Source: Online (free downloads)
Critical Hour: UPDATE 2004 Through May 2006
by Mary Byrd Davis and Albert J. Fritsch
Critical Hour:
Three Mile Island, The Nuclear Legacy,
And National Security
by Albert J. Fritsch, Arthur H. Purcell, and Mary Byrd Davis
Eco-Spirituality Through The Seasons
We are presenting a new and unique endeavor; a month-by-month writing series on eco-spirituality. You are most welcome to visit the site and comment at all times during this one-year program.
The Brothers' War
by Al Fritsch
Global Catholic
Statistics: 1905 and Today
by Al Fritsch, SJ, (2005)
The Latch String is Out (An
autobiographical sketch)
by Albert J. Fritsch, SJ
Copyright © 2002 by Al Fritsch
Fifty Possible Ways to Challenge Over-Commercialism
Second Edition, September 2006
by Albert J.Fritsch, SJ
Copyright © 2006 by Earth Healing
Beyond Simplicity: Tough Issues For
A New Era (Full-text)
by Albert J.Fritsch, SJ
Mt. Vernon, KY
Copyright © 2000, ASPI Publications
Relections on Land Stewardship
(Full text) (Palm.pbd)
by Albert J. Fritsch, SJ
Mt. Vernon, KY
Copyright ©1999, ASPI Publications
Spiritual Growth Through Domestic Gardening
(Full text)
by Albert J. Fritsch, SJ
Mt. Vernon, KY
Copyright ©2000, ASPI Publications
Plastic Houses: Can They Be Environmentally
Green? (Full text)
by Albert J. Fritsch & Consultants
Copyright © 1997 by Al Fritsch
Forest Commons - Conference proceedings (Full text)
Appendices by Mary Davis, Wendell Berry, Susan Duggan, Eric Freyfrogle,
Source: Print
Ethnic Atlas of
the United States
by Albert J. Fritsch / Janet Powell (graphics and production)
are pleased to announce the release of our Ethnic Atlas of the United
States, in CD-ROM format. This book, in the works for over 25
years, is a comprehensive guide to U.S. ethnic groups, covering each
state at the county-level. The Ethnic Atlas is based on detailed
information from the 2000 census, with two additional volumes covering
the 1980 and 1990 data coming soon!
Click here to preview
the Ethnic Atlas!
Complete book (all regions) CD-ROM - $94.50 US Dollars
Individual regions (please see regional coverage map)
Midwestern region CD-ROM - $24.50 US Dollars
Northeastern region CD-ROM - $24.50 US Dollars
Southern region CD-ROM - $24.50 US Dollars
Western region CD-ROM - $24.50 US Dollars
by Al
Fritsch and Kristin Johannsen
Available from
The University Press of Kentucky. Price: $35.00.
Other print publications from Earth Healing
Ecotourism In Appalachia:
Marketing The Mountains
By Al Fritsch and Kristin Johannsen
Available from University Press of Kentucky.
The following publications
may be ordered by contacting:
Al Fritsch
St. Elizabeth of Hungary Church
316 Fifth Street
Ravenna, KY 40472-1312
Down to Earth
Albert Fritsch, S.J., with photos by Warren Brunner, Sheed & Ward.
Through word, photo and quiet reflection you are invited to change your way
of life. Ecology meets social justice, and the two are found to be one.
1992, paperback, 208 pp., AB1 $9.95
ECO-CHURCH An Action Manual
Albert Fritsch, S.J., with Angela Iadavaia-Cox, Resource Publications, INC.
Your church can become more sensitive to the needs of the Earth. Eco-Church
shows you how!
1992, paperback,
126 pp., AB2 $14.95
Renew The Face of the Earth
Al Fritsch, Loyola University Press. Explores the basic theological
foundations for Earth renewing actions. Directed to a variety of
environmental concerns and pursuits. References.
1987, 307 pp., AB3 $4.00
APPALACHIA: A Meditation
Loyola University Press. Reflections by Al Fritsch with biblical quotations,
punctuated with the penetrating photographs of Warren Brunner.
1986, 159 pp., AB4 $7.95
Ecology and Religion:
Scientists Speak
John E. Carroll and Keith Warner, OFM, editors. Franciscan Press. 1998.
Includes selections from a dozen scientists including Al Fritsch.
AB5 $21.95
A Citizen's Guide to Proper Land Use
Al Fritsch surveys various land use practices and problems, outlining the
broad perspective in an age of rapid land development.
1982, 115 pp., AB5 $24.00
A Resurrection Centered Approach (Click
here to order online)
Bob Sears and Al Fritsch discuss environmental problems from two converging
Judeo-Christian approaches.
1994, 152pp., AB6 $16.00