Special Reflection: Atheistic Paul Ryan Position
While this website strives to be non-partisan, an important political issue has arisen that demands urgent attention. With the upcoming nomination process for the Republican Party we are compelled to immediately address this issue.
Attention: Republican Delegates to the National Convention; and to Tea Party Christians and major church leaders:
Can you, by action or silence, affirm the nomination to a high federal governmental office (vice presidency) a person (Paul Ryan) who follows the atheistic philosophy of the novelist Ayn Rand?
Not only does Congressman Ryan admit this fact of influence by Rand, but he shows in his budgetary policy that he espouses Rand's tenets with respect to a laissez-faire capitalism that is unhindered by governmental regulations. It is a philosophy that she wrote about in "The Virtues of Selfishness." This is an utter lack of solidarity with and contempt for the poor -- truly an unchristian position fitting her avowed atheistic materialism as found in many of her novels and writings.
This is the time to act, for the Paul Ryan position will certainly become a major issue in the coming months. And the national debate will be saddled with the pros and cons of a philosophy so inimical to Christian values. A possible victory of such a person as Paul Ryan in the national election would set this country back in its sense of compassion, and bring about the triumph of a materialism that has been disavowed by all seeking social justice.
The Earthhealing Team
Additional readings on this topic may be found at the following