Prepare for "Mountain Moments"                
May 25, 10         Reflecting on Ecotourism in Appalachia
July 10, 08        Try Route 68: The Main Street of Kentucky
December 21, 10    Local Attractions: The Fitchburg Furnace
June 28, 11        Kentucky: A Touch-of-Green Positive Aspects
June 29, 11        Kentucky: A Touch-of-Green Negative Aspects
December 17, 11    Burgoo: The Kentucky Food Specialty
February 24, 12    Sowing Peas Early in Kentucky
April 19, 12       Natural Bridge in My Parish Bounds
December 10, 12    Appalachian Is an Emerging Ethnic Group
May 20, 13         Charity and Appalachian Development
August 13, 13      Rock Formations, Cliffs, and Natural Bridges
September 12, 13   Traffic Fatalities in Appalachia 
December 11, 13    Admiring the Beautiful Ohio River Valley

January 6, 07      Green Gift Wrapping
January 23, 07     Encourage Good Penmanship and Handwriting
January 24, 07     A Potter Molding Clay
March 15, 07       Wind Chimes in Changing Times
June 8, 07         Architects as Earthhealers   
June 14, 07        Old Car Art 
March 7, 09        Recognize the Art of Pretending 
March 30, 09       Appreciate Environmental Art
April 20, 09       The Art of Listening
September 5, 09    Encourage Artists and Artisans
December 9, 10     Caroling and Christmas Songs         
March 16, 12       Quilting Day: Social, Art, Utility, and Creativity
September 9, 13    The Subtle Art of Gleaning
November 12, 13    Let's Be Potters Molding a Just World

                  Auto Driving and Safety

May 18, 07        Road Rage
December 4, 08    Automobile Accidents
September 30, 08  U.S. Route 68: A Warning about Road Safety            
January 9, 09     Become an Eco-Traveler
January 22, 09    Care for the Car
April 25, 09      Some Questions for Car Users
May 26, 09        Coping with Higher Gasoline Prices
November 23, 09   Drive Smart This Thanksgiving Weekend
January 28, 10    Observe Road Safety Practices
June 22, 13       Car Pooling and Sharing Resources
September 12, 13  Traffic Fatalities in Appalachia
December 10, 13   License Automobiles AND Guns  
                Charity and Social Justice
                      (See Peace and War)
February  12, 07   Globalizing Lincoln's Insight
February 13, 07    The Problem of Acquiescence
February 27, 07    Helping to Empower Others       
March 1, 07        To Whom Do Resources Belong?
March 6, 07        Liberate the Affluent 
 March 7, 07       Reducing Affluence Improves Quality of Life  
March 8, 07        Choose Non-Violence in Place of Violence
March 10, 07       Learn from the Poor
March 13, 07       Seek Justice, Not Just Charity
March 14, 07       Inspire the Overlooked
March 19, 07       Is Changing the Social Order a Credible Message?
March 29, 07       Take What Is Rightly Ours
May 14, 07         What's Wrong With Billionaires?
June 27, 07        Cash Replaces Food Parcels
August 13, 07      Lefthanders' Day and Practical Tolerance
September 25, 07   The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Restive
October 15, 07     Injustice
October 17, 07     Isolation, Never Again
October 29, 07     Catastrophe: Live within Our Means
November 15, 07    Who Redistributes the World's Resources
November 17, 07    Wars Triggered by Climate Change
November 30, 07    Share the World's Resources     
December 4, 07     The Poor: Problem or Solution
December 5, 07     Off-setting: Modern Snake Oil Sales?        
December 6, 07     Charity and the Christmas Spirit
December 10, 07    Ecologically-Related Human Rights
August 12, 08      Global and Local Villages
August 19, 08      Common Lands and Private Property Rights
August 21, 08      Toxic Chemicals: A Social Justice Advocacy Issue
September 18, 08   International Assistance and Charity
October 17, 08     Observing Fourth World Day
December 12, 08    Establishing a Global Village       
December 22, 08    Hard Times for the Really Needy
January 15, 09     Eradicate Racist Residue    
February 14, 09    Turn Words to Deeds on Valentine's Day         
May 23, 09         Justice and Charity 
August 17, 09      Growing Disparity of Rich and Poor
August 20, 09      Dealing with Terrorists
August 25, 09      Migrants and America
May 9, 11          Social Responsibility in 2011    
October 31, 11     Fuel Speculation and Justice
January 12, 13     Donations within a Democracy
April 24, 13       Break the Myth: More Handouts to the Poor
May 10, 13         Using "Charity" as Power
May 20, 13         Charity and Appalachian Development
May 29, 13         Institutions Hear: Who Pays the Piper Calls the Tune
July 8, 13         Revealing Wage Theft as a Major Problem
November 23, 13    Wage Theft: A Modern American Blight 
November 26, 13    Simple Living as Testimony to Sharing   
November 29, 13    Spread the Message: Buy Nothing Day              
December 2, 13     Awaiting Means Becoming More Down-to-Earth
December 4, 13     Salvation and the Dangers of Riches 
December 13. 13    Assisting Others in Giving and Giving Up        


November 9, 08    The Church as Our Home
June 10, 09       Separating Church and State
November 16, 09   Consider Ten Ways to Make Churches Greener
January 18, 10    Pray for Church Unity: Circles within Circles
May 27, 11        Thinking with the Church in 2011
November 27, 11   Introducing Changes in the Church's Liturgy
February 19, 12   Penitential Rites Give Us Comfort
March 19, 12      Democratic Principles and the Church  
January 18, 13    Churches Coming Together Ecumenically
February 1, 13    A Moment in the History of the Church
March 19, 13      The Church Preparing to be a Catalyst of Change
April 26, 13      Strengths and Weaknesses of Church as Institution
April 27, 13      The Church Acting as Witness
July 30, 13       The Church Continues to Celebrate Culture
August 27, 13     Reflect on the Church as Compassionate
September 19, 13  The Church Proclaiming Good News
October 28, 13    A Church Promoting Prayerfulness
November 25, 13   Church As Promoter of Economic Development
December 28, 13   The Church Encouraging Catalytic Action 


February 14, 07    Have a Heart Women: Register for the Draft!   
July 4, 07         Forbearers and Freedom
September 17, 07   Enhancing Our Sense of Citizenship 
December 29, 07    Civility and Courtesy
January 22, 08     Corporations Exist at the Citizens' Pleasure
February 21, 08    Earthhealing and We the People
April 18, 08       Celebrate Citizen Monitors: Modern Paul Reveres  
April 30, 08       Encourage Volunteer Activity
September 17, 08   Citizenship Day: The Soul of America
November 3, 08     Do We Have Democracy?
November 4, 08     Exercise Citizenship: Vote
November 5, 08     Post-Election Blahs          
December 9, 08     Some Questions in Hard Times
March 2, 09        Question Ecological Civil Disobedience
March 13, 09       Challenge Inconsistent Drug Policies
April 8, 09        Spy Wednesday
September 11, 09   Confronting Lack of Civility
September 17, 09   Citizenship Day and Model Citizens
October 14, 09     Peace Corps and Volunteers
March 31, 10       Welcome the Census-Taker
June 14, 10        Do You Treat Old Glory with Respect?
June 23, 10        How Should We Celebrate Public Service Day?
July 4, 10         Free Speech for People Amendment
July 5, 10         Enhance American Independence through Sustainability
August 28, 10      The Corporate Person: A Form of Idolatry         
September 16, 10   Five Innovative Ideas for Citizenship Day

March 10, 11       Right to Adequate Food
March 11, 11       Right to Potable Water
March 12, 11       Right to Clean Air 
March 14, 11       Right to Work for a Livelihood
March 15, 11       Right to Freedom of Press and Communications
March 16, 11       Right to Proper Education 
March 17, 11       Right to Affordable Housing and Home Care
March 18, 11       Right to Access to Health Care
March 19, 11       Right to Public Assembly and Worship
March 22, 11       Right to Land -- Particular Land?  
March 23, 11       Being Right with Land: Growing Greener
April 18, 11       Contesting the Individual Right to Bear Arms
June 20, 11        Elitism Versus Democratic Values
July 2, 11         Plutocratic versus Democratic Ways: Tax the Rich!
July 4, 11         American Independence Minus Pretensions
February 4, 12     Honor Our Constitution by Initiating a Second One
June 5, 12         World Environment Day and Conscientious Voting
June 13, 12        Voters' Dilemma: Citizenship and Discernment
June 14, 12        Flag Day: Patriotism and World Citizenship
July 4, 12         Religious Liberty for All 
July 26, 12        True Democratic Process: The Poor Must Lead the Way 
September 17, 12   Citizenship Day and a Relevant  Constitution

October 18, 12     Non-Partisan Politics versus Fierce Partisanship
November 6, 12     VOTE ON ELECTION DAY
June 14, 13        Civil Disobedience on Flag Day
July 3, 13         Creating Justice for All 
July 4, 13         Expressing Love for Our Country through Deeds       
September 17, 13   What Constitutes Citizenship in 2013?
December 7, 13     Patriotism Is Sharing Not Isolating Ourselves  

                 Reclaiming the Commons
April 16, 08     "Reclaiming the Commons"
August 19, 08    Common Lands and Private Property Rights
January 9, 10    Consider the Shared Commons
January 20, 10   Defend Our Water Commons
February 22, 10  Consider Our Cultural Commons
March 12, 10     Proclaim Air as Commons
April 5, 10      Reclaim Our Land Commons
May 8, 10        Defending Wildlife, Wilderness & Forest Commons
August 11, 10    Reclaiming the Commons: Our Maritime Commons
December 3, 10   Communications: The Overlooked Commons
January 3, 11    Disparity in Wealth: Number One Global Insecurity
January 10, 11   ...to Reclaim the Commons by the Inclusive ALL
January 27, 11   Language Revitalization and the Commons
January 31, 11   Seeking a Title for Reclaimers of the Commons
July 23, 11      A Problem of the Commons: Resistance to Antibiotics
July 29, 11      Reclaiming the Commons: A Simple Formula
August 13, 11    Challenging the System by Reclaiming the Commons
August 16, 11    Confronting Misuse of the Air Commons  
August 25, 11    Becoming Prophetic Reclaimers of the Commons
August 26, 11    Revealing Elements Needed to Reclaim the Commons
November 8, 11   Occupy Wall Street Folks: Become Reclaimers of the
January 31, 12   Encouraging Reclaimers of the Commons
May 16, 12       Is the Tenth Commons to Reclaim "In God We Trust?"
July 14, 12      "Reclaiming the Commons:" Eccentricity or Investment?
April 1, 13      Reclaimers Counter Climate Change Deniers
April 5, 13      Subtitling "Reclaiming the Commons"
April 6, 13      Creating a Firestorm
May 18, 13       The Commons: Does Enclosure Continue Today
May 30, 13       Private Wealth in Contrast to Commonwealth
May 31, 31       The Principle of Environmental Commons
                          (See Internet)

May 29, 07         Globish: Going Half Way
December 1, 07     Christmas Card Time?
January 19, 08     Cell Phone and Silent Space
January 23, 08     Legible Handwriting So Others Can Read
February 15, 08    Enjoy the Art of Story-Telling   
June 9, 08         Oral and Video History
June 16, 08        Preserve Languages
November 5, 09     Know the Reality of Instant Communications           
December 3, 10
     Communications: The Overlooked Commons
January 11, 11     Attention Compulsive Meeting-Goers 
March 9, 11        Lent: A Favorable Time to Speak Up
April 11, 11       Benefiting from Social Networking   
April 12, 11       Telling the Last Civil War Story
April 30, 11       Accepting the Challenge of Creative Writing
June 13, 11        Babel Dispersal Today and Beyond      
June 14, 11        Is Good News a Two-Way Street?
June 15, 11        Good News Will Ultimately Triumph Over Bad News
January 27, 12     Googling for Better or Worse
April 12, 12       The Right Word at the Right Place and Time
July 5, 12         Writing Letters Still Has Charm and Value
July 10, 12        Refraining from Constant Social Contact    
October 19, 12     The Agony of a Dying Language
October 23, 12     Polling Numbers: What Do They All Mean?
October 27, 12     When Sober News Becomes Good News   
December 26, 12    Pejorative & Anti-Catholic English Words
June 24, 13        Book Review: Return to Order
June 29, 13        Books-in-Progress: A Novel Concept?
August 3, 13       Congratulations to "The Catholic Worker" at Eighty
                   Community Development and Public Service

April 25, 07      Conservation Easements  
April 26, 07      Support Micro Loans   
May 3, 07         Ministry of Healing              
June 15, 07       Two Models of Leadership
June 16, 07       Leadership and the Principle of Subsidiarity
January 13, 09    Begin Small through Community Regeneration
January 30, 09    Search for Community     
March 12, 09      Plant Trees as a Community Project
July 24, 09       Assisting the Landless    
July 25, 09       Starting A Cooking School
August 13, 09     The Gift of the Volunteer              
January 17, 11    Work Opportunities for Citizens
January 18, 11    Public Service and Student Loan Forgiveness
January 19, 11    Convert "Retirement Years" to Public Service
January 20, 11    Work as Curse or Work as Privileged Opportunity
May 24, 11        The Ministry of Shared Suffering 
May 25, 11        Urban Centers: For better or Worse
December 18, 12   Caregiving and Institutionalization
July 1, 13        Discovering America's Community Relations
August 8, 13      No-Growth Philosophies Are Hokum
September 5, 13   Benefits from Local Basement Sales
                   Community -- Seniors

June 9, 07         The Treasure of Seniors
March 27, 08       Mobilize Senior Citizens
April 21, 08       Honor the Elders
October 20, 08     Caring for Ourselves as We Age
October 28, 08     Attending the Shut-ins
January 29, 09     Question Retirement
February 18, 09    Accept Old Age
March 18, 09       Welcome Baby Boomers to Senior Citizenhood
April 9, 09        Nursing Homes          
May 25, 09         Memorial Day and Senior Moments
June 9, 09         Honoring Centenarians
June 9, 10         How Many Ways Are There to Age Gracefully?
March 5, 11        Hidden Freedoms of the Elderly
May 4, 11          Aging Can Involve New Adventures
June 9, 11         Activist Options for Senior Citizens' Day
September 29, 11   Wisdom of the Elders Versus Selfishness
June 9, 12         Promoting Porch Swings on Senior Citizens' Day
September 7, 12    Encouraging the Grandma Moses in Elders
November 11, 13    Take Pride in Local Veterans
November 21, 13    You Know You are Getting Old When... 

                  Consumerism and Simple Living
                       The Contrasumers
                         (See Money)

January 6, 07      Green Gift Wrapping
July 3, 07         Declare Independence from Stuff
August 17, 07      Making Do   
September 7, 07    Live Earth Pledge
October 8, 07      Soft or Hard Approaches to Lifestyle Change
October 9, 07      Soft Approach: If We Change Our Ways...
October 10, 07     Hard Approach: Unless We Change Our Ways...   
October 11, 07     Voluntary Change Has Inherent Limitations     

October 12, 07     Beyond Hard or Soft Approaches
January 24, 08     Ways to Radically Share
January 28, 08     Simple Lifestyle 2008
January 31, 08     Support the Inspired
February 19, 08    Foster Responsible Consumerism
February 22, 08    Promote Cooperatives
February 28, 08    Urban Simple Living
March 10, 08       Natural Versus Synthetic Fibers
March 14, 08       Help Create Quiet Zones
April 7, 08        Develop Consider Public Service Announcements
April 9, 08        Expose the Epidemic of Consumption
April 22, 08       Think Organic Green
June 2, 08         Now Is the Time to Think Smaller
July 25, 08        "Affluenza" versus Simpler Living
September 24, 08   Simple Funerals
September 25, 08   More Insurance?
October 29, 08     Choosing When and Where to Use Synthetics
November 10, 08    Building a Worm Composting Bin
November 14, 08    Ten Reasons for Composting Toilets
November 28, 08    Shopping Tips
January  7, 09     Recall Reasons for Living Simply
January 8, 09      Simplify Your Life in Many Ways
February 27, 09    Simplify Life as a Community Project
March 28, 09       Champion Appropriate Technology                
August 18, 09
      Appropriate Technology and the Economic Downturn 
November 6, 09     Take the 2009  Simple Lifestyle Test           
March 22, 10       Redirect the Contrasumers 
March 23, 10       Protect from Information Overload
June 5, 10         Why Is Reducing Meat Consumption Environmental?
August 13, 10      Collectibles: Educational and Green Aspects
September 10, 09   The Yard Sale and Swapping Ideas
April 15, 11       Living in the Boondocks
August 2, 11       Living Within One's Means
January 25, 12     Nine Reasons to Downsize Lifestyles
March 28, 12       Spring Housecleaning Covers Many Areas
April 23, 12       Upward Mobility and a New American Dream
May 26, 12         Are There More Than Eight Questions for Downsizers?
November 12, 11    Dress Warmly Indoors and Lower Room Temperature  
November 18, 11    The Practice of Using Less Stuff
March 2, 12        Share Pets with Neighbors 
October 8, 12      Homemade Laundry Soap as Potential Savings
November 21, 12    Preserve Us from Our Selfish Ways   
November 23, 12    Consumerism, Permissiveness, & Never Saying "No"    
November 24, 12    Eight Ways to Curb Over-Consumerism     

January 22, 13     Is Our Consumer-Based Culture Sustainable?
August 22, 13      Contrasumption: Twelve Ways to Live on Less
September 4, 13    Detrimental Effects of the Throwaway Culture
October  5, 13     Celebrate Simple Lifestyle Day
November 15, 13    Consumerism: A Good or Bad Term?       
December 5, 13     Should We Celebrate Tinsel Day?    
December 14, 13    Cedar and the Scent of Holiday Season  
December 20, 13    Providing for Season's Special Treats       


May 5, 07         The Horse Culture
May 19, 10        Confronting the Drug Culture?
August 19, 11     Contrasting the Material and Spiritual Culture
January 6, 12     Are American Supposed to Be the Greatest?
February 27, 12   Risks in Discerning the Reality of Our Culture
July 16, 12       Culture of Life versus Culture of Death
January 22, 13    Is Our Consumer-Based Culture Sustainable?
April 25, 13      Over-Competitiveness in Our Culture
June 16, 13       Forgiveness in an Unforgiving Culture
July 15, 13       Globalization Can Be an Assault on Cultures
July 20, 13       Defining Culture Differently 
July 30, 13       The Church Continues to Celebrate Culture         
                    Disasters & Emergencies
                            (See Auto)

February 23, 07    The Darfur Crisis 
October 3, 07      Earthquakes and Acts of God
October 10, 08     Burning Down the Place Seventeen Ways
October 15, 08     Preparing for Possible Disasters
March 25, 09       Live with Potential Disaster
March 26, 09       Promote Disaster Alert and Relief Systems
April 14, 09       Appalachian Floods      
April 23, 09       A Catastrophe or an Opportunity         
December 4, 10     Artificial vs. Real Christmas Decorations 
February 17, 11    Review Disaster Supplies
January 26, 12     Waiting Out the Snowstorm
February 25, 12    Global Anticipation of More Natural Disasters
December 3, 12     Don'ts and Dos When Stranded in a Blizzard
March 11, 13       Emergency Grab-and-Go Kits
September 25, 13   Global Disaster Early Warning Systems   

                          (See Water)

October 13, 07     Herbal Teas
August 2, 08       Water Fountains
September 4, 08    Soft Drink Curbs
October 5, 09      The Joy of New Wine
July 28, 11        Summer Drinks Revisited                  
September 1, 11    Wine-Making         
July 21, 12        Mint: A Summer Beverage of Choice
                         Earth Day

April 20, 07      Earth Day Evolving
April 21, 07      Revelation and Earth Day
April 22, 09      Earth Day Commitment

April 21, 10      Earth Day at the Fortieth Anniversary
April 22, 10      Accept, Not Assign, Blame on Earth Day
April 21, 12      Earth Day and Easter Empowerment
                   (See Eco-Spirituality)

February 15, 07   Broadening the Field of Earthhealing
June  1, 08       Earthhealing on Solid Ground
September 13, 08  Christians, Genesis and Earthhealing
March 23, 09      Be Earthhealing Individuals
March 24, 09      Be Earthhealing Groups
August 24, 09     Earthhealing and Environmental Consciousness
December 1, 10    All Can Be Earth Healers
June 21, 11       Similarity in Making-Hay and Healing Earth
June 23, 11       2000th Essay: The Future of Earth Healing, Inc.
January 12, 12    HERE Is Where We Act as Earthhealers
January 13, 12    NOW Is the Time to Heal Our Wounded Earth
January 14, 12    WE are the Ones Called to Heal
January 20, 12    Ten Eco-balances for an Earthhealer
February 11, 12   Encourage Inventiveness in Earthhealing
February 12, 12   Healing Troubled People, Troubled Earth
April 30, 12      Keeping America Beautiful is Truly Earthhealing
May 5, 12         Are Earthhealers to Be Exemplary Good Samaritans? 
May 9, 12         Is Admitting "Through My Fault" Part of Earthhealing? May 12, 12        Is Earthhealing Primarily Practical?
July 25, 12       Earthhealing Is Democratic, Not Elitist
July 31, 12       Earthhealing Has Ignatian Roots
October 11, 12    Different Degrees of Earthhealing
October 15, 12    Hospitality, Friendliness, and Earthhealing  
January 31, 13    Earthhealing and "Right to Die"
February 9, 13    Earthhealers and a New Evangelization
February 10, 13   Called to Be and Find Earthhealers      
             Economics and New World Order
                 The Contrasumers

May 14, 09         Shock or Disaster Capitalism and Environmentalism
July 3, 09         Being Free from Credit and Debt
August 18, 09      Appropriate Technology and the Economic Downturn
February 15, 10    Woe to the Rich
February 24, 10    Question "Development"
March 1, 10        Garden for Economic Reasons
March 9, 10        Expose Affluence Slipping into Bankruptcy
March 26, 10       Question "Development"
April 8, 10        Redirect Current Tea Parties
April 13, 10       Greed Can Ruin Democracy
April 30, 10       Confront Wall Street Barons
May 18, 10         Failing to Face Cultural Bankruptcy
May 20, 10         Contrasting Material and Spiritual Privileged 
May 21, 10         Challenging Talents Turned to Material Privilege
May 31, 10         Founding a New World Order on the Magnificat
June 16, 10        Do You Know the Ten Commandments of Capitalism?
June 29, 10        Have You Resolved to Live within Your Means?
June 30, 10        Why a Program on Corporations, Law & Democracy?
July 2, 11         Plutocratic versus Democratic Ways: Tax the Rich!
July 4, 11         American Independence Minus Pretensions
August 26, 10      Capitalism: State, Corporate or Neither?
August 28, 10      The Corporate Person: A Form of Idolatry 
September 3, 10    Champion the Intellectual Commons
September 4 10     Halt Overconsumption by the Affluent
December 2, 10     Sustainability: An Ambiguous Concept
January 28, 11     Capitalism Fosters Lack of Faith
February 19, 11    Contrasumers: Moving Towards a New Economy
April 7, 11        Global Sharing is Healthy
May 6, 11          "No New Taxes" versus "TAX THE RICH"   
May 7, 11          The Marginalized Activist Dilemma 
June 10, 11        Crisis Caused by Disparity of Wealth/Power
June 11, 11        Two Views of Possessions
July 8, 11         Biofuels for the Affluent versus Food for the Poor
July 12, 11        It Is Time to Expose Deadbeat Corporations     
July 13, 11        Keeping Renewable Energy Production Decentralized
July 19, 11        The Elite Versus the People  
July 27, 11        Benefits from  Redistribution through Fair Taxes  
August 4, 11       Nationalizing with Caution and Care 
August 10, 11      Connectedness: Creating a Balanced Practice
August 12, 11      Debunking Twelve Popular American Myths
August 17, 11      Fighting to Keep Water Supplies Accessible
August 18, 11      Limiting Private Property Managed by Good Stewards  
August 20, 11      Recognizing World Health As Global Security     
August 22, 11      Radicalizing People to Be Change Agents  
August 24, 11      Taxing the Rich for God's and Our Sake 
August 27, 11      Promoting World Federalism to Save Our Earth
September 2, 11    Think Globally, Act Locally, But All Act As One
September 6, 11    Dilemma for Pro-Life Environmentalists
September 8, 11  Efficiency + Renewables = Economic & National Security 
November 10, 11    Tea Party: Target Public/Private Privileges
November 22, 11    When Is Affluence Excessive?  
November 25, 11    Combat Economic Dysfunctionality: Buy Nothing Day
November 29, 11    Mesmerized by Stock Market Numbers
March 7, 12        Tax Havens are Concentration Camps of Wealth
March 30, 12       Agribusiness Versus Today's Small Farmers
May 24, 12         What is Corporatocracy? Is America a Victim?
September 8, 12    Breaking Up Banks Too Big to Fail
October 2, 12      Economics and the Clash of Good and Evil
October 30, 12     Tax Havens: Worse Than We Thought
November 28, 12    Protecting the Commonwealth from Billionaires
February 21, 13    The Poor Will Rise -- Christian Revolution
July 10, 13        Promoting UNESCO Global Cultural Sites 
July 25, 13        Extractive Industry vs. Tourism/Retiree Communities
September 10, 13   Curb the Weapons Trade through Real Offsetting
October 11, 13     Sharing Economy: Collaborative Consumption Model
October 17, 13     What Triggers Global Protesting
October 21, 13     HERE is a Troubled Earth    
October 22, 13     The Fundamental Option Is with the Poor NOW
October 24, 13     God Empowers Us to Act   
October 25, 13     A 21st Century Christian Manifesto
November 8, 13     Fair Trade Is Part of a Healthy Lifestyle
November 9, 13     Unfair Trade in Fauna and Flora                

               Towards an Authentic Eco-Spirituality 
               Earthhealing: A Resurrection-Centered Approach

June 25, 07       Creature Companions
June 26, 07       Stations of the Eco-Cross
November 23, 07   Piety: Enhancing the Sense of Mystery
November 26, 07   Shut-Ins As Earthhealers
April 27, 08      Resurrection-Centered Spirituality
June 12, 08       Spirit Creatures: Animals
June 13, 08       Spirit Creatures: Plants
September 13, 08  Christians, Genesis and Earthhealing
October 1, 08     Proclaiming a Redemption-Based  Spirituality
October 21, 08    Conversing with Plants and Animals
October 25, 08    Creating a New Eden                  
November 13, 08   Eco-Hypocrisy
April 17, 09      Pessimistic or Optimistic Ecoview
August 1, 09      Harvesting and Thankfulness
August 5, 09      Gratitude for Mid-Summer's Green
August 24, 09     Earthhealing and Environmental Consciousness
August 28, 09     Down-to-Earth Spirituality Versus Pretending
December 26, 09   Confirm a Down-to-Earth Spirituality
May 10, 10        Degrees of Environmental Concern: Thinking Globally
May 11, 10        The Second Degree: Acting Locally
May 12, 10        The Third Degree: Acting in Solidarity with Other
May 20, 10        Contrasting Material and Spiritual Privileged 
May 21, 10        Challenging Talents Turned to Material Privilege
July 29, 10       Expose the Limited "Creation-Centered Spirituality"
July 30, 10       Consider Ignatian Principles and the Environment
April 25, 11      Reflecting on Time: Past, Future, and Present
April 26, 11      Demonstrating the Existence of God through Love
April 27, 11      Earthhealing through the Basic Component of Love
April 28, 11      Showing Compassion for our Wounded Earth
June 24, 11       Creating the Future: A Healed Earth
August 9, 11      Expanding Our Healing Ministries Ten Ways   
September 12, 11  Earthhealing and the Laws of Ecology 
September 13, 11  First Law: Everything is connected to Everything Else
September 14, 11  Second Law: Everything Must Go Somewhere

September 15, 11  Third Law: Nature Knows Best  
September 16, 11  Fourth Law: No Such Thing as a Free Lunch
September 27, 11  Expanding Our Earthhealing Ministries Ten Ways
October 12, 11    Cumulating Small Earthhealing Acts: Good or Bad?
October 28, 11
   St. Jude, Patron of the Impossible: Earthhealing?   
November 3, 11    HERE, NOW, WE: Resurrection-Centered Spirituality
December 3, 11    Is Creation-Centered Spirituality Green?
June 25, 12       Searching for a Comprehensive Eco-Spirituality
June 26, 12       HERE: A Down-to-Earth Spirituality 
June 27, 12       NOW: A Spirituality of Compassion
June 28, 12       WE: A Resurrection-Centered Eco-Spirituality
March 26, 13      Realism Is the Best Earthhealing Practice
April 9, 13       Glory of Creation  
April 10, 13      Life as Glory of Creation     
June 5, 13        World Environment Day and Healing Our Earth
June 7, 13         Healing Earth through Reparation Practices          
September 18, 13  Window of Opportunity to Save Our Wounded Earth  
                     (See Communication)

February 26, 07    Geological Awakening 
September 8, 07    The Value of Improved Literacy
April 12, 08       Teach-in Tips for Global Warming Day
April 15, 08       Encourage Youth to Act Environmentally
August 13, 08      Become Self-Taught
August 26, 08      Hands-on Work Experience
August 28, 08      A Case for Bilingualism
September 29, 08   Learning to Eat Lower on the Food Chain
October 8, 08      Striving to Be and Remain Debt-Free
June 3, 09         Teaching Good Environmental Practice
June 25, 09        Learning from Custer's Last Stand
September 8, 09    That All May Be Literate               
September 29, 09   Appreciate Teachers 
September 30, 09   Learn Something New Every Day               
October 17, 09     Youth Museums and Varied Autumn Leaves
November 17, 09    Take Seriously Geography Awareness Week         
March 24, 10       Commit Yourself to Ongoing Education          
May 22, 10         Revealing the Mixed Mesophytic Forest
July 26, 10        Learn Spanish?
July 31, 10        Launch a "Gray Matter in the Green" Blog
August 13, 10      Collectibles: Educational and Green Aspects
January 21, 11     Travel Education and Elderhostels
February 27, 11    Lessons from Birds: Trust, Freedom, Joy
November 17, 11    National Homeless Awareness Week               
December 1, 11     Select Relevant Information
January 5, 12      Academic Contributions (Credits and Debts)
January 29, 12     When Do We Teach with Authority?
April 26, 12       Lectures, Academic Rip-offs, and Free Education
September 20, 12   Good News: Learning from Creature/Teachers   
January 9, 13      Reforming the Academic System
January 10, 13     Are Free Universities Possible?
January 11, 13     How About a No-Frills University?
August 28, 13      Watch out! Electronics May Lower Practical Skills 

                           Energy -- General

May 19, 07        A Fee for the Carbon Content of Fuels
October 20, 07    Morality and Nuclear Power
November 5, 07    Planning and Energy Consumption     
November 6, 07    Sustainable Energy Blueprint
November 7, 07    Carbon-Free and Nuclear-Free    
November 8, 07    Proposed Energy Policy Initiatives      
November 9, 07    A Man on the Moon Renewable Energy Project
February 2, 09    Recognize Candle Power  
January 5, 10     Resist the Expansion of Nuclear Power
January 7, 10     Critique the Federal Energy Star Program  
January 23, 10    Speak Up for Renewable Energy
January 29, 10    Redefine the "Privilege" of Offsetting
February 24, 10   Make Fossil Fuels Transitory Energy Sources
March 5, 10       Encourage Green Antinuclear Advocates     
March 10, 10      Promote Renewables, Not Nuclear Power  
April 20, 10      Assign Energy Use Properly
June 7, 10        What Are the Three Legs of a Sound Energy Policy?   
June 18, 10       Can Our Nation Create a Proper Energy Mix?
February 22, 11   Promote a Globally Just Energy Policy
February 26, 11   List the Elements of a Global Energy Policy
October 31, 11    Fuel Speculation and Justice
September 27, 12  Clean Energy: Critical Investments & Decisions
April 15, 13      Do We Take Electricity for Granted?
October 4, 13     Espousing a National Carbon Tax  
December 3, 13    China: A Challenge to a Greener Global Future 

                       Energy -- Conservation
                   (See Travel and Transportation)

November 16, 07   Clothes Lines Hang Out
December 13, 07   Attributing the Driving Time
February 8, 08    Efficient Vehicles and Global Warming
May 6, 08         Twelve Ways to Save Energy
April 19, 08      National Hanging Out Day
September 16, 08  Insulation and Weatherizing
December 11, 08   Windbreaks
July 7, 09        Cooling without Air Conditioning
July 8, 09        Keeping Cool through Other Practices
August 12, 09     Ten Ways to Beat the Heat
November 3, 09    Create Domestic Comfort Zones
December 29, 09   Consider Insulated Window Shades
August 26, 09     Compact Fluorescents for All
September 9, 09   Examine Your Appliance Use
December 7, 10    Energy Efficiency as the New Frontier
May 10, 11        Energy Efficiency Demands Top Priority
November 12, 11   Dress Warmly Indoors and Lower Room Temperature
January 18, 12    When is a Seasonal Move (Snowbirding) Green?
October 9, 12     Should We Promote Clean Electric Vehicles?
September 23, 13  Preparing Buildings in Autumn
October 12, 13    Natural Recycling All Around Us
December 16, 13   Information Communications Technology Energy Use    

                     Energy -- Fossil Fuels and Biofuels

June 19, 07       Tar Sands
July 24, 07       Corn: The Corny Biofuel
August 24, 07     Better Sources of Biofuels and Plastics?
January 17, 08    The Pluses and Minuses of Wood Heating
May 29, 08        Coal: Mountaintop Removal
August 7, 08      Nuclear Power Versus Wind Energy
September 23, 09  A Critical Look at King Coal              
February 2, 10    Candles and Other Energy Sources
June 10, 10       Natural Gas: A Bright Future?
June 11, 10       Global Atmospheric Methane: A Problem
June 24, 10       Why Make Fuel Ethanol from Corn?
August 2, 10      Coal Ash: What Is a Greener Solution?
August 4, 10      Offshore Energy: Wind and/or Oil
January 8, 11     Hypocrisy: Coal Use and Opposition
February 24, 11   Carbon Capture and Storage: A Pipe Dream?
May 13, 11        Is the New Age of Coal to Be Welcomed or Condemned?
July 8, 11        Biofuels for the Affluent versus Food for the Poor
July 14, 11       The Jury is Out on Marcellus and other Shale Gas
November 7, 11    Switchgrass and Future Biofuels
February 1, 12    Fossil Fuel Still Favored over Renewable Energy
May 8, 12         Does Coal Have a Future?             
May 25, 12        Must We Critically Discern Natural Gas Development?
June 6, 12        Drill Baby Drill!  Cheap Fuel or Cheap Strategy
July 9, 12        Our New Fossil Fuel Addiction: Natural Gas
October 10, 12    Goodbye to American King Coal
February 27, 13   Fracking: Panacea or Problem
April 19, 13      Is Escaping Methane Hot Air or Scorching Gas?
April 20, 13      Fossil Fuel Emission Problems and Catastrophe
June 4, 13        Clean Air Day and Decline of American Coal
June 12, 13       Dangers from Canadian Tar Sands Exploitation    
June 13, 13       Keystone XL Pipeline is a Lose, Lose Proposition
June 27, 13       Benefits and Risks of Cheap American Natural Gas
September 16, 13  How about Domestic Tar Sands Development?
November 18, 13   Excessive Methane: Blessing or Curse?   
                 Energy -- Nuclear Power
                     Critical Hour
                     Morality of Nuclear Power

September 12, 07  Another Myth about Nuclear Energy
August 7, 08      Nuclear Power Versus Wind Energy
June 11, 09       Returning Phoenix: Nuclear Power
August 6, 09      Rid the World of Nukes
September 20, 10  Call for a Nuclear-Free Middle East
May 23, 11        Clean Nuclear Energy?  A Lie!
June 1, 11        Why Nuclear Power?  Is it Congressional Payoff Time?
October 13, 11    Nuclear Waste Disposal and Modern Mythology Day
October 25, 11    Disarmament Day: Do Away with Nuclear Power
March 5, 12       Nuclear Energy's Current Fading Glory
June 2, 12        Is Nuclear Power a Dream Turned into a Nightmare?
November 7, 12    Worker Safety at Portsmouth Diffusion Facility

                  Energy -- Renewable Sources and Applications
                          Healing Appalachia

August 24, 07     Better Sources of Biofuels and Plastics?
October 6, 07     What to Look for on Solar Tours
December 17, 07   Renewable America -- 2025 
December 18, 07   Renewable America -- State-by-State
December 19, 07   Hydropower's Potential 
December 20, 07   Wind and Populated Areas
December 21, 07   High Potential Solar Areas
December 22, 07   High Potential Geothermal Areas
December 24, 07   Make America Energy Renewable
February 11, 08   A Simple Global Solution: Solar Cookers and Ovens 
March 15, 08      Wind Power Coming to Life
March 28, 08      Solar-Powered Car
April 5, 08       Start Thinking Solar
April 24, 08      Hydropower: Large and Small
August 7, 08      Nuclear Power Versus Wind Energy
August 22, 08     Photovoltaic Solutions
September 27, 08  Road Blocks to Renewable Energy
October 23, 08    Drying Food with Solar Energy
January 19, 09    Promote Windpower for America
March 6, 09       Bring Wind Power to the Fore
October 3, 09     Domestic Solar Tours in 2009 
February 2, 10    Candles and Other Energy Sources
July 6, 10        Announce that America's Renewables Are Here Now?
July 7, 10        Consider Solar Photovoltaics
July 23, 10       Promote Solar Hot Water Systems
August 4, 10      Offshore Energy: Wind and/or Oil  
December 17, 10   Anniversary of Utility-Scale Geothermal Power
December 18, 10   Are Promising Renewables Enough?
January 5, 11     Renewable Energy Is Growing Remarkably
February 11, 11   Geothermal Energy: A Stimulus Package Success
May 12, 11        Renewable Energy: An Answer but When?
May 26, 11        Windpower and Changing Landscapes
June 7, 11        Ten Reasons for Small-Scale Hydropower Now
December 5, 11    Renewable Utilities Need Not Be Massive Projects
December 9, 11    Non-Renewables Must Give Way to Renewable Energy
January 17, 12    Has Solar Manufacturing Moved to China?
March 1, 12       Eight Reasons to Go with the Wind as Renewable Energy
April 2, 12       No fooling: Renewable Growth Is Explosive
May 21, 12        Are Renewable Winds Blowing? Waves/Tides Splashing?
May 29, 12        Must Renewable Energy Facilities Be Spacious?
July 18, 12       Renewable Energy: A Needed Climate Change Strategy
November 15, 12   Renewables and New Electrical Generation Capacity
December 12, 12   Geothermal Energy: Promising but Troubled
January 29, 13    Promoting Renewables: Tidal Energy
February 5, 13    Twelve Reasons to Emphasize Solar Energy
February 19, 13   Let's Popularize Solar System Day
March 2, 13       Championing a Wind-Energized Economy
April 12, 13      Renewable Energy: Answer to Global Warming
April 13, 13      Is a Total Renewable Energy Economy Possible Soon?
July  2, 13       Living to See a Renewable Energy Economy
July 18, 13       Biomass: Renewable Energy or Forest Disaster
August 7, 13      Wind: Will It Be a Globally Accepted Fuel Source?
August 23, 13     Geothermal, the Friendliest Energy Source
November 4, 13    Is It Near the End of Electric Utilities?
November 5. 13    Is Wind Power Blowing in Fast Enough?         
                          Environment -- General

January 8, 07     Protecting Endangered Areas
January 30, 07    Environmental Costs Exaggerated
March 16, 07      Overfishing the Oceans
April 10, 07      International Polar Year
April 16, 07      Keeping America and the World Beautiful
March 3, 08       Genetic Engineering?  
March 24, 08      Becoming our Land
May 17, 08        Apocalypse and the Oil Crash
May 22, 08        Our Oceans and Seas: The Last Frontiers
June 3, 08        Stewardship and Our Earth   
June 5, 08        World Environment Day 2008
June 20, 08       Global Village
September 26, 08  Natural Sounds All Around
January 21, 09    Make a Forest Pledge on National Hug Day         
February 17, 09   Tackle Invasive Species       
March 9, 09       Create Tranquil Living Space
May 16, 09        Endangered Species Day
May 18, 09        Sustainability and Environment
May 19, 09        Equal Green Practices for All?
June 23, 09       Staying alert to Environmental Sleepers
August 8, 09      Degrees of Environmental Greenness
September 18, 09  World Water Monitoring Day
December 2, 09    Question the St. Francis Pledge's Completeness
June 1, 10        Who Should Clean Up the Rivers?
June 2, 10        Are Reduced Spatial Requirements Greener?
June 8, 10        Must We Go from Short- to Long-Term Environmentalism? 
June 24, 10       Why Make Fuel Ethanol from Corn?
August 3, 10      Environmental Solutions: Work and Pray
December 2, 10    Sustainability: An Ambiguous Concept
June 3, 11        Defend the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
June 17, 11       World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
June 22, 11       Should We Preserve Nature as Untouched?
October 22, 11    Placid Environmentalism: Pale Green or Yellow?
October 26, 11    Playing Games with Ecological Issues
November 15, 11   Biophilia: Our Love of Nature
February 15, 12   Facts about Global Deforestation
February 18, 12   Maritime Transportation and Global Air Pollution
May 31, 12        Do Environmental Mini-alarms Smother Radical Change?
June 8, 12        On Environmental Issues Remain Non-Partisan
June 19, 12       First UN Conference on the Environment, 1972
January 3, 13     Environmental Themes for Each Month
January 4, 13     Monthly Environmental Themes Continued 
April 11, 13      Ways to Control Air and Related Pollution
September 11, 13  Federal Lands Day and Care for Creation
                  Environment -- Climate Change

January 19, 07    What to Do about Global Warming
April 14, 07      Global Warming Day
July 23, 07       Is the Glacier an Endangered Species?
August 10, 07     EU Approaches to Global Warming
September 3, 07   Laboring to Save the Earth
September 6, 07   Climate Change and the Poor
September 28, 07  Neutral Carbon: A Shell Game?
November 17, 07   Wars Triggered by Climate Change
January 14, 08    Snow Storms and Global Warming
June 19, 09       Saving the Climate at Low Cost
September 28, 09  Climate Change and Copenhagen
November 4, 09    Prepare for Copenhagen Next Month  
December 1, 09    Turn Our Thoughts to Copenhagen 
January 22, 10    Anticipate the Climate Toll
January 30, 10    Can We Halt Climate Change?
April 12, 10      Global Warming Coming Faster and Sooner
May 3, 10         Emphasizing Prudence in Climate Change Controversy
September 9, 10   Pluses and Minuses of Climate Change
September 25, 10  Is Climate Change Out of Control?
November 30, 10   China, Food, and Climate Change
December 10, 10   Rethink Lawns in the Climate Change Era
December 29, 10   Prudence and Climate Change Deniers
February 23, 11   Confront Climate Change Naysayers
February 24, 11   Carbon Capture and Storage: A Pipe Dream?
February 25, 11   Geoengineering: Promising or Just Plain Hubris? 
March 25, 11      Affirming Climate Change: Being Right with Earth
April 4, 11       Noticing Extreme Climate-Change-Related Weather Events
April 5, 11       Trusting Scientific Evidence: A Global Crisis

March 15, 12      Green Cement: Reducing Climate Change Gases 
March 29, 12      Global Climate Change Paralysis: A Moral Dilemma
April 11, 12      Global Warming Day Revisited
April 16, 12      The 2011 Award for Bad Climate Science
April 27, 12      Polar week and Arctic Thawing
July 18, 12       Renewable Energy: A Needed Climate Change Strategy
November 18, 12   Climate Change and Signs of the Times
December 6, 12    Climate Change under Attack in America
January 14, 13    Arctic Ice Cap Shrinks Rapidly
January 25, 13    Overcoming Lethargy on Climate Change Denial
March 23, 13      The Arctic Sheet is Melting 
April 1, 13       Reclaimers Counter Climate Change Deniers
April 4, 13       Soft or Gentle Hard Approaches to Climate Change
June 8, 13        Climate Activism: A New Breed of Environmentalism
September 3, 13   Climate Change Warning Levels at 400ppm 
November 7, 13    State of the Climate Report

                       Environment -- Indoor

August 7, 07      Rural Indoor Air Pollution
August 20, 08     Domestic Indoor Environment  
September 10, 08  Mold, the Asbestos of the 2000s
September 19, 08  Use Caution with Commercial Chemicals
December 26, 08   Keep a Quieter House
August 19, 09     Toxic Chemicals in Your Home
December 5, 12    Decorating with Taste, Safety, and Cost in Mind
July 19, 13       Not Tolerating Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution      
December 18, 13   Winter and Indoor Environmental Cautions     
                Environment -- Pollution and Protection
                     (See Water Protection)

April 23, 07      The Environmental Costs of Meetings
May 16, 07        The Glory or Fate of Coral Reefs
September 19, 08  Use Caution with Commercial Chemicals
November 20, 07   Lead and Children's Day
August 21, 08     Toxic Chemicals: A Social Justice Advocacy Issue 
September 5, 08   Ozone: Friend or Foe?
January 10, 09    Resolve to Salt Less this Winter
March 19, 09      Consider Ash Ponds and Toxic Substances   
March 31, 09      Protect Streams
May 6, 09         Lead Contamination
May 9, 09         Historic Preservation Week
July 20, 09       Recognizing Light Pollution on Moon Day
July 23, 09       Skygazing and the Perseid Meteor Shower            
December 11, 09   Contest Urban Sprawl
May 28, 10        Facing Mountaintop Removal Practices
September 11, 10  Environmental Lessons from the Oil Disaster
September 19, 11  Coastal Cleanup Day    
December 21, 11   Oil Spill Clean-up Using Wool
April 17, 12      Focus on Controlling Invasive Species
April 20, 12      Mountaintop Removal and Its Costs
July 17, 12       Ragweed Control 
May 21, 13        Soot: A Climate-Changing Pollutant
June 21, 13       Reducing Emissions Caused by Deforestation Practices
August 19, 13     Europe Bans Pesticides in Honey Bee Die-Off
August 20, 13     Birds, Threats, and Pet and Feral Cats
August 21, 13     Nitrogen Feast or Famine and Ammonia Controls  

          Environment -- Silent Space and Noise
                    Sounds and Silence

May 21, 07        Noise Awareness Week 
May 22,07         The Harmony of Sounds and Silence 
May 23, 07        Noise Assaults Us 
May 24, 07        Noise Sensitivity 
May 25, 07        Ten Ways to Reduce Noise 
May 26, 07        Ten Ways to Create Silent Space
May 27, 07        A Time to Be Silent
August 18, 07     Forms of Noise and Excessive Sound
January 19, 08    Cell Phone and Silent Space
December 26, 08   Keep a Quieter House
February 9, 09    Confront Noise Pollution
February 11, 09   Construct Privacy Screens and Noise Barriers
March 8, 11       Right to Privacy and Silent Space
June 2, 11        Protect Silent Space in a Busy, Connected World
August 23, 11     Balancing Sounds and Silence
March 13, 12      Should We Be Silent When Attacked?
October 1, 13     Reflection Involves Silent Space and Time
October 9, 13     Household Compromise of Sound and Silence
November 14, 13   Sounds of November Challenge Us

                    Ethnicity and States

August 23, 07     Eastern European Population Decline
September 1, 07   Cherokee National Holiday
September 10, 07  Hispanic Heritage and Fair Trade Movement
September 21, 07  World Gratitude & Native American Day
October 31, 07    British Influence: Wax or Wane?
December 8, 07    America's Saint Names
January 21, 08    Africans: Joy and Sorrows
August 28, 08     A Case for Bilingualism
June 18, 09       Enjoying International Picnic Day
July 1, 09        Cultivating Anglo-American Friendship
July 14, 09       Learning from the French                
August 11, 09     American Ethnic Change               
September 14, 09  Promote Hispanic Heritage Week             
September 25, 09  Observe Native American Day                     
December 5, 09    ARE the United States Unique?
May 29, 10        Saying Farewell to the Last Survivor of the Bo
July 26, 10       Learn Spanish?
September 13, 10  Alsatian: An Endangered Language
September 17, 10  Yom Kippur: The Perpetual Call for Inclusivity
April 6, 11       Recording Our Ethnic Diversity and Change       
September 23, 11  Restitution for Native Americans
March 17, 12      Light-Hearted Irish and Troubled Times
September 28, 12  What We Owe Others on Native American Day
November 26, 12   Ethnicity in Motion: Ethnic Atlas of the United States
December 10, 12   Appalachian Is an Emerging Ethnic Group
December 11, 12   Ethnic Amalgamation or Ethnic Diversification  
December 13, 12   State-by-State Ethnic Groups
January 15, 13    Ethnic and Ecological Consciousness
January 16, 13    Pride in Ethnicity and Being American
July 26, 13       A Real Puzzle: Ethnic Changes in U.S. Urban Areas    


September 24, 07   Family Day
December 30, 07    Extended Families        
May 11, 08         Mother's Day: Love from Love
August  5, 08      Family Reunions
October 16, 08     Establishing a Local and Family History
December 28, 08    The Holy Family Presentation  
November 24, 09    Celebrate National Family Week
May 9, 10          Planting the Gift of Peace at Home               
September 27, 10   Family Day: Greener Ways Together              
December 26, 10    May All Families Be Holy
December 30, 12    Struggling Families: Parents and Children
August 24, 13      Ways to Help When Death Comes in a Family
October 8, 13      Children as Rebels or Revolutionaries               
December 29, 13    Families Fleeing to Safer Places

                        (See Plants)

July 18, 07         Eat Simply
October 16, 07      World Food Day Revisited
July 2, 08          Examining our Response to the Food Crisis
July 7, 08          Local Food Redistribution Systems
July 9, 08          Vacation Time and Eating
July 11, 08         Eleven Reasons for Locally Grown Food
July 12, 08         Championing Quality Amid Food Shortages
July 23, 08         Food Stamps and Food Commodities
July 24, 08         Global Warming and the Food Crisis
July 26, 08         Food Wastes  
November 20, 08     Culinary Herb Growing and Use
June 2, 09          Patronizing Tailgate or Farmers' Markets      
July 9, 09          Celebrating National Ice Cream Day  
February  16, 10    Shrove Tuesday and Meat Consumption
October 1, 10       Food Attitudes: Personal Journey 
October 2, 10       Method Used for Food Reflections  
October 4, 10       Should We Learn Simple Food Games?
October 5, 10       Will You Finish What's on Your Plate?
October 7, 10       Can't You at Least Eat?
October 8, 10       Do Wild Foods Taste Better?         
October 9, 10       Should We Talk About Killing Hogs?
October 11, 10      Are There Limits to Global Food Assistance?
October 12, 10      Must We Choose Food-Growing over Other Crops?
October 13, 10      How Does Patriotism Enter the Food Picture?
October 14, 10      Is Food Production Related to Land Stewardship?    
October 15, 10      Do We Honor Migrant Farm Workers?

October 16, 10      Food Day: Are We Growing in Awareness?
October 18, 10      Is Eating Food a Total Experience?
October 19, 10      Do Foods Make Sounds?
October 22, 10      Should We Cultivate a Taste for Good Foods?
October 23, 10      Do Good Food Scents Make a Quality Environment?
October 25, 10      Is the Eucharist Real Food?
October 28, 10      Ought We to Fast for Self AND Others? 

October 29, 10      What About Partaking in Seders?
October 30, 10      What Are Ways to Reduce or Avoid Food Wastes?
November 1, 10      Do We Make Informed Food Choices?            
November 2, 10      Should Emphasis Be on Growing Food?
November 3, 10      Have We Calculated All Food Energy?
November 4, 10      Do We Have to Go Organic?
November 6, 10      Is Food an Instrument of Resolution?           
November 9, 10      Locally-Grown: Are We What We Eat?
November 19, 10     Is the Food Distribution System Fair?
November 20, 10     Vegetarianism: Is It Good or Bad?
November 22, 10     How Do We Celebrate Food as Bounty?                
November 23, 10     Can Food Be Designed as a Powerful Weapon?

November 25, 10     Do We Thank God Enough for Gifts of Food?
November 26, 10     Ought We to Have A Global Food-Sharing Program?
November 27, 10     Is Food Sharing a Component of Final Judgment?
November 29, 10     Food Consciousness Grows             
November 30, 10     China, Food, and Climate Change
May 11, 11          How to Combat High Food Prices
July 25, 11         "Food Day" in October Should Focus on Food Costs 
October 17, 11      Observe World Food Day
January 7, 12       Welcome to the Vinegar-Loving, Sour-Pickle People
April 14, 12        Review Culinary and Commercial Sweeteners
October 16, 12      World Food Day and High-Priced Food
October 24, 12      Focus on Food Day, 2012  
October 16, 13      Focus on World Food Needs in 2013
November 27, 13     Food: Quantity, Quality, Safety, and Access

               Food -- Berries, Fruits, Nuts & Vegetables

November 3, 07      Nut-Gathering in Autumn
November 14, 07     The Time for Pears
June 29, 09         Picking Early Blackberries
August 27, 09       Tomatoes and Avoiding Cancer
May 5, 10           Championing Mulberries
August 18, 10       Blueberries: Beneficial in So Many Ways
September 10, 10    Elderberry: The Modest Berry
May 17, 11          Decisions During a Tomato Year 
June 18, 11         Raspberry Season Fosters Creativity
August 11, 11       Tasting Plums, A Favorite Wild and Domestic Fruit
January 19, 12      Peanuts: Ecologically Green Food
February 9, 12      Champion the Humble Potato
March 6, 12         Onions Are a True Spice of Life
August 2, 12        Time to Enjoy Watermelon Day
September 5, 12     Grapes: A Choice Fruit of the Season
October 26, 12      Hickory Nuts and Labors of Love
June 6, 13          Cherry Season and Happy Memories
August 31, 13       Paw Paws: Our Grandest Native American Fruit
September 13, 13    Grapes Offer Us Fruitful Potential
October 18, 13      Pumpkins: A Truly American Delight 

                             Food -- Nutrition

September 23, 08   365 Low-cost, Nutritious and Convenient Meals  
September 29, 08   Learning to Eat Lower on the Food Chain      
February 26, 09    Eat Less Meat
April 21, 09       Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
June 24, 09        Eating Right
August 27, 09      Tomatoes and Avoiding Cancer
October 1, 09      World Vegetarian Day
October 6, 09      Control the Salt Intake
October 28, 09     Select the Right Snacks
November 27, 09    Learn to Count Calories
November 28, 09    Make Proper Food Choices           
February 6, 10     Consider Lenten Diet Changes              
June 5, 10         Why Is Reducing Meat Consumption Environmental?
November 5, 10     Can We Be Overly Concerned about Food Nutrition?
November 10, 10    Is Knowing the Food Source a Control on Quality?
November 11, 10    Is Having Fresh Food Better-Quality Living?
November 15, 10    Is Food Always Tempting and Enticing?
November 16, 10    Must We Always Avoid Fatty Food?
January 23, 13     Caffeine Beverages: A Matter of Concern?
April 23, 13       Moderation, Proper Food Choices, and Dieting
October 15, 13     Harvest Time and Nutrition for Poor Folks
                 Food -- Preparation and Preservation

January 27, 07      Return to the Twelve-Component Soup  
July 18, 07         Eat Simply
September 4, 07     Pasta Salad Varieties
November 27, 07     Sauerkraut or Choucroute
January 15, 08      Soups for Winter
February 7, 08      Creative Meals for Lent
March 17, 08        Celebrate Spring's Arrival with "Greens"
July 17, 08         Food Preserving Techniques
July 18, 08         Solar Food Dryers
July 22, 08         Use Food Storage Space Well 
October 23, 08      Drying Food with Solar Energy                 
November 20, 08     Culinary Herb Growing and Use
January 12, 09      Make a Winter 12-Veggie Soup
February 24, 09     Curb Fat Twelve Ways
December 4, 09      Have a New Soup Every Day
March 3, 10         Create a Different Salad Every Day
June 28, 10         Are There 183 More Salad Varieties?
October 20, 10      Should We Be Proud of Certain Food Preparations?
October 21, 10      What Are the Visible Marks of a Good Cook?
November 13, 10     Should We Preserve Surplus Food?
November 17, 10     Should We Create Our Own Fast Foods?
January 4, 11       A Challenge: 365 Different Breakfasts
April 2, 11         Varying Food Tastes on a Daily Basis
May 14, 11          Poke Salad Time and Festivals
June 25, 11         Time to Make Cucumber Pickle
December 7, 11      Smokehouses and Fire Safety Day
December 17, 11     Burgoo: The Kentucky Food Specialty                
December 29, 11     365 Ways to Prepare Oatmeal
March 23, 12        Spices and Herbs Make for Quality of Life 
September 24, 12    Making a Twelve-Ingredient Autumn Salad
December 28, 12     Create a Novel Soup Today
February 4, 13      365 Foods Containing Peanuts
March 8, 13         Sausage Making
March 20, 13        Preparing a Seasonal Garden Salad
July 29, 13         Variety in Soups, Salads, Oatmeal, and Peanuts
October 3, 13       Green Apple Pancakes
                  Food Security and Hunger

July 27, 08        Focusing on the Hungry
August  3, 08      Feeding People
June 30, 09        Mandating a World Grain Reserve
July 22, 09        Fighting Hunger in America in 2009
August 2, 09       Hunger in the World
August 31, 09      Support International Relief Groups
October 16, 09     Food Shortages and World Food Day
January 15, 10     Fight Hunger Here and Now
March 4, 10        Is Hunger a Form of Terrorism?
March 8, 10        Advance Food Security
April 27, 10       When Did We See You Hungry and Not Feed You?        
July 24, 10        Share with the Hungry and Forsaken
October 6, 10      Do We Take Food for Granted?   
October 26, 10     Worthy Communion When Neighbors Are Hungry?
November 18, 10    What Are Limits to Distributing Food Commodities?
November 24, 10    How Do We Share Food with the Hungry?
April 20, 11       Working for Greater Food Security 
July 26, 11        Hunger Must Be Eliminated Now
October 18, 11     Food Insecurity, Famine, and Terrorism
February 7, 12     Deer, Venison, and Hungry Neighbors     

                             Forest and Trees

March 9, 07        Rainforest Products Revisited      
May 1, 07          Wildfires and Forest Life 
May 10, 07         Tree Markings
June 13, 07        Tulip Poplars
July 19, 07        Mimosa, The Silk Tree 
August 30, 07      The Oak Shade        
September 5, 07    Urban Forests
January 10, 08     The American Chestnut is Coming Back
March 7, 08        Prune Trees and Shrubs
March 8, 08        List Tree Benefits
March 18, 08       Gather Non-Timber Forest Products Wisely
April 2, 08        Organize an Arbor Day Event
May 5, 08          Defend the Roadless Forest
May 19, 08         Old-Growth Forests
July 10, 08        Chestnut Memories: A Wake and Reawakening
September 9, 08    The Ten Commandments of the Forest             
January 26, 09     Save Our Hemlocks
March 12, 09       Plant Trees as a Community Project
May 20, 09         Rainforests: The Planet's Lungs
August 4, 09       Consider Nut Tree Plantings
January 21, 09     Make a Forest Pledge on National Hug Day   
January 21, 10     Hug a Tree?
March 19, 10       Value Forests in Many Ways
May 22, 10         Revealing the Mixed Mesophytic Forest
May 16, 11         We Need Trees for Many Reasons
March 24, 11       Planting Trees: Being Right with Forests
September 24, 11   Celebrate the Black Walnut
October 24, 11     United Nations Day 2011: Year of the Forest         
December 10, 11    Trees: Celebration or Vestigial Paganism
January 24, 12     Selecting Trees for Windbreaks
January 28, 12     Quercus Falls: Remembering Departed Human Oaks  
February 15, 12    Facts about Global Deforestation
March 12, 12       Select and Plant a Variety of Fruit and Nut Trees
October 6, 12      Learning and Teaching Tree Identification
March 21, 13       Observe World Forestry Day
October 30, 13     Forty-Four Titles for Trees                 


February 9, 07    Ultra Early Gardening
April 9, 07       Garden & Library Week
June 5, 07        Backyard Gardening versus CSAs 
July 30, 07       Create a Butterfly Garden
January 11, 08    Launching the Growing Year: Hot Beds
March 1, 08       Backyard Gardening                
March 5, 08       Select a Healthy Garden Variety
May 7, 08         Floral Gardens
May 16, 08        Ornamentals, Lawns and Gardens
May 20, 08        Mulching Time
June 19, 08       Making Composting Acceptable 
June 26, 08       Resource Conservation Gardening
July 15, 08       Freedom Gardens: Individual Practice
July 16, 08       Community Gardens: Group Practice
July 30, 08       Gardens as Templates for Restoration
August 9, 08      Intergenerational Gardening
August 11, 08     Plan an Autumn Garden
September 8, 08   Solar Greenhouses and Cold Frames
September 20, 08  Gardening as a Social Enterprise 
October 6, 08     Learning through Autumn Gardening
October 18, 08    Tackling a Turnover of Yard into Garden
November 22, 08   Autumn Tasks: Winterizing the Garden     
November 29, 08   Gardening and the Poor            
December 13, 08   Garden Economics
January 14, 09    Launch the Gardening Year                
February 13, 09   Initiate Ultra-Early Gardening
March 4, 09       Encourage Temporary Cold Frames                 
March 5, 09       Discover Gardening as Sacred
June 16, 09       Gardening Intensively
July 10, 09       Discouraging Pests through Interplanting   
July 15, 09       Remembering to Water Plants
September 2, 09   Autumn Gardens Can be Productive
April 17, 10      Tips for Garden Week
July 22, 10       Create Your Own Autumn Garden
August 9, 10      Urban Gardens: Twenty-First Century Victory Gardens
August 30, 10     Watering: Slaking Thirsty Garden Plants
September 7, 10   A Variety of Autumn Greens
November 8, 10    Is Simplicity in Gardening Easy to Teach?
November 12, 10   What Are Small-Scale Gardening Techniques?
January 14, 11    Making Long-Range Garden Plans 
February 12, 11   Make Personal and Family Gardening Choices
April 16, 11      Preparing for a Veggie/Floral Garden             
August 5, 11      Preparing for Autumn Garden                          
October 21, 11    Respecting Limited Garden-Space
March 21, 12      Garden Spacework; The Art of Turning Soil
May 7, 12         Can an Herb Garden Be a Place of Prayer?
August 11, 12     Time to Think about Autumn Gardens
November 12, 12   Year-Round Garden Variety without a Greenhouse
December 19, 13   Constructing a Meditation Garden
May 4, 13         The Benefits of Opting for Garden Variety
August 16, 13     Garden Hints for Late Summer

January 6, 07      Green Gift Wrapping
May 30, 07         The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
September 21, 08   Opportunities to Realize Our Gifts
December 6, 08     Twelve Gifts in Hard Times
December 16, 08    The True Meaning of Gifts
September 14, 10   Gratitude for September Gifts  
December 6, 11     Thirty Possible Non-Monetary Christmas Gifts
February 29, 12    Make This Leap Day Truly a Timely Gift
December 6, 13     Ideal Gifts for the Christmas Season


September 24, 09  Are Hunting Days Numbered?
October 25, 12    Aurora, CO & Bearing Arms in a Permissive Society
November 9, 12    Gun and Ammo Control: Why Private Arsenals?
March 14, 13      Gunbearers Are Insecure People
April 18, 13      The "Right" to Automatic Weapons
June 15, 13       Power in Possessing Guns and Being Unarmed
July 5, 13        Purging Military Terms from Our Vocabulary
August 9, 13      Gun Controls or Controlled by Guns
September 24, 13  Environmental Gun Threats (EGT)
October 10, 13    Press for National Gun Licensing               
December 10, 13   License Automobiles AND Guns

                    Health -- General

March 12, 07      The Gift of Memory        
April 7, 07       Global Health Is a Global Concern
January  5, 08    AIDS Epidemic Update
November 7, 08    A Living Will
November 24, 08   Will your Organs to Others
April 7, 09       World Health Day
April 16, 09      Health Care in Hard Times
September 3, 09   Support Single-Payer Health Insurance
January 14, 10    Provide Health Care for All -- AND Ration?
April 7, 10       Eight Critical World Health Threats
May 3, 12         Isn't It Time to Conquer Tropical Diseases? 
July 23, 11       A Problem of the Commons: Resistance to Antibiotics
June 7, 12        Protection from the Sun
July 11, 12       Solastalgia: Stress from Local Environmental Assault
April 16, 13      Local Voluntary Hospital Chaplains
May 3, 13         Healing coupled with Earth: Various Meanings
May 6, 13         Nurses as Healers of Earth      
May 8, 13         The Universal Right to Good Health
June 26, 13       Wastes in American Medical Practice
August 26, 13     Be Kind to Humankind Week and Total Health Care   

                        Health -- Addictions
               Tobacco Days: A Personal Journey

April 30, 07      Rainbows, Luck and Gambling for a Better World
May 2, 07         Going "Cold Turkey"
July 13, 07       Tolerance and the Smoker
September 26, 07  Discernment Process: Reasons for Smoking
September 27, 07  Discernment Process: Reasons against Smoking
April 1, 08       Smoking: An April's Fools Joke
April 3, 08       Confront Television Addiction
October 22, 08    Addressing Tobacco Use
April 30, 09      Gambling for What?
January 4, 10     Realize that Prescription Drugs Can Kill
February 4, 10    Read "Tobacco Days: A Personal Journey"
May 19, 10        Confronting the Drug Culture?
July 15, 10       Realize Drug Ubiquity
December 11, 10   Weighing the Legalization of Marijuana
December 20, 10   Getting Smart on Drugs
October 3, 11     Acknowledging Social Addictions 
October 4, 11     Confronting Social Addictions
October 5, 11     Healing Social Addictions  
October 6, 11     Compassion and Social Addiction
February 13, 12   Methamphetamine Epidemic and Drug Company Profits
May 23, 12        Can AA Twelve-Step Program Apply to Social Addiction?
July 13, 12       Attending to Smokers Who Are Killing Themselves  
December 13, 11   Consumer Addiction and Former Addicts
October 17, 12    Obesity and Limiting Food Intake
April 8, 13       Conversations among Consumer Addicts  
October 23, 13    WE Are Socially Addicted People                

                       Health -- Fitness
                       (See Food -- Nutrition) 

April 24, 07      Physical Exercise for All
September 30, 06  Tremor with the Hands
January 5, 07     Earthhealing and Personal Health Concerns
February 6, 07    Dieting to Lose Weight  
February 20, 07   Look Again at Our Fat Intake
May 2, 07         Going "Cold Turkey"
August 3, 07      Flowers for Healing
October 1, 07     A Case for Moderate Vegetarianism
October 26, 07    Indoor Physical Exercise  
January  7, 08    Facing Reality through Health Checkups
July  5, 08       Care for Our Heart
October 7, 08     Providing proper Lighting for All
October 9, 08     Challenging the Slipping Memory
October 27, 08    Dressing for the Season
January 16, 09    Do and Encourage Daily Physical Exercise
February 10, 09   Acknowledge Our Need for Rest  
August 21, 09     Rethinking Our Rest Time                
December 3, 09    Participate in Eco-Walk Programs              
March 30, 10      Affirm Healthy Habits
April 24, 10      Increase Physical Exercising
January 13, 11    Barriers to a Physical Exercise Routine
January 24, 11    Plenty of Sleep vs. Enough Sleep?
February 7, 11    Acquire a Rocking Chair and Use It
August 8, 11      Rowing as Ideal Physical Exercise
November 14, 11 Focus on Fitness: Spiritual, Mental, Economic, Physical
February 10, 12   Walking for Health
February 16, 12   Ten Ways to Avoid Cabin Fever
February 28, 12   Sport Events Can Become Unhealthy
February 6, 13    Maintaining Mental Balance in Various Ways
February 16, 13   Outdoor Activity as a Remedy for Depression
February 28, 13   Simple Ways to Induce Sleep without Pills
October 29, 13    Encouraging Outdoor Play in October            
                          Health -- Safety
                            (See Auto)

May 28, 08       Destroy Chemical Weapons
June 28, 08      Observe -- Don't Make -- Fireworks Displays
September 19, 08 Use Caution with Commercial Chemicals
December 19, 08  Safe Decorations
June 17, 09      Dealing with Poisons              
October 10, 09   We Need Fire Prevention Measures
November 18, 09  Be Prepared with ICE: In Case of Emergency
December 7, 09   Ensure Fire Safety
January 28, 10   Observe Road Safety Practices
July 27, 10      Repair Lead-Painted Houses with Caution
September 8, 10  New "Fire Season" Suggestions
December 20, 10  Getting Smart on Drugs
February 17, 11  Review Disaster Supplies
July 22, 11      Thunder and Lightning: Taking Proper Precautions
October 7, 11    Campfires and Playing with Fire
December 7, 11   Smokehouses and Fire Safety Day
September 24, 13 Environmental Gun Threats (EGT)   
October 10, 13   Press for National Gun Licensing
                 History and Preservation

June 9, 08       Oral and Video History
July 4, 09       Reading the "Declaration of Independence"
October 8, 09    Should we Save Battlefields?
October 22, 09   Reviewing the Cuban Missile Crisis
October 29, 09   Eightieth Anniversary of the Stock Market Crash
April 12, 11     Telling the Last Civil War Story
July 21, 11      First Bull Run: Reflecting on Civil War Issues
November 19, 13  Reflect on Lincoln's Gettysburg Address               
November 22, 13  Where Were You 50 Years Ago Today?

                    Holy Cross & Sacrifice

March 17, 07       Be Willing to Sacrifice
June  8, 08        Mercy, Not Sacrifice
June 20, 10        Do We Foster Fatherly Self-Sacrifice?
December 28, 11    The Power of Suffering with Christ
March 18, 12       Calvary's Cross and Laetare Sunday
June 4, 12         Way of the Cross and Social/Environmental Themes 
September 14, 12   Bearing Our Crosses during Hard Times               
September 14, 13   The Holy Cross: Power and Powerlessness

                   Homilies -- Advent

December 2, 07     Vigilance and Earthhealing
December 9, 07     Repentance
December 16, 07    Genuine Puzzlement
November 30, 08    Active Waiting
December 7, 08     Preparing the Way       
December 14, 08    Rejoice Always       
November 29, 09    Consider Advent Celebrations
December 6, 09     Prepare the Way of the Lord
December 13, 09    Rejoice in the Lord Always
December 13, 10    Advent: Alertness in Looking Back and Ahead
November 6, 11     Awaiting the Expectant One
November 13, 11    Creative Fidelity with Talents Given
November 20, 11    Help Establish Christ's Kingdom
November 26, 11    Citizen of Heaven and Earth: Stay Awake
December 4, 11     Practice Patience in Troubled Times   
December 11, 11    Advent Joy Comes with Good News
December 18, 11    House of David
November 30, 12    Kairos, Chronos, and Advent
December 1, 12     Advent: A Season of Hope      
December 2, 12     Expectancy as an Advent Characteristic
December 9, 12     Advent: Becoming Forerunners of a Future
December 16, 12    Advent: The Savior Comes to a Troubled World
December 23, 12    Advent: Sacred Moments of Expecting Parents
December 1, 13     Advent Comes through Proper Preparation
December 9, 13     Being Ourselves During Favorable Times 
December 15, 13    Spread Joy Amid Today's Hard Times        
December 22, 13    Support Those Who Are Starting Families 

                  Homilies -- Christmas and Epiphany
                         (See Families)

January 7, 07      Epiphany from a New Perspective
December 6, 07     Charity and the Christmas Spirit
December 25, 07    Christmas Dawns
January  6, 08     Epiphany: A New Insight
December 24, 08    The Word Proclaims Peace
December 25, 08    Divine Sensations
January  4, 09     Manifest the Divine
December 22, 09    Do Something Special at Christmas
January 3, 10      Epiphany: Question the Way to Take to Peace
January 2, 11      Epiphany: Tell It Like It Is
December 24, 11    Make Christmas Special for Young and Old
December 25, 11    Current Knowledge Extends Our Blessed Christmas
December 22, 12    Gus and the First Christmas
December 24, 12    Spread the Pure Joy of Christmas   
December 25, 12    Christmas and Manchester Prisoners
January 6, 13      Leading Others to Epiphany
December 21, 13    Christening the Yuletide
December 23, 13    I Have a Christmas Dream
December 24, 13    The Burning Babe on Christmas Eve               
December 25, 13    Christmas and Bethlehem: City of David
                      Homilies --  Baptism and Vocation

February 4, 07     Here I am! Send Me
January 13, 08     Baptism and Life-giving Water
January 20, 08     Vocational Call in the Twenty-First Century
January 11, 09     Baptism: Reassuring Us to Act
January 18, 09     Listen for The Seasonal Calls
February 1, 09     Speak with Authority
October 11, 09     Called to Be Perfect
January 10, 10     Cherish Our Baptism
April 25, 10       Observe Vocation Sunday
January  9, 11     Baptism: Called by the Exclusive ONE ...
January 16, 11     Vocation: Salvation Reaching Out to All
January 15, 12     Speak, Lord, Your Servant is Listening
January 13, 13     The Importance of Our Baptismal Vows
January 20, 13     We Are Each Uniquely Called by God

               Homilies -- Lent

February  21, 07   Ashes as Symbols
February 25, 07    Jesus Was Tempted; So Are We
March 25, 07       Refrain from Casting Stones
February 5, 08     Start Lent on a Spiritual Note
February 6, 08     Ash Wednesday's Message: Sacrifice and Love
February 10, 08    Temptations to Do or Not to Do
March 2, 08        The Blind Man and Faith
February 25, 09    Welcome Ashes
March 1, 09        Endure Trials and Temptations
March 15, 09       Meet the Woman at the Well 
March 22, 09       Practice Faith as a Public Act
March 29, 09       Confront Death to Self
February 17, 10    Remember That We Are Dust and Ashes
February 21, 10    Confront the Temptation to Refrain from Acting
March 7, 10        Learn about the First Missionary
March 14, 10       Laetare Sunday: Witness against Materialism
March 21, 10       Reflect upon the Account of the Adulterous Woman
March 9, 11        Lent: A Favorable Time to Speak Up
March 13, 11       Facing Current Temptations 
March 20, 11       Transfiguration as Goal, Calling and Blessing
March 27, 11       Samaritan Woman at the Well: Gentle Confrontation 
February 22, 12    Ash Wednesday: Will Daily Reflections Be Ashes?
February 26, 12    The Temptation to Keep the Status Quo
March 4, 12        Transfiguration Day and a New Heaven and New Earth
March 11, 12       Have You Ever Cleansed a Temple?
March 18, 12       Calvary's Cross and Laetare Sunday
March 25, 12       Dying to Self in Order to Rise Again
February 13, 13    Making Our Lent a New Opportunity
February 17, 13    Temptations Confronting the Earthhealer 
February 24, 13    Earthhealing and the Power of Transfiguration
March 3, 13        Woman at the Well and Frank Conversation
March 9, 13        A Lenten Environmental Examination of Conscience
March 10, 13       Laetare Sunday and the Blind Man's Courage
March 17, 13       Martha, Mary, and Lazarus
                      Homilies -- Holy Week

April 1, 07        Palm Sunday and Foolishness
April 6, 07        The Spirituality of Suffering with Others
March 16, 08       Psalm Sunday: Our Own Journey of Faith  
March 20, 08       Holy Thursday: Called to be Caregivers
March 21, 08       Good Friday: Death of Forests
March 22, 08       Holy Saturday: Sorrow Turned to Joy
April 5, 09        Palm Sunday: Hollow Shouts of Victory
April 10, 09       Calvary and Human Wounds 
March 28, 10       Wave Palms Thoughtfully
April  1, 10       Maundy Thursday, Creation and Service  
April  2, 10       Calvary and the Mystery of Redemption  
April 21, 11       Holy Thursday: Consecrating Us to Serve
April 22, 11       Good Friday: Dying for All Creation
April 23, 11       Holy Saturday: Rising As Lord of All
April 1, 12        Palm Sunday: The Foolishness of a Fickle Crowd
April 4, 12        Passover, Horseradish, and Bitter Herbs
April 5, 12        Holy Thursday: Richness in Old and New Ritual
April 6, 12        Good Friday: Calvary Extended in Space and Time    
April 7, 12        Holy Saturday: Make This a Day of Repose 
March 24, 13       The Meaning of a Palm Procession
March 27, 13       Spy Wednesday: Loyalty and Betrayal
March 28, 13       Priestly Service and Cultural Expectations
March 29, 13       Being Present at Calvary 
March 30, 13       Pausing and Awaiting the New Fire 

                    Homilies -- Easter and Ascension

April 8, 07        Easter and New Life
April 15, 07       From Doubt to Faith
April 22, 07       Immigration Reform and Workers' Rights
April 29, 07       Shepherd Sunday and Sun Day
May 6, 07          Renew!
May 20, 07         Ascension Involves the Practical
March 9, 08        "I Am the Resurrection"
March 23, 08       Easter Faith in 2008
March 30, 08       God's Mercy, Faith and April Showers
April 6, 08        Journey to Emmaus and Back
April 13, 08       Tend Sheep: The Commons
April 27, 08       Resurrection-Centered Spirituality
May 4, 08          A Case Against Idle Speculation
April 11, 09       Resurrection and the Garden
April 12, 09       We are Easter People
April 19, 09       St. Thomas, Easter and Divine Mercy
April 26, 09       The Road to and from Emmaus
May 24, 09         Ascension: Why Look to the Sky?
April  4, 10       Resurrection: A New Centrality
April 10, 10       Striving for a Sense of Mercy
April 11, 10       Consider Divine Mercy and Earthhealing          
April 18, 10       Fishing in Today's World  
May 16, 10         Celebrating the Ascension
April 9, 11        Keeping Easter a Non-commercial Celebration
April 24, 11       Proclaiming Easter Past, Future, and Present
April 29, 11       Recounting That We Are Easter People
May 1, 11          Gratitude Leading to Mercy
May 8, 11          Companions on the Road to Emmaus
May 15, 11         Becoming Sheepgates for Others
April 8, 12        Easter Renewal in Spirit, Life, Love, and Energy    
April 15, 12       Belief, Unbelief, and Divine Mercy
April 22, 12       Burning Hearts on Our Journey of Faith
April 29, 12       Being Good Shepherds in an Addicted World
May 6, 12       Is Addressing Excessive Consumerism Like Vinedressing?
May 13, 12         Why Does Earthhealing Involve Loving People?
May 17, 12         Why Look You up to Heaven?  Why Not Act Now?
May 20, 12         Are We Like Christ -- Priests, Prophets, and Kings?
March 31, 13       Easter People Inflamed to Renewal
April 7, 13        The Need for God's Mercy Today
April 14, 13       Earthhealing and Life's Final Journey
April 21, 13       Shepherding and Pasturing among Wounded Sheep
April 28, 13       Glorifying God in Healing Our Wounded Earth
May 5, 13          Establishing Peace in Times of Turmoil
May 9, 13          Human Responsibility: Arise and Heal the Earth
May 12, 13         Mother's Day and Rising to the Occasion

                     Homilies -- Pentecost
                      (See Communications)

May 30, 07         The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
June 4, 07         Wisdom: Recognizing God's Gifts
May 10, 08         Pentecost, The Flame of the Spirit       
May 31, 09         Pentecost:The Restless Wind
May 23, 10         Pentecost: Spreading the Good News
May 30, 10         Spreading Good News through a Loving Community
July  3, 10        Bring Good News
January 29, 11     Dying as Opportunity to Spread Good News
June 12, 11        Pentecost and World Evangelization
June 14, 11        Is Good News a Two-Way Street?
June 15, 11        Good News Will Ultimately Triumph Over Bad News
July 10, 11        Becoming Efficient Sowers of Good News
August 30, 11      Proclaiming the Good News to All Creation
May 27, 12         Pentecost: Do We Proclaim the Primacy of the Word?
May 19, 13         Pentecost: Spirit Communicates and Babel Confounds  

                             Homily -- Trinity

June 3, 07         Wisdom and the Trinity
May 18, 08         Celebrate Trinity and Community
June 7, 09         Radiating the Trinity
June 13, 10        Can We Live the Trinity Mystery? 
June 19, 11        Sharing Blessings and the Trinity
June 3, 12         The Trinity in our Lives
May 26, 13         Does Being Godly Have the Marks of the Trinity?
                    Homilies -- Transfiguration

February 17, 08    Transfiguration and Earthhealing                  
August 6, 08       Transfiguration
March 8, 09        Participate in the Transfiguration Event
August 6, 10       Transfiguration: A New Heaven and New Earth
March 20, 11       Transfiguration as Goal, Calling and Blessing  

                     Homilies -- Jesus

January 14, 07     Cana: Manifestation of the Lord
January 21, 07     Jesus is Liberator
March 4, 07        Listen to Him
June 10, 07        Corpus Christi and Public Devotion
November 25, 07    Christ's Cross: Weapon of Mass Blessing
March 25, 08       The Incarnation
April 20, 08       The Way, the Truth and the Life
May 25, 08         Corpus Christi
May 30, 08         Radical Peace and the Sacred Heart
November 23, 08    Christ the King
June 14, 09        Building Up the Body of Christ
July 26, 09        Multiplying Loaves
August 9, 09       Real Presence
August 16, 09      Nourishing Belief in the Future
August 23, 09      Trust in the Lord
November 22, 09    Act Kingly with Christ the King
January 16, 10     Eucharist: Memorial, Cosmic Mystery and Food
March 25, 10       Incarnation: Let Earth and Heaven Kiss             
June 6, 10         Do We Truly Believe in Transformed Bread & Wine?
December 25, 10    The Ultimate Christmas Gift
February 13, 11    Realize a Growing Responsibility to Be Like Jesus
April 10, 11       Discovering Christ as the Resurrection and Life
April 17, 11       Proclaiming Royal Titles    
June 26, 11        Corpus Christi: An Activist and Holy Discontent
July 3, 11         Meek and Humble of Heart -- And Also Angry  
October 15, 11     Domestic Ecology and Enthronement of Sacred Heart
June 10, 12        Eucharist as Our Nourishment
July 22, 12        They Were Like Sheep without a Shepherd
November 25, 12    Thy Kingdom Come: We are Called to be Catalysts 
June 2, 13         Corpus Christi: The New Covenant Cosmic Event   
November 24, 13    Christ the King: Monarch and/or Servant?      

                      Homilies -- Mary

May 31, 08         Visitation: The Magnificat
August 14, 08      Ark of the Covenant
August 15, 08      Mary: Gentle Woman
December 8, 08     Eve and Mary: Choices
December 21, 08    Mary and Joseph
August 15, 09      Mary and Choice
December 8, 09     Proclaim Mary -- Mother of Earth
December 20, 09    Blessed Are You Among Women
December 25, 09    Live the Magnificat
August 15, 10      Mary: Gentle Lady; Revolutionary Model
December 8, 10     Mary: Pure Transparency
May 2, 11          The Little Blue Book: A Blueprint for Radical Change
August 15, 11      Seeing Mary in Place, Time, and Among Us          
December 8, 11     Mary: Mother of the Poor
December 8, 12     Immaculate Conception and America's Motivation
August 15, 13      Mary: Entrusted Instrument of God's Grace
December 8, 13     Immaculate Conception: Dawn of a New Age

                Homilies -- Practices
                (See Personal Prayer)

January 28, 07     What We Do About Rejection 
February 11, 07    Woe to You Who Are Rich       
February 18, 07    Be Compassionate
March 11, 07       A Little More Time
June 17, 07        Expressions of Love on Father's Day
July 1, 07         Being Resolute   
August 5, 07       Confronting Greed  
August 12, 07      Parables Are for All of Us   
August 26, 07      Last First and First Last 
September 2, 07    Exalted and Humbled
October 7, 07      Faithful Service
November 1, 07     Can We Be Saints?
January 27, 08     Urgency and Reform
February 2, 08     You Are the Light of the World
August 24, 08      Keys to the Kingdom and Responsibility
August 31, 08      Self-Denial and Vitality
September  7, 08   Networking with Those in Trouble 
September 14, 08   The Sign of the Cross
September 28, 08   The First Day of the Rest of Life
October  5, 08     Counting the Blessings of the Vineyard
October 12, 08     Inviting the Uninvited
October 19, 08     Rendering to Each Its Due
October 26, 08     Expressing Our Love of God and Neighbor
November 16, 08    Using Our Talents Well
February 8, 09     Cure the Sick
February 15, 09    Touch the Leper 
February 22, 09    Forgive and Forget?
June 21, 09        Recognizing God's Power Without and Within
June 28, 09        Improving the Quality of Life  
July 12, 09        Ministering Lightly
July 19, 09        Striving to Lead the Floundering
August 30, 09      Acting Justly in Hard Times
September 13, 09   Denial, Cross and Good Deeds  
September 20, 09   Arrive at True Service for Others
September 27, 09   Find God and Good in All
October 18, 09     Aspirations to Greatness
November 8, 09     Acknowledge the Power of the Widow's Mite
November 15, 09    Learn Lessons by Observing
February 7, 10     Be Willing to Do the Lord's Work
February 14, 10    Blessed Are the Poor
July 11, 10        Reflect on Being Good Samaritans
July 18, 10        Be Satisfied in Being a Martha  
August 1, 10       Spiritual Motivation: Becoming Truly Secure
August 8, 10       Destiny: The Best Preparation Is in Giving
August 22, 10      The Narrow Gate: Self-Satisfaction and Smugness
September 12, 10   Prodigal Son and Forgiving Father
October 3, 10      Increase Our Faith
October 10, 10     Showing Appreciation for Miracles
October 24, 10     The Pharisee and the Tax Collector
October 31, 10     Invite Zacchaeus to Join
November 14, 10    Do We Know the Changing Seasons?
November 21, 10    Will We Choose a Throne or a Cross?
November 28, 10    When Do We Wait and When Not Wait?
December 12, 10    Focus on the Lord in Hard Times             
December 19, 10    Practice Patience in Troubled Times
January 23, 11     Urgent Times Demand Reformed People
January 30, 11     Beatitudes and Blessings
February 6, 11     Lighten up the World
February 20, 11    An Eye for Eye and a Tooth for Tooth
March 6, 11        Face Hypocrisy in All Its Forms
April 3, 11        Being Radicalized by a Gospel Passage
May 22, 11         Being of Service to Others   
May 29, 11         Learning to Do Good Deeds through Self-Control
June 5, 11         The Grace of Holy Discontent and Earthhealing
July 10, 11        Becoming Efficient Sowers of Good News
July 17, 11        Tolerating Weeds amid the Wheat 
July 24, 11        Invest in the Treasure of Spiritual Motivation
August 7, 11       Living with the Storms of Insecurity
August 14, 11      Universalism: Extending Care to All
August 21, 11      Rattling the Keys of the Kingdom
August 28, 11      Denying Self to Follow the Lord
September 4, 11    Fraternal Correction and Work
September 11, 11   Forgiveness Again and Again
September 18, 11   Divine Generosity Should Be Our Way
September 25, 11   Parable of Two Sons and Assuming Responsibilities
October 2, 11      Restore the Forsaken Vineyard
October 9, 11      Come to the Banquet
October 16, 11     Render to Caesar
October 23, 11     How Do We Love God with Our Whole Heart?
October 30, 11     Practice What We Preach
November 1, 11     Saints: Mortal and Immortal Models
November 2, 11     We Poor Souls
June 17, 12        The Mustard Seed Becomes the Largest Plant
July 1, 12         Little Girl, Arise!  Feminine Aspirations Today     
July 15, 12        The Missionary: He Began to Send Them out Two by Two
July 29, 12        Insights into Jesus' Multiplication of Loaves 
September 2, 12    Guarding against Enticements and Allurements
September 9, 12    Attending Those with Hearing Impediments
September 16, 12   Faith versus Works or Faith AND Works
September 23, 12   Forsaking Greed and Taking a Servant's Role
October 7, 12      Marriage and Earthhealing
October 14, 12     Easier for a Camel to Pass through a Needle's Eye
October 21, 12     Comfort the Afflicted; Afflict the Comfortable
October 28, 12     Faith and Begging for Divine Help
November 4, 12     Love of God and Considering Our Mortality
November 11, 12    The Widow's Mite and the Power of Generosity     
June 9, 13         Victims of Violence Dying before Their Parents
June 23, 13        Faithfully Taking Up Our Daily Crosses
June 30, 13        Follow Jesus on the Journey to Jerusalem
July 14, 13        Loving Our Neighbor as Ourselves   
July 21, 13        Martha & Mary: Choosing the Better Part
July 28, 13        Having a Prayerful Persistence  
September 8, 13    Releasing the Death Grip on Possessions
September 15, 13   Celebrate the Prodigal Druggie's Return
September 22, 13   Master the Art of Servanthood   
September 29, 13   Lazarus Is the Divine Presence in Our Midst
October 6, 13      Faithfulness and Godly Service
October 20, 13     The Struggle to Remain Faithful Today
November 10, 13    Encouragement in the Midst of Adversity              
November 17, 13    Remaining Steadfast in Uncertain Times

                   Homilies -- Social Issues

March 18, 07       Oneness through Forgiveness
July 8, 07         Apostolic Mobility 
July 15, 07        Know Our Neighbors   
August 19, 07      Bringing Fire to Others
September 9, 07    The Cross, Discipleship and Saving the Earth
September 16, 07   Destitution is Slavery
September 30, 07   Lazarus =  Laz(y) are us
October 14, 07     Foreigners in Our Midst   
November 4, 07     Zacchaeus' House Is Our Earth   
November 11, 07    Reflection on the Hereafter   
November 18, 07    The Day of the Lord      
February 24, 08    Water Is Essential for Life
June 15, 08        Being Paternal
June 22, 08        Fear Not, the Lord Is with Us
July  6, 08        Overcoming Terrorism through Loving Service
July 13, 08        Sowing Good Seeds
July 20, 08        Weeds, Tolerance and Permissiveness
August 10, 08      Spiritual Versus Material Security
November 2, 08     Diamonds in the Rough
May 3, 09          Shepherding in Times of Crises
May 10, 09         Joined to the Vine
September 6, 09    We Must All Be Healers   
October 4, 09      Bless All the Earth
October 25, 09     Seeing the Need to Disarm   
November 1, 09     Remember the Overlooked Saints
December 27, 09    Give Sacred Space to Youth
January 17, 10     Celebrate the Cana Event in Our Lives
January 24, 10     Initiate Twelve Types of Liberation
February 28, 10    Reveal God-Given Opportunities
May 2, 10          Loving: The Unfinished Story
June 27, 10        Can Peaceful Resoluteness Replace Military Might?
September 5, 10    Wise Use of Possessions and Discipleship    
September 19, 10   Resourcefulness and Stewardship
September 26, 10   Lazarus and the Wages of Affluence
October 17, 10     Bread for the World Sunday
December 5, 10     Return Christ to "Xmas"
August 4, 13       Trusting in Material Goods
August 11, 13      Sacred Trust: Responsibility to Heal Our Earth
August 18, 13      Charisma: The Art of Setting Strategic Fires
August 25, 13      Those Impoverished Choosing to Move Forward   

                   Housing and Construction

January 12, 07    Planning a House
May 9, 07         Constructing a Retreat Cabin
June 11, 07       Sod and Pressed Earth Houses
March 13, 08      The Underground Home
April 10, 08      Learn about a Cordwood Building
April 11, 08      Plan Before You Build
April 23, 08      Green Construction Suggestions
August 2, 08      Water Fountains
August 4, 08      Mobile Homes
February 11, 09   Construct Privacy Screens and Noise Barriers
February 19, 09   Attend to Entrances and Signage
February 21, 09   Consider Waterfalls
April 28, 09      Green Buildings
July 27, 09       Building with Green Materials
August 14, 09     Domestic Tornado Shelters and Food Storage
July 27, 10       Repair Lead-Painted Houses with Caution
November 17, 11   National Homeless Awareness Week            
September 26, 12  Urban Homesteading for Willing Folks               
                         Human Rights

January 3, 07     Human Rights and Tibet's Freedom       
January 9, 07     Kidney Gift or Bazaar
January 15, 07    Slave Trade Continues in Human Trafficking
April 3, 07       Passover from Slavery to Freedom
April 18, 07      All Have the Right to Work
April 19, 07      Compensating the Home Care-Givers    
January 16, 08    Promote Religious Freedom
September 1, 08   Labor: Rights and Responsibilities    
December 9, 08    Some Questions in Hard Times
July 31, 09       Defending Human Rights
October 7, 09     Americans and World Court Day
October 23, 09    Time to Abolish the Death Penalty
December 10, 09   Participate in Human Rights Day
December 19, 09   Show the Death Penalty Is Not Pro-Life
February 20, 10   Observe Brotherhood and Sisterhood Week
March 7, 11       Question Issues Arising Over Rights
March 8, 11       Right to Privacy and Silent Space              
March 26, 11      Being Right with Wildlife
March 29, 11      Being Right with Cultural and Historic Sites
March 30, 11      Human Mobility: Being Right with Migrants 
March 31, 11      Commercial Mobility: Being Right with Material Goods
May 8, 13         The Universal Right to Good Health
June 19, 13       The Cyrus Cylinder and Human Rights
June 20, 13       World Refugee Day
November 16, 13   Slave Liberation: Propertied America Take Note 
                 International Issues and Policy

January 10, 07    Preserving Heritage Sites in Iraq
June 21, 07       First Nations Day
January 12, 08    Free or Fair World Trade?
July 1, 08        Canada: A Good Neighbor
May 17, 09        Holy Land: One-State Solution?
October 1, 09     World Vegetarian Day
April 26, 10      Reform and Empower the United Nations
June 25, 10       A New Marshall Plan for Emerging Nations?
June 26, 10       Should Jerusalem be Internationalized?
July 8, 10        Confront Wage Theft As a Global Problem 
September 20, 10  Call for a Nuclear-Free Middle East
September 22, 10  Global Sanitation Problems and Solutions
September 26, 11  Vatican City: Carbon Neutral and Pro-Environment
September 28, 11  Interacting with an Emerging China
October 24, 11    United Nations Day 2011: Year of the Forest
November 16, 11   International Day for Tolerance
November 19, 11   International Men's Day
December 2, 11    Are All Charities Effective in Poor Lands?
December 12, 11   Celebrate International Mountain Day
January 10, 12    Is Israel America's Spoiled Brat?
May 11, 12        Why Declare the Holy Land a Pilgrimage Destination?
June 18, 13       Sociability and International Picnic Day


February 2, 07     Enlightenment and Websites
January 25, 08     The Internet: Free Travel of the Word
August 30, 08      The Internet and Global Communications
May 30, 09         Internet and Spreading the Good News
January 6, 11      The Pros and Cons of Electronic Books
January 23, 12     Advantages of Electronic Books  
September 12, 12   Privacy, Buddy Systems, and Connectedness 
September 19, 12   Why Postpone an Interactive Blogging Site
September 25, 12   Does Tweeting Have Some Hidden Value?
December 16, 13    Information Communications Technology Energy Use

                     Labor, Jobs, and Retirement

March 29, 08      Honor the Sabbath 
September 1, 08   Labor: Rights and Responsibilities
January 29, 09    Question Retirement 
March 11, 09      Why Retire?
September 7, 09   Labor Day and Joblessness
April 15, 10      The Right to Work and Downsizing Expectations
April 16, 10      Compensate Domestic Caregivers
April 28, 10      Let Workers Own the Workplace
July 8, 2010      Confront Wage Theft As a Global Problem
September 6, 10   Jobs Galore; Workers Anxious; Funds in Havens
January 17, 11    Work Opportunities for Citizens
January 19, 11    Convert "Retirement Years" to Public Service
January 20, 11    Work as Curse or Work as Privileged Opportunity
March 14, 11      Right to Work for a Livelihood
September 5, 11   Work as Labor for Some, as Dream for Others
January 30, 12    Franklin D. Roosevelt and Jobs, Jobs
March 24, 12      The Fallacy of Leaving Job Creation to the Rich
May 1, 12         How Do We Make May Day a Worker's Day?
May 2, 12         Is There Enough Work for Every American?
May 18, 12        Can Millennial Youth Find Fulfillment in Work?
September 1, 12   Tony Mazzocchi, Labor Warrior and Friend
September 3, 12   The American Dream and a Living Wage   
September 4, 12   Creating Jobs through Protecting the Environment  
July 9, 13        Supporting Labor Union Organizing Today
July 8, 2013      Revealing Wage Theft as a Major Problem
September 2, 13   Global Unemployment: A Volatile Time Bomb
November 23, 13   Wage Theft: A Modern American Blight

                 Land -- Conservation and Development

March 30, 07      Beautiful Landscape              
May 12, 08        Green Cemeteries      
May 27, 08        Eight Reasons for Reducing Lawns
June 10, 08       Guidelines for Edible Landscaping
September 6, 08   The Labyrinth
November 12, 08   Work on a Nature Trail 
November 25, 08   Design and Build a Garden Pool
December 11, 08   Windbreaks
February 11, 09   Construct Privacy Screens and Noise Barriers
February 19, 09   Attend to Entrances and Signage
February 21, 09   Consider Waterfalls
May 12, 09        Simplify Lawn Care
June 4, 09        Promoting National Trails Day
October 8, 09     Should we Save Battlefields?
December 10, 10   Rethink Lawns in the Climate Change Era
January 12, 11    Lawns or Wildscape: Two Divergent Views
April 8, 11       Discerning Use of Land for Food and Biofuels
September 9, 11   Defending Public Lands
November 30, 11   Sharing Land with Others
May 13, 13        Conservation Tillage and "Ecological Farming" 
May 14, 13        Land for Essential Needs: Food Production
May 15, 13        Land for Essential Needs: Housing
May 23, 13        Edible Landscaping Benefits 
June 11, 13       Support Wilderness Preserves
                      Money and Credit

February  17, 07   "Politics is Money"
September 15, 07   Declaration of Debt
September 23, 07   God or Money
November 28, 07    Credit and Borrowing off of Future Generations
April 1, 09        Credit for Credit: Who Are We Fooling? 
October 9, 09      Cash for Clunkers: Get Serious!
February 19, 10    Is There a Garlic Bubble?
July 6, 11         Is Credit-Card Enslavement a Wakeful Nightmare?
August 14, 10      The Great Divide: Rich Get Richer and Poor...    
August 2, 11       Living Within One's Means
January 4, 12      Indebtedness: A Crime Against the Future
                   National Public Policy
                (See International Issues and Policy)

April 3, 07      Passover from Slavery to Freedom
April 4, 07      Spy Wednesday and Privacy Matters
April 11, 07     Eighteen Seconds to Change the World 
May 19, 07       A Fee for the Carbon Content of Fuels
July 4, 08       Declare Resource Interdependence             
August 1, 08     The Poor and Environmental Solutions
August 18, 08    Conflict Resolution and Ecological Concerns
August 23, 08    The Decentralist Dilemma 
December 9, 08   Some Questions in Hard Times
March 2, 09      Question Ecological Civil Disobedience
April 8, 09      Spy Wednesday
April 15, 09     In Defense of Taxes      
April 29, 09     Faltering Empire or Opportunity
May 8, 09        Democracy 101            
May 11, 09       Converting from American to Global Measurements
May 13, 09       Contrasting Financial Views  
May 14, 09       Shock or Disaster Capitalism and Environmentalism
May 15, 09       Wisdom Is in Short Supply
May 22, 09       A Global Maritime Corps
June 30, 09      Mandating a World Grain Reserve
July 13, 09      Reconsidering "Captive Nations Week"
July 21, 09      Observing Space Week
July 30, 09      Pirating and Corporate Accountability
September 15, 09 Chemical Materials Agency: Bluegrass Army Depot
November 12, 09  Consider Cap-and-Trade as Claptrap         
January 8, 10    Distinguish between Needs and Wants      
January 9, 10    Consider the Shared Commons
January 11, 10   Reread "The Economic Bill of Rights"   
January 12, 10   Bear Arms, Not Ammo
January 13, 10   Promote an Essential Needs Economy   
February  9, 10  Demand Proper Financial Regulations
April 3, 10      Corporate Creation/Redemption and Haiti
April 9, 10      Big Government Is Bad; Little Government Is Worse 
April 14, 10     Pan American Day and Immigration Reform
June 19, 10      Do We Pretend We Have Sufficient Resources?
February 1, 11   Review our American Freedoms
June 4, 11       National Trails: A Great Infrastructure Investment
November 5, 11   Let's Keep the Clocks Unchanged  
November 11, 11  Remember Veterans in Tight Fiscal Times
January 3, 12    Election Year and Hidden Marks of Leadership  
January 9, 12    Support the U.S. Postal Service
January 16, 12   Hidden Racism and Public Racial Pride 
March 31, 12     Migrants Need a Fighting Chance
April 3, 12      Isolationism Needs to Be Challenged
May 4, 12        Do Super PACs Destroy Our Democratic Process?  
May 14, 12       Is Pure Libertarianism Unchristian?
November 20, 12  U.S. National Decline or Number One in Change?
December 7, 12   Pearl Harbor Could Occur Again
December 15, 12  Bill of Rights and Corporate "Persons"
June 28, 13      National Handshake Day and Making Agreements 
October 19, 13   Bullying: A Local and National Phenomenon
October 10, 13   Press for National Gun Licensing
November 13, 13  Legislator Pledges Are Anti-Democratic 
                 National Policies -- Prisons

May 15, 08       Alternative Justice Approaches
June 4, 08       Restorative Justice through Community Service 
September 4, 09  Prisons, Justice and Balancing Budgets
April 29, 10     Must Jails Be What Jails Are?
December 23, 11  Prisoners, Community Service, and Economics   

                      National Policies -- Space

May 1, 09         International Year of Astronomy
July 19, 10       Celebrate Space Week: Tidy-up Outer Space    
July 18, 11       Space Week and Militarization: Another Problem?  

                        National Holidays

May 28, 07         Memorial Day and Memories
February 18, 08    Presidents' Day and the American Way
February 29, 08    Leap out on Leap Day
June 6, 08         D-Day
June 14, 08        Flag Day
December 2, 08     Remembering National Events
May 2, 09          Derby Day Celebration
May 25, 09         Memorial Day and Senior Moments
June 13, 09        Celebrating Flag Day
September 7, 09    Labor Day and Joblessness              
October 12, 09     Columbus Day and Earth Science Week
November 26, 09    Thank God on Thanksgiving Day                  
January 1, 10      Start the Year Anew
February 21, 11    Presidents' Day: Expand the American Dream
May 30, 11         Memorials: Real and/or Artificial
November 23, 11    The Myth of Thanksgiving for Better or Worse
February 20, 12    Presidents' Day: Washington and Lincoln Insights
May 28, 12         How Is Love Part of Memorial Day?
June 14, 12        Flag Day: Patriotism and World Citizenship
July 2, 12        Celebrate the Fourth in New Ways

January 31, 07     Network
February 28, 07    Abolition Now!
March 31, 07       Doctors without Borders 
April  5, 07       Cranks Creek Survival Center
May 31, 07         Public Interest Health Research Group 
June 28, 07        Heron Dance
July 14, 07        Animal Protection and Welfare Groups
July 31, 07        UNICEF
August 1, 07       Twenty-Fifth Anniversary
August 31, 07      Family Farm Groups   
September 29, 07   Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance
October 27, 07     Habitat for Humanity
December 26, 07    Fourth World Movement
January 29, 08     Heifer International         
October 14, 09     Peace Corps and Volunteers
June 3, 11         Defend the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                       Peace and War Issues

February 16, 07    More Terrorists Than We Think  
June 18, 07        Pray for Peace
July 7, 07         Dying in Vain
August 4, 07       The Coast Guard
August 14, 07      Soldiers Dying in Vain
September 14, 07   American Military Expenditures: A Cross of Iron     
May 3, 08          More Thoughts on the Iraq War
May 8, 08          Peace Poles
October 24, 08     Questioning During Disarmament Week
November 19, 08    Reread Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
January 5, 09      List Peacemaking Activities            
April 2, 09        Peace in the Holy Land: A New Spirit           
June 26, 09        Presenting the Gift of Peace  
September 1, 09    Seventy Years Ago: The Second World War        
September 16, 09   Selective Service for Women?
September 22, 09   Autumnal Equinox and Peace
October 14, 09     Peace Corps and Volunteers
October 22, 09     Reviewing the Cuban Missile Crisis
November 10, 09    Observe International Week of Peace and Science
November 11, 09    Honor War Veterans
November 13, 09    Set a Swords-into-Plowshares Course
December 12, 09    Make This a Peace Celebration Day
February 23, 10    Is the Afghanistan War Justified?                  
August 16, 10      Peacemaking: Tearing Down and Rebuilding
January 1, 11      National Resolution: Exit Afghanistan
April 13, 11       Trimming the Obscene Military Budget
April 18, 11       Contesting the Individual Right to Bear Arms
May 21, 11         The Ambivalence of Armed Forces Day
September 20, 11   International Day of Peace
October 25, 11     Disarmament Day: Do Away with Nuclear Power
January 1, 12      Give Global Peace a Chance
February 23, 12    A Peace Dividend: Take What Is Rightfully Ours
March 9, 12        Monitor, Merrimac, and Aircraft Carriers
September 11, 12   Peace Place: An Answer to 9-11
May 16, 13         The Peace Dividend as a Rare Opportunity
July 5, 13         Purging Military Terms from Our Vocabulary 
July 7, 13         Peace Sunday: Exploring Ways to Peace
August 2, 13       Chemical Weapons Stored for Destruction, Not Use    
August 6, 13       Hiroshima Day, Transfiguration, and Glorification  

                        People -- Saints 
                       (See Jesus; Mary)   


February 3, 07     St. Blaise's Blessing
June 24, 07        John, Herald to the Nations
July 22, 07        Martha and Mary Revisited
August 27, 07      Mother Teresa's Favorites
August 29, 07      John the Baptist as Model
September 18, 07   Hosea Today
October 4, 07      St. Francis and Diplomacy
October 18, 07     St. Luke and the Journey of Faith
December 23, 07    Joseph's Dilemma 
May 1, 08          Joseph the Worker
June 24, 08        John the Baptist
June 27, 08        Archbishop Romero's Prayer
June 29, 08        Sts. Peter and Paul: Together But Different
July 29, 08        Martha and Mary
July 31, 08        God's Grandeur: An Ignatian Vision
October 2, 08      St. Francis, Patron of Environmentalists
October 3, 08      St. Francis (Continued)
October 4, 08      St. Francis (Continued)
November 1, 08     Many Good Folks
January 25, 09     Celebrate St. Paul's Day
March 17, 09       Remember St. Patrick and Clover
April 19, 09       St. Thomas, Easter and Divine Mercy
October 19, 09     North American Martyrs
October 21, 09     Franz Jaegerstaetter: Conscientious Objector
January 25, 10     Imitate the Conversion of St. Paul
March 17, 10       Green St. Patrick's Day
May 1, 10          Joseph the Worker: The Right to Work
August 27, 10      St. Monica: A Saint for Our Times
December 6, 10     Gift-Giving and St. Nicholas
September 21, 11   St. Matthew's Day
October 28, 11     St. Jude, Patron of the Impossible
May 30  Joan of Arc: At 600, a Perennial Teenager?
June 24, 12        John the Baptist: A Prophet as Teacher
October 4, 12      St. Francis and Types of Environmentalism
October 20, 12     Kateri: Lily of the Mohawks/Patroness of Ecology    
November  1, 12    Saints Who Are Spiritual Resources
February 20, 13    A Saint for Every Age 
February 23, 13    Polycarp, Martyr and Saint
March 7, 13        Perpetua & Felicity and Modern Temptation
July 31, 13        Ignatius Loyola, Francis of Assisi, and Pope Francis
October 31, 13     Saintly: Loving through Deeds  
November 1, 13     Honor the Unsung Saints

                        People -- Others

January 11, 07     Jimmy Carter's New Book
January 17, 07     Steve Collingsworth's Answer to Blasting Effects
April 13, 07       Thomas Jefferson: Patriotic and/or Enigmatic
September 18, 07   Hosea Today
November 2, 07     John W. Gofman (1919-2007)  
November 19, 07    Lincoln and Emancipation 
February 12, 08    The Beginning of the Lincoln Year
March 12, 08       Abraham Lincoln and His Birth State
January 17, 09     Learn from Ben Franklin: Stay Busy
February 12, 09    Celebrate Abe Lincoln's 200th Birthday
April 3, 09        Jerry Waddle and Ducks
May 27, 09         Rachel Carson's Birthday
June 27, 09        Remembering Helen Keller
October 21, 09     Franz Jaegerstaetter: Conscientious Objector
November 7, 09     Recall the Catholic Worker Founders
December 15, 09    Remember FDR and a Second Bill of Rights
December 17, 09    Fly on Wright Brothers Day?
December 18, 09    Appreciate Sacajawea Day
July 14, 10        Entitle Jacques Marquette "Premier Franco-American"
August 19, 10
      Marginalization: Jeremiah, Jesus, and FDR
September 29, 10   Mary E. Fritsch: Centennial of Birth
December 31, 10    Memorial to Kristin Johannsen
June 27, 11        Paul Bunyan Day and Pax Americana
September 30, 11   A Wonderful Memory: Mary Byrd Davis
October 11, 11     Champlain's Dream and Lessons to Be Learned
December 31, 11    Eagles and Butterflies: Sally Ramsdell
January 30, 12     Franklin D. Roosevelt and Jobs, Jobs
February 5, 12     Job's Trials Are Ours as Well
February 20, 12    Presidents' Day: Washington and Lincoln Insights
April 13, 12       Thomas Jefferson and Power of the Word
September 1, 12    Tony Mazzocchi, Labor Warrior and Friend
October 29, 12     Job and Acceptance of God's Will
December 17, 12    Made in America and Wright Brothers Day
December 20, 12    Sacagawea and Her Contribution to America
January 17, 13     Ben Franklin and Defense of Democracy
February 12, 13    Lincoln: A Heroic Figure When We Need Heroes 
February 22, 13    George Washington and the Federalist Donation
March 1, 13        May Benedict XVI Have Time to Write
April 22, 13       Lou Lipps: A Down-to-Earth Jesuit
August 17, 13      Emil Kapaun: Continuing American Heroic Traditions  
                         Personal Actions
November 13, 07    Creating Sacred Space
May 28, 11         Haircuts: An Earth Healing Topic?  
May 23, 08         Meetings, Meetings
June 18, 08        Monitoring and Assessing
July 3, 08         Confrontation: Bad or Good?
August 18, 08      Conflict Resolution and Ecological Concerns
February 20, 09    Frequent Public Worship Space
April 24, 09       National TV-Turnoff Week                
June 12, 09        Juggling and Multitasking
August 29, 09      Leaving Home              
February 27, 10    Encourage Agents of Change      
March 2, 10        Accept Responsibility & Unintended Consequences
March 13, 10       Be a Good Samaritan during Hard Times 
March 15, 10       Be Acquainted with Tea Parties and History
May 24, 10         Decorating Graves of Loved Ones
May 26, 10         Exposing Greed as a Vice
October 27, 10     Why Celebrate When the World Is in Such a Mess?
December 24, 10    The Art of Preparing for a Great Event          
December 27, 10    Healing Benefits of Classical Music
February 18, 11    Multiply Random Acts of Kindness            
August 2, 11       Living Within One's Means
September 7, 11    Attention to Stacationers
September 10, 11   Swap Ideas Day: Types of Special Alerts
March 27, 12       Limit TV time: Instead Read, Pray, and Reflect
April 25, 12       Solidarity: Demonstrate Publicly with Others
November 2, 12     Dying with Dignity
November 27, 12    When is Tough Love the Right Option   
November 29, 12    Balancing Physical and Spiritual Demands        
January 24, 13     Support Bereavement Programs
March 13, 13       Celebrate Good Samaritan Day
May 27, 13         Memorial Times and Places   
May 28, 13         Photographs and Precious Memories  
October 7, 13      The Rosary as a Means of Reflection

                          Personal Attitude
                       (See Health -- Fitness)

November 12, 07    Beware of Scam Artists  
February 4, 08     Think before You Drink
August 23, 08      The Decentralist Dilemma
December 2, 08     Remembering National Events
January 28, 09     Treasure Rural Experience
May 29, 09         Being Faithful Is a Success Story
October 24, 09     We Can Each Make a Difference
October 31, 09     Should We Smile on Halloween?
January 26, 10     Comment on Enlightened Self-Interest  
January 27, 10     Take Responsibility   
February 8, 10     Are We Willing to Accept Regulations? 
February 10, 10    May We Hear the Cry of the Poor
February 13, 10    Protest Acquiescence
March 6, 10        Avoid March Madness
May 6, 10          Having a Time for Keeping Silent, A Time for Speaking
May 17, 10         Using Tools Properly
June 5, 10         Why Is Reducing Meat Consumption Environmental?
July 17, 10        Accept Collective Blame: Don't Point Fingers
August 7, 10       Euphoria: A Worker's Attitude
December 20, 10    Getting Smart on Drugs              
December 28, 10    Facing Our Phobias, Especially Phobophobia
December 29, 10    Prudence and Climate Change Deniers
February 10, 11    Competition or Win/Win Approaches
September 22, 11   Social Contacts: Formal or Informal   
October 29, 11     Navigating One's Good Name in Credulity's Shoals
December 16, 11    Downsizing Expectations and Radical Sharing   
December 19, 11    When Being Called "Radical" Is a Compliment
April 28, 12       Ten Approaches to Staying Hopeful
June 30, 12        When Do I Think Small?  Think Big?
September 15, 12   Confessions of a Fiscal Conservative
October 12, 12     Accepting Critics with a Proper Spirit 
October 13, 12     Continue the Act of Challenging   
November 3, 12     Challenging the Aristocracy of Wealth    
November 5, 12     Don't Forget: The Voiceless are Hurting
November 8, 12     The Act of Passing On and Passing Over         
November 13, 12    Champion the Nobility of Being Poor
November 16, 12   Tolerating the Pain of Damaged Earth
December 29, 12    God Is the Eternal Potter; We Are the Clay
January 26, 13     Discussing Negativism without Being Negative 
January 27, 13     Semper Reformanda: Always to Be Reformed
March 5, 13        In Defense of Daydreams     
March 15, 13       Be Slow at Handing Out Superlatives
March 16, 13       Limits to Physical but not Spiritual Growth
April 17, 13       Is this true? The First Impression is a Lasting One
May 2, 13          The Earthly Joys of Our Faith    
May 7, 13          Some Thoughts about Non-Violent Revolution   
May 11, 13         The Privilege to Serve Others
May 24, 13         Conversations with the Spiritually Unaffiliated
July 6, 13         Coming to an Understanding of What "Success" Means
July 23, 13        Addressing Anti-Boredom Month
July 24, 13        Modern Idolatry: Tearing Down Our Personal Idols
August 12, 13      Should We Brag about Our Good Deeds?
August 29, 13      Security and Insecurity in Today's World
August 30, 13      The Power in Accepting Our Limitations
September 30, 13   Present Time: Glancing Back and Looking Ahead
October 26, 13     An Eco-Conservative Stages of Life

                      Personal Discernment

March 2, 07        Discerning Spirit
June 29, 07        Should We Ask Questions?
August 2, 07       Counsel: Making Right Judgments
November 10, 07    Soul-Searching about the War
January 26, 08     An Examination of Conscience
May 14, 08         Managing the Information Overload
February 6, 09     Identify Sacred Public and Private Sites
March 16, 09       Revisit Past Predictions
November 25, 09    Inventory Our Service Potential
December 31, 09    Glance Back and Look Ahead
June 3, 10         Are You Taking Time Off in Summer Months?
June 21, 10        Must We Make Hay While the Sun Shines?
June 29, 10        Have You Resolved to Live within Your Means?
September 23, 10   Balancing Practical and Theoretical Issues
December 14, 10    Basic Elements of a Social Discernment
March 13, 11       Facing Current Temptations
April 1, 11        Listening and Discerning God's Voice
May 31, 11         Discerning When to Drive or Not
July 9, 11         Checklist for Reducing Stress in Threatening Times?
July 15, 11        Recognizing the Need to Count Important Matters
October 14, 11     What, the Devil?  Is Evil Personified?
December 26, 11    Time to Rest and Time to Act
January 2, 12      Predicting 30 Trends: Is This a Good Exercise?
January 8, 12      The Privilege to Relinquish Privilege
July 3, 12         Focus Today
September 29, 12   If We Can't Slow Down Time, Let's Cherish It 
September 30, 12   Practicing Tolerance Among Believers
October 1, 12      Tolerate Non-Believers.  What about Non-Belief?  
October 3, 12      Confronting Our Vestigial Clan Mentality
August 14, 13      Who are "True Conservatives?"                
December 19, 13    Reflection or Action: Which Is First?    
                        Personal Planning

January 1, 07      Start the Year Anew
January 2, 07      Tithing Time for Planning                      
January  1, 08     Fresh Beginnings 2008
January  2, 08     Ten Favorite Scripture Passages
January  3, 08     Keeping a Day Book
April 28, 08       List Ways to Save Time
June 30, 08        Reassess the Budget
September 15, 08   Let's Try Organizing
December 1, 08     Ten Ways to Prepare for Winter
December 30, 08    End-of-Year Reminders
January 1, 09      Consider Fresh Beginnings      
January 6, 09      Plan an Annual Retreat
December 23, 09    Twas the Day before Christmas ... and Panic
December 31, 09    Glance Back and Look Ahead
January 1, 10      Start the Year Anew
January 2, 10      Plan Ahead
May 27, 10         Living with Daily Routines
July 1, 10         Refrain from Optimistic Budgets
July 2, 10         Make a Mid-Year Review in July
July 12, 10        Make July a Good Retreat Time
July 20, 10        Decide When Numbers Count
August 31, 10      Finished Program: Time to Move On
December 30, 10    Let's Get Serious: Realistic Resolutions
June 30, 11        Questions at the 2011 Half-Year Review 
July 1, 11         Preparing for the Second Half of 2011
September 3, 11    Justification of Pastoral Work 
September 5, 11    Work as Labor for Some, as Dream for Others
October 1, 11      Twenty Suggestions for a Busy October
December 30, 11    Domestic Planning and Fidelity
December 27, 12    How Much Should We Plan for 2013?
January 1, 13      The Year 2013: A Time for Reflection
January 2, 13      Great Expectations for the Year
March 6, 13        Dreaming about the Future: Alternative Scenarios
September 28, 13   Why Not Consider a Recorded Funeral Oration?   
December 30, 13    A Dozen Highlights for Horizon Watchers

                          Personal Prayer
              (See Religion, Theology and Public Prayer)

February 7, 07     Humble Prayer Goes Out to All the World
June 18, 07        Pray for Peace
July 29, 07        Simple Prayer
October 21, 07     Perseverance     
October 28, 07     Simple Prayer
January  4, 08     God is our Rock of Refuge
February 3, 08     Pray and Live the Beatitudes
February 9, 08     Praying from the Heart
February 14, 08    The Manifold Mystery of Love
March 11, 08       Praying from the Heart: Sacred Space
December 3, 08     The God Within
December 23, 08    Can We Pray Always?
February 28, 09    Pray for Global Restoration
November 2, 09     Pray for Those Who Passed On
July 25, 10        Recite a Green "Our Father
August 23, 10      Fear: Need We Be Fearful or Fearless?
February 14, 11    Express Love from the Heart 
March 4, 11        Prayerfulness: Every Day is a Day of Prayer
February 17, 12    Pray Your Own Way; Yes, Pray Your Own Way
October 5, 12      Attaining Peace of Soul        
October 22, 12     Practicing Meditation in a Busy World
December 14, 12   Forefather's Day and Praying for Our Country
January 30, 13     Offer Prayers for and Ask Prayers from Others
March 22, 13       Why Such Brief Prayers at the Reflection's End?
March 25, 13       Word Power: Faith in Words Spoken or Written
October 27, 13     Our Prayerful Position Before God          
November 2, 13     What about the "Hour of Our Death"?
December 26, 13    Reaffirming Our Trust in God
                           Personal Sensations

November 4, 11     So Long, Barefoot Days
May 10, 12         How Do We Rejoice in Springtime Joy?
July 7, 12         Reflecting Near Water Sounds
July 28, 12        The Role of Liturgical Chant and Cosmic Vibrations
September 13, 12   The Haunting Mists of September
November 14, 12    The Sensational Aromas of Autumn
January 5, 13      Reflection on the Sights in January
January 8, 13      Winter Water Sounds
January 19, 13     Reflection on the Aromas of January
January 21, 13     Cultivating Tastes for Garden Produce to Come
January 28, 13     Tracking and Footprints in the Snow
February 2, 13     Delightful Sights in February
February 7, 13     Enchanting Soundscape of February
February 11, 13    The Tastes of Sweet Things in February
February 15, 13    Indoor Aromas in the Middle of February
February 26, 13    Winter Feelings: Protecting Our Face
March 4, 13        Remembering the Sounds of Floods
July 11, 13        Trying to Spell the Sound of Rushing Water       
July 13, 13        Appreciating the Exquisite Tastes of July
July 22, 13        Eating Food With Others Has Sacred Significance
August 1, 13       August's Glorious Landscape and Praise
August 5, 13       Climbing a Mountain is Blessed
August 10,13       Smells of August: Preserving Produce for Winter
September 21, 13   Listen for September's Distinctive Sounds

      (See Flowers, Food -- Berries and Fruit; Forests and Trees)

February 24, 07   Garlic: Plant of the Month
May 7, 07         Some Reasons to Emphasize Herbs
June 12, 07       Saving Natural Ginseng
June 23, 07       Prairie Tall Grasses
October 5, 07     Create a Cane Brake           
May 2, 08         What Are Weeds?
June 13, 08       Spirit Creatures: Plants               
October 13, 08    Focusing on Ginseng, a Tobacco Substitute
March 21, 09      Learn about Virtually Wild Ginseng
July 29, 09       Learning about Medicinal Herbs
October 26, 09    Promote American Bamboo              
October 30, 09    Redeeming Tobacco                 
December 9, 09    Recognize Kudzu in Our Midst
March 11, 10      Observe Johnny Appleseed Day
May 15, 10        Selecting Dill as the Herb of the Year
August 5, 10      Hemp Reintroduction: The Time Has Come
September 17, 11  Okra: Many Benefits Exist
October 8, 11     Jewelweed Benefits throughout the Year
October 10, 11    Indian "Three Sisters" -- Corn, Beans, and Squash
October 27, 11    Seed-Saving Programs and Endangered Species

January 19, 12    Peanuts: Ecologically Green Food
February 9, 12    Champion the Humble Potato
March 6, 12       Onions Are a True Spice of Life
June 23, 12       Oregano: "Delight of the Mountains"
June 29, 12       Invasive Wineberries and Other Seasonal Cousins
July 20, 12       Deworming Tobacco Plants and Praying Mantises
July 17, 12       Ragweed Control
March 12, 13      Hemp Is Related but NOT Marijuana
February 25, 13   Listing Dandelions' Environmental Benefits
October 18, 13    Pumpkins: A Truly American Delight
                             Plants -- Flowers

March 24, 07      Wildflower Excursions
April 28, 07      The Wild Geranium
July 25, 07       The Mountain Rhododendron
May 7, 08         Floral Gardens
December 12, 07   Roses, Poinsettias, Mistletoe, and Evergreens
May 4, 09         The Gift of Wildflowers
February 25, 10   Glory in the Lowly Dandelion
January 7, 11     The Benefits of Potted or Houseplants
May 3, 11         Wildflower Week Is Worth Celebrating
February 14, 12   Valentine's Day and Flowers for Every Season
March 8, 12       Make This a Flowering Year
December 4, 12    The Last Rose of Summer
May 1, 13         Nine Benefits of Flowers during Wildflower Week

January 22, 07    Overpopulation Concerns 
August 16, 08     Global Population: Explosion?     
August 24, 10     Population Decline: The Ill Effects                 

                        Poverty & Wealth

January 25, 07    Wealth and Poverty
March 5, 07       Excessive Wealth is Undemocratic
May 28, 09        Prophetic Response to Poverty
November 21, 09    Support the World's Poor
January 3, 11     Disparity in Wealth: Number One Global Insecurity
February 2, 11     Expose the Obscenity of Wealth
February 8, 11     Disparity of Wealth and the Environmental Crisis
February 8, 12    Is Wealth Incompatible with a Strong Democracy?
March 3, 12       Can We Overthrow Nobility of Wealth Non-Violently?
June 12, 12       Reasons Why Being Poor Can Be Enriching

                  Pro-Life and Environment

December 27, 08   Choose Life
November 7, 10    God of the Living?
April 19, 11      Broadening Nonpartisan Environmental Concerns
November 8, 11    "Pro-Life and Anti-Environment" is an Oxymoron
December 15, 11   Environmental Protection Is THE Pro-Life Issue
January 11, 12    Approaches to Pro-life/Environmental Protection
June 22, 12       Appreciating the Miracles of Life
July 16, 12       Culture of Life versus Culture of Death
September 10, 12  Swap Ideas Day: Expand the Web of Life
December 27, 13   The Pro-Life Field Must Expand


January 13, 07   Lifestyle and Prophetic Witness
August 29, 08    Speaking the Truth: A Prophetic Stance
May 28, 09       Prophetic Response to Poverty
July 5, 09       Risking to Be Prophetic
January 31, 10   Support Hometown Prophets
August 20, 10    Imperfect Prophets: Unclear Prophetic Messages
August 25, 11    Becoming Prophetic Reclaimers of the Commons
April 9, 12      Why a Manual for Reclaimers of the Commons? 
April 10, 12     Should We Defend Today's Robin Hoods?
April 24, 12     Prophet: Demonstrate Alone Publicly for Change 
May 15, 12       Why Are True Prophets Never Popular?
May 19, 12       Are Modern Robin Hoods Today's Agents of Change?
July 8, 12       Prophets Lack Neighborhood Honors
February 3, 13   Prophets Must Speak the Truth

            (See Health -- Personal Exercise)

March 24, 07      Wildflower Excursions
May 15, 07        Biking Benefits
July 17, 07       Agritourism
September 22, 07  Are There Times for Green Hunting?
March 31, 08      Choose Green Recreation Activities 
September 12, 08  Home Hobbies
October 30, 08    Greening Tourist Areas
October 31, 08    Celebrating the Eve of All Hallows
November 6, 08    Hunting as Sport or Necessity
December 5, 08    Hobbies, Crafts and Arts
December 10, 08   Winter Nature Walk           
April 4, 09       All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs)
April 18, 09      Spring Hikes
June 5, 09        Camping Smart
June 18, 09       Enjoying International Picnic Day
July 16, 09       Hiking in Summer
July 23, 09       Skygazing and the Perseid Meteor Shower  
September 24, 09  Are Hunting Days Numbered?
October 27, 09    Relishing Autumn Scenes
July 28, 10       Sing A Floral Ode to Joy
September 24, 10  World Equestrian Games Begin Tomorrow
September 27, 10  Family Day: Greener Ways Together
September 28, 10  Autumn Camping: Twelve Suggestions
December 9, 10    Caroling and Christmas Songs
December 27, 10   Healing Benefits of Classical Music
February 5, 11    Champion Health through Nature Experiences
February 21, 12   Celebrate Marti Gras; Ponder Fat Tuesday
June 9, 12        Promoting Porch Swings on Senior Citizens' Day
June 11, 12       The Art of Enjoying Free Time
July 12, 12       The Joys of Harvesting
July 19, 12       Promote and Organize Green Picnics
July 23, 12       Olympic Games and Playing to Win
February 8, 13    Scouting and Enjoying Nature's Benefits
September 27, 13  Touching and Celebrating Earth through Dancing   

                  Religion, Theology and Public Prayer

January 16, 07    Religious Freedom Day -- 2007   
January 18, 07    Christian Unity 
January 20, 07    World Religion Day
February 22, 07   Public Acts of Piety
October 23, 07    Priestly Prayer and Service   
October 24, 07    Service of the Word 
October 25, 07    Service and Numbers
November 29, 07   Self-Denial and Advent
December 28, 07   Holy Innocents Day
January 18, 08    Unity Octave at One Hundred Years
November 11, 08   Confronting Mortality: The Afterlife 
January 20, 09    Pray for our President
January 24, 09    Speak up for Ecumenism
February 5, 09    Expose Our State Religion
May 7, 09         2009 National Day of Prayer                 
December 24, 09   Profess Our Creed through Deed              
December 28, 09   Teach the Innocents to Pray    
January 25, 11    Oneness within the Christian Community
February 1, 10    Proclaim Salvation for All
March 29, 10      Perform Public Acts of Piety
May 4, 10         Asking Soteriological Questions              
May 13, 10        Testifying to God's Presence
August 21, 10     Interconnectedness: Salvation Is for All
January 22, 11    Loved Ones Can Give Permission to Die
February 4, 11    Witness to Needed Religion in Earthhealing
February 16, 11   Heal Earth: Expand the Frontiers of Soteriology
May 5, 11         National Day of Prayer Concerns
June 8, 11        Can Religionless Spirituality Heal Our Earth?
October 19, 11    Visit the Martyrs' Shrine 
December 14, 11   Heaven and Earth Kiss
March 26, 12      Annunciation Day and Dewfall
June 15, 12       God is Love
February 18, 13   Ten Ways to Live the Year of Faith
May 25, 13        Debunking America's State Religion
July 17, 13       God Is Love: Examining What This Means
September 6, 13   Let's Rid Ourselves of Clericalism
September 7, 13   Democratic Efforts to Combat Clericalism
November 3, 13    The Lord Desires Salvation for All

April 2, 07       Preached Retreats
May 8, 07         A Hermitage Experience
May 9, 07         Constructing a Retreat Cabin
January  8, 08    Annual Retreat and Physical Environment
January  6, 09    Plan an Annual Retreat             
July 12, 10       Make July a Good Retreat Time
July 16, 11       Suggestions for Improving Annual Retreats
April 29, 13      Looking for Renewal in Urgent Times 
July 12, 13       Reasons for Making an Annual Retreat         
                             Social Attitudes

February 10, 07   The Good in Being Restless
February 19, 07   National Desolation
March 21, 07      Challenge All to Change
March 27, 07      Radical Sharing Is Necessary   
March 29, 07      Take What Is Rightly Ours
July 6, 07        Understanding: Welcoming Opportunities for Insight 
July 9, 07        Pauses for Refreshment
July 11, 07       Cheer Up the Lonely Day
July 27, 07       Focus and Concentration
July 28, 07       Being Treed  
August 15, 07     Basic Assumptions
August 16, 07     Relinquishment
September 20, 07  Fortitude as a Gift of the Spirit
October 19, 07    Knowledge: Acting through Proper Experience  
November 21, 07   The Roots of Violence     
November 23, 07   Piety: Enhancing the Sense of Mystery
December 11, 07   Fear of the Lord: Preserving Reverence
December 14, 07   Does It Really Matter?  Earth Is Lost
February 16, 08   Intrusiveness as a Modern Vice
March 4, 08       Fostering Greater Respect
March 6, 08       Faith, Fiction, and Fantasy
August 8, 08      Spiritual Responsibility and Fidelity
September 2, 08   Kind Words and Deeds
December 15, 08   Lighten Up; It's Divine Humor
December 17, 08   Enlightened Self-Interest, Really?              
December 18, 08   Good Grief  

January 31, 09    Declare All Time Extraordinary
February 23, 09   Live in Hope
July 17, 09       Realizing Mortality during "Endless July"
October 13, 09    The Hospice Workers' Prayer
December 5, 09    ARE the United States Unique
May 14, 10        Facing Reality as a Deepening Spirituality
August 10, 10     Reality: A Basis for Authentic Spirituality
September 15, 10  The Spirituality of a Non-Royalist
March 1, 11       Interior Ecology: A Personal Frontier 
March 2, 11       Components of an Interior Ecology
March 3,11        Enrichment of our Interior Ecology
May 18, 11        Every Person Is Irreplaceable
May 19, 11        Radical Sharing Reconsidered   
ne 6, 11          Can People of Holy Discontent Be Happy?
July 31, 11       Do Not Let Bad News Hinder Our Work
August 3, 11      Reflecting on Physical and Spiritual Journeys
August 29, 11     Realizing That We Are Both Powerless and Powerful
October 20, 11    Witnessing as Long-Term Spiritual Investment
November 9, 11    Balance Material/Spiritual Growth
November 28, 11   Reflect on Ways to Be Less Violent
January 22, 12     Modern Jonah: A Serious and Light-hearted Story
February 2, 12    Give Light to All in Many Ways
June 16, 12       Why We Must Repeat the Motto "In God We Trust"
June 18, 12       How Do We Exult the Lowly?
July 27, 12       America's Different Moral Attitudes about Wealth
November 10, 12   The Call to Universal Fellowship
January 7, 13     Today the Death Penalty is Uncivilized
February 14, 13   Being Neighborly and Martin Buber's I and Thou
April 3, 13       The Quagmire and the Battle Between Good and Evil
June 25, 13       Religious Call for Property Limitations          
October 1, 13     Reflection Involves Silent Space and Time   

                   Thanksgiving and Blessings

November 22, 07   Simple Thanks 
December 31, 07   Final Blessings
November 27, 08   Thanksgiving Checklist and Prayer
December 31, 08   A Gaelic Blessing
April 13, 09      Easter Monday: Bless the Earth
June 8, 09        Sightseeing Values
August 1, 09      Harvesting and Thankfulness
September 21, 09  Spread a Ministry of Gratitude
November 26, 09   Thank God on Thanksgiving Day
December 30, 09   Count Your 2009 Blessings
January 19, 10    Give Thanks for January's Blessings
February 3, 10    Take and Receive Abundant Blessings
February 11, 10   Give Thanks for February's Blessings 
March 16, 10      Thank God for March   
April 6, 10       Give Thanks for April's Blessings 
May 7, 10         Bestowing the Blessings of May
June 22, 10       What Are the June Blessings?
July 13, 10       Thank God for July Blessings
August 17, 10     The Blessings of August: Thank God
September 14, 10  Gratitude for September Gifts
November 25, 10   Do We Thank God Enough for Gifts of Food?
December 23, 10   Counting Our December Blessings
January 26, 11    Winter's Moments of Gratitude
February 15, 11   Gratitude Heals Our Wounded Earth
April 14, 11      Appreciating Roads for Their Blessings
November 24, 11   The Habit of Being Thankful
September 21, 12  Sharing Our Food Budget on World Gratitude Day
November 22, 12   Gratitude Could Be Our Salvation
December 31, 12   Count Your 2012 Blessings
July 27, 13       Cultivating Our Sense of Gratitude
October 13, 13    Thanks for the Everyday Miracles
October 14, 13    Rediscovering America with Gratitude
November 28, 13   Answering a Crisis in Gratitude by Simple Thanks
December 31, 13   Bestowing an American Blessing


March 10, 12    Reflecting on Clocked-Time When "Springing Ahead"
August  1, 12   Time to Ask Whether Race Enters This Election   
August  2, 12   Time to Enjoy Watermelon Day
August  3, 12   Time to Appreciate August's Wildflowers 
August  4, 12   Time to Improve the Art of Hospitality 
August  5, 12   Time to Get Physical AND Spiritual Nourishment    
August  6, 12   Time to Take "The Shakertown Pledge"    
August  7, 12   Time to Beg for Help from Others
August  8, 12   Time to Think Differently: Ten Easy Suggestions
August  9, 12   Time to Defend Dilapidated Barns 
August 10, 12   Time to Talk Tree Troubles: Emerald Ash Borer
August 11, 12   Time to Think about Autumn Gardens 
August 12, 12   Time to See Eucharist as Pledge of Eternal Life  
August 13, 12   Time to Review Preserving Abundant Produce
August 14, 12   Time to State Reasons Why I Am No Capitalist   
August 15, 12   Time to Stop Pretending: The Assumption  
August 16, 12   Time to Confront Modern Atheism
August 17, 12   Time for Conference on Christianity & Ecology?
August 18, 12   Time to Ask How Survivors Cope with AIDS    
August 19, 12   Time for Eucharistic Believers to Help the Needy
August 20, 12   Time to Be Concerned about Homeless Animals
August 21, 12   Time to Look at Corn Alcohol: Legal Moonshining
August 22, 12   Time for Ten Travel Hints for Simple Living 
August 23, 12   Time to Recognize Inordinate Love for Automobiles
August 24, 12   Time to Walk and Time to Bike     
August 25, 12   Time to Use Grandpa's Oxen at Church Construction
August 26, 12   Time to See Eucharist as Reverence for Life 
August 27, 12   Time to Revisit an Authentic Eco-Spirituality
August 28, 12   Time to Ask Whether Creation-Centerness Is "Junk"
August 29, 12   Time to Promote Resurrection Spirituality
August 30, 12   Time Once in a Blue Moon to See Godliness in Work
August 31, 12   Time to Gather More Time Sayings          
                    Ecotourism in Appalachia

February 23, 08   Plan Eco-Vacationing Near Home
February 26, 08   Explore Our Historic Traces
February 27, 08   Support Local Tour Guides
April 29, 08      Make a Pilgrimage
May 13, 08        Space Tourism
May 24, 08        All Tourism Needs to be Ecological
August 3, 09      Stay Nearer Home This Year
July 9, 10        Travel the Local Back Roads
July 10, 10       Try Route 68: The Main Street of Kentucky
February 9, 11    Vacation by Reducing the Carbon-Print
October 19, 11    Visit the Martyrs' Shrine
July 6, 12        Eight Ways to Remember Sightseeing Trips
August 22, 12     Time for Ten Travel Hints for Simple Living
July 16, 13       Listing Green Tourist Guidelines    
September 26, 13  Occasionally Returning to the Home Country  

                      Travel and Transportation
               (See Automobile Driving and Safety)

March 23, 07      Railroads as Means of Public Transportation
July 16, 07       "Nowhere" in July
August 8, 07      Bike Systems
January 9, 08     Air Travel for the Privileged
February 25, 08   To Jet or Not to Jet: Flying Is for the Birds
April 4, 08       Review Types of Walkways
April 8, 08       Travel Lightly
May 26, 08        Visit Cemeteries
September 3, 08   Reflection on Travel Experiences
October 11, 08    Discovering Backyard America
December 29, 08   Rails-to-Trails
July 28, 09       Traveling by Air
April 23, 10      Go Only to Green Conferences
September 2, 10   Consider Travel Checklists
January 21, 11    Travel Education and Elderhostels    
April 14, 11      Appreciating Roads for Their Blessings
May 31, 11        Discerning When to Drive or Not
January 21, 12    Should we Use More Public Transportation
May 17, 13        The Benefits of Bicycles
June 22, 13       Car Pooling and Sharing Resources


February  8, 07   Harbinger of Spring
March 26, 07      Emmanuel: God with Us
March 28, 07      Compassion
May 13, 07        Hands of Appalachia
June  7, 07       Lazarus' People   
August 6, 07      My Favor Rests
October 30, 07    Faint Voices in the Hills
November 22, 07   Simple Thanks    
December 27, 07   God Only Knows
April 25, 08      The Question 
December 25, 08   Divine Sensations
January, 09       New Year's Day
January 2, 09     Compose a Litany of the Earth
January 18, 09    The Seasonal Calls
February 7, 09    Come, Come, First Robin
March 3, 09       Find Winter's  Hidden Hope
July 6, 09        Affirming the Jogger's Lament
August 7, 09      Cromer Ridge
November 20, 09   An Autumn Message
December 25, 09   Live the Magnificat
January 6, 10     Winter Riders
February 12, 10   Ode to the February Born
April 25, 10      The Question
May 22, 10        Mixed Mesophytic Forest
June 15, 10       Steadfastness
July 16, 10       Creation's Eighth Day
August 25, 10     Deep Service
September 30, 10  Times Are Changing
December 22, 10   Winter's Gift        
December 31, 10   The Blooming Cosmos: Kristin Johannsen
January 15, 11    Moments of Sorrow
February 3, 11    Appalachian Winter
March 21, 11      Spring Has Sprung
June 27, 11       Pax Americana
July 30, 11       Do We Have Time?
August 31, 11     Upturned Plow
September 30, 11  A Wonderful Memory: Mary Byrd Davis               
December 31, 11   Eagles and Butterflies: Sally Ramsdell
March 14, 12      Flood Tide
April 18, 12      April Memories
October 31, 12    Sic Transit Gloria             
April 30, 13      Silver Showers

                         Floral Verses

May 2012             Irises
June 2012            Black Eyed Susans        
August 2012          Gladiolus
September 2012       Ironweed
October 2012         Mums
November 2012        Sumac
December 2012        Holly
January 2013         Indoor Plants
February 2013        Ode to the Dandelion
March 2013           Jonquil Stands
April 2013           Tulips Uplift Us
May 2013             Black Locust Blooms
June 2013            Tiger Lily
July 2013            Zinnias Glory
August 2013          Milkweed Glory
September 2013       Tickseed Sunflower
October 2013         Marigolds
November 2013        Wild Chicory
December 2013        Mistletoe


August 17, 08     Humility and Faith
May 23, 09        Justice and Charity
May 3, 10         Emphasizing Prudence in Climate Change Controversy
August 29, 10     Humility: Ways to Become Exalted
December 29, 10   Prudence and Climate Change Deniers                  
February 6, 12    Confrontation as a Possible Christian Virtue   
April 2, 13       Focusing on Cardinal or Theological Virtues
September 1, 13   Cultivating the Virtue of Humility

                       Waste and Resource Reuse

January 4, 07      Useless Things
January 26, 07     Avoid Food Wastes   
January 29, 07     Disposal of Electronic Junk
February 21, 07    Ashes as Symbols
August 9, 07       Recycle Barns
August 22, 07      Recycling Made Easy
April 17, 08       Space Versus Down-to-Earth Costs
June 17, 08        Ten Commandments of Resource Use 
June 23, 08        Resource Self-Control
July 26, 08        Food Wastes  
November 10, 08    Building a Worm Composting Bin
November 14, 08    Ten Reasons for Composting Toilets
January 23, 09     Reuse Materials
February 4, 09     Reaffirm Reasons for Composting
February 16, 09    Utilize Wood Properly
April 6, 09        Salt of Our Earth
May 21, 09         Resource Conscious in 2009
June 1, 09         Participating in National River Cleanup Week?
September 12, 09   Recycling Old Electronics?
November 14, 09    Make America Recycles Day Meaningful
November 19        Make It Yours: Use Less Stuff Day
December 16, 09    Promote Good Reclamation Practice
March 22, 12       Heirlooms, Legacy Materials, and Junk 
November 19, 12    Recycling Old Tires in Different Ways
                 Water Conservation and Protection

April 12, 07       The Red River Gorge
June 2, 07         Ten Reasons for Celebrating Rivers
June 22, 07        Kentucky River
September 13, 07   Bottled Water
February 20, 08    Highlight Tame and Scenic Rivers
May 21, 08         Twelve Ways to Save Water
June 11, 08        Cisterns: Conserve Rain Water
July 19, 08        Domestic Potable Water Supplies
August 2, 08       Water Fountains                
February 21, 09    Consider Waterfalls
January 20, 10     Defend Our Water Commons
June 4, 10         How Many Sounds of Water Can You Distinguish?
June 12, 10        Rainwater Barrels Anyone?
August 30, 10      Watering: Slaking Thirsty Garden Plants
September 1, 10    Sacred Water: Worthy of Respect 
September 18, 10   World Water Monitoring Day: Urgent Times  
September 21, 10   Desalination: A Technological Frontier
February 28, 11    Gurgling Creeks: Nature's Musical Sounds
March 28, 11       Being Right with the Seas 
May 20, 11         Awareness of Impending Water Shortages 
July 11, 11        Let's Insist on Access to Free Potable Water
February 18, 12    Maritime Transportation and Global Air Pollution
September 18, 12   World Water Monitoring Day: More Water Concerns
May 22, 13         Maritime Day and Ocean Problems and Solutions
December 12, 13
    Advantages of Having Rain Barrels
                        Weather and Seasons

February 5, 07     Weatherman's Day
April 27, 07       The Blessings of April Showers 
June 30, 07        Only Once in a Blue Moon
July 5, 07         Construction Time in July 
July 20, 07        Moon Day and Moonshine
August 28, 07      Full Corn Moon
September 19, 07   Environmental Beatitudes in Autumn
October 22, 07     October is Passing
December 15, 07    Nine Ways to Make Winter Endurable
April 14, 08       Lingering Cool Weather
September 22, 08   Celebrate Autumn Time
November 8, 08     Trees and Leaves
November 17, 08    Darkness Comes                     
December 1, 08     Ten Ways to Prepare for Winter
December 20, 08    Winter Solstice & Light              
March 3, 09        Find Winter's  Hidden Hope 
March 20, 09       Celebrate the Vernal Equinox
April 27, 09       Spring Rains and Storm Water             
June 6, 09         Observing Strawberry Moon
June 20, 09        Preparing for the Summer Solstice              
July 2, 09         Enduring Summer's Heat
September 19, 09   Stay Calm in Stormy Weather
November 30, 09    Accept the Coming of Winter
December 21, 09    Welcome the Winter Solstice
February 5, 10     Realize That Weather is Important
March 20, 10       Attend to Chores on the Vernal Equinox
January 26, 11     Winter's Moments of Gratitude
July 5, 11         Trying to Make July Tolerable 
August 1, 11       Celebrating Green As the Color of August
December 22, 11    Welcome the Winter Solstice
December 27, 11    Extend Seasonal Warmth and Comfort into 2012
March 20 , 12      Spring Equinox: Fine Time to Shine
June 1, 12          Anticipate Summer's Heat
June 20, 12        Fleeting Time and Summer Solstice
June 21, 12        We Need Models of Enthusiasm in Summertime  
July 30, 12        Enduring Increased Frequency of Weather Extremes
September 22, 12   Autumn Equinox: It's Even better Than It Looks
November 17, 12    This Has Been a Hot Year
December 21, 12    Now Winter Is Here.  Where Are We?
June 1, 13         June's Pluses and Minuses
November 6, 13     Let's Celebrate Indian Summer
November 30, 13    Prepare for Advent Blessings                         


                      Gray Matter in the Green
                         Special Issues                  
     1. And They All Get Along -- Sr. Carol Stiefvater (Parts I-VI)
     2. An Appropriate Technology Future  --  AF
     3. The Land Must Live -- Wayne Davis
     4. Beyond Simplicity: Tough Issues for a New Era -- AF
     5. Towards an Authentic Eco-Spirituality  -- AF
     6. The Straw Bale House -- Paul Gallimore
     7. Reiki: Ancient Healing Art: Modern Nursing Intervention
             --  Debbie Caldwell
     8. Reiki: A Theological Reflection & Discernment of
                 Energy Healing -- Bob Sears
     9. Biofuels: Green or Catastrophic? -- AF         
     10. Fifty Ways to Reclaim the Commons -- AF
     11. Declaration of Interdependence -- Lanz Bidault
     12. Retreat Hermitages -- AF
     13. Earth Healing 25th Anniversary --  Mark Spencer
     14. An Environmental Retreat  -- AF
     15  Sounds and Silence: Pt. I, Sound and Fury --  AF
     16. Sounds and Silence: Pt. II, Reclaiming Silent Space --  AF
     17. Basic Globish    -- AF --
     18. The Morality of Nuclear Power Generation-- AF & Mary Davis
     19. Bridge GC 35 -- AF & Ben Urmston
     20. Healing of the Bluegrass -- Mary Davis       
     21. Kentucky EQC Report  -- Mary Davis
     22. Reclaim the Commons, Intro -- AF      
     23. Ministry of Gratitude  -- AF
     24. Soup for the Day -- AF
     25. Dreaming the Impossible -- Rob Currie
     26. Journeying to Become Ever Greener, Sacred Journey Nov., 2009.<fellowshipinprayer.com/fip/WEB%20 EXCLUSIVES/Articles%20%26%20Interviews/>  
     27. A Priest for Equality Expanding View -- AF (2009)
     28. Water and Eco-Spirituality -- AF, Water Resources Impact (Nov. 2009).  
     29. Healing Earth Our Common Blessing, Len Sroka
               DVD (Seascapes Publishing, 2010)
     30. Nuclear Powerplant Loans -- Mary Davis
     31. Ecotourism in Kentucky -- AF
     32. The Little Bluebook -- AF
     33. 99 Ways To Celebrate  -- AF
                          Books on the Website
                            (Brassica Books)

      Earth Healing: A Resurrection-Centered Approach (2012)
      Ethnic Atlas of the United States  (2013)
      Reclaiming the Commons (2013))
      An Eco-Spirituality through the Seasons (2006)
      Critical Hour: Three Mile Island, The Nuclear Legacy, and National Security (2004)/Update (2006)   
                            Other Publications
      The Brothers' War
      Global Catholic Statistics 1905 and 2005
      Fifty Possible Ways to Challenge Over-Commercialism
      The Forest Commons
      Reflections on Land Stewardship
      Spiritual Growth through Domestic Gardening
                 Published Books by AF Mentioned on Website
      Ecotourism in Appalachia: Marketing the Mountains -- AF & Kristin Johannsen (Univ. Press of Kentucky, 2004)
      Healing Appalachia: Sustainable Living through Appropriate Technology (with Paul Gallimore) (Univ. Press of KY, 2007)
      Tobacco Days: A Personal Journey (Brassica Press, 2010)  
      Mountain Moments (Warren Brunner & AF) (Acclaim Press, 2010)
      Water Sounds (Marquette Univ. Press, 2010)         
      Appalachian Sensations: A Journey through the Seasons
         (Warren & Pat Brunner and AF, Peachbloom Press, 2013)    


  Earth Healing, Inc. is a non-profit organization incorporated in the Commonwealth of Kentucky in 2004.  All materials are copyrighted by this organization unless otherwise stated or are U.S. government materials.                  
         Earthhealing, Copyright (c) 2019

                       --  Disclaimers --
     The content of this Earthhealing website is solely that of Al Fritsch and other contributors and does not necessarily represent the Society of Jesus, nor does it represent any individual donor.
    Excerpts from THE JERUSALEM BIBLE, copyright (c) 1966 by
    Darton, Longman & Todd, Ltd. and Doubleday & Company, Inc.
    Reprinted by permission of the publisher.

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